Hello everyone. Sorry it's been months, it's been way too long. Would like to explain why I've been away, though I don't know if it's going to make it up.
One, I was focusing on my other story, trying to complete it first so I can turn my attention with the other stories in my account. Two, the army life was taking a lot of my time, they've put me in a course which was a serious headache. Three, my health deteriorated, namely my skin condition. I felt like my health got worse in when I got enlisted into the army, so it really made writing chapters a lot more difficult.
Well I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter.
Chapter 14: Injustice for All (2)
Lex Luthor and Ultra Humanite in their prison uniform ran down the street, taking a turn into an alley to avoid the sight of a police car on their heels.
The two hid behind a dumpster, watching the police car drove past them.
"We need a distraction." Lex pulled a small package from his back pocket and threw it right to an apartment building across the street.
The package let out an instant explosion, blowing up the streets and flaming up the apartment building. Taking the opportunity, Lex and the Ultra Humanite ran off as the building burned.
Its residents were quickly escaping the burning building, and on another rooftop, Itachi was the first on the scene to witness the fire.
He pinged up the League with his own comms unit. "A building on fire, my location."
The sound of a child crying out got Itachi's attention. A girl was trapped on the top floor, she was by the window and she screamed out, "Daddy help!" A flaming plank nearly fell on her and she ran back inside in fear.
Itachi would have released a water jutsu on the building to put out the fire, but he was not going to risk it with the girl trapped inside. With chakra forming in his feet, he kicked off a sprint and leaped over, soaring into the top floor window.
Now on the top floor, Itachi saw the girl cowering in the corner of the room with her arms covering her face in fright. He went up to her and get on a knee to her height.
"Come, let's go." He held a hand to her. The child lifted her head seeing the hooded man with the mysterious red eyes. Itachi said, "Come."
She got up and clung to Itachi's chest. He picked her up and ran to the window, but the fire spread covering the window. He was not going to leap through the fire with a child in his arms, he turned around and kicked down the door. Moving to the end of the floor's corridor, he went down the stairs. However, the stairs started to fall apart, the fire surrounded them.
"Tch." Itachi made a slight frown. With chakra at his feet, he stepped onto the wall as the stairs crumbled down. Things would have been a lot more convenient for him if he did not have to mind the child in his arms. Looking up, he saw it, an opening by the roof above his head. Making a big jump, he soared up through and out of the burning building.
Hawkgirl flying in reached out with a hand, "Come on Uchiha!"
Itachi extended a hand out too, grabbing onto Hawkgirl's.
"Got you." Hawkgirl said, and she flew back down to the road. With both feet on the ground, Itachi set the girl down.
The girl took in a proper look of her savior's face, his mysterious red eyes kept her attention.
"Thank you." She squeaked out.
"Tracey!" They heard her father calling her name from behind, hearing her father she ran to him embracing each other tightly.
"I'm usually thanked when I saved someone." Hawkgirl nudged Itachi's shoulder.
"I did not need help." Itachi answered.
With that, Superman and Flash came to the scene. Hawkgirl, "Any luck finding Lex or Humanite?"
Superman shook his head, "We couldn't pick up their trail."
"No problem." Flash said, "It's just two guys, how much trouble could they give us?"
Itachi made a little frown, he of all people would just how much trouble two fugitives could brew.
"Let's regroup at the Watchtower, we can find a trail there." Superman said to the team.
Back at the Watchtower, the Justice League began searching for the two fugitives, namely Batman as he was on the computer searching for any leads. Itachi was back in the medical centre, looking over his diagnosis made by Batman.
He was still apprehensive regarding his disease back in his world. Batman advised him that he should not use the Mangekyou Jutsus too much, looking back at that Itachi was starting to consider it, that he needed to restrain himself regarding the Mangekyou Sharingan in case.
There was a solution to the Mangekyou Sharingan, and that would be the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. But that was impossible for Itachi, now that he was the only Uchiha on this new Earth. Plus, it was not as if there were any willing Uchiha in his own world.
Looking back, it made him wonder again about his world, where his brother ended up in? It was fruitless thinking about it since he could not do anything for Sasuke now, but it was the nature of a brother's care.
"Batman to all points. To the bridge, now." He heard the Dark Knight's voice over the comms unit. He took a turn and left the medical centre, heading back to the bridge where Flash, Hawkgirl, and Batman were already there. And a computer on the bridge was showing live news about the Ultra Humanite in a hostage situation by the Metropolis Federal Building.
Snapper Carr the reporter was reporting the news, "A dangerous hostage situation developed in the Metropolis Federal Building. So far the Ultra Humanite has refused to speak to any negotiators. A freak of science the Ultra Humanite is reportedly a genius who is extremely-"
Batman turned off the monitor before the news could continue.
