A/N: Hello, again! I know, it hasn't even been 24 hours since I posted "The One" and I'm already posting this! Oh well, when inspiration strikes you have to write! And my broken heart could also be the cause of this major writer's block.😭 💔 (Don't you guys just hate crushes?) This is set in the episode where Caitlin comes to see Julian. Um, 3x10 I think. 😕 Oh, and before I forget, Julian's subconscious mind's lines are in italics (Thanks, Write-To-You! 😘)

Caitlin has just left, still mad at Julian.

Julian's POV (Duhh):

Why did you do that? Are you feeling okay? Do you have some kind of aneurysm in your brain that I don't know about?

What are you talking about?

Oh really, what am I talking about? So you want to know what I'm talking about, huh? Well, let me tell you. You just acted like such a snobbish, rude, insensitive moron to her! Are you an idiot! Yes, I know what happened with Alchemy is still haunting you, and you feel responsible for what he did, but she did not deserve that!

She is Killer Frost! How could she not deserve that?

So I'm guessing what happened between you two at Christmas didn't mean anything at all to you? When you guys held hands, and you thought you were falling for her?

What happened between us at Christmas can be explained.

Oh really, then please, explain.

The eggnog.

Really? That's all you got? You seriously suck at debating. Maybe that's why you should just give up while you can, and go and apologise to her.

I never give up. And I have nothing to apologise for. I meant everything that I said.

Did you?

What do you mean?

I mean, does she really belong in a prison? At Christmas, when she apologised, you said that you understood. That you knew she was sick, that it wasn't really her. What changed your mind?

Nothing, it's just that- Seeing Caitlin, it just brought it all back. You know, Alchemy and Savitar...

You're not alone in your pain, Julian. You still have me.

Thanks- Er, what should I call you? My subconscious is begining to sound weird, like I heard voices or something.

JJ. Call me JJ.

Well, JJ, why don't we ask Caitlin to come over here and then we can apologise to her.

Sounds like a plan.

After Caitlin leaves the second time.

Julian's POV:

Well that went well.

Yeah, she invited me to join Team Flash. Does that mean she's interested in me? Or did she just say that because she felt bad.

See, this has always been your problem. You always assume the worst in people. And I think that maybe she does have a slight interest in you.

Yeah right.

No really! Didn't you hear what she said? She said that "she'd" be "thrilled" to have you. Like really, have you.

Shut up! And I guess it's pretty obvious that I'd be the one she fell for. Not you.

Because I'm just a voice in your head, right?

Exactly. So stay away from her, I'm warning you. She's mine.

Okayy, whatever. She wasn't really that pretty anyway.

Excuse me!

Okay, okay, calm down! I was just joking.

Say something stupid again, and my father will hear about this!

Whatever, Malfoy.


A/N: Soooo? How was this? Guys, talk to me! 😊😊