Space Dragon

- The Battle of the Trident -

Let it never be said that he was a coward.

Lewyn Martell would face his death with honor, dignity, and a knife in neck of the man that killed him. Lewyn was not dead yet, though, and he would kill as many of the advancing Valemen as he could before his wounds took him. He would not live long, though.

A blade through his stomach had ensured his death, but the blade in his hand ensured many others. It was a great burden, being a Kingsguard, he was peer with the best knights alive, so it would not do him well to lose face when compared to Ser Barristan, who he could see still cleaving men to pieces.

With a roar, he charged forth, eager to kill the men of the Vale. Even as his stomach bled and acid ate at his insides, he parried a blade, sliced open a neck, cleaved the head from a pikeman, and even took the arm off of some nameless knight.

Then he crossed blades with Valyrian Steel. He could recognise the house, Corbray. He did not know the knight he fought, possible a first or second son, but any house with a Valyrian blade was well known.

To die to Steel such as this was a good death, Lewyn decided. He was moments from the end already, and it was only his free hand clutched to the skin of his stomach that kept his intestines from slipping out.

He and the Corbray knight crossed blades, once, twice, thrice, and he knew that on the forth his life would end. But it was not to be.

The shattering of the world brought an end to the fighting. A terrible crash worse than any strike of lightning that rent the skies apart in an explosion of blue. Lewyn and his opponent both turn their eyes to the sky, and both see the strange box falling towards them.

Both threw themselves away, eager to escape, but neither fully did. The box smashed into the earth, shattering. It exploded outward, bent metal showering the Dornishmen Lewyn had led and the Valemen they'd faced equally.

Lewyn groped at the ground, clawing his way to his feet. A cough brought forth blood, and he could feel the blackness of death creeping in. He would face it on his feet, though.

The Kingsguard knight drags himself first to his knees, then upright, and he gazes around. It is not a pretty sight. Men lay dead or dying all around him, and the battle further out has drawn to a complete halt as men from both sides of the war look to the source of the explosion.

Lewyn does as well, and the sight before his eyes proved to be the most baffling of his long life. A bubble of blue magic swirled where once a box stood. It existed only for the first second that he was able to see it, and then it popped, disgorging three figures.

Two were womenfolk, dressed in strange armor and colored a shade he'd never seen a human bear. One was the blue of the sea, and the other of a Targaryen's eye. The third figure was neither of these things, and instead a great hulk of a creature. It landed on its face, but even from his position, he could see that it was far from human. Great scales first worried him of a stoneman, but the figure did not fit.

He would have stared longer at the monstrous figure, but his legs gave out in the midst of his thoughts. He would have crashed to the ground, had it not been for the blue woman. She caught him in wreath of magic, and he settled gently to the ground. Eyes gazing to the heavens, he wondered where this angel had come from.

He could hardly recall ever seeing a woman as comely as her, eyes the prettiest blue as she gazed intently down at him. He smiled at her, at least he would die with a beautiful woman holding him, rather than staring at an ugly Corbray man.

"/\/ /\/ /\/\/\/?"

Her speech was unknown to the Kingsguard, and he'd been educated in everything from the common tongue to High Valyrian. He reaches up and strokes her face, "I am sorry, my lady. Would that we could speak, I would declare my love before I die."

The blue woman smiles sadly, and as the light darkens in his eyes, he watches as the white blackens in hers, and she tells him, "/\/\/\/ /\/\/\/\!"

It feels as though the stars themselves are entering his mind. Infinity fills him, and he is no longer lying on the cold field on the shores of the Trident, but staring down at a poor dying many by the name of Lewyn Martell.

He was not a he, not in this moment, he was Liselle, daughter of Aria.

Liselle smiles softly as Lewyn passes, the content smile on his face fading to the neutral face of death. Her eyes water, his had been a poet's mind, and she was sorry to see it go. It was unfortunate that he was already dying, he would have made a good companion. Now though, was not the time for mourning men she'd never know.

"Mother," She turns, and stops.

There is an army staring at her and her mother.

Aria T'Loak growls at the sight of them, and Liselle is quick to step up to her, "Mother, we are surrounded, now is not the time to start a fight."

"Oh, I don't know about that, sprout," The third member of their party grunts as he pulls himself to his feet. Urdnot Wrex chuckles as the many alien soldiers back away at the sight of them, "Might do these tin men some good, getting knocked around."

"I think they were fine knocking each other around," Aria notes, narrowed eyes glaring about, "Where the hell are we?"

"No idea, Sederis fucked with the navigation before I managed to blow 'er head off, We could be anywhere."

"Not really," Liselle argues, "The shuttle couldn't have gone very far before we woke up and it started to disintegrate like it did."

