Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine.

Please note that these stories may/may not all take place consecutively. There will be alternating chapters, so we started with Penelope and next will be Luke. If you have any thoughts that you would like for me to write a chapter around please let me know. Please indicate if the thought should be Penelope's or Luke's when submitting it. I'll try to get to them all. Lastly, please enjoy!

Pairing: Alvez/Garcia - other members of the team will make appearances.

Luke: Coffee to Orgasms?

"What did you just say?" Penelope asks, a piece of the veggie scramble halfway to her mouth. Luke stand back looking at her, an internal monologue playing in his head on a loop. He didn't mean for the words to slip out of his mouth, he had only meant to think them. The man closes his eyes, praying that when he opened them again, the past five minutes had never happened. He wasn't ever a lucky man, he surmised when he opened his eyes again and she was still staring at him.

"Coffee?" He asks, refilling the mug and sliding it across the table to her. She doesn't move, the steam curling off of the food billowing in front of her face as she stares at him unblinkingly.

"Kids, you want to have kids, plural, with me?" She asks him, her fork clattering to her plate. Roxy looking up from her corner at the sound. "You want to have kids…with me?" She asks again, louder this time, her voice laced with disbelief. Luke finds himself nodding, bringing her discarded fork to his lips and chewing at the food.

"I meant to ask you out on a date," he tells her honestly, a sheepish smile crawling onto his face.

"Asking to sleep with a woman usually comes after you buy her food," Penelope replies, looking across the room at the man. His eyes gleaming playfully as he looks down at the breakfast in front of her.

"I…we don't have to…not unless you." He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose "I've been doing that for a few weeks now, you've been a little hungover though," he finally replies with a chuckle, inside screaming at himself to shut up, to quit while he's ahead, to turn around and go backward.

"Okay," she whispers, reaching out for the cup of coffee and drinking the contents.

"Okay?" Luke asks, his heart stopping as he turns to look at her. The man isn't sure he heard her correctly, isn't sure that his dream of being with her is partially coming true, isn't sure about anything at this moment in time.

"You want kids, let's have kids, though please one at a time." He stares at the woman, his hand reaching out to refill the coffee cup they had been sharing between them. Stumbling he swears as the pot drops to the floor, shattering into tiny pieces as she giggles. "You're gonna have to work on that though, kids are fragile and take a long time to cook, I can't pop them out after thirty minutes."

"Yeah," He says, taking the broom she offered him and the roll of paper towels.

"I have stipulations…" she replies, her voice losing its teasing tone and he pauses to glance up at her, seeing the delicate lace of the underwear she was wearing. "Natural," She begins holding up her hand at the confused look on his face. "No test tubes, I hate Doctors and I'd like a few orgasms before I give up my body to something else." Luke finds himself nodding stupidly, not sure how they had gotten from coffee to orgasms, but he's not mad at the turn in the conversation.

"Any others?" He asks, closing his eyes slowly and willing his body to calm down from the thought of actually getting to slide into bed with this woman.

"I don't want to raise a kid in a broken home, so…a date?" She whispers, her eyes landing on the floor. He stands from the crouched position, his toes covered in shards of glass and hot coffee.

"Tonight," he responds, nodding his head to her question. "I'll pick you up tonight."