Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading! This is the last chapter. Thanks to all who've been here for 78 whole chapters and stuck with me muddling through this.

"They say it takes a village to raise a child," Kate started, glancing at the sea of people in the seats in front of her. When she had been asked to give the valedictorian address to her graduating high school class, she had been absolutely petrified. Public speaking was not her favorite subject, though she excelled in every part of academia, rising to the top of her class despite being one of the youngest.

She swallowed, "I remember seeing that proverb on the wall of the classroom back when I came to this school for the first time. I asked my mom what it meant, and I recall her explaining to me how that a village is like a support system, the people who help you, stand by you, and make you the person you are."

She caught Erin's eye in the crowd and continued, "I spent the first few years of my life in the type of situation that most people could never imagine. I experienced trauma and pain that no child should ever have to endure. I was alone, and I did not have a support system. But right after I turned four, I was found. And suddenly, I was loved. My parents brought me into their home and loved me from the minute they met me. I was so scared, so unsure of what this new life would bring. And what I realize now, is that my parents didn't do it alone. They brought me out of the darkness with the help of their team, their family, their friends."

Tears welled in Jay's eyes as he regarded the little girl standing on the podium, only, she was no longer a little girl. She was a young woman; a strong, passionate and brave person who had overcome so much in her almost seventeen years on earth. Kate had received scholarships from a few of the hardest colleges to get into and ultimately elected to attend Columbia in New York to focus on pre-law. It was not lost on him that the same city she had once been harmed in would now be her home, but he had already been promised by Chief Benson and the wider team at SVU that his daughter would be looked after while she was away from home.

"And they couldn't have done it without them. Me, and my brother," Kate smiled at the tall, handsome black man sitting beside her father, "were raised by this community, this support system, this village. I am able to give this speech, in front of you all here today, because I have been cared for and loved." Jay squeezed Erin's hand as she wiped her eye with the other. Henry planned to follow in his father's footsteps after graduation and had talked about becoming a Navy SEAL. Being African-American, he knew that it wouldn't be easy in a unit predominantly led by white men, but he had "learned from the best" as he said to Jay and Erin when he announced his plans.

"You two should be proud," Hank whispered, as Will, Natalie, Platt, Ruzek and Atwater nodded in concurrence. Burgess bounced a toddler on her lap – her and Ruzek's third surprise. She flashed a grin at Erin knowingly. They really do grow up that fast. Erin had joined an FBI Counter-Terrorism task force based in Chicago, which actually provided far greater flexibility than the CPD. She rose through the ranks, all while being a mom, and now commanded a huge unit that operated all over the world.

Jay continued his role in Intelligence. When he voiced his thoughts about taking the sergeant's exam, Hank had been thrilled, just waiting pass the unit over to someone who deserved it. Hank's retirement allowed him far more time to spend with his grandchildren, especially while their parents were working.

"Congratulations to the graduating class and thank you for being a part of my village." Kate concluded. Her village erupted in applause as she exited the stage, but not before flashing that smile Jay fell in love with all those years ago.

Two weeks passed with Henry in their home and in those days, it was like he had always been there. Jay always thought about how Kate had been the missing puzzle piece between him and Erin, but having this little boy join their family filled him to the brim. He and Kate understood each other in ways that neither he or Erin could. From the day he arrived, the two of them were nearly inseparable.

"I love havin' Henry," Kate informed Erin as she helped the little girl untie the laces on her blue converse. "He still stayin' right?"

Erin smiled. She and Jay had been very honest with the two children when it came to Henry's timeline in their family. With foster care, and particularly with Henry's case, they didn't know how long he would be with them but reiterated their promise to keep him safe for as long as they could. "As far as we know, baby," Erin said honestly, glancing over her shoulder in search of her partner and the little boy she had become quite fond of. Jay was helping Henry get ready for bed after the first day of pre school. Thankfully, there had been room for him in the class next to Kate's and he wasted no time fitting in. Henry was definitely very different from Kate, who had initially been more skittish and scared. While Henry would initially be uncomfortable, he adapted quickly and had already made a few friends.

"Remember buddy, slow it down," Jay advised, placing a hand on the little boy's shoulder as he barreled out of the bathroom at full speed, "We don't want you to slip."

"Tanks Jay!" Henry exclaimed, "I put my 'jamas on now!"

Kate neatly lined up her shoes and offered a smile to Jay and Erin, both adults looking a little more worn around the edges with the energetic addition to their family. "Can we show Henry the zoo tomorrow?" Kate asked hopefully, "And the 'quarium?"

"There's school and work tomorrow Squirt, but maybe we can take a trip to the zoo on Saturday," Jay suggested, reached down and boosting her into his arms, "how are my favorite girls doing, hm?"

"Good!" Kate replied, squeezing tightly to Jay's neck, "I was tellin' mommy that I like having Henry to play with."

"I'm glad," Jay kissed Kate's head, then reached an arm out to pull Erin in.

