IA/n: I been meaning to write this for some time but it's easier said than done so, I'm still figuring out how to go about it so please, give me feedback.

*chi-chi pov*

Time stopped. I couldn't concentrate what was around me no more. I couldn't breath. My ears ringing with the sound of my heart beat. My eyes fixed to the screen.

Is this really happening?!

I gulped, throat to dry to speak,

I need water.

I would often wonder what would I do if I ever saw you again;

Would I jump in joy?

Would I scream in anger?

Would I break down in tears?


I did Nothing.

I just sat in old kame's house as you emerged from your pod. You weren't the only one. I don't blame you for what happen. As you let Nappa kill a whole city and destroy the earth's protecters one...by...one. I don't blame you at all. That wasn't you, right? No, it was that bastard tyrant that mold you into something more evil, more sinister. I thought finally you found me, but that wasn't the case. You were here for another reason. I shouldn't be angry since you didn't know where I was all this time. Did you ever went to look for me?


How ironic the universe is, bringing you here to fight. If only you knew. A large hand lightly shakes my shoulder

"Chi-Chi, it's going to be alright…..Chi?"

I snap out of my daze, blinking rapidly. I look back over my shoulder where the large hand still lays,

" y-yeah...I know dad".

I avoid his eyes sight looking anywhere else, but his eyes. He always did have a kin eye of reading me. I felt his gaze on me, but I didn't dare to look at him. Slowly, he remove his hand and sat back on the couch not saying another word. I was grateful he didn't or else... I...

don't think about.

I sighed as I turn back to the screen. There was some static, a loud boom erupts, seeing only Nappa smirk as everything goes dark.


The anchor man apologises as they lost broadcast.

"Damn those aliens!" Bluma shouts as her hands slam the table

"How many more lives will they take!" tears ready to form once more.

"Only hope Goku gets there soon." Roshi implies.

I can't take this anymore.

"I'm going to get some fresh air".

I got up and moved to the door with no one saying a complaint,

good don't want anyone to bother me,

I stepped out on to the sandy shore. I sighed. So much I have to process, it's just too much for me. I just can't believe it, it's insane! I walk away from the house to sit by a small chair next to a palm tree, looking outward to the endless blue sea. I can sense the intense energy. I closed my eyes picturing what is happening. Gohan, my lil pup, scared standing by Krillin uneasy with Piccolo not far from them, cautions and yet just as nervous. I can feel a dark wicked energy looming over them. One power level much larger than the other beside it. It's his, imitating the others, always having to be number 1.


I jump slightly looking back my shoulder once more. Ox stares at me, I didn't notice he came out.

"I been calling your name like 3 times, its been quite some hours you been outside, what's wrong hon?" he gives me a worry look. My eyes wided

"I didn't know I was out that long..." he nods at me.

"so are you going to tell me what's wrong?" he moves to a nearby rock and sit beside me.

"y-yeah it's just...um...hard to consume all of this..at once...". His gaze still lingers on me as we sat in silence for a while.

" it's him...isn't it." his voice with such insurers on what he said, he wasn't wrong. I was stuck, I couldn't mouth out the words so I plainly nodded and that was all the answers he needed.

When I first got here, I hated it. I would scare off anyone who dare come near me because I was scared if anyone found me they will bring me back to that damn lizard. Until Ox came along, he was very persistent. It annoyed the hell out of me. He would often bring me food, clothes, even earth toy that girls supposedly like. He would tell me stories about his diseased daughter saying I looked just like her and when she die, his wife was devastated becoming ill in the process. For weeks he would come by always bugging me that I finally gave in and decided to go with him to stay at his castle. It was rough, not gonna lie, getting use to being around people especially around weaklings. It changed after months being there. I grew adoring them as if they were my actual parents even when the Ox king's wife die, I mourn for her as she was my own mother realizing I never really gave in time mourning my own family, my people, my home planet. That day I cried for every pain I had indore for the last months staying on this mud plant. This god dammit beautiful planet with god awful humble people. On that very day, I told him everything, about where I came from, who I am, what I am and He listen, told me no matter what I still have a home here. I was grateful for everything he had provided for me as I was like his real daughter and I believed it.

"I-i don't know what t-to do", I choked, tears forming as they beagn fall down my checks. He puts his arms around me comforting me

"Hon, this is the change you been waiting for. You can go over there and stop this right now before any more people get hurt." I shooked my head

"no you don't understand."

"what do you mean by that?"

I look at him

"he's different now."

" I know he's different, but once he sees you he'll stop and come to his sense."

"it's not that easy.." he cuts me off,

"Of course it's not. I bet once you talk to him he'll realize what he's doing is wrong and.." I didn't let him finished. I had enough. I pulled away now standing on my feet directly in his face.

"NO! don't you get it! It doesn't work like that. We don't work like that. Even now it's worse since he been around that FUCKING tyrant for this long. He's lost and I don't think I can bring him back, so just leave me alone okay because nothing you say is going to work. Nothing ". His eyes widened at my outburst. He soon recovers, forming a small frown on his face.

"okay I'll leave you since I don't understand the station. Was only trying to help".

He gets up.

"Just call me if you need me". I cross my arms turning my back to him not saying another word to him. I hear him walk to the house listening to the door shut behind him. I sit there and let all my frustration out. All my guilt, my fear, my anger. Just why.


I soon lose my conscious to what is around me, even to the fight and when it was all over, I still had no idea how to confront it. How will they react when they find out that saiyan, Vegeta, is my brother.