The sun was still just rising on the second day of the Fourth Great Ninja War and the scene at the coastline was still calm, the action had died down since almost all of the enemy forces had been taken care of but as a result the shore had been riddled with bodies of fallen warriors of both sides.

However, thanks to Ino's revelation about the White Zetsu clones and their transformation abilities, things had become very uneasy and the tension was running so high it was ridiculous.


Shikamaru observed the scene and his frown deepened 'These fakes keep popping up and attacking out of the blue when our guards are down, plus we've already gotten pretty much all of the enemies on the beach so for the time being everybody moved back up to the hills in front of the coastline. This is really bad and it's getting worse."

"What's the matter Shikamaru?" asked Choji.

"See for yourself." he jerked a thumb backwards, where several others were all looking severely on edge "White Zetsu and his powers have managed to destabilize the entire Allied Shinobi Forces."

"You mean because of how everyone has completely lost trust in everyone else around them?"

"Yeah that's about right, sometimes mental exhaustion can take even more of a tole than any sort of physical fatigue."

"So what do we do then, how can we make everyone feel less suspicious? You think we should try and confirm with them using only secrets their friends would know?"

"Come on get real Choji, there's a crap load too many shinobi here for us to do anything like that."

"Yeah good point."

"Lucky for us though, HQ managed to come up with a strategy for identifying the fakes among us."

"Wait you mean they managed to come up with a plan already? Man that's a relief, they really had me worried."

"But that being said it's gonna take some time to implement HQ's plan so we're gonna have to find a way to hold out until then." this was followed by sudden screams and he whipped around to see what was going on, and his eyes widened "No way… Of all the people to be brought back…"

"Why did it have to be those guys?"


"Gentle Fist!" after finding a shinobi bound by a strange form of spider webs, Neji was quick to use the Gentle Fist to free him.

Kiba and Akamaru quickly landed beside him "Neji, this is…"

"Yes I know, you're right. It's them, Orochimaru's former Sound Ninja 6."

Sure enough, the shadows of Kidomaru and Sakon made themselves known from amongst the shadows "Looks like we get to play with you again, and just to let you know this time we're not gonna hold back."


The situation was about the same on the coast line.

By this point, the now reanimated Tayuya and Jirobo were advancing on the First Division "It sure has been awhile you gloomy piece of crap."

"That's enough Tayuya." Jirobo cut her off "Women should speak-"

"Oh shut your hole you fat piece of shit."


Shikamaru observed them from afar and frowned "It's them alright, no doubt about it. With a squad we assembled in less than an hour we pursued the group of Hidden Sound ninja that had taken down Zaku and abducted Sasuke. We were prepared to lose a man for every enemy we killed. Kidomaru of the East Gate, Sakon of the West Gate, Jirobo of the South Gate, Tayuya of the North Gate, and a former jonin of the Hidden Leaf by the name of Aoi Rokusho, who stole a sword belonging to the Second Hokage. The personal bodyguards of Orochimaru, the Sound Ninja 5. Looks like we've got some big trouble coming back to haunt us. Choji are you with me on this?"

Choji nodded "You bet I am, but wouldn't it make more sense for us to all fight together?"

"No good, if the fakes somehow manage to infiltrate us during the chaos then the confusion would break up the entire unit beyond repair. That's why you and I are gonna stop those two on our own, we know these guys better than anyone and we know how to take them down." he turned his attention over to the others "But let me make this clear, even if it looks like us if it moves then it's an enemy. Attack without any mercy whatsoever, isn't that right Captain Darui?"

"That's right." Darui gave him a nod of approval "Just what I'd expect from Shikaku's son, I think you're making the right call on this one. Sorry we have to keep relying on you but it's all yours to handle as you see fit."


Hinata was quick to free one of the shinobi bound by spider webs, her Byakugan flaring into life and staying alive "Hurry and get to safety."

Neji landed by her side and noticed various shinobi and White Zetsu killed as a result of a barrage of attacks from the shadows "The killing is indiscriminate."

"This method of attack, is it…?"

"Yes it is, it's a special type of thread created by mixing chakra with a unique bodily secretion. As a matter of fact the Gentle Fist is the only thing that is able to cut through this thread. Listen to me Lady Hinata, you must gather some other Gentle Fist users and take them to find and rescue the others trapped by the threads."

"I understand, but what about you?"

