chapter 10- Present day

Snow and Charming dropped out the portal at Zelena`s farmhouse. They got up and Snow looked around. "We`re back. Let`s go find Emma.

They left the farm house and went to Granny`s, where Emma is sitting at the back in booth drinking hot coco with cinnamon.

They walk up to the booth.

"Hey little swan".

Emma turned toward her parents "Mum, Dad I missed you". Emma said as she hugged them.

They sat in the booth.

"We went looking for you and fell in Zelena`s time portal. where were you?"

"I was sitting on a bench when Hook found me and gave me the storybook and showed me what I was running from and I remembered this." She pulled out a sketch book from her childhood.

Emma opened the book to lots of drawing of Emma and her parents.

"I remembered you came to me in 89, 90, 91 and 92. You were with me my whole life.

In 1991, you help me. You`re the reason I have swan as my last name."

Snow turned the page to a napkin from the Chantey lobster house with Storybrooke written on it in the book.

Emma saw the napkin.

"Oh, I forgot that was it then". She looked at her parents looking at the napkin. "You guys ok?"

Snow looked at Emma. "Yes, fine."

"Wait, did you go in Maine in 2009 and leave this in my car because if so I am going to teach Neal how to pick a lock."

"After we left you in 1992, we might of dropped in Maine 2006 and watch you with the bail bound woman and we wanting to help you find us."

"Thank you."