"Do I get a hug too?" Henry asked quietly, standing a few feet from the little family. He looked timidly up at Erin, who immediately sank down to meet his gaze.

"Of course bud," Erin opened her arms and lifted the little boy so he could join in the family hug, "You can have as many hugs as you want."

"Who woulda thought they'd be able to sleep after two scoops of ice cream?" Jay mused as he made his way down the creaky stairs at Hank's house. Both Kate and Henry were fast asleep in Erin's childhood bed after a backyard barbecue at their grandfather's to celebrate Kate's adoption finalization. Erin was officially and on paper her mother, almost exactly one year to the day the little girl came into her life.

"Fourth of July fireworks kept them up late last night," Erin reminded him, running a hand over his knee as he sat back down at the kitchen table beside his boss and fiancé. Jay had thankfully made it through the night without an episode, but both Kate and Henry were absolutely petrified.

"Mm," he mused in response, gratefully accepting a mug of coffee from Hank, "Thanks."

Hank nodded and reached behind him to produce a small gift bag. "Erin, I actually have something for you."

She wrinkled her brow. "Hank, you didn't have to get me anything. Plus, my birthday was like three months ago."

He chuckled, "Just open it."

Erin reached into the small bag and fished out a set of keys. She furrowed her brow, "What's this?" she asked, glancing up at her father figure, "I already have a key to your house."

"I know," Hank smiled, exchanging glances with Halstead, "These are the keys to the Sutherland's house."

Erin's eyes widened, "They moved out like ten years ago. That house has been empty forever."

"It's been a work in progress since they moved out. It needed a paint job and some refurbishments, but now it's ready for a new family," Hank continued, soft smile playing on his lips, "Perfect for your family."

"What?" Erin gasped, looking to her partner, a smile similar to her father's stretched across his face, "You knew about this?"

"It was all Hank's idea," Jay kissed the side of his girl's head, "He asked me a few months back if we'd want to live in the house around the corner. It's in a good school district and there's a yard for Kate and Henry…and for Goose."

"Camille always loved that house," Hank mused, "Before she got sick, I bought it and was going to spruce it up as a surprise for her. And then, when Jay brought up the fact that Henry might be around for longer, I got to thinking and then we fixed it up together."

"I-I don't know what to say," Erin wiped her eyes, "Can we see it?"

"I think Henry is our rainbow baby," Erin blurted out. She turned her head to gauge Jay's reaction as they laid in bed, the moon roof allowing the room to be softly illuminated by the stars, brightly shining without the light pollution from the city. They'd spent the day swimming and fishing at his grandfather's cabin up in Wisconsin, and he was wiped. Keeping up with two little kids was absolutely exhausting. Jay must have been close to sleep as he slowly opened his eyes to regard his fiancé.

"Sorry, what, babe?" he asked, clearly confused by her statement. "Rainbow baby?"

"When people have miscarriages, and go onto have another baby, they often refer to that baby as a rainbow baby. The rainbow after the storm," Erin swallowed as the information washed over Jay and he recalled that traumatic snowy afternoon. "And I-I think Henry's ours. I know his social worker we had some time to think about it, if we want to adopt him, but I don't need time. He and Kate are practically attached at the hip, and he's so good with her and she's so good with him. I think we should make him a permanent part of our family."

A smile spread across Jay's tired cheeks, "Rainbow baby, huh?" he grinned, "I wouldn't necessarily call him the calm after the storm, but he certainly is the joy." He rolled over further and stroked Erin's cheek, "I think we should make him a permanent part of our family as well."

"Are you and Jay gonna be my mommy and daddy?" Henry asked quietly, the spoon remaining in his bowl as he looked expectantly at Erin, dark eyes full of anticipation. He and Kate were seated at the breakfast bar in their new house eating cereal before school. At her brother's question, Kate's eyes widened hopefully as well.

Erin nearly dropped the mug of coffee she was holding, having not expected that question so early in the morning. Neither she nor Jay had brought up the prospect of adoption to Henry. At six years old and after almost two years in their family, they'd always confirmed to him what was true – they would always be there, whenever Henry needed them.

Erin turned to Jay, who had a grin spread across his face. "We want to be your mommy and daddy, yes," she smiled, leaning over the counter to be closer to the little boy, "Jay and I are going to do everything that we can to protect you, and we're going to love you so much. It may take a bit until we get everything confirmed by a judge, but we're going to do everything we can to make sure you are taken care of and hopefully make you officially part of our family. But no matter what, you will always be a part of our family, okay?"

Henry glanced from Jay to Erin, observing the smiles on their faces. "And Henry gets to be my brudder, right?" Kate piped up, "And we all gonna be a family?"

"That's right," Jay confirmed, pressing a kiss atop Kate's head, "What do you think Hen, does that sound good to you?"

"I get a forever mommy, daddy and a sister?" Henry asked incredulously. "Really?"