"I myself will go after the one controlling these threads from the shadows." and he took off after the caster of the jutsu, actually Kidomaru.


"Multiple Legs Barrage!" Sakon was making quick work of several shinobi along the Second Division battlefield, and yet he noticed one in particular amongst the chaos "Well it's about time, what took you so long?"

As it turns out, from within the smoke emerge none other than Kiba and Akamaru "As if you have any room to talk, how many years do you think it's been since then? Not that I've been waiting around for you to show your face again or anything."


"Earth Style: Spear of Graves!" using his earth style jutsu, Jirobo prepared to attack the other members of the alliance with a massive chunk of earth several time the size of his body. That is to say, before…

"Human Boulder!" Choji burst onto the scene, cancelled out the Spear of Graves, and made a head on charge at Jirobo himself, nearly driving him into the ground.

"The one face I wanted to kill more than any of those other peons, this time I'll finish you off for sure!"

"You just don't know when to give up do you? He may have been the weakest of the bunch but he sure as hell gave me a run for my money, if I hadn't taken the food pills of the Secret Triple Threat then I would've been dead for sure.'

"Did you go on a diet or something? This is so unlike you."

"Oh yeah, well then so is this!" chakra butterfly wings suddenly burst into life on Choji's back and he burst up into the air.

In response to this, Jirobo immediately activated the second level of his Curse Mark and quickly dealt Choji a full force fist to the face, sending him crashing down to the ground with a mighty thud.


The forest was quiet, but it wouldn't be for long.

Neji was making his way across the trees of the forest, cutting through any and every spider web he came across, his Byakugan searching for miles 'Knowing him he'll most likely try to attack from the Byakugan's blind spot again in 3… 2… 1…'

"DIE!" sure enough, as if on cue, Kidomaru, with the second level of his Curse Mark activated, fired his signature Spider Bow: Fierce Rip at Neji from behind and from a distance.

'He had been gathering information on me with every attack he fired but I'm not the same arrogant child I was last time.' he dodged the arrow at the last second.

"Now you're mine!"


"Fang over Fang!" Kiba and Akamaru charged at Sakon and Ukon with a full speed Fang over Fang.

"Multi Leg Hurricane!" now that both of them were in control, Sakon and Ukon, with the second levels of their Curse Marks activated, cancelled out the Fang over Fang with an attack of their own "I have to admit I'm getting quite used to this undead body."

"You're taking too long, just kill them already!" Ukon snarled.

"You know even though you're dead you haven't changed a bit."

Kiba looked over at Akamaru, then over at Sakon and Ukon, and he scowled as he recalled the last time they met 'I promised I would never let Akamaru go through something like that again and I won't.'

"Look at you, you're not even worried. It wouldn't be wise for you to underestimate us just because your mutt got a little bit bigger." Sakon and Ukon separated into their two separate forms.

"Alright Akamaru, let's hit them with a Wolf Fang over Fang. First up… Inuzuka Style: Man Beast Transformation Combo: Two Headed Wolf!" Kiba formed the hand seal that allowed him and Akamaru to combine and transform into the two headed wolf "Alright let's go, now for the second step. Wolf Fang Over Fang!" they unleashed a Wolf Fang over Fang and burst forward at high speeds.

Sakon and Ukon both leapt out of the way with ease "Same old tricks. Come brother, let's finish what we started!" they both bit down on their thumbs "Summoning Jutsu: Rashomon!" they summoned a massive Rashomon gate in an attempt to block Kiba's Wolf Fang Over Fang.


The battlefield on the coast line had gone quiet, with the exception of the sound of Tayuya's Demonic Flute, which had frozen a good number of shinobi in place using its powerful genjutsu.

Shikamaru was sprinting his way across the battlefield, his mind racing 'This one is definitely dangerous, last time we fought she caught me off guard with her genjutsu and that's what did me in so if it wasn't for Kazuma, or should I say Dragon, and Izumi showing up then our team would've been goners. Tayuya pulls her victims into a powerful genjutsu using the melody of that flute, we have a good number of jonin capable of countering genjutsu but with direct contact between one another forbidden at the moment I can't make any moves to rescue those already caught in the genjutsu.'

As if on cue, at least three shinobi charged at Tayuya at full speed, only to almost immediately be caught in her genjutsu, prompting Shikamaru to retreat back a short distance.

