Disclaimer: - I don't own any of the characters from Harry Potter. Wish I did, but don't

A/N: - Sorry I haven't updated in awhile but I just started year 12 and the amount of homework, test and studying to do its been hell.


Chapter 6

Lucius vs. Vernon

Lucius sneered at the boy insolent boy in front of him and stepped into the house. When he was about to reprimand him, a grotesquely large man came bounding down the hallway, his face alight with red anger.

"Get Out Of My House!" Vernon yelled

Draco snorted at that as Lucius looked around the small tacky hallway, stairwell and living room.

"Believe me I have no desire to be in your...house." He said distastefully. "I'm just here to collect Potter, then we will be out of your poor lives."

Vernon puffed out his chest to try to look intimidating only in succeeding in looking like an idiot.

"The boy no longer lives here so I suggest you leave now sir or..."

Lucius took a threatening step towards him "Or what"

While this was happening, Draco slipped away to the second floor. A door closed further down the hall. Draco assumed it was the fat lump that let them in. Draco knew which room was Harry's if the locks on the door were anything to go buy.

Draco apperated into Harry's room to save time getting out his wand and opening the locks. Harry was engrossed in a book and didn't notice him enter the room. Draco smiled before putting on his trade mark smirk.

"Blind and deaf, I see"

Harry jumped at the voice onl putting on his trade mark smirk.

"Blind and deaf, I see"

Harry jumped at the voice only to Draco in his room.

"Draco!" Harry smiled and put down his book and stood up.

"Well, just don't stand there, get your stuff"

Harry put his book away in his trunk, grave his backpack and Hedwigs cage "Ready"

Draco looked at the little amount of things Harry had and his heart clenched. He made a promise there and then that Harry would be spoiled during the time his was staying with him.

He pulled out his wand and levitated the belongings, unlocked the door and went down stairs, where Vernon had just run back into the safety of the kitchen.

Lucius looked up at the descending boys "Got every thing" Both nodded "Well, if there nothing else, lets leave this...place"


Review please. Much obliged.