Me: I can only say one thing… Enjoy! Oh! and this is unbeated so, Sorry for the bad gramar!

Tsubaki know about that girl.

He remember seeing her all mornings with 4 baskets full of aliments.

She had too baskets in her arms, another big one in her hands and another one was in her head. It had always amused him how the hell she would run around the town selling some of the containers and left others in housed that had already pay for it the other day, and never had he saw she lost the perfect balance, she had never dropped the basket in her head (and it was a big one).

He remember her scolding his Master for doing some things that she declarer… "inappropriate for a healthy and good growing up" he had never admitted it but she was her only friend aside of Master.

She was the only one Master will listen sometimes.

He remember how that girl in a potatoes sac had come one day at the workshop and after seeing what Master was doing he obligate her to secrecy.

And she had reluctantly agreed "Only because they need me" was her answer.

And now he had in his hands the only thing that was so precious to her that never had let master take it away.

What secrets will have in here?

A way to finally kill his sibling?

With a grin he opened the book and star reading.

"Hey look at this! we have a pet!" Was the first thing i heard from them in person once i had told them that I was send be they master to have a close eye in them.

"I'm not a pet! a pet is some animal that you will need to take care of and be friend with it! I'm not that!" i had told that ungrateful yellow and black haired one.

Tsubaky snort at that. Of course she had to write the thing like a novel in first person, she had always loved those books.

"Lawlees stop this. I don't know what had passed in our master's mind, but if hi send her then she had to have something that is worthing to let her watch us" the one that appeared to be a spoiled kid talked.

I should had never say yes to that crazy man in the stress of randomness. I know that now he is my employer but this is so bad. He had this person's changed to something that the village thinks at as monsters and not only that but he refuses to take care of them! They are hopeless children playing to be adults and adults are people that i don't trust.

I need to help them.

"So…" I had to talk to them and be their friend, "What do you around here? I am supposed to live here with you guys and then go to the Masters Workshop to report daily what had you do and things like that"

"We don't do nothing. Only go for a walk, talk to somebody and then come back for diner or something like that" The only woman in the group seems to be always angry but i know better that to let me guide be aparienses, she is trying so hard to be neutral in this position but she is glad that here is another girl now.

"HAD SOMEONE SAY DINER?! I WANT MY DINER!" a random big man had shout and appear from the nothing in the large entrance room. He seems to always be hungry and don't care for anyone that dont know how to cook.

"Oh dear, you need a new outfit. And if you are in need of assistance then I can" a tall blonde started to naked himself and luckily the one with the papers bags stopped him.

"SO you are the one that Master send eh? Did you have the things he promised me?" did this man have guns at hans?!

" I i don't need more clothes thank you. If i need assistance i should ask about it but i can assure you that I do NOT need you naked, and i dont have nothing… sorry. He only come to tell me what i told you. But i can ask about it tomorrow" That sems to make thigs better here, the striper one nodded before leaving and the one with the guns made a strange serpent like sound before following the blonde one.

"So you just come out of the blue and what? hu? what kind of… creature you are?" the ungrateful one say.

"Creature? Sorry i'm just a human with very weird luke"

"Ha hahahahahahahahaha! Come and see this big bro! our pet is soooo hilarious!"

I had enough about that so I just give him a glare and say: "For your information. You are the pet here!" and whit that I used my hand mirror and directed some light to his face. I will admit that the needles in my arm were justificades and well earned, because i just fell off laughing so hard that I cried.

"Omg! hahahahaha you are a rat with spines! jajajajajajaa oh may… so you act like… like that because of them? jajajajaja oh! come here balki! come here little blakie!"

"S Shut up! d don't give me a name! don't you know what happens when you give me one?"

"I am so aware of what can happen but… if i don't give you a gif things are not going to work" i laughed a little more and then, the one that is always hungry demanded a meal.

I can tell you that it wasn't the best thing that i have done but… I am glad to be here.

They need me and I need them. I can see in their eyes. But more important I now have a nickname… I may don't like it so much but yeah… I'm their Pet.

A name? Tsubaky tried to remember her name.

He know that they had give her a new one and that his Master called her Pet too, he called her Meaning girl.

And he was so sure she was a mage, she had show some magic where they were together, was all of that a lie too?

She had disappeared one day and the Master had say that he didn't need her anymore… what had happened to her? why he can't remember so importants things of his past with her and his Master?

And more important…. whay he can't remember her name?

He saw the soon and know it was time to go to his fellows, he needed answers and more important, he needed to protect this journal. May be there he will find the answers to his long cuestion about his family. Had she know and written why had Master never told about him to the others?

And without knowing a transparent figure smiled after him, before it begins consumed by the shadows.

But it wasn't the only thing to had see the reaction of the Melancholy… in the more pitch black shadows a red glare was made after the transparent one, and… was mad ad it for making the fox dubious about his memories.

Oh that bad shadow was about to make things so difficult to the gray one, and what better why that making some nightmares at the melancholy one? The grey one can do whatever to the original's 7 but it had nothing in its power to help the forgotten one.

Its need to make its move but… the grey one will know it and made things less easy, so it will wait untill the best moment.

And with that plan in mind it was consumed be the darkest shadow of the shop.

me: Whoowhoo! double chapter! and OMG! what is this? D : we have some mysterious presences in the fic! who do you think they are? and more important what do you think will happen now? let me know how do you think about this thing and see you latter!