'This is really bad, I can't get any closer or she'll get me too. I need to find a way to protect myself from her genjutsu so that I don't get caught in it too.'

However, as it turns out Tayuya had planned for that as well 'I don't think you're in any position to be worrying about others you annoying little shit!' she extended the range of her genjutsu to be able to catch Shikamaru as well.

Shikamaru quickly found himself frozen in place 'It would appear that she now has a greater range with her genjutsu than she had back when we first fought.' and then he completely froze up just like the rest of them.


At the same time Jirobo had already forced Choji down onto one knee "Well I've gotta give you credit there you fat little shit, you've gotten pretty nimble there but it's not going to do you any good."


By this point, Kidomaru had unleashed his Spider Bow: Fierce Rip in the second level of his Curse Mark, piercing Neji right in the torso "And with that our game has ended, and this time I win!"


Sakon and Ukon shared two identical malicious grins as they watched Kiba and Akamaru fail to break through the Rashomon gate "That right there is a special version of the Rashomon designed to protect none other than Lord Orochimaru himself, if you two idiots end up hurting yourself with your own power then I don't have a problem with that. Come brother, let's finish this already!" and they charged forward at full speed.


The battle at the coast line wasn't getting any better.

Tayuya slowly advanced towards Shikamaru, still playing her flute with a malicious smirk plastered across her face "We're way more than just some under the mill Reanimations like the rest of the blowhards you've fought, couldn't you have figured that out by now you brainy little shit? The power of our Curse Marks has been multiplied and intensified far beyond what it was when we were still alive. But then again I'm just wasting my breath on you, it's about time I put you out of your misery." she pulled out a kunai and took a step forward, hitting a paper bomb hidden in the dirt, resulting in an explosion that snapped all of the paralyzed shinobi present out of their genjutsu, but she managed to escape from the explosion and took some higher ground, now thoroughly pissed off "You little son of a-"

"Are you looking for me?" as it turns out, Shikamaru was standing right behind her looking as smug and lazy as ever."

Tayuya responded by immediately playing her flute, only to find him standing there looking smug as ever, completely unaffected and even yawning "Son of a- How the hell are you-?!"

"What was that, you say something?" as it turns out he was wearing earplugs "Sorry I can't hear you through these earplugs."


"You know that flute that you play is really getting on my nerves but if I can't hear any of it then it doesn't matter now does it?"

"That's nothing but a cheap trick you little son of a-"

"What's that? I can't hear you through the ear plugs but I think I can pretty much guess what it is that you're gonna say, you and your comrades are stronger than you were when we fought the last time because of a Curse Mark or some crap like that right? But that being said there's something you didn't take into consideration."


Choji pushed himself back onto his feet and lamented about his last fight with Jirobo "Last time I was able to defeat this guy using the Secred Food Pills of my clan but just barely."

"One thing hasn't changed, you still don't know when to quit now do you?!" Jirobo burst forward in a rage and let a fist fly forward.

However, Choji enlarged his own fist and caught that or Jirobo with ease "You really think I haven't changed? You couldn't be further from the truth."


Kidomaru's satisfied smirk was wiped off of his face as he watched Neji disappear using a Substitution Jutsu "What the- How did he?"

"You know it is quite ironic." Neji jumped down on a branch behind Kidomaru "But to be completely truthful I'm actually in your debt, thanks to my last battle with you I was able to get a lot of practice with the blind spot of the Byakugan and range and I've been able to master it to a sufficient extent."


Kiba looked over at Akamaru's head attached to their body as they started falling to the ground after failing to break through the Rashomon 'Akamaru… I'm sorry about what happened that one time back then, you ended up getting stuck in the hospital because I wasn't strong enough to protect you.' he received a bark in response 'Oh yeah you've got that right, now let's go ahead and show these two blowhards just how strong the two of us have become!' they reignited their Wolf Fang Over Fang and burst towards Sakon and Ukon.


By this point Shikamaru had found himself fending off attacks from Tayuya's three summoning demons until he caught them with his Shadow Strangle Jutsu "You know you and the other guys under this Reanimation Jutsu underestimate those of us still among the living a lot more than you should, I mean sure you have immortal bodies now and you're undeniably stronger now than you were when you were alive. But even so, the whole time since you've been gone those of us here have been busy honing our skills by fighting the greatest rival of all known as the future."

"Shut up you little-" Tayuya found herself bound by his shadows as well, leaving her unable to play her flute "What?!"

