Chapter 3
Lincoln awoke to the sounds of birds chirping and the sunlight hitting his face, he stands up rubbing his eyes to get rid of the drowsiness. He remembered everything that happened, he met his long lost older brother, found out his was technically adopted and was brought to a world where magic exist. His thoughts were interrupted with someone spooked him, "Hi there", Lincoln jumped at sound of someone's voice, he turned around to see to see a girl around his age standing by the entrance of his room, she was wearing a simple white T-shirt and black gym like shorts. She had long black hair that reached down her back, but what caught Lincoln's attention were her teal colored eyes, they were beautiful, Lincoln couldn't help but blush a little.
"Um hi, who are you" asked Lincoln, the girl just smiled, "oh am Angie Kisaragi nice to meet you." said the now name Angie. Lincoln then decided to introduce himself as well, "hi Angie am Lincoln," said Lincoln, "oh I know that, you're Taven's younger brother, he told me to come wake you up" said Angie, "where is Taven anyway?" Lincoln asked,
"Oh he went out shopping in town, before he left he asked me to show around our dojo/guild, wolf pack" said Angie, "What time is it though?" asked Lincoln "It's seven am, almost everyone gets up this early, now come on let me show you around" said Angie. Soon the two kids we're exploring the dojo/guild while still wearing their pajamas Angie gave Lincoln a tour around the place. Angie then brought Lincoln to the outside area, "this is one of the places where we train to use our magic and become stronger." explained Angie. Soon they saw someone training, a man with spiky dark blonde hair, the only thing he was wearing were a pair of dark red pants, on his right arm was a tattoo of a dragon that extended up to his pec. The man was pulverizing stone statues with lightning from his fists. Lincoln's jaw nearly hit the floor at the man's power, the man then shot a stream of lightning from just two of his fingers and nearly destroyed the training area. The man just had a grin on his face, he then noticed Lincoln and Angie.
"Hey Angie whats up" asked the man, Angie just sighed
"Ganju how many times have we all told you not to use your magic like that, it's really dangerous!" said Angie waving her hands around. The man now named Ganju just laughed and patted Angie's head, "don't worry squirt I know my limits," said Ganju laughing, Angie just puffed out her cheeks at the nickname Ganju gives her. He then noticed Lincoln, Any way who's the the kid?" asked Ganju. "My name is Lincoln," Lincoln introduced himself. Ganju then had a look of realization on his face.
"Wait Lincoln, oh I know who you are now you're Taven's little bro" said Ganju, "yep that's me" said Lincoln.
Ganju just grinned "well kid you should feel honored to meet me, I'm Ganju Grimstone and Lightning is my specialty" said Ganju.
"So you can do Lightning magic then?" asked Lincoln.
"That's right am a Lightning mage, and nobody's better at using Lightning than me." gloated Ganju, Angie and Lincoln sweat dropped at Ganju's remark. 'Great this guy has an ego like Lynn' thought Lincoln.
"Well we're going to get going now Ganju, I need to finish showing Lincoln around." said Angie. "Alright then later Angie, and see ya around snowflake" said Ganju, Lincoln groaned, he knew that Ganju was referring to him, because of his white hair. Angie noticed the annoyed look on Lincoln's face, "don't let it get to you, Ganju can be pretty annoying sometimes, be he's a good guy." said Angie trying to lighten the mood.
"I sure hope so." said Lincoln, he really didn't want to deal with another Lynn in this world, or anybody who were just like his- ,no the Loud girls were never his sisters and Rita and Lynn Sr were never his parents, all those times that he felt like he didn't belong there, he now knew why, Lincoln still couldn't believe that it took the Louds locking him outside of the house like some wild animal and selling most of his belongings to make him realize that the Loud family were a bunch of selfish assholes, sure he himself was no angel, but he would go out of his way to make up for his selfishness, can't say the same the Loud sisters though. Lincoln's thoughts were interrupted by Angie.
"Lincoln, hey Lincoln are you okay?" she asked with concern, Lincoln looked at her in confusion, "What's wrong?" he asked.
"You look like you were lost in thought" said Angie concerned, "yeah am fine" said Lincoln, though Angie wasn't entirely convinced, she didn't press on. The pair then continued walking until they heard shouting from inside one of the training rooms. Lincoln and Angie entered to see two kids around there age fighting and shouting at each other, One was a boy with black hair styled in a pompadour, he had black eyes and he was wearing blue jeans and a black leather jacket to Lincoln he kinda looked like a greaser, and get this, his arm was an iron club. The girl had brown eyes with brown hair, which had two buns on top of her head, and she was wearing a black kimono and her fist were on fire,
"Are you ready to give up you iron wuss!?" shouted the girl.
