What is HELL-TV?
Well may you ask.
In the Jimiverse, where I write my fanfics, it's a sort of cable service available from Hell, on which you can watch also-ran versions of history that didn't quite make it into reality.
Crowley uses it like a sort of pirated Netflix, partly to plot his own schemes, but also because it takes a lot of infernal power and abuse of power is practically a Key Performance Indicator for the King of Hell.
Technically, it's a bit tricky to set up; like any new and complicated technology, the older you are, the harder it is to be an early adopter. He's found that he needs the help of a fiend who's less than 200 years old to get it connected and tuned.
What really cheeses him off is that, like so much of anything he tries to do, it usually finishes up revolving around the Winchesters.
None of the stories depicted on HELL-TV ever happened. But some of them went very close.
Like the one where Sam claimed the Red Throne, assumed the title of Lord of Hell, and installed a bouncy castle in the throne room for his brother.
Or the one where Dean auditioned for the Bolshoi Ballet.
Every episode on every channel has one thing in common: they are all very, very silly.
Since some of the people who read my stories have found hints about HELL-TV programs to be amusing, and a plot bunny came hopping along with a script for a full episode, I thought it might be worth setting up a new collection of one-shots to see if any more bunnies came along to add to the silliness. If you think you have a plot bunny with an idea, you can always shoo it in this direction, leave it in the reviews, and we'll see if it matures into anything.
Meanwhile, grab the remote, and let's have a look at what the first one came up with...