
Hi! Look, it's been a while. I'm very aware and I am really sorry. I got a new PC and just...I lost EVERYTHING. Nothing worked on any of the flash drives I used, or any of my back upped files. NOTHING. GONE.

So, I've been trying to recover them and I'm sort of half way(?) there. I'm not entirely sure BUT I 'm not letting that get me down. I'm back on fanfic, I will be back posting eventually (hopefully before the end of the year) and I'm back writing again so there may be some more things showing up in the next few weeks. So don't fret! And if, for some reason, you're still around and interested in this story, I haven't forgotten!

Thankyou to all those still bothering with this and thankyou for being patient with me. I will be back!

Sorry (again)!