"Well wherever the hell we are we're here to stay," Aria notes, "The shuttle is scrap and by the looks of it we're on a planet that hasn't even hit their industrial revolution."

While the three talk, the armies staring at them begin to recall what they'd been doing before the crash. The further back from the interesting sight of the three alien beings, the more men went back to tearing at each other with blades.

As the battle restarted, Aria turns to her daughter, "glean anything useful from the dead man?"

"I've got their language and a rough idea of where we should be heading," is the reply.

"Where we going?"

"A place called King's Landing."

"How far is it?"

"A ways, but it's almost all I can remember from his head."

"Why? Was he thinking about it much?"

"No, he was mostly thinking of dying well and how pretty I am compared to that man over there," She points to a mangled corpse with a piece of shuttle sticking out of it. The Valyrian steel blade once in the Corbray's hand was now stabbed into the earth a few feet away.

Aria steps over to the blade and pulls it from the ground as she asks, "So, why this 'King's Landing'"

"He had family there, a niece and her children," Liselle tells her mother, "Hostages, or something similar."

"Hence why he's here, dying in a war," Aria nods.

"Look, we can talk about this a thousand ways, can we just go?" Wrex interrupts, "as much fun it'd probably be fighting with hammers and shit, I've got a piece of ship in my ass and the sooner we're away from here the sooner you can pull it out."

"Me?" Aria raises an eyebrow.

"It's your fault I'm in this mess, Queenie," Wrex tells her.

He was correct, too. She had hired him to act as her protection as she met with the leader of the Eclipse mercenary group, Jona Sederis. The madwoman had been eager to make ties with the Queen of Omega, or so she said. As it was, she was more eager to claim Omega for herself. She sprung an ambush, tried to kill them. Wrex had killed her in return, but she'd been petty in death.

Hence their new location.

"Fuck, fine, let's get out of here before these people start thinking about taking us to their caves or whatever the hell they have."

"They have castles," Liselle tells her mother.

"Dear," Aria sighs and looks at her daughter as she steals the sheath of the Valyrian Steel blade from the Corbray's corpse, "I don't care."

It was relatively easy for the three aliens to leave the battle. Any who got too close to them found that biotics were not their friend as they were sent flying away. Any archer that attempted to shoot them learnt the folly of their ways when the wasted arrows bounced of shields that they could only attribute to magic.

At the end, though, it was the deathblow struck against Rhaegar Targaryen on the other end of the battlefield that made it easy for the three to leave. The Targaryen Loyalists broke, and the Baratheon rebels fell to celebrating and looting almost as soon as their enemies fled.

- The Baratheon Camp -

It was only later, when Robert Baratheon, Ned Stark, and Jon Arryn were together again at the end of the battle, that they learnt of the three strange interlopers and the deaths of both Lewyn Martell and Lyn Corbray.

Robert, bedridden after his fight with the dragon prince, spat, "A dragon in the shape of a man, women of the Drowned god? Who comes up with these stories?"

"I don't believe they are stories," Jon tells him, "I've seen the scattered remains of the box they fell from the sky in. It is completely unknown to me."

"Alien," Ned notes, "my maester, from when I was a boy, once told me that the Wildlings were as alien to us as the children of the forest are to the Andals."

"The term fits," Jon nods, "We have three beings that do not match any known description, one of which stole the ancient blade Lady Forlorn from Lyn Corbray's corpse."

"I expect his father is making a scene about that?"

"He made several demands," Jon agreed, "But I warned him not to cross me, I remember who he sided with at the start of this war."

"Pah, we have any idea where they're going?" Robert asks.

"Those that saw them depart claim they were heading down the Kingsroad," Ned notes, "So I would assume they are traveling to King's Landing."

"Good, you can catch them when you go there yourself."

"Myself?" Ned raises an eyebrow.

"Aye, I'm too weak to go myself after that fight with the dragonspawn and Jon needs to do some politicking to make sure nobody tries to kill me in my sleep. We may be able to win Lannister over with this victory."

"His son is still a sworn member of the Kingsguard."

"He is, but at this point the Mad King's lost everything but the capital. Stannis is keeping the Tyrells busy at Storm's End, so we take King's Landing now and they'll have no choice but to tuck tail and beg, the fat fucks!"

"Tywin Lannister has already gathered his banners, it's now only a matter of why he would march to King's Landing," Jon tells Ned, "And that will either be to siege it or sally with it."

"You hope to convince him of the first," Ned nods.

"I do."

"Then I will call my banners and we will march come morning," Ned tells Robert.

"Two days, give them tomorrow to get over their hangovers!" Robert laughs.

A small smile graces Ned's lips as well, but worry for the realm and especially for his sister keep him from true joy. He nods and bows, exiting Robert's tent.

