It was during a rather disgusting meal of dead bird did Link realise the cure. The whole revelation was so shocking he stopped mid-chew and began staring at the imp-like creature before him for an uncomfortable amount of time. When Midna realised he had taken an odd fascination of her, she spoke, accidentally spitting meat due to a full mouth.

"What chu lookin' at?"

Link dropped his slice of bird. "An idea came to me."

Swallowing her food, Midna widened her eyes. "You have an idea? An idea? As in, you have a brain?"

The boy slumped his shoulders.

"Are you feeling okay, Link?"

"Okay, I get it: I'm stupid."

Midna laughed. "He admits, finally!"

"No, no! That's not what I meant."

In a hurry, Link crawled over to where she sat and yanked her food off her.

"I was eating that!"


Never did Link order her to be quiet, so out of feeling shocked by this unusual behavior Midna's lips remained closed. Placing a hand on her shoulder, Link continued.

"I read it somewhere- what's wrong with you. I think I know how to bring you back into your original state."

After a couple of seconds, Midna finally had an efficient response which didn't involve slapping him. "You are stupid."

"Trust me on this, I... No, I'm confident it will work."

'Remember last time you were confident one of your brilliant ideas would work? I hope the scars are still there to remind you.' Only a couple of weeks ago, Link thought it would be a good idea to use chickens to fly from house to house. At first it was quite reasonable, until he fell.

"I hope it hurt."

"Thank you. This is different though."

"Before you do what you're about to do, tell me: where did you find out this information?"

Link opened his mouth then shut it. "Uh, a book."

"Oh. Right, yeah. I did wonder." Midna's sarcasm was so heavy it made Link cringe. Yet he gave her a look of encouragement and she sighed. "Fine. Are you going to dance around and chant, or perform a magic spell?"

Midna received her answer when Link leaned forwards and gently kissed her. It lasted a little more than a second, but her heart pounded against her chest and she flushed. Wait, what?

Then Link pulled away and watched her for a while.



Oh for crying out loud. "You–– This idea. It didn't come from a fairytale book, did it?"

The boy shrugged, "I don't know––"

"Link. You're a moron. This isn't a fairytale."

"It just fit: you were a princess who was transformed into a creature, and I was––"

"You're not a Prince, sweetheart, but a girl can dream."

Link pulled a face. "You don't have to be rude about it."

Midna sniggered, and squeezed his cheek. "I am flattered you tried, though, Link. Now I know what book it is you keep stashing under your pillow when I appear. Heehee."

Pouting, Link decided to avoid suggesting anymore brilliant ideas from now.

Worth it though.