"Some ghosts from the past like you don't even stand a chance against that and frankly you never did, the way I see it this battle was over before it began. Shadow Stitching Jutsu!" he promptly ran her through with his shadows.


Choji tightened the grip he held on Jirobo's fist "Last time we fought I lacked confidence and had to use the Secret Food Pills of the Akimichi clan to beat you but things have changed, I'm not the same person I was back then!" he sprouted a pair of chakra butterfly wings and rose high into the air "Partial Expansion Jutsu!" he enlarged his hand and promptly slammed it down on top if Jirobo, catching him in his grip and earning cheers from the surviving shinobi.


Other battles were wrapping up very well too.

Neji dodged a heavy barrage of Kidomaru's attacks, both his arrows and his Sticky Gold, and made for his counter attack "8 Trigrams Air Palm!"

Kidomaru found himself hurled back by the force of the attack 'Chakra used in Gentle Fist attacks concentrated and then hurled at the enemy, I would never have guessed that this brat would gain a jutsu as powerful as this!' with his defeat, the spider webs binding other shinobi melted away and freed them as he was sealed away, earning Neji a number of cheers as a result.


"Summoning Jutsu: Triple Rashomon!" realizing that the battle against Kiba and Akamaru was drawing close to its end, Sakon and Ukon unleashed their trump card in the form of their triple Rashomon.

"Super Wolf Fang Over Fang!" having the same intention in mind, Kiba and Akamaru unleashed their own trump card in the form of their Super Wolf Fang Over Fang, bursting right through the triple Rashomon, blowing Sakon and Ukon away and allowing for them to be sealed away.


At the same time, Tatsu and Naruto (or rather their Shadow Clones) were making their way towards the battlefield when he sensed something "Naruto did you feel that?"

Naruto nodded "Yeah, a lot of those weird hate signatures or whatever I'm supposed to call them have disappeared."

"Yep. Those guys were four members of the Sound Six that Kabuto brought back using the Reanimation Jutsu, they just got taken out by Shika, Choji, Neji and Kiba."

"So then things are calming down over there?"

"I wouldn't say that, we've still got the White Zetsu clones over there to deal with and…" he paused "Oh god."

"What's the matter?"

"I'm sensing two powerful chakra signatures, one towards the coast line and one towards the forest."

"Do you know who they are?"

"Uh… can you sense chakra when you're in that form?"

"No, only when I'm in Sage Mode. Why?"

"Well… let's just say that you'll find your guy towards the coast line and my guy is heading for the forest. We're gonna have to split up from here."

"Alright, good luck."

"You too." and so they split up, with Naruto going towards the left and Tatsu going towards the right.

As Tatsu made his way towards the forest, his mind began wandering 'I was afraid of this, of all people why did he have to be brought back to life as an enemy. I don't remember anything about my parents, they were killed by Madara when Kurama had attacked the village when I was still a baby. After that it was just me and my brother but he died the same night more than half of the Uchiha clan had been massacred. I was really lost after that but he was the one that was there for me when I needed someone the most. He taught me to turn my kindness into strength, and after awhile I started to feel what it was like to have a real father figure in my life. I won't deny that I acted like a spoiled brat at first but if he hadn't been there for me as much as he was then I wouldn't be who I am right now. The thought that someone is near, that they're watching over you and acting as the hand that guides you through life and down the path of the shinobi, that's what you meant to me… Sensei.'


Even though one end of the battlefront of the coast line was clear, further down on the shore it was in complete chaos.

Hayate observed the chaos that was the Second Division battlefield and noticed a figure appear from within the flames "I know you're there, it's time you come out… Tatsu."

Sure enough, Tatsu emerged from the flames, his expression steely and his Dragon Blade drawn and ready "I came as soon as I felt your chakra signature. You don't need to say anything sensei, I'm already prepared for the inevitable so you be sure to be prepared as well. I'll do what I have to to do my part and win this war."

"Tatsu… From the looks of things I'd say that you've become a fine young man and a fine shinobi. I'm proud of you."

"...You shouldn't be." Tatsu wiped away a few stray tears and tightened the grip he had on the Dragon Blade "After all sensei, everything I am now is all thanks to you." and he charge forward at full speed as he summoned two Shadow Clones that charged at him at full speed.

