The days pass as the guardian of Iacon stands vigilant. His damaged arm was almost repaired, the red and yellow lights flickering slightly before lighting up completely.

He spins the cannon on his arm and tests the guard flaps, looking for any form of malfunction.

"Repairs: completed. Left arm 100% optimal."

He stands like a statue, watching the gems pass by, studying how they interact with each other. Back on Cybertron, he remembers how some of the Autobots communicated with one another, when they would talk about the days before the war, when things were peaceful. Omega could hardly think of a time like that, he was put in stasis until the event of Cybertron's core being threatened.

Now that the core was corrupted and the planet is lost, what now? He failed his objective, brought to his knees and was forced to destroy the very thing he was sworn to protect. He is a guardian without something to protect. His very spark was now meaningless.

He kept staring down at the gems, some of them getting unnerved by his glowing gaze. There was a war still being fought on Cybertron, a war he can no longer take part of. Under the orders of the new Prime, he can no longer return to Cybertron until the war was won or the corruption to the core was purged. The later will take a few million more cycles to be possible.

He could still feel it in his spark.

The faint, darkness that now enraptures the core. It felt sick, unhealthy, even millions of light years away he could feel it.

He closed his connection to the dying planet to ensure he could no longer be touched by the foul power that was dark energon.


Peering down, he could see Rose and a few other gems. He leaned in to better listen.

Rose smiled. "Hello Omega Supreme, I see that you fixed yourself up nicely."

He didn't say anything as Rose to took this as a sign to continue. "Considering you are helping us with the war, the other gems and I were wondering if you could show us what you can do? Or at least list them off to state our curiosity?" Rose asked politely.

"Negative. Must stay vigilant for signs of targets or incoming threats." He said almost immediately.

"Then perhaps you could tell us?" She asked.

He took a moment before answering. "Neutron Ray: online. Ballistic Missiles: online. Tractor Beam: online. Automated Defenses: online. Drones: online. Transformation: possible."

"Transformation?" Rose asked curiously.

He didn't respond to the question, as Rose and the others could only now guess what he meant by "transformation"?

They walked away to talk amongst themselves as he stands guard as he always does.

/ With Rose and the others/

Rose and her gems stand in the war room, looking at a holomap of as many Homeworld outposts, bases, kindergartens as their scouts discovered.

They only had a few bases and a couple thousand gems that could fight. Homeworld has access to millions of gems and off planet resources. Fighting the war will take strategy and patience.

Little dots begin popping up all over the map, pink for crystal gems and red for Homeworld. "Okay everyone, we currently have access to a thirteen bases and seven outposts. Homeworld has over one-hundred and twelve bases and a couple thousand outposts, including the kindergartens throughout the region. Our numbers are drastically skewed compared to theirs..." Rose explains.

Bismuth leans over to Garnet. "I'm sensing a 'but' here." She whispers.

"But, we have help from our newly found extraterrestrial friend. From what he told us about himself, he is entirely combat effective. Pearl, could you please pull up the projection?"

Pearl pressed a button and an image of Omega Supreme came up. "From what we can tell, Omega Supreme is roughly 40 meters tall. The fusion he fought a few days ago was composed of over three hundred gems and just barely reached up to his torso." Rose explains.

"If we did the math right, he could potentially fight a fusion made up of five hundred to around six hundred gems in total. We need to keep in mind that these are rough calculations and estimates. We don't know exactly how he could react to gem weaponry such as light cannons and other. So Garnet, Pearl, Bismuth and I have decided to send him to bases that specifically are loaded with minimal troops and defences. As much as we would like to utilize his combat prowess and power, we can't send him out to the more dangerous areas until we know for sure." Pearl finished.

Rose clasped her hands together, a big smile on her lips. "But do not be discouraged, with him we can win this war in no time."

A handful of cheers and nods of approval ran through the crowd of gems. Pearl looked a Rose for a second but quickly turned away and looked back to the gems. "With that said, you are all dismissed." She said.

The gems left the room until there was only Garnet, Pearl, Rose and Bismuth. Bismuth looked to the others. "Are you guys still sure this is a good idea? We could really use the kind of firepower he has and speed the war up." She asked.

