Jean hated him. He killed Abraham and Glenn. He took Daryl hostage and made him a slave. He hurt and killed a lot of good people that Jean and his group know. The battle was over and Jean, his people, and the other communities won. All that is left is Negan. Everyone shot death glares at him. "What are we going to do with with him Jean?" Rick asked. Eponine and Enjoras know what they wanted to happen to Negan. They wanted Negan dead.
"I'll kill him. Give me that baseball bat of his." Jean growled. Fantine who had Lucille give it to him. Full of anger and hated, Jean went up to Negan who was very angry that he and his men lost the battle. "Any last fucking words Negan shithead fucker?" Jean asked in a low but deadly voice.
"I will haunt your dreams and you will see me in them. You are an asshole Jean." Negan said and gave Jean an evil smile. Jean lifted Lucille above his head and brought it down hard on Negan's head. He continued to bash Negan's head up to 150. When he was finished with it all he turned and looked at everyone.
"It was for Glenn and Abraham. Everyone he had ever killed." Jean said. When he left to go home to Alexandria, he know that him killing Negan was going to be remembered by everyone.
I hate Negan. I made this story so that I can give everyone hope that Negan will die in season 8 of the Walking Dead.