"Show me just how strong you've become Golden Dragon of the Hidden Leaf." in a surprising level of gracefulness and speed, Hayate swirved his way around the attacks and kicked the Shadow Clones out of existence with one kick each.

'He's not holding back, I'll have to try and take him out in one shot!' Tatsu charged forward and blitzed through some hand seals "Fire Style Crimson Dragon!" he breathed out a crimson colored fire dragon.

Hayate was engulfed in the flames, but when they subsided it revealed a Substitution log covered in paper bombs.

'Dammit he used a Substitution!' Tatsu braced himself just in time for the explosion that followed, blowing him off of his but he quickly rebounded 'My movements glow super slow for a second, I've gotta speed it up and keep my head clear.'

Hayate charged out from the smoke "Now use your finisher, you have to use something I wouldn't anticipate."

"I know." Tatsu summoned two Shadow Clones "Leaf Style: Crescent Moon Dance!" the two clones charged forward.

Hayate kicked the two of them as they attacked from opposite sides and kicked the real one when he charged in, knocking the Dragon Blade out of his hand "I told you that you would have to come up with something I haven't seen before." he was answered by Tatsu disappearing in a puff of smoke "That's more like it, now finish me Tatsu!"

"Rasengan!" with a Rasengan in hand, Tatsu charged through the some towards Hayate at full speed.

'Good, there's no way I could get through this.'

Tatsu suddenly stopped short of hitting Hayate in the torso with the Rasengan, and it suddenly dissipated "No…"

"Tatsu what are you doing? Get ahold of yourself, I thought you would have prepared yourself for when you would have to face me!"

"I… I'm sorry sensei, but I just can't… Of all the people I would have to face, why did it have to be you?"

"Tatsu like I said, you need to get a grip on yourself!" Hayate nearly dealt Tatsu a kick to the face.

Tatsu barely dodged the attack and slammed both of his fists into the ground "But why… Of all of the things to happen, why did it have to be like this?"

"There's no need for you to have such a long face now Tatsu, like I told you before I'm your enemy now remember? You have to accept it and you don't have to hold back, after all I'm already dead."

"You think I don't know that? I get that but still… Even back when I was just a kid, I could never bring myself to go all out against you… I just don't think I have that in me… I can't bring myself to hurt you…"

"Tatsu please, just listen to me." Hayate's voice was soft and gentle, but at the same time it held a sense of firmness "You're a kind soul if not a little bit rough around the edges but right now the best thing you can do is to take me down. Now is the time for you to stand up and do what's right, now is the time for you prove both of your vows true! The vows that you would one day see Naruto become Hokage, and the vow you would become the strongest shinobi the world had ever seen! Please Tatsu I'm begging you, stop me right here and now!"

"You think I don't know that?" Tatsu snapped his head up and locked eyes with Hayate, tears streaming down his face, memories flashing through his mind of his and Hayate's time together over the years.

"Tatsu, why?" Hayate suddenly tensed up "Get back!" he charged forward and was forced to nearly take Tatsu's head off with his katana.

Tatsu suddenly jerked back and retreated to gain some distance 'Dammit… I know what I have to do, I get it! So why do I keep freezing up?'

"Tatsu, listen to me!" a voice sounded through his mind.

"Ino, is that you?"

"Yeah it's me, I'm using the Mind Transmission Jutsu because I know how much you're struggling with this and I need you to get a grip on yourself. Listen over the past few years we've all completed a lot of missions with Hayate-sensei, so that means that I understand just how much pain you feel because of having to do this. Believe me when I tell you that I understand that, but that being said you know Hayate-sensei better than anyone. You can stop him with the least risk to the Allied Shinobi Forces, besides have you forgotten why you carry that sword with you?"

Tatsu looked down at the sword in his hand 'The Dragon Blade… the embodiment of the powers of the Light Dragon, the Genryu and the Tatsushiro clan…'

"They entrusted their power to you of all people, do you want their hopes along with the hopes of everyone else who put their trust in you to be in vain? Besides we're not some little kids who need to be protected anymore, we're the protectors now! Before he died Hayate entrusted you with protecting his and Yugao's unborn child do you want Hayate to have to murder his own lover and child? Besides remember what your brother said, you are the second son of the 19th generation of the Kamikaze clan and you have your duty as a shinobi, and that is to follow your dream!"