- King's Landing -

A few weeks of travel and a robbery had allowed the T'Loaks and Wrex to figure out how to best enter the city.

This was why they weren't hiding who or what they were, but instead the two Asari were dressed in fine clothes and the Krogan was sporting an axe larger than a small pony.


Guards were not often an intelligent lot, Aria could attest to that, but they were very set in their ways. When they spotted the two blue women and the dragon on two feet, they didn't even bother blinking. All the first did was ask, "Business in King's Landing?"

The second added with something of a lear at the two women, "There's a war on, you know. What are you lot doing outside the city."

Aria had never had much patience for guards, even the ones that she hired. So rather than trying to explain her plans, or who she and her companions were, she got rid of them. The guards began to float, held aloft by a controlled singularity of biotic energy.

"Mother," Liselle sighs, rubbing her eyes.

"What?" Aria raises an eyebrow, and her daughter immediately quails.

Wrex, meanwhile, chuckles and pokes the guards with the butt of his stolen axe, "You fellas want down?"

"Yes!" They scream near as one.

"Gold, all of it," Wrex takes the offered bags and looks to Aria, "We leaving?"

"We are."

As they walk into the city, the guards start screaming for them to come back, to help them. There are a pair of thuds as Aria releases her singularity, followed by muffled curses. The trio make their way through the streets towards the massive keep of Maegor's Holdfast.

While they walk, Liselle tries to give her mother a lesson on the history of the city, the ruling family, all of the things that she should probably care about but really doesn't. She's here to talk to this 'Mad King' and claim some land. If it turned out he lost the war later on, she'd just show up to the next king and threaten him the same way she was going to threaten this one.

Copious amounts of violence and intimidation had always worked for her, and with her biotics and the still working tech in her possession she would be running things in a year or so. Not the country or continent, whatever the hell this Seven Kingdoms nonsense was. She wanted what she had in Omega, a kingdom to call her own that catered to the best and the worst. It'd be a hell of a lot of fun.

Eventually they reached the castle, and it wasn't a long wait before the guards found them. They hadn't tried to hide themselves, after all. It was somewhat irritating to Aria and very amusing to Liselle that it was Wrex who got the most attention from the guards.

It wasn't really shocking, though. Wrex was the most alien of the three of them. He was so far removed from looking human that it was obvious that he was unlike anything they'd ever seen. Next to Wrex, Aria and Liselle were odd but not intimidating. They could be written off, or merely compartmentalized as foreigners of some strange land. Wrex was a seven and a half foot tall battle scarred monster from the depths of myth.

At the head of the pack of guards was a man in similar garb to the one Liselle had stolen the common tongue from. Liselle's memories identified him as Jaime Lannister, and he asked, "We'd heard of the dragon man from survivors of the Battle at the Trident. I hadn't put much stock in them, though."

"Good for you," Wrex grunts, and turns to Liselle, "The hell's a dragon?"

"It's like a Harvester, but it breaths fire," Liselle tells him.

"So a mini-Thresher Maw?"

"With wings."

"Ha!" Wrex barks out a laugh and turns to the kingsguard, "I'm better than a dragon, I could kill a dragon with one arm tied behind my back! I am Wrex, of Clan Urdnot. Oldest and most powerful clans of my home Tuchanka!"

Jaime blinks in surprise, "that's quite a boast, if you aren't a dragon, what manner of beast or man are you?"

"I am Krogan, boy," Wrex tells him, "And no matter what anyone else might think, I'm no beast."

"He doesn't have the manners to be one," Aria notes, gaining Jaime's attention.

"Ah, my lady," He bows, then looks between her and Liselle, "I can say I've never seen a Mermaid before, but I am not disappointed."

Aria raises an eyebrow, then turns slightly to her daughter, who tells her, "Aquatic maidens who are known for seducing men and turning them to Piracy."

"Oh my, they have no idea how right they are," Aria chuckles, then turns to Jaime, "We prefer Asari. I am Aria T'loak, and this is my daughter Liselle."

"My king asks why you have come, Ladies T'loak and Lord Wrex," Jaime tells them, and Aria has to respect the boy for hiding his fear so well.

"I am here to demand some land, Liselle is here to see.. Who?"

"Elia Martell and her children."

"Right, them. And Wrex is here for money."

For some reason, the last is the most shocking to the Lannister. Perhaps it is just the novelty of a mythical creature asking for coin rather than land or to see a princess. Aria and Liselle's requests were almost to be expected, really. They were fantastical creatures, of course they'd have fantastical requests.

Wrex was just mundane, and Jaime's deadpan summed it up very well, "Money."

"Yup," the Krogan nods.