Important: Takes place in season two. Don't take this story too seriously. Chapters will be short. It's just a small humorous story I wrote to take a break from my heavier stories.

Disclaimer: The story's title comes from the movie "There's Something About Mary."

Warning: Non-explicit adult themes. Barry is very OOC.


"Guys, I told you, I'm perfectly fine," Barry assured them, rolling his eyes.

"That's what you said last time," Caitlin pointed out seriously, "When Rainbow Raider whammied you, you said you felt fine at first."

"Yeah," Cisco chimed, "And then you went all Krav Maga on everyone."

"Well, that was different," Barry insisted.

"How on earth was it different?" Cisco demanded.

"Because," Barry said, "Last time, we knew Bivolo could induce rage. We haven't seen anything from this meta to suggest he causes the same effect. We don't even know if this guy is a meta."

"Barry, you said his eyes changed color," Caitlin said seriously, "I think it's safe to say he's a meta. You said he looked at you and everything went red—just like it did with Bivolo, so forgive us for being a little concerned."

"Yeah, but last time I was starting to feel irritable by this point," Barry told her, "Do you see me snapping at you or acting cranky?"

"No, but you're being incredibly blasé about this, dude," Cisco said in frustration, "This is serious."

Barry raised his eyebrows.

"Since when are you the serious one around here?" he laughed.

"Gee, I don't know," Cisco said, "Maybe since I saw Zoom snap your spine like a twig a few weeks ago."

Barry shrugged.

"Eh, you need to get over that already," he said with a small laugh, "I'm good now."

Cisco and Caitlin both furrowed their eyebrows at him.

"Barry," Caitlin said gently, "A person doesn't just 'get over' a trauma like that. You know you don't have to be 'good.' You can let yourself process it."

"Well, what do you want me to do?" Barry asked in exasperation, "What were you expecting? For me to stay huddled up in the fetal position? For me to just stop trying? Sit in a chair for the rest of my life? Hey, everyone. My name is Barry Allen, and I have the fastest wheelchair around."

Cisco snorted but Caitlin remained serious.

"Of course not," she said, rolling her eyes, "Of course, you recovered and got back up to speed again. I didn't expect anything less from you. I'm just saying that even if you've recovered physically, it doesn't mean you're okay emotionally."

"Emotionally," Barry scoffed, "I hate to break it to you guys, but I'm not as emotional as you think I am. I don't have to throw a pity party every time I get hurt."

"Dude, that's not what we're saying," Cisco said seriously, "We know you haven't been throwing pity parties for yourself. You've been doing just the opposite, actually. You've been keeping it all in. You're not talking to us."

"Yeah, and maybe if we all stopped sitting around, talking about our feelings, singing kumbaya all the time, we'd have defeated Zoom by now," Barry pointed out with a small laugh.

"Barry, it's about more than just sharing your feelings," Caitlin said, "We thought you were taking all of this more seriously now. Zoom breaking your back opened all of our eyes. Before your fight, we've been treating all of this like a game, but now—"

"That's not true at all," Barry said stubbornly, shaking his head, "I've been taking this seriously from the start—too seriously. That's why I lost against Zoom. I took myself too seriously and ended up underestimating him. I've been looking at this the wrong way."

Cisco gave him a confused look.

"And what's the right way?" he asked slowly.

Barry shook his head.

"I've been working myself up too much," he said simply, "I've been dwelling on my past mistakes, and it's been only causing me to make more mistakes. I've got the Yips—as you would say—and I think it's about time we got rid of them."

"How?" Cisco and Caitlin both asked together, staring at Barry with serious looks on their faces.

Barry smiled wickedly at them.

"By letting loose."

Cisco and Caitlin both looked at each other.

"Letting loose?" Caitlin asked, furrowing her eyebrows, "Letting loose, how?"

Barry's devious smile deepened.

"I think it's time Team Flash go out for a night on the town," he said simply, "We haven't done that in almost a year now—longer for me, considering I haven't been able to get drunk since before the lightning. I've been sober for over a year. It's time we remedied that."

Caitlin continued to furrow her eyebrows at him, but Cisco had a small smile forming on his face now.

"He does have a point," he said to her, "Maybe a night out would be good for us."

Caitlin shook her head stubbornly.

"What about this metahuman?" she reminded them seriously.

"What about him?" Barry shrugged, "I said I feel fine. The meta didn't do anything to me. I don't think he's a very major threat at the moment."

"Barry, do you hear yourself?!" Caitlin asked incredulously, "The problem here is that we don't know what the metahuman is capable of. Shouldn't you be more concerned about this?"

Barry shrugged again.

"Has he hurt anyone?" he asked, "Has he done anything illegal?"

Caitlin furrowed her eyebrows.

"Well…no, I…I guess not," she stammered.

"Then why are we even worried about him?" Barry concluded simply, "You think just because he's a metahuman, he's dangerous? That's downright prejudice, Cait. It's…meta-ist, and as a metahuman, I find it insulting."

Cisco snorted.

"Dude, don't play the meta card," he laughed, "It's lame."

Barry laughed, too.

"Hey, I'm only half joking," he chuckled, "It starts with just a few closed-minded people, and it's all downhill from there. What are people going to think if the Flash catches meta after meta? They're going to start seeing metahumans as the bad guys. So, really, as the Flash, it's my responsibility not to catch metahumans."

Caitlin shook her head at him.

"I'm not seeing your logic, Barry," she said seriously.

Barry gave an impatient wave of his hand.

"Regardless of responsibility," he said quickly, "I think even the Flash deserves a night off every now and then, and more importantly, he deserves a good buzz. How's that new alcohol suspension coming along anyways?"

Caitlin stared at him.

"You haven't even been working on it, have you?" Barry said, raising an eyebrow.

Caitlin shook her head.

"Sorry," she said flatly, "I've been focused on more important things than getting you drunk, Barry."

Barry let out a heavy sigh.

"No worries," he said simply, ignoring her sarcasm, "I'll figure it out myself. I'm a scientist, after all. I'll just work on it in my free time at work today."

"Speaking of work," Cisco said seriously, "Aren't you supposed to be there now?"

"Oh, shit," Barry laughed, looking at his watch, "Yeah, I guess so. I should probably head over there."

He looked up from his watch then.

"See you guys later," he said with a grin.

They stared after him as he flashed out of the room. Both of them stood there, frowning at where Barry had been standing.

"Something's not right with him," Caitlin said seriously.

Cisco shrugged.

"He said he felt fine," he said, "And he doesn't seem angry or anything. He seems…looser."

"Exactly," Caitlin said seriously, "Too loose. I have a bad feeling about this."

"I think Barry's fine, Caitlin," Cisco assured her, "I don't think it's the metahuman. I think Barry just needs to let off some steam. Really, it's kind of refreshing to see him like this. I'd rather see him like this than dwelling over Zoom or hurting over his breakup with Patty."

"But what about Earth two?" Caitlin asked, "We're supposed to be preparing for our mission over there. Don't you think Barry should be more focused on that?"

Cisco let out a heavy sigh.

"Caitlin, one night off isn't going to hurt anything," he said, "If anything, it'll give Barry a chance to clear his head. I think he really needs this."

Caitlin sighed.

"I guess," she said quietly, "But we really need to keep an eye on him. Something's very off about Barry right now."

Cisco nodded seriously.

"We'll watch him," he agreed, "But really, what's the worst Barry could do?"