Dr. Jake Reilly: tall dark and handsome never described someone so perfect. The mid-forties Hispanic man stood at six-foot-two with caramel colored skin and dark eyes that drew women in. The eyes of a husband, a father, a kind man who lived for his patients and his family.

With his cheekbones, his smile, his masculine beauty. It was no wonder the man was a fertility doctor. What woman wouldn't trust their body to someone so stunning?

He was a good man, who finally had everything he could ever want in his life. His step-daughter Angela was at a great college headed towards a future his late wife would have been proud of. His current wife, Addison was his co-worker and best friend- a remarkable woman who opened his heart to love after so many years of heartache. And there was Henry, their adopted baby who he loved with every fiber of his being.

Because of course he did: his job was babies. Bringing new life into the world. Jake Riley was a good man. He was also a man who was about to get cut off, on the Los Angeles freeway by a semi-truck that, as the police would later determine, had lost its breaks. His car flipped three times, before slamming into the divider. He was knocked unconscious, while his body was trapped in the wreckage his soul was taken to a safe place.

Jake awoke on a park bench, wearing a white button down shirt and white slacks. He touched his hand, his wedding ring was gone. The bench was similar to the one he used to frequent to speak to the ghost of his wife Lily, a stunning Latina beauty who had died of an overdose in her thirties.

He could feel a woman's hands caressing his face down his neck. "You're okay, baby," Lily's voice whispered in his ear.

He could feel the warmth of her breath. "Lily, is that you?"

"Yeah it's me, you can sit up if you like, you're safe here," she said with tears in her eyes.

He looked up to see her face. She smiled her sweet smile, the way she smiled on their wedding day. She was also dressed in all white, a long sundress that flowed past her knees. "Where are we?" he asked her.

"Texas," she said with a grin, "Midnight, Texas to be precise."

"Am I dead?" he asked.

"You're not dead, and I won't leave your side until you cross over or cross back," she explained. "Even though you are so beautiful and I miss you so much; I want you to go back; you have so much living to do," she said. As her eyes lovingly met his Lily started to unbutton his shirt. Her mouth inches away from his.

He cupped her face with his hands, fully intending to kiss her. "I've missed you, Lily."

"Can we maybe hold off on that?" asked a voice from above. A tall blonde angel landed. With his rugged looks and long blonde hair, he had the appearance of a Texas cowboy.

Lily took the man's hand. "Sorry, Joe I got carried away with the moment. Jake this is Joe, my friend. Joe this is Jake, the love of my life who's going to save Midnight and the world."

Jake loved Lily too much to question her. He simply shook the angel's hand. "I guess," Jake muttered.

Joe nodded. "You seem like a nice enough fella, let's get you into town to meet the rest of the crew."

When Jake's body was pulled from the wreckage the paramedics saw his hospital ID: St. Ambrose Hospital. It was also the closest hospital since he had been on his way to work.

"Room 7B- broken legs, spinal fracture and severe cranial hemorrhaging!" shouted the nurse to Dr. James Peterson, the young emergency room doctor who came to L.A. from Tennessee. He was not a religious man but he crossed himself. Jake was someone important, so dear to so many people. He made James feel welcome, accepted into the close knit family of St. Ambrose Hospital. He even played a role in getting James' girlfriend to go out with him- Dr. Amelia Shepherd, a talented neurosurgeon with dark brown hair and the most beautiful, innocent eyes.

The paramedics had Jake's heart and lungs stabilized but James could already see fragments of glass, and metal in his hands, and face.

"Get me a head x-ray, start an IV of blood thinners, antibiotics and painkillers- and page Dr. Amelia Shepherd- NOW!" James shouted. He slammed his fists into the wall. Dr. Amelia Shepherd was the greatest neurosurgeon he had ever met if anyone could save him, it was her.

"And page Dr. Charlotte King!" he added. Charlotte was the head of the hospital. The beautiful blonde was like King Arthur she ruled over every department, every decision. Every doctor was her friend but also her soldier, her warriors. She would want to know if one of her knights lay dying on a gurney.

"Should I page Dr. Addison Montgomery?" the young blonde nurse asked. She knew Addison was Jake's wife, the whole hospital did. Their love story was like a fairy-tale.

James shook his head. "No, I'm going to leave that decision to Charlotte."

When Amelia arrived James put his arms around her. "There's bleeding in his brain. If he suffers a stroke, in this state, he's going to end up paralyzed, possibly even blind."

"Not on my watch," she said as she pushed past him.

Amelia entered the room. She held Jake's hand, as she touched his bruised up face with the other. "Hey Jake, you held my hand all those months ago, now it's my turn. You're going to see your baby again because I won't let you leave us." Amelia had a vested interest in saving him. A former junkie she became pregnant the night her boyfriend, Ryan, died in her arms. Unfortunately, her baby was destined to be born without a brain. Jake supported her decision to carry the baby to donate its organs- he fought for her even when everyone else thought she was insane or a monster. He was her friend, her hero.

Charlotte King arrived: she was a blonde super model beauty with a southern accent and the demeanor of a high school principal. "James, do you have him on blood thinners? Did you page his wife?"

"Yes he is on blood thinners but I wanted Amelia to take a look at him before I paged his wife," he explained. The blood thinners were to prevent a stroke, but they also would hinder his body's ability to clot in the event that he had organ damage.

"But you need Addison to authorize Amelia to cut into Jake's head," she pointed out.

Suddenly the x-rays were handed to James. Amelia grabbed the images from his hands. "We need to get him to an OR," Amelia declared. "He's minutes away from bleeding out. We can get Addison's permission later."