"Why would I ever surrender to a shorty like you?" shouted the boy
The two then started exchanging blows, fire meeting iron, it created shock waves, Angie knew that there sparring was going to destroy this training room.
"Guys, hey Guys" said Angie trying to gain their attention, but to no avail, "GUYS!" screamed Angie, that did the trick as the two kids who were fighting suddenly stop at the sound of Angie screaming, they both looked at at her.
"Dang Ang do you have to scream so loud, you're going to make us deaf one day" said the boy.
"Yeah if you wanted our attention you could have just told us" said the girl
Both Angie and Lincoln sweat dropped, soon the boy noticed Lincoln standing next to Angie. "Yo Angie who's the kid?' he asked.
"Oh this is Lincoln, he's Taven's younger brother, Lincoln these two are Johnny and Naja, they're wizards like Taven and Ganju" said Angie introducing Lincoln to the two young wizards. The now named Johnny and Naja had a look of surprise on their faces, Taven never told them that he had a brother, in their opinion this kid and Taven don't even look the same, this kid's hair is pure white and Taven's was black.
"No way you're really Taven's bro?" asked Johnny
"Yeah am actually as surprised as you, I never knew I had a brother till yesterday." said Lincoln. "Really? well since you're here are you gonna train to become a wizard?" asked Johnny
Before Lincoln could answer, Naja scoffed loudly, "Do you seriously think this kid is cut out to be a wizard iron boy?"
Johnny looked at Naja with an annoyed look, "and why not Flame breath?" asked Johnny.
"Are you kidding me look at him, he looks like a wuss who would crap his pants at the first sight of danger" said Naja mockingly.
Lincoln just scowled, forget Ganju this girl reminded him of not just only Lynn, but all of the Loud sisters, looking down on him insulting him, thinking that he would never amount to anything, who was she to judge him, when she didn't even know him. Naja noticed the scowling look on his face and smirked, "aw are you getting angry shorty, what are you gonna about, hit me? as if you're punches would even hurt" mocked Naja.
Johnny who's had enough of Naja's attitude smacked her across the head, Naja's face then went from cocky to angry, she then turned to face Johnny. "What the hell was that for iron breath?" said Naja angrily.
"Lay off the kid dragon breath, he doesn't need you talking down on him, when you yourself aren't the greatest fire wizard around" said Johnny with an annoyed look on his face.
"Well at least am better than you at using magic" counter Naja
"What was that you little brown headed shrimp!?" growled Johnny
"You heard me, am a lot better wizard than you iron mouth" said Naja getting into Johnny's face, soon the two young wizards started to duke it out yet again, throwing punches and insults towards each other, Angie sighed realizing that she wouldn't be able to stop the two from fighting. She then motioned Lincoln to follow her to the next destination. Lincoln still had a scowl on his face, Johnny seemed like an okay guy, but Naja really rubbed him the wrong way, the way she talked down on him reminded him of all the Loud sisters, especially Lori, Lynn and Lola.
Angie noticed the scowl on Lincoln's face, and became worried, "hey Lincoln are you okay?" she asked feeling concerned, Lincoln not even looking at her just said "yeah am fine", but Angie wasn't convinced, "am sorry about Naja, she can be a real meany sometimes, but she's real nice when you get to know her." said Angie trying to lighten the mood a little.
'I doubt that' thought Lincoln, as they were walking Angie lead Lincoln to a forest area, he was about to ask her where they were going, but then he saw a man wearing green and white robes, with a weird hat on his head it kinda looked like a Chinese bamboo hat, his robes were white, but he had a dark green vest covering his robe with a long leaf green scarf hanging where his ears are and it ended at his chest tied in a knot the lower part of his face was covered by a white face mask so only his eyes were showing which were green, and he was wearing wooden sandals with white socks. This man to Lincoln's shock, was standing on top of a bamboo stick with one foot.
"Hey Feng come down here, there's someone I like you to meet" Angie called out to the now name Feng. He jumped backwards of the bamboo stick and began ascending to the ground, before he could hit the ground, Feng slowed down and landed gently. Lincoln was surprised, what kind of wizard was this guy to be able to that.