Itachi eyeballed Flash, "As you say, no problem right?" And speedster's eyes shifted in discomfort.
Batman stood up and said to the team, "Let's go."
Down on Earth, the Metropolis Federal Building was still surrounded by the police and negotiations were not going well at all.
Ultra Humanite held a lady hostage while guarding the front door, firing off a few rounds with a gun. A beam of green from above took hold of the gun and away from Ultra Humanite.
From above, Green Lantern said to him, "Stand down now Humanite."
Superman came flying past Lantern, slamming into Humanite which caused him to drop the hostage. Green Lantern flew in joining Superman as well while Batman glided down from above to check on the hostage on the ground.
Batman got a little closer to the fallen hostage, only now noticing the hostage's ear nearly hidden behind her hair. He realised who it was. "Cheetah."
Seeing her disguise foiled, she leaped up from the ground, twirling her body to face him with her claws out, Batman back flipped inside the building dodging her attack.
Green Lantern inside the federal building was about to search for hostage in a room, when suddenly the wall broke down and in came Solomon Grundy, the monstrous zombie. Grundy gave a hard cross on Lantern's face sending him across the other side of the lobby.
Superman pinning Ultra Humanite down got jumped on when another villain came in, a woman in a black and violet suit glowing and floating in the air, Star Sapphire.
From the gem on her forehead, she fired a beam of purple energy at Superman, knocking him off Ultra Humanite and through a wall.
Batman was occupied with Cheetah trying to land a scratch on him, bending back he dodged a swipe from her, countering the attack he grabbed her arm and put it in a lock. Reacting in pain, Cheetah hissed in pain and tried to swipe him with her other arm. Throwing her off balance, Batman pulled her locked arm to him and delivered an elbow strike to her face. Raising up his boot, he drove a kick into her stomach knocking her away. Turning around he caught sight of a new foe lunging for him, Copperhead. Using Copperhead's momentum against him, he grabbed Copperhead and threw him over his head crashing into Cheetah.
Both villains had Batman's attention, however, there was one more criminal coming into the fight. From behind Batman, the one eyed mercenary sped in swift and leaped up high with a sword raised up ready strike down on Batman. Slade Wilson, Deathstroke.
Before Deathstroke could deliver the slash on Batman, Itachi dashed in from the front door, jumping over Cheetah and Copperhead to face Deathstroke. Itachi had a hand stretched out in front of him, wielding a batarang borrowed from Batman. Deathstroke's sword and Itachi's batarang clashed into each other in the air.
Deathstroke went up against Itachi while Batman handled Cheetah and Copperhead.
Itachi twisted his body bringing his leg up to kick the mercenary in the chest, Deathstroke saw the attack coming and brought his sword up the guard, using the broad side of the blade he blocked Itachi's kick.
As both landed on the ground, the mercenary and the ninja charged straight for each other, sword and batarang clashed into each other once more.
"Inadequate!" Deathstroke spat and Itachi glared, Slade was showing his blind side of his face instead as their blades continued to push against each other.
"I know of your powers and methods, let's see how it holds up." Deathstroke said to the Uchiha, Itachi noticed that Slade was not looking him in the eye.
"Hmph. Impress me warrior." Deathstroke huffed before leaping away and he threw a handful of pellets on the ground.
Itachi was not going to take any chances on what those pellets were and leaped back as well. The pellets on the ground exploded in flashes of light and sound, flash bangs scattered across the ground.
All the bright lights and loud noises caused Itachi to shield his eyes, weaving his hand signs he breathed out a ball of fire in Deathstroke's direction with his eyes closed. All that ball of fire hit was the other end of the room.
Soon as the flashes and sound disappeared, Deathstroke charged in with his sword at the ready in one hand. Itachi caught sight of him with his Sharingan, stepping to the side he took Deathstroke's sword arm in a lock. Deathstroke did not let up despite his arm caught in a grip, his legs kicked off a jump bringing his left knee to Itachi's face. Itachi pulled his head back dodging the knee to his face. Deathstroke released the grip of his sword, and his other hand took the sword in a reverse grip.
He attempted another slash at Itachi, but Itachi jumped up in flip over Deathstroke's head. Itachi gripped Slade's shoulder guard as he landed behind mercenary. Itachi yanked hard, and throw Deathstroke some distance away from Itachi.
But Deathstroke managed to recover from the throw and landed on his feet. "Surprising, warrior." Slade commented. But then, he pulled out his pistol from his grip, pointed at Itachi's chest.
A batarang from the side shot through the air, knocking the gun off Slade's hand. Batman came to aid Itachi, behind him Cheetah was knocked out and Copperhead had his arms and legs tied in bolas.