"You do," Erin confirmed, eyes filling with happy tears, "We're all going to be Halsteads one day."

With that, Henry practically catapulted himself over the counter top into Erin's arms and wrapped his brown arms around her neck. Jay scooped up Kate and wrapped an arm around Erin's shoulder, holding his whole world as close as he could. Erin's statement had absolutely filled him to the brim and there was quite literally nowhere else he would rather be.

"So, have the two of you nailed down a wedding date yet?" Hank asked. He leaned back in the armchair of Erin and Jay's new house and looked at his detectives expectantly. "Two kids, a dog, a house…?"

"We actually just picked a date," Erin said, clearing her throat and standing up from the couch. She gently placed a sleeping Kate back where she had been sitting and opened a drawer to produce an envelope, which she held closely to her chest.

"July 18th," Jay smiled, "Next year, once Henry's adoption is finalized."

"We want to do it here, in Chicago," Erin continued, sitting back down on the couch, this time closer to her farther figure.

"We also want to make sure Kate, and Henry, remember it." Like Erin had done with Kate, Jay adjusted the little boy, who was growing so quickly he'd soon not be little, so he could scoot closer to his fiancé.

"Chicago in the summer," Hank mused, a soft smile on his lips. He glanced down at the envelope Erin was holding, her fingers slightly trembling.

"But before we do that, I-I wanted to give you something." Erin extended the envelope, which Hank accepted. Jay squeezed her knee comfortingly.

Hank raised his eyebrows as he opened the envelope slowly. "You've been my dad for seventeen years," Erin managed, tears filling her eyes, "You took me in off the street and gave me the first real family I ever knew. You raised me and have loved me and guided me all these years." He looked up from the paper, eyes wide as he caught Erin's watery gaze, "W-When I filed to adopt Kate, I um, requested that documents be drawn up to make you my dad. On paper, too. And I'd really love it if you could walk me down the aisle."

That did it. Tears streamed down Hank's cheeks before he could stop them. His girl, the scrappy street kid he took a chance on, brought into his home and into his family, was going to be his daughter not just in practice, but on paper. "Oh, kid," he whispered, wrapping her into the biggest hug he could, "I love you, so much."

Erin sniffed and pulled back, "I um, hope you don't mind but I, um, I also added Camille on there too. As my mom." Her voice cracked, "She was such a good mom."

"She would be so proud of you," Hank whispered, holding his daughter closely, "You are the best daughter that we could have ever hoped for."

"Hi, my name is Tamera and I'll be your server this evening. Are we celebrating anything special today?" The young woman looked up from her notepad, eyes twinkling at the family seated around the table. After finalizing Henry's adoption earlier that day, the family was celebrating with a special dinner out with Hank, Natalie and Will. Nat and Will had gotten married a few months prior, and were expecting a child of their own.

"We're celebrating my new name!" Henry practically bounced out of his seat and Hank quickly grabbed the water glass in front of him and moved it to avoid a soggy dinner situation.

"What is your name, little man?" the waitress asked kindly. Henry turned to Erin, then to Jay, asking permission to share his new name with the woman.

"You can tell her buddy," Jay nodded his approval, unable to keep the wide smile off his lips.

"My name is Henry Williams Halstead!" Henry exclaimed, "I got adopted and I got a new last name but I got to keep bof of my other names. And now I got a name like my Grandpa Hank and my Uncle Will even though I got those names before I even met them!" He spread his arms enthusiastically, "And now I got a sister too and her name is Kaf-rin Lindsay Halstead and her name is just like my Mommy's!"

Kate smiled softly at her brother's excitement, "But I like to be called Kate." The energy of her new brother brought her out of her shell more and more every day. Years ago, she would never have wanted to speak to a stranger, let alone tell them her name.

"And I like to be called Henry," the little boy continued, "And my mommy likes to be called Mommy or E-win and my daddy likes to be called Daddy or Jay and my grandpa, he likes to be call Sergeant Voight."

"And Uncle Will is a doctor," Kate informed her. The enthusiasm in her eyes matched her brother's, though she was a bit more measured in her delivery, "And Mommy and Daddy are detectives and they protect us and everyone in the city! And soon, they're gonna be married."

"Slow down, you guys," Erin laughed, "We just met this nice woman, and I bet you're getting hungry."

"Wow!" the stranger grinned, "Congratulations." She turned to Jay and Erin, "You two are very lucky."

"We are." Jay nodded, "Thank you."

"We're going to have to teach him to not share our entire life story with everyone who asks their names," Jay chuckled softly to Erin after the woman had taken their order. His girl was staring lovingly at her family - her partner, and the two children on either side of her father. Hank was helping Henry set the napkin in his lap with one hand, while also holding Kate's atop the tablecloth.

"I know, babe. But I don't get tired of hearing it," Erin whispered back, pressing a kiss to Jay's cheek, "it is a really great story."
