In a hidden village, among a hidden people, there is a legend...

A legend of Goddesses and demons;

A legend of a Princess and her knight;

A legend of a land and home lost but not forgotten;

A Legend of Zelda...

This Legend has been passed down for nearly a millennium, since their home, Hyrule, was destroyed. These Hylians, for that is what these hidden people were, all knew the tale of their exodus, their exile.

It was three centuries after the defeat of the evil wizard Yuga, who had sought to revive the demon Ganon and join their powers to rule for all eternity. He was stopped of course, by the great Hero, and peace reigned for those blessed three hundred years.

Then in a great twist of fate and irony, on the eve of the three-hundredth anniversary of the beginning of the Great Peace, Hyrule found itself under attack once more. A great horde of creatures swarmed out of a great portal at the base of Death Mountain.

Hyrule was caught unaware, and the enemy was to great. There was no stopping them. Fearing the loss of his people the King met with the Seven Sages and together they sought the advice of the Three Goddesses. Din, Farore, and Nayru themselves came down and told them of the land through the portal. It seemed the creatures themselves were fleeing a world set on destroying what was percieved as a great evil.

It was that world which would be the Hylians salvation.

A daring plan was made; the King and the Hylian army would attack the horde and buy time for the women, children (including the princess), and the Seven Sages to escape through the very portal that the creatures had arrived through. It worked and the refugees escaped, but the King, the army, and Hyrule itself was lost.

This new world was not kind to the Hylian survivors, however. Their magic was seem as an evil and they were hunted for it. They wandered across the land hunted and scorned, until at last they came to an empty valley nestled away; hidden from the world. There, they settled.

There, they stayed.

The Great Exodus was over; The Great Exile had begun.

A/N: Just the Prologue for now. If people actually like it, then I'll continue this soon.

Oh and those with a sharp eye and mind may already see what's going on here. A tiny cookie if you get it.