"I… I know that. You know even before we left for the Turtle Island in the Hidden Cloud Village my brother tried to drill it into my head about that. Truth be told over the years I thought I was gonna be hardened by experience alone and I wouldn't have to worry about something like this getting the better of me, but the truth is that while my body and my mind have matured my heart has always stayed the same. I thought that it was just some stupid oath, part of a ritual on my path towards my goal. Thanks for this Ino, and I'm sorry but I think I'm okay now. You can go ahead and go back. I've got this."

"...Okay. Good luck." and the connection severed.

Tatsu leapt back down to meet Hayate at eye level "Listen to me Hayate-sensei. As the second son of the 19th generation of the Kamikaze clan, as master of the Tenseigan to the fullest extent, as a jonin of the Village Hidden in the Leaves, I, Tatsu Kamikaze, swear to roar throughout the skies of the shinobi world and evolve from a lowly lizard into a dragon!" and with that being said his Tenseigan, minus the chakra cloak, flared into life in his eyes as he gripped the Dragon Blade with one hand "Sorry to keep you waiting sensei, it's time for us to end this."

Hayate gave Tatsu a small smile as he gripped "Excellent Tatsu, this right here is exactly what I've been waiting for this whole time. I suppose that skin was harder for you to shed than you had expected it to be, but now after all this time you're ready to fly aren't you?"

"You bet I am sensei, now let's end this in the best way you and I know how." Tatsu held up the Dragon Blade and summoned two Shadow Clones "Leaf Style: Crescent Moon Dance!" and they charged in.

"Leaf Style: Crescent Moon Dance!" Hayate summoned two Shadow Clones of his own and charged forward, his clones clashing with Tatsu's clones and canceling each other out.

Tatsu leapt up onto a tree "I'll stop you by any means necessary sensei. Secret Sword: Moonlit Night!" he traced his sword in mid air like a circle and used the afterimages as a means to get close and charged forward.

"I know you will. Secret Sword: Tsukikage!" Hayate charged forward with a few afterimages and clashed with Tatsu in mid air.

Tatsu landed on the ground without a scratch.

Hayate however, had received a massive gash through his stomach that slowly began regenerating "As I said before, you really have gotten a lot better."

"I just wish it didn't have to be for this though."

"I know this isn't what you wanted but this is what you needed to do in order to fully prepare yourself for the final battle to come. Keep on doing what you're doing and you'll become stronger than anyone else."

This was when two members of the Sealing Unit showed up "Alright you can just go ahead and leave the rest of this to the Sealing Corp."

"Actually, if the two of you could wait for just a moment more?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Please, just for a moment."

Tatsu sheathed his Dragon Blade and turned to face him "I've already heard your last words once before sensei, do you really have to put me through that again?"

"But there is just one other thing that I couldn't tell you before the last time that I spoke to you, and it's as simple as this: I no longer have anything left to say to you or to teach you, your Crescent Moon Dance is complete. You've grown beyond my teachings and you've become a true shinobi in your own right. Live long and prosper, live life to the fullest so that the next time we meet you'll have no regrets. Forge your own path and your own way of the shinobi, and live happily." and with that, Hayate was sealed away.

"Goodbye, and thank you… sensei… Father…" Tatsu wiped away a few tears from his eyes as his Tenseigan Chakra Cloak flashed into life and he looked up at a few members of the Sealing Unit "You guys be sure to remain on standby, I'm going to end this entire battle right here and right now!" this was met with cheers 'I promise sensei, I will keep your teachings alive no matter what it may take.'


I used part of the mini arc featuring the return of the Sound Four but I decided to end it after the first episode, I honestly felt like that was all that was needed and the other two episodes were just dragging it out. As for the chapter itself, it was honestly meant to be more of a little breather before we get to the real deal, when "you know who" finally shows up on the scene.

My favorite part of writing out this chapter was the fated meeting between Tatsu and Hayate, due to the bond shared between the two of them, as well as their dual not as ninja, but as swordsmen. Plus it gives Tatsu some closure in regards to him finally truly coming to terms with Hayate's death, which was especially rough since it's been stated a few times now that Hayate was essentially a father figure to him, so of course that would hit him hard.

Now to close out this chapter, let me just say a few things. First, I want to apologize to everyone for taking so long to update this story again. I know I said that I would be doing two updates per month, but I ended up breaking that deal, and I know that I won't be able to continue with it now that the next semester of school is starting for me, so I'm going back to my original plan: one update per month, which starts with this month.