Rose rested her hand on Bismuth's shoulder. "Don't worry, we will win the war. We just need to be patient."

Bismuth sighed. "I know, I know, but I just don't like waiting when we could just go out there and do something. I mean we all saw what he can do and I get why were playing it safe. I just want to be out there."

Garnet crossed her arms. "I wouldn't worry so much about being away from the battlefield. It will happen soon enough."

As if on cue, a quartz gem rushed in and ran to Rose. "Rose, we have a problem!" She cried.

Rose looked worried. "What is it?"

The gem pointed to the direction she came from. "Base Zeta is under siege! I just barely managed to slip out and come here."

Rose had a very noticeable frown but quickly replaced it with a small smile. "Thank you for telling me this, please, go rest. I will send backup shortly."

The pupils in the gems eyes shrunk a little. "You mean…" She trailed off.

Rose nodded before looking at the two biggest gems in the room. "Garnet, I need you to take a few dozen gems to Base Zeta. Bismuth, if you be kindly enough to get Omega Supreme and guide him to the battle."

The two gems left in a hurry, leaving only Rose, Pearl and the quartz soldier in the war room. Rose looked to the soldier, giving her a reassuring smile. "So what exactly happened?"

/ With Bismuth and Omega Supreme/

Omega stomped his way over to the battle, Bismuth clinging to his shoulder while traversed the life filled terrain that was Earth.

Very far in the distance, they could see the battlefield. The fire growing as much as the smoke was rising. Bismuth started grinding her teeth in anger.

She looked over to Omega with a determined look in her eyes, but he didn't need anyone to tell him what to do. He started moving faster, ground trembling as he walked.





/ Minutes later/

The Crystal Gems were barely surviving homeworld's attack. Most were either shattered or poofed. The defences were destroyed and the Homeworld quartzes started searching the Base for any information they could get their hands on.

A Homeworld soldier grabbed a pearl by her throat and slammed her into the ground. The dazed pearl didn't have time to look up before the quartzes foot started crushing her torso.

The quartz brought up her war hammer and prepared to slam it into the pearl's head. The pearl raised her arms over her face in any attempt to protect herself.







Seconds went by as a painfully quick poofing took far longer than she expected. She opened her eyes and looked up to see the quartz wasn't even looking at her. The pearl looked around and saw everybody else were all looking in the same direction. Up.

The pearl craned her head back to see what has the enemy distracted enough to ignore decimating them.

Her eyes open widely in fear of the towering giant standing over everyone. Its yellow eyes peering down, stoic face plate showing no emotion, lights on its arms growing brighter.

Everyone on the field was frozen in fear of what the machine would do. They were even more afraid when it spoke.

"Action: engage auto defence turrets and attack : Homeworld forces."

Small machines shot out of its torso and back armed with mounted weaponry. Discs on his chest began glowing as turrets began materializing themselves from his self sustaining energon reserves.

The Homeworld gems didn't take too kindly to gunfire.

The Homeworld attackers rushed to find cover, some try to hold their ground, but none prevail. Bismuth jumps off Omega's shoulder and rushes to help her fellow gems. She picked up as many of the poofed gems and bubbled them for later, occasionally poofing any quartz dumb enough to challenge her.

The small amount of Crystal Gems could see that the he wasn't hurting them, specifically targeting Homeworld like he said. The Pearl picked herself out of the dirt, summoning her bident before charging with the rest of remnants. More and more slowly climbed out of cover and began pushing back, supported with Bismuth's leadership and Omega's guns.

The Homeworld Gems tried fusing in an attempt to gain strength, but it didn't help them any. It only made it easier for Omega to gun them down. Bismuth and the gems took care of the stragglers that Omega didn't hit.

Bismuth narrowly dodged a quartz soldier's sword. Dodging an overhead swing, she stepped on the blade and bashed the quartz in the mouth with her hammer hand. The quartz fell to her knees, dazed by the force of the hit. She looked up only to have her head crushed between both of Bismuth's hammers. The near headless body slumped to the ground before poofing. "She had better count herself lucky her gem wasn't on her head." Bismuth thought.

Homeword oppressors are now the oppressed. What was a force of a couple hundred is now a couple dozen. Omega could see the remnants retreat after their devastating defeat.