Batman and Deathstroke engaged in their own fight. Itachi turned to see Superman getting pounded down by Solomon Grundy, and Hawkgirl flying in through the window, smashing Grundy's face with her mace to help Superman out.
Green Lantern was being distracted by Ultra Humanite who was pounding on Lantern's conjured shield. Seeing all these villains together for the first time, Itachi knew the challenges ahead is going to get much worse. And Star Sapphire now had her sights on Itachi, blasting beams of violet energy at him.
Itachi back flipped dodging her attacks before he did his hand signs to attack.
Katon Housenka No Jutsu
A volley of flaming bolts was shot at Stare Sapphire and she did her best flying around the top avoiding all the fire.
None knew when a shadow emerged from the corner of the room, taking a humanoid form revealing it to be another villain, Shade and he had his cane pointed at Itachi.
Star Sapphire gathered a large amount of energy to the gem on her forehead while dodging Itachi's bolts of fire, she kept the pressure on shooting a constant beam of violet energy and Itachi flipped to the side and continued to dodge her attacks.
Sensing something approaching him from behind, he turned his head slightly to see what it was, only to see a massive shroud of blackness coming in, it made no sound and it had no light. Itachi jumped up attempting to get away, but the darkness burst out even bigger, consuming Itachi.
Shade had Itachi trapped, manipulating the darkness with his nightstick. Itachi was essentially blinded in all senses.
His Sharingan was of no use when he cannot see anything at all, nor can he hear his environment. Star Sapphire took the chance and a beam of violet energy struck a shrouded Itachi square in the chest, a constant beam of energy pushed Itachi down into the ground, and Itachi was feeling all the pain. Itachi burst into a cloud of crows, trying to break free of his cage of shadows. The beam of energy pierced through the ball of darkness, but Itachi was still trapped in it.
A blur of red and yellow zoomed in to save Itachi, Flash ran towards Shade giving him a hard punch across the face, knocking Shade of his feet and his nightstick released its grip on Itachi.
Hawkgirl and Green Lantern and were occupied with Ultra Humanite, Copperhead, and Cheetah whom has come to. Superman flew in and exhaled out his super breath on Stare Sapphire, blowing her away and ceasing her attack. Itachi instantly crawled out of the shroud of darkness he got entrapped in. And the Flash speedily came up to him to help.
"You ok pal?" Flash asked. Itachi felt the ground rumbling, seeing Solomon Grundy with his fists raised up to hammer down on them. Itachi grabbed and pulled him away.
"Move." Itachi said as he yanked Flash to the side. Solomon was careless enough to look Itachi's Sharingan. Itachi back flipped away from Grundy's smash.
"Where you go?" Solomon groaned loudly with Itachi right in front of him. Solomon looked around and saw Flash standing some distance.
"Grundy get running man!" Solomon ran forward and picked up his target over his head. Cheetah screeched out in surprise as Solomon held her over his head.
"What are you doing you idiot!" Cheetah slashed his arms with her claws. Grundy in pain and dropped her, Cheetah fell flat on her face.
Batman managed to land a rising knee up Slade's chin, knocking him up in the air. Wonder Woman flew in throwing her lasso and capturing Deathstroke in it. Wonder Woman spun her lasso and threw Slade far away.
Batman spotted Lex on the second level observing the fight, taking out his grapnel launcher and fired a cable on the second level's parapet. Batman reeled himself up to the second floor to face Lex Luthor.
Before Lex could pull out his gun, Batman lunged at him, pinning him down. Copperhead came crawling on the wall, jumping at Batman ready to sink his fangs on him. But Batman sensed it coming, quickly getting off Lex, Batman gripped Copperhead's neck but got pinned down while Copperhead tried to push his fangs closer.
Planting both feet on Copperhead, Batman kicked him off and Copperhead crashed into Lex.
Shade recovering from his hit decided it was time for everyone to retreat. Raising up his nightstick, darkness spread across the entire lobby, consuming everyone inside.
Itachi saw the darkness coming, grunting in surprise as it consumed him again. He got his Mangekyou Sharingan ready. But there was nothing, nothing was harming him, he just stood there waiting in caution.
A moment passed and a flash of green shined bright in the centre of the lobby and it grew, eroding the darkness away. With Green Lantern's light, Itachi could finally see again.
"Everyone ok?" Green Lantern asked the team.
"Yeah we're ok." Flash said checking himself. Batman glided down from the second level and regrouped with the league.
"They're gone." Hawkgirl floating above them said, scanning across the area. Green Lantern gritted his teeth, "Dammit, we had them."
Itachi's eyes narrowed. "Something not right."
"What do you mean Itachi?" Wonder Woman asked.
