A/N: Hey nerds, here's chapter 1 to that Sendrick reunion we're all waiting for at the Astin-Camp festivities. In the mean time, here's some angst. I was planning on making it a one shot but Sendrick deserves more than that, dontcha think? Tried real hard to keep them in character and PLEASE please PLEASE tell me what you think! I've never really written fics before sooo… Read it below yo.

It had only been a few months since they'd all last seen each other. And sure, they all kept in touch just as much as usual. But something about this upcoming reunion had Anna on her toes.

She'd just talked to Brittany on FaceTime no more than two days ago discussing what they were wearing to Skylar and Anna's wedding, but something was up. She decided to brush it off as her typical overthinking and continued to pack.

After changing her playlist five times, throwing in a bathing suit, two different dresses, some sweats, an old t-shirt, and the necessities, she'd had enough.

Pacing around her kitchen, doing the dishes she'd put off for days, and turning the television on only to turn it off again, nothing was keeping her occupied enough to get her mind off of life's upcoming events.

Glancing at the clock on the stove realizing that had only taken twenty-five minutes to do, she sighed and grabbed her phone. Playing a game of Tetris, checking twitter and then scrolling through her contact list only stopping when she passed Brittany's name. Her contact photo was the picture of Brittany kissing her on the cheek from way back when. Her and Brittany obviously had many pictures together, but that one was her favorite. She's close with the rest of the cast, of course she is, but her and Snow had something that none of the other girls had. She could tell her everything and call her drunk whenever she wanted to. It was great.

But, there was something that threw Anna off the last time the two girls talked. Brittany had gotten super sentimental, which rarely happens during their late night chats.

"What do you mean you're not emotionally ready? We've all been expecting them to get hitched for years it's nothing new." Brittany raved.

"Yeah but, it's like actually happening dude. That's it. They're getting married. Who knows what's gonna be next! Another one of us gonna pop out a kid? I'm not ready for that kind of pressure." Sure she was tipsy, but she wasn't lying.

"Kendrick you sound ridiculous." dragging the s.

"Ah yes, ridiculous but not outrageous."

"I honestly don't even know what you're talking about. No one else from Pitch is even dating, why are you so freaked?"

" I.. am not freaked. thank you very much." she breathed out while brushing her bangs out of her face with the backs of her hands.

"Well, freaked or not. You're going to the wedding, you will have fun, you will drink. You'll be just fine. And even if you aren't - i'll be there so you'll be fine."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"It means that i'll hold your hair when you're puking at the reception but i'm not going home with you to help you wash it out."

"What?! that's not even- that's not. Snow what are you even talking about. Ugh. Okay i'm gonna hang up now."

"no no!" she laughed. "I was just kidding, jesus you'd think after all these years you'd lighten up. Stop being so uptight."

"I'm not uptight. or freaked. I'm just… observant."

"yeah.. Okay, whatever you need to tell yourself, love."

"Hanging up now." Anna snarled.

"Fine. See you in a week."


And with that, Anna hung up and threw her phone down on her bed with a groan. She glanced over at the clock, the red LED lights flashed 9:32pm. Too early to go to bed, but too late to actually do anything productive. She breathed heavily out her nose, threw her head back and decided it was a good opportunity to shower.

Just as her eyelids felt that perfect amount of heavy she felt her phone buzz and followed it with a groan.

Snow 10:46pm: Hey asshole.

Anna 10:46pm: what do you want i'm sleeping

Snow 10:47pm: Are you serious about the whole 'who's next' thing?

She sat there staring at her phone and didn't know how or what to reply.

Anna 10:48pm: I mean, kind of?

the thought bubble bobbed for almost a minute until Brittany finally replied.

Snow 10:52pm: K.

All that and all i get is a k? Hell no.

Anna 10:53pm: K what?

Snow 10:54pm: Nothing, it just got me thinking after we hung up.

Anna 10:55pm: See! I told you i'm not crazy!

