Prompt: "Are you drunk?"

Genre: Fluff

I let out a yawn, turning off the television as the last episode of Ghost Adventures goes off. Standing from the sofa, I stretching getting my back and shoulder to pop from being in the same position for too long. My eyes move over to the clock hanging on the wall,

'Huh, its one in the morning… later than I thought.' I think to myself.

I move though the house, going through my nightly routine to make sure all doors and windows are locked, security system is on, and lights are off. I head to my room, and strip down to just my tank top and panties. Crawling into bed, the moment my head touches the pillow I am out like a light.

It doesn't feel like I am asleep for long before I am being woken up by something banging around outside. I jerk away, sitting up quick and I can feel my heart racing. The alarm starts to go off, letting me know someone has broken in. Now I am terrified. Shaking, I get out of bed and grab the bat that is by my bed… I don't even know why I have a bat in my room, I think Baron left it one day and never got it back.

I tip toe down to hall to the front room, and I'm able to hear someone mumbling.

"Shhh… shit… why gotta so loud… 'amn but'ons… fin'er too big…"

Wait, I know that voice.


I flick the lights on to see Baron leaning against the wall, struggling to put in the security code. The phone picks that moment to ring and I know it is the security company calling to see if I need the police.

"Everything is fine. Just didn't get the alarm put in quick enough."

"Are you sure mama? Seems the code was put in wrong three times."

I roll my eyes, pushing Baron to the side, and enter the code. "Yes, it is fine, just dark and tired is not a good combination to try and enter a security code."

I try and sound as nice as possible to the lady on the phone. But right now I am beyond tired and grumpy and a little ticked off right now. I quickly hang up and turn to face Baron who is struggling to take his pants off, with his shoes still on. He looks so pitiful right now, arguing with his jeans for not coming off. Grumpy and ticked off ease off to be replaced by pure amusement and enjoyment at his struggle,

"Are you drunk?"

He looks up, and I can clearly tell by his eyes that he is, in fact, very drunk. Tomorrow is going to be fun for him. Never in the time that I have known Baron have I ever seen him this drunk. Buzzed maybe, but this, this is adorable.

"M'not drunk." He says trying to stand straight but stumbling from his pants being around his ankles.

"Really? You're not drunk?" I say, chuckling. "Okay then, where are you?"

Brows furrow and a frown on his lips,

"M'home...Why you'n m'house?" he gives a big gasp, "Yousss my girldfriend now!"

Baron somehow manages to stumble over to me, wraping his arms around me. I am so happy I am near a wall or else I would have collapsed to the floor under his weight.

"I wuv you girldfriend! M'so happy I finnnally askeded you out! Wanted to sooo long…"

Okay, this is just too funny, and he is so cute. I don't have the heart to tell him he's in the wrong house. Kind of happy he managed to get to my house instead of his next door. With how drunk he is right now, I don't think he would be alright on his own.

"I love you too big guy. Come on, let's get you to bed, okay?" I say gently with a smile.


I start helping him to my room, happy it is not that far of a walk.

"Hey Love bug?"

I grin at the nickname he has for me, so at least he knows who I am.

"Yes big guy?"

He flops back on my bed and I get to work on taking off his shoes and pants. Clumsily, Baron pulls his shirt over his head, nearly falling over, already half asleep. He grabs my hand and drags me down onto the bed with him, cuddling up behind me.

"I 'eally do luv you... perfect fit… warm… boobs soft…"

He voice trails off and is followed by the sound of him softly snoring. I roll my eyes, still smiling. He is not going to remember any of this in the morning. But at least I have some insight into his feeling for me. Because a drunk tongue speaks a sober heart.

I turn over in his arms, leaning my head up to press my lips to his cheek,

"I love you too Baron. And we are going to be having a long talk in tomorrow when you can actually think straight. Night Big Guy."

I snuggle closer into his chest, feeling his arms tighten around me, and it takes no time for sleep to take me once more.