Hi people. I decided to post this as a way to show the kinds of abilities Six will have. I tried to blend the perks of the two games, I hope its good. Now it may be a bit of a spoiler, but he will function as both a Killer of killers, and a survivor. So he will have two sets of perks only available while he's in that role.
Interlude: Powers and Abilities Sheet
Role: Killer of Killers
Power: Courier's Pipboy- An artifact from the old world and one of the most powerful pieces of technology in the wasteland, and in the right hands it is the most versatile tool on earth. Once used, The Rogue is able to mimic the fighting styles or powers of Killers. The use of the pipboy generates a flash of light that can easily be seen in the darkness. It also changes the Rogue's tactics, his reach and speed of his weapons swing.
Characteristics: Unlike the Killers, the Rogue does not wish to kill innocent people. However the Entity's influence clouds his judgment when around Survivors, slowing his reactions while fighting the urge to kill them. His presence still scares the survivors, so he still admits a Terror Radius and Red Stain.
Perks: The Rogue's perks revolve around conflict. The Killers think they are the top of the food chain , prove them wrong.
Red Glare- Your gaze pierces through the darkness. Your vision is brightened but the Red Stain is more easily seen.
"Be scared when you see its hellish gaze and be terrified when you don't."
Boiling Blood- Rage is a powerful motivator. Your movement and striking speed are increased for three seconds after being hit or blinded. The time limit increases by two seconds every time you are is hit. This can stack up to five times.
"You don't piss off the devil and just walk away in one piece."
Drums of War- Like a cannon, the powerful boom signals imminent death, but for who? You can force non-activated generators to backfire. This can be used lure either Survivors or Killers to your location.
"It calls out to us all, like a beast issuing a challenge."
Pipboy Add-ons:
Silver Sting- A simple poison coating all weapons that slightly damages targets for five seconds. Can be applied five times.
Cobb's Skull Fragment- A trophy from a small time criminal. You have a small chance to ignore damage from a killers weapon.
Raul's Screwdriver- A gift from a friend that brings slight comfort. The Entity's influence is slightly reduced.
Lucky Lighter- The pipboy light is slightly reduced when equipping new gear.
Bleak Venom- A cardiotoxin coating all weapons that moderately damages targets for five seconds. Can be applied four times.
Motor Runners Helmet- A trophy from a raider boss. You have a moderate chance to ignore damage from a killers weapon.
Serrated Blade- Gehenna's blade tears into the flesh. Blood trails are much longer and more easily seen.
Boone's Sunglasses- A gift from a friend that brings some comfort. The Entity's influence is moderately reduced.
Tremble- A devastating neurotoxin coating all weapons that causes uncontrollable shaking. A target's attack strength is halved for ten seconds. Can be applied three times.
Dark Datura- A venom favored by the White Legs coating all weapons. It causes both double and blurred vision for seven seconds. Can be applied twice.
Lanius's Mask- A trophy from a mighty general. You have a good chance to ignore damage from a killers weapon.
Cass's Moonshine- A gift from a friend that brings great comfort. The Entity's influence is greatly reduced.
Very Rare:
Mother Darkness- A potent neurotoxin derived from Bark Scorpion venom. It slows down movement and hinders a target's vision for eight seconds. Can be applied twice.
Cloud Kiss- A toxic substance derived from the Red Cloud that coats all weapons. It causes massive damage to a target for ten seconds. Can be applied only once.
Saturnite Blade- Gehenna's blade slices through any defense even as the metal consumes the heat. Blocked attacks damages the Killer's weapon and slightly hurts the killer. However, the weapons swing is slightly slower.
Hand of Rawr- A trophy from a monstrous Deathclaw. You have a great chance to ignore damage from a killers weapon, but your next attack has a chance to miss.
Ultra Rare:
Maria- A gift from an enemy that reminds you of who you truly are. The Entity's influence no longer bothers you, but the Terror Radius is doubled in diameter.
"He holds it to his heart, as if he were a child embracing a loving parent."
Iridescent Flame- A shimmering flame that coats all weapons in The Fog's insidious light. Doubles all attack damage but can not switch weapons for several minutes.
"The unholy flame burns the body and scorches the soul."
Heads- Elite Riot Helmet, Bloody Helm, Desert Ranger Helmet, Darklight Cowl
Body- Elite Riot Armor, Bloody Armor, Desert Ranger Armor, Assassin Suit
Weapon- Gehenna(Yellow fire), Bloody Gehenna(Red fire), Blue Blaze(Blue fire), Toxic Flame(Green fire)
Role: Survivor
Characteristics: Outside of his armor, Six is unrecognizable as the Rogue and the Entity's influence is severely reduced. Being taller than the other survivors, he is more easily spotted but he also carries a weapon. He wields A Light Shinning in Darkness, but limits himself to a few rounds every trial due to limited ammunition.
Perks: Six's perks revolve around distraction and pulling the Killers attention on to him and away from the other survivors.
Lonesome Road- You were always better off on your own. When by you self, your movement speed is increased and the other survivors consumption rate of items is reduced.
"I'm never alone, the voices in my head won't shut up. They're assholes."
Jury Rig- Make the machines work for you, even if they don't want to. Repairing generators is twice as fast, but skill checks are also twice as hard.
"Got a problem? Duct tape. Still not work? More Duct tape."
Burned Man's Gift- You should always bring a gun when going to a supernatural realm filled with bloodthirsty serial killers. ALSD can be fired several times per trial. Bullets may not kill the Killers, but they are staggered for several seconds. Can also be used to mercy kill survivors on hooks.
"A friend once told me "we can't expect god to do all the work." So I do it myself."
And that's his ability sheet. I tried not make him OP, but compared to the others, he's one tough bastard.
While most of the Survivors are normal humans, accept Bill (zombie slayer extraordinaire), Six lives in a radioactive wasteland where everything tries to kill you. And while the Killers have killed dozens, even hundreds of people, Six has faced armed raiders, mutant abominations, and military grade robots and come out on top.
The only killers who we know have dealt with victims that can actually fight back are Michael Myers and the Huntress. Michael once killed an entire police force off screen and the Huntress took on Russian soldiers during WW1.
Anyways, see you guys whenever!