Snow 10:55pm: No, you definitely are. But not completely ;)

Anna 10:56pm: You're so weird.

Snow 10:57pm: It does make sense though. Like we weren't young when we all met, but we're not getting any younger. We're all gonna move on and grow old eventually.

Anna 10:57pm: Woah woah woah, I said nothing about growing old. I simply meant, like. Ugh okay. We're getting older and settling down and it's just weird ya know? First Skylar and Anna, Alexis already has a kid, who's gonna be next?

Snow 10:58pm: Yeah..

Anna 10:59pm: Sure as hell ain't gonna be me.

Snow 11:00pm: Oh really?… What makes you so sure?

Anna 11:01pm: Well, short of joining eHarmony and finding a man last minute, sounds like everyone else is already ahead of the game.

Snow 11:01pm: You make absolutely no sense.

Anna 11:02pm: If I had an Oscar for every time I heard that…

Snow 11:02pm: Alright alright alright, go to bed already.

Anna 11:03pm: Yes mom. G'night.

Snow 11:03pm: night xx

Anna could feel herself smiling at her phone with each text that was sent to it. Something about bickering with Brittany always did that to her. She never meant to start anything, she just liked that back and forth. It was fun for her.

She woke up that morning, late of course, after throwing her phone across the room as her alarm sounded. It was 9am and her cab would be there any minute to pick her up and take her to the airport. Why in the world Skylar and Anna had to have their wedding in Tahoe, she had no idea. Everyone was in LA, all their friends, colleagues, the people with money that give good presents. But, it's their wedding, they can do what they want as long as there was an open bar.

After a quick shower, grabbing her bags, her gift to the newlyweds and her phone she was out the door and on the plane. Brittany was supposed to be picking her up in Tahoe, she had gotten there a few days before hand.

Anna 1:30pm: Hey, just landed. Meet me outside baggage claim?

Snow 1:35pm: Sounds good, almost there. See u soon.

She wandered outside only to be greeted with probably one of the biggest hugs she's ever received for the blonde.

"Jesus, Snow. I just saw you like 2 days ago - keep it in your pants."

"FaceTime doesn't count, ass." she said as she let go. "How was your flight?"

"Quick & painless. A lot like getting a tooth pulled, but you don't get the prescription drugs afterward. A shame really."

"Ha ha very funny. K we gotta go, already late."

Anna nodded in agreement and threw her bags in the trunk and climbed into the front seat.

"So how's she doing?"

"Who? Anna?"

"No, Bette Midler. I heard she's getting a colonoscopy. Heard those things are a bitch -YesAnna." which earned her a slap from Snow.

"Meh, she's handling it well I guess. Haven't seen much of her since I got here. Only reason I flew in early was to see my grandparents beforehand." she shrugged. Anna nodded and they sat in silence for a few minutes.

"So, what's new?" Brittany broke the silence.

"I mean, nothing you don't already know."

Brittany hummed.

"Why? What's going on with you?"

"Nothing really. Same old, same old."

But there was something behind that 'same old, same old'. Like Brittany wanted Anna to dig deeper and ask her what was going on. So naturally, she did.


"Meaning… I broke up with Tyler."

"You what?! I thought things were going good?" She was a little more than surprised.

"They were, it just. It wasn't going anywhere. We were stuck. I needed to breathe again."

"Well shit, Snow. When?"

"A couple months ago."

"Months?! We've been talking on and off for months and you never even mentioned anything."

"It wasn't a big deal, now you know. What's done is done. You want coffee?" Brittany willingly changing the subject as she pulled into the Starbucks drive thru. Anna just sat there staring at Brittany in complete disbelief. Yet, with some relief.. wait what? She turned her head back to look forward out the windshield. "Yeah uh… no, no i'm fine. i'm good." She ran her fingers through her hair and tried to hide how heavily she sighed. Why was she relieved? She shook her head to herself and started playing on her phone and while they made small talk for the rest of the drive.