He lifted his cannon up to them, charging the shot before firing. The gem's physical forms were destroyed on the spot. Detecting no more signs of hostile life, he lowered his arms and looked down at the remnants of the gems. Many of them were voicing their victory, some of them were grieving over their lost.

The gems began picking through the rubble of the destroyed base, looking for any trapped allys. Bismuth quickly got to work in breaking down or lifting any obstructions in the way of their search.

His objective was now complete, his next course of action was to wait for reinforcements to arrive.

/Minutes later/

Rose, Garnet, Pearl and a detachment of her gems climbed through the thick brush of trees. Rose had a small but prominent smile as she could see that the base wasn't lost and her fellow gems began to lick their wounds. Some were even beginning to rebuild the destroyed structures.

Rose looked to Garnet. "Garnet, I need you to find Bismuth and the two of you start help in rebuilding."

The red gem nodded and rushed off to find her friend. Rose then looked to her most trusted soldier.

"Pearl, I need you to round up the wounded so I might be able to heal them." Rose asked.

Pearl firmly nodded and ran to help.

The smile on Rose's lips slowly began turning into a frown. There were only a few handfuls of gems left. She and her gems moved into the base and started helping anyone they could.

Rose could see an injured gem, her form fizzing slightly. Rose made a move over to the gem only to feel something crackled under her bare feet. She moved some of her dress out of the way and lifter her foot.

She stifled a small sigh as she gently picked up as many shards of the gem out of the dirt as she could find. But before she bubbled it, a small glint hit her eyes, then another, and another, and more shines and glints were coming from the ground. She could gems, broken, poofed, it didn't matter. There were scattered everywhere she could see.

She quickly bubbled the shards in her hand and sent it to back to base. She walked over to the injured gem, not once looking away from the shattered gems littering the ground. The injured gem clutched the gem on her arm, slowly looking up to see her leader in all her beauty.

The gem smiled, crying slightly. "T-they said-d y-you were com-mming." She rasped out.

Rose knelt down by the gem and held her hand. Giving her a motherly smile. "Dont worry, Im going to help you."

The gem remover her hand away from her gem, showing rigid and traverse cracks running through her gem. It's a wonder how she isn't in pieces right now. Using the pain of loss and the amount of gems who gave their lives for her cause, she let tears trail down her cheeks and land on the damaged gem.

Almost instantly, the cracks began sealing up and fixing itself. The gem sighed in relief as the pain throughout her body subsided. She leaned back and looked to Rose. "Th-there were more injured. O-over there." The gem said, pointing over to the crowd of gems scattered around the main area. Pearl was trying to help round up the ones not already there.

Giving the gem one last smile, she walked away to tend to the rest of the wounded. She looked up to see Omega keeping watch so that they could solely focus on helping the wounded and rebuilding what's left.

The amount of shards at her feet, the many injured, it cause her pain knowing that this was inadvertently her fault. So many died in the name of freedom, the freedom she wanted for everyone. Every gem shattered broke her a little inside, their pain was hers, and now…

It's time she took her pain and use it to ease theirs.

Oi, it's been awhile huh? I haven't posted in a few months and I would like to say that I'm sorry about that. I've been busy with life and all its pain in the neck quirks. I have at least like two other chapters for this story already done. One of them was for the beginning of the end of the war (however funny the sounds). I almost posted that instead of this one but I decided that you guys would be breathing down my neck if I skipped the war and went directly to more modern times with Steven.

In the chapter, I mentioned that it takes a couple hundred gems fusing together just to match Omega in height and strength. If you compare how tall Megatron or the other Decepticons to Omega Supreme during the 2nd boss battle, they barely come up to his knee. HIS KNEE! Omega has to be around four, five, possibly even six times their height. I would put Omega's actual height but I couldn't find it os I made the closest estimate I could make.

For the hundreds of gems the fused together to fight Omega in the second chapter, I based the fusing off of Topaz in one of the episodes due to the small amount of height gained when the two Topaz's fused together. Remember, most of my numbers are my best guesses and estimates.

Remember to tell me if anyone seems out of character. I will go back and try to fix it.

~Retro Fan