"They were expecting us. All of us." Itachi remarked.
"So…" Flash said, not understanding.
"They are fighting back now, the criminals are grouping up to target us now." Batman explained.
"I say we get back to the Watchtower, we'll try to pick up any criminal activities there, maybe we will find them again." Superman said.
The League assembled at the Watchtower, Itachi was inside the Javelin shuttle taking a seat by the back. He wanted to get away from the rest of the League for a while, just to be on his own. He figured if they managed to locate where the criminals were they would come to the Javelin sooner or later.
"Terrorists banded together, attacking the League. Hmm, this Lex Luthor must have hired them." Itachi glared at the floor. Something else crept into his head, what was he doing all this for? Fighting the good fight for this world, that was not his own. Superman welcomed him to join him and his comrades to defend this planet, but for how long?
Seeing just vast the entire universe was, he knew that somewhere out there, be it another planet, another universe, just somewhere out there, was his home. The Hidden Leaf Village.
Suddenly the shuttle ramp opened, Itachi calmly remained in his seat. Batman came up, walking past a hidden Itachi he took the pilot seat. Powering up the shuttle, the Javelin left the Watchtower.
Batman handling the Javelin controls, made a scowl. "Why are you here?"
Itachi stood behind him and stoically said in his native language, "I was here the entire time until you came on board. What are you doing?"
Batman scowled even more, "Tracking down Lex and the rest of those criminals."
"A tracker I've managed to put on Luthor before they got away. The Watchtower showed the tracker is still in Metropolis."
"And why aren't we notifying the rest?"
"Do you trust the League to be silent so they won't alert the criminals? Do you trust Superman to have the stealth approach? Or Green Lantern, he literally glows in the dark." Batman retorted.
"You could still tell them."
"When I get more Intel I will fill them in." Batman turned up the thrusters and descended into the Earth. They headed back to Metropolis, the Javelin hovered over the Federal Building and Batman glided down to the roof and Itachi landed next to him as well.
Traversing across the Metropolis skyline, the two set their sights on an abandoned Metropolis Picture Store opposite the street.
"You wait here." Batman said to Itachi.
"What are you going to do?" Itachi said with crossed arms, letting Batman take the initiative with not much interest.
"I'm going in. If they are in there, I'll flush them out to you." Batman pulled out his grapnel launcher and fired the cable across reeling him up to the target building. Itachi stayed where he were, arms crossed and waited.
He was starting to doubt Batman's plan largely, Itachi suspected that it was because Batman did not trust the rest to be stealthy, or either he was trying another tactic.
But Itachi had to give Batman the credit that he was from this Earth unlike him, thus way more experienced in how this Earth works. Minutes had already passed, and still no activity in the building nor any answer from Batman.
"Tch Batman." Itachi leaped down from the roof, and charged straight to the front door as much as it is against his ninja practises. If Batman was in trouble or pinned, he needed to get the whole villains' attention to aid Batman by crashing through the front. Pus he was confident enough that he can handle these people, whom none were above any foe he faced from his world.
Kicking down the door, Itachi rushed in took sight of what was inside. The Injustice League at the centre, and Batman, unconscious and on the floor. "Ah, there you are warrior." Deathstroke seethed.
"I'm warning you now, surrender." Itachi said. However, his nose took scent of something.
"Shame I could not test you out any further however." Deathstroke said, and every criminal started on put a gas mask and moved away from the lobby, taking Batman with them. Bursts of murky green vapour appeared all over, surrounding Itachi.
"What is this?" Itachi said as the gas seeped into his nostrils. He suddenly got overwhelmed in a choking sensation, he started to cough and wheeze. He vision got blurry and his head felt like a drill was piercing into it. His legs were losing its strength, forcing him into a crouch.
"Heheheahaha." A slow sinister laugh from a new foe came in. "Seems my latest batch of toxins can cripple the new hero in Justice League."
Itachi tilted his head up, in his blurry vision all he could was a black cloaked figure with a face that resembled to him as a scarecrow. Itachi's strength dissipated laying on the ground.
"Tell me, what do you fear?"
One thing about writing Itachi into the DC world, goodness it's a very precarious thing to do, always. Because it either has to be in accordance to his power and whether the fans me included will accept the turn of events.
Again, how I'm going to gauge his power level, is that I'm only going to base it on what we have seen when he was alive, not in Edo Tensei. Even though he was sick when he was alive, it's the only thing I can base it from in a fair assesment.
We have new villains, and Itachi is getting the fear toxins, genjutsu is one thing, but a fear gas hallucinogen is another thing. Also, blinding the Uchiha seemed effective.
Hope you've enjoyed this chapter, hope to see you in the next.