"Oh hi Angie what can I do you for?" asked Feng in a carefree voice. "I wanted to introduce Taven's younger brother to you, Feng this is Lincoln." said Angie introducing Feng to Lincoln.
"Nice to meet you Lincoln, am Feng Suzez" said Feng shaking Lincoln's hand, "anyway would you two kids like to have a drink with me?" said Feng as he reached into his robes and a pulled out a weird looking glass bottle that was big and round on the bottom, while the top was round as well it was a little smaller. He then poured some brown liquid into a small cup and drank it while hiding his face from the two kids.
"Man that was good" said Feng after drinking the liquid.
"What is that tea?" asked Lincoln
"Nope it's chocolate milk" said Feng eye smiling, Lincoln sweat dropped at Feng's laid back attitude, while Angie just giggled.
"Thanks but no thanks Feng, I still gotta finish showing Lincoln around" said Angie.
"Alright then have fun kiddies" said Feng eye smiling and waving them goodbye.
"Well he seems cool" said Lincoln smiling, meeting Feng took his mind off of what Naja said about him earlier.
"Yeah Feng really cool, but he's a mystery, no one has ever seen his entire face before." said Angie.
"Really whys that?" Lincoln asked
"I don't know maybe he just likes being mysterious" said Angie laughing a bit, which caused Lincoln to laugh.
"Hey Angie what kind of magic does Feng use?" asked Lincoln.
"Oh Feng can use two elemental magic, he can use wind and fire magic." answered Angie. Lincoln was shocked, Feng didn't appear dangerous, but from what Angie told him beg to differ, is Feng stronger than Taven and Ganju? just the taught of that made him shiver.
As they made it back to the dojo/guild, they saw a bunch of people in training Gi training and sparing against each other some of them were kids around his age and others looked to be in their teens, Lincoln noticed a tall Japanese man in front of all of the students he had short black hair that has been tied into a high spiky ponytail, brown eyes and a noticeable x shape scar on his left cheek of his face, he wore what looked like to be black ninja attire, he took a fighting pose and all of the students took the same pose as he did. The instructor then threw a few punches and kicks and the students did the same.
"Who is that guy Angie" asked Lincoln.
"That's Sato Suzuki, he a teacher here at wolf pack, along with his sister Sanjo, he teaches people the way of ninjutsu, he takes great pride in what he does because he doesn't use magic, so that's why he trains so hard to prove to people that even if someone can't use magic they can still do great things." explained Angie. Lincoln couldn't help but feel respect for Sato, after what Angie told him.
"Hey Lincoln, Angie glad to see two" said a familiar voice. The two eleven year olds turn their heads in the direction of the voice to see Taven smiling at them while holding groceries, next to him was a really attractive woman with long black shiny hair tied in a low ponytail, she was wearing a black kimono, her eyes were green as emeralds, Lincoln could see that she had a lovely figure.
"Taven, Sanjo, glad to see you guys are back, how was grocery shopping?" asked Angie.
Taven smiled "It was fine Angie, but I would like to ask you to help Sanjo with the groceries please I need to show Lincoln something" Taven requested
"Sure no problem" said Angie
"Sanjo as soon as am done with Lincoln, I'll help you with the cooking." said Taven
"Alright Taven have fun" said Sanjo smiling.
"Come Lincoln there's something that you need to see" said Taven leading Lincoln to a special place in the guild. As they were walking Taven wanted to start a conversation with his brother, "So Lincoln did Angie show you around our dojo/guild?" asked Taven.
"Yeah she did" answered Lincoln
"What do think of it?"
"It's pretty cool actually I got to meet a new people, like Ganju Johnny, Feng and Angie, they all seem pretty cool, except for that Naja girl" said Lincoln frowning a bit at the thought of Naja. Taven just laughed, "Lincoln I know Naja can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but give her time, she'll eventually warm up to you (pun not intended).
Eventually they made it to a secret room, it looked like a shrine of some sort, on the wall of the room was a giant portrait of four people, two of them were adults, a man with long black hair and a goatee with a small smile on his face, the second was a beautiful woman with white hair tied in wavy ponytail, she had beautiful yellow eyes just like him and was holding a baby in her arms. The next person was a kid with black hair with blue eyes. Lincoln then began to realize that the people on portrait was his family, his real family his real father, real mother, his brother Taven when he was a kid and the baby was really him, Lincoln just stared at the portrait, his mother had white hair just like him and the same yellow eyes, his father looked like a calm yet powerful man, Taven obviously had his father's traits and features while he had his mother's.
Lincoln couldn't help but feel proud to be the son of such a beautiful woman, he then looked at Taven who had a smile on his face. "These are our parents Lincoln, our family." said Taven.
"What happen to mom?" Lincoln asked.
"Do you really want to know the answer to that Lincoln" said Taven
"What do you mean Taven?" asked Lincoln confused
"Listen Lincoln a long time ago our Kingdom Lugon wasn't always a kingdom, it was part a large and mighty empire, ruled by a tyrant, and since he ruled with a iron fist and was cruel to his people, it sparked a civil war, our parents Jonah and Diana Asheton were part of it, they fought for the rebels, and were feared by the empire and the tyrannical emperor, he tried to have me kidnapped to use me as leverage against mom and dad, but mom took out the entire unit by herself to protect me" said Taven.
Lincoln was shocked, not only was his mother beautiful, but she was strong to boot, Taven then continued the story. "but mom was pregnant with you at the time and dad didn't want her fighting anymore, she eventually agreed to have me trained to defend myself in case they ever came after me again, dad trained me in using magic because it was the smart thing to do in a time of war, after nine months of training, mom gave birth to you, it was the happiest day of my life I was a big brother" said Taven smiling
"But after a week you were born our enemies attacked our camp, they were after you Lincoln, somehow the emperor found out about you and our location and sent a large number of troops just capture you, during the battle... mom was killed." said Taven somberly
Lincoln suddenly felt his heart break, his real mom was killed in battle, no it couldn't be she was a powerful mage, Lincoln now felt like crying, both of his real parents were dead all he had left was Taven, he continued to listen to the story.
"It was a devastating blow to us, Father was more effected by her death than me, he vowed to win the war and defeat the empire for our mother's sake, but he realized that the fat pig of an emperor would continue to target you, and despite being powerful, dad knew he couldn't protect forever since our camp was discovered that means we had a spy and there could have been more and dad didn't know who he could trust, so he had no choice but to sent you to the realm of earth to ensure your safety" explained Taven
"He must have ended up in that town of yours royal woods, where you went into the care of the Louds, After that four years later the rebellion defeated the empire, after the war was over dad insisted that it was best that you stayed on earth to live a normal life without magic, he allowed me to go to earth to watch you but he forbid me from approaching you, so I watched over you instead, I've watched you grow up into the eleven year old boy that you are today. I didn't like the way those Loud sisters treated you sometimes and I was tempted to jump in and teach them a lesson, but out of our father's wishes I didn't, but after seeing how they threw you out of the house like that I decided that enough was enough and decided to finally reveal myself to you and bring you home where you truly belong." Finished Taven.
He then hugged Lincoln, tears were rolling down Taven's cheeks, "I'm so happy to have you back in my life Lincoln, and I promise to always take care of you for our parents, and be the brother I always wanted to be since the day you were born." said Taven crying tears of joy. Lincoln couldn't help but to cry, he finally found a family, he hugged his big brother back crying into Taven's shoulder, "Thanks for coming back for Taven" said Lincoln crying.
After they were done hugging, Taven stood up, come Lincoln there's two people I want you to meet. They left room and Taven started to lead Lincoln to his quarters, soon a they heard a little voice, "Daddy, daddy" both Taven and Lincoln saw a little 4 year old girl running towards them with Sanjo coming from behind.
"Hi sweetheart" said Taven smiling picking up the little girl, she had short black hair and green eyes just like Sanjo's, "Sorry Taven when she found out you were back she ran out looking for" said Sanjo.
"That's okay I wanted to introduce both of you to Lincoln" said Taven he looked at Lincoln, "Lincoln this little girl is Jade, and Sanjo this is my brother Lincoln" said Taven. Sanjo shook Lincoln's hand, "It's finally nice to meet my brother-in-law" said Sanjo smiling. Lincoln was taken back, "b-b-brother-in-law" stuttered Lincoln.
Taven chuckled, "that's right Lincoln, Sanjo is my wife and Jade is our Daughter, your niece.
And that's done finally posted chapter 3 sorry about the long wait, and for those who waited patiently I hope your not to pissed of at me. I've been watching a whole lot of Fairy tail to get a better concept on what am writing. Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed it, and I would love it if you guys with check out my third story called "The Past returns" it's a Kid Next Door story, and I would appreciate if you guys would read it and give me an honest opinion, anyway Peace out