Worlds Collide

(Warning: This is not a story made by an awesome writer that writes beautifully that your pants are wet just by reading it. Bad writing is expected. Keep your rage comments away from this story. Also, don't expect me to reply to your questions if you only appear as 'guest' and not using your own account.)

This is crazy.

For the sake of imprisoning the wrongful prime minister, he had to be sent to juvenile and constantly investigated by either a group of people willingly to pursue justice or those who really want to put convict him of something he didn't do for the sake of saving that prime minister.

Either way, this isn't a really good thing for him since this place is pretty much a prison with an overly complicated name for underage kids.

That means Akira will be spending most of his times with possible suspects of horrendous crimes such as rape, murder, assault, etc. Compare to those, the crime of 'stealing other people's heart' seems like a bad pickup line.

But, hey, not all of these people did such crimes. Some of them were framed the same way they did. The only thing they didn't have right now is a friend who has an older sibling that work as lawyers.

Still, the way they look at him when he entered this place just now… it is lucky for him to know how to fight, or at least defend himself.

Now he only needs to spend a really long time in this place before the prosecutor able to put that guy into jail for good.

How to spend time here?



Well… this is new…

As of now, he found himself sitting on a really big chair, which is located inside a really huge hall.

He also notes that this place is blue.

"Velvet Room?" he wonders to himself before actually realizing of two figures, sitting and standing across the room before him.

""You are… Igor and Lavenza, right? So this is a Velvet Room."

"You are correct, inm- my guest," Lavenza seems to be correcting herself for a moment there, "This is indeed the Velvet Room, though it is now different than what it was supposed to be."

Igor, who has been smiling from earlier, speaks up to him, "This is probably due to the connection of that."

His eyes turn to the side of him, making Akira having an urge to do the same as well.

To his right, he sees a huge golden cup near the wall of that hall, "That's the Holy Grail. Isn't that thing died already?"

"The form it took is indeed lying dormant, and now the grail is back to how it is supposed to be," Igor mutters, "But, it seems something has been tampered with thanks to it returning to its original form."

"Tampered? What is it?"

Lavenza quickly speaks up, "Before my master continues with his explanation, may I ask if you have any idea what alternate universe is?"

"Alternate… universe? I've seen of that word before, but I think I read it in a website or something?"

She explains to him, "Alternate universe refers to worlds similar to ours, but having differences of their own unlike ours. For example, as you are being imprisoned in the real world, in alternate universe, you and your friends roam the world, feared by those around you."

That sounds like a bad ending or something…

Akira now wonders of this situation, "What does that has anything to do with that giant cup?"

"It is appears that for some unknown reasons, the cup has connected two universes into one."

"Two… into one? What does that mean?"

Lavenza responds to him, "As my Master has told you, somewhere out there, thanks to the existences of two Holy Grails in two different universes, those two worlds have combined into one. As of now, the citizens of both worlds are living as the people of that one world."

Igor then speaks up, "Unfortunately, such predicament is not only impossible, but it may cause harm toward the new world and any other worlds connected to it. This is where your assistance is required."

Beside the man is… him?

He's eyes must be playing tricks with him.

Akira is now looking at himself standing close to the man, looking around in shock as he finally sees the man on the throne, "You're not joking, old man… There is another me…"

"Wha- who?" Akira turns to stare at the man, now looking back at the two Velvet Room's occupants, "Who is this?"

The girl in blue quickly replies to him, "This is you from the new world. He is now in the state of near death experience."

"You mean, coma? What happened?"

The other Akira scratches his head, mumbling, "I… I can't remember… I was helping a friend cleaning up a club room, but it took a bit too long that I ended up finished it at night. Then…I think I saw two people fighting each other with some sort of weapons. I think they heard me, so I ran as fast as I could. The next thing I know is that I got stabbed hard by a red pole or something. Then I heard a female voice calling out for me…"

Igor interrupts him, "Then, the Holy Grail War has begun."

"Holy Grail… War?" Both humans turn toward the long-nosed man.

Yet the man ignores him, "You shall now be summoned to this new world, inhabiting your other body as your other self sleeps in his coma. You two will share a memory together, albeit it will take time for you to remember everything about the other one. Everything you need to know about the war will be within you."

"Wait," Akira calls him out, "What do I get from all of this? I just headshot a god with a Satan. Things are already too big for me to handle."

Lavenza suddenly bows at him, "Please forgive us. We know that it is too early for you to do all of this, but please consider our options. You are the only one available for this absurd request. Think of this as a preparation of what to come. One day you may have to dance, or meeting your predecessors for a crazier adventure. This is nothing compared to whatever your future may hold."


Akira asks again, "Still, pulling me out in the middle of my juvenile…"

The white-haired girl responds, "Do not worry about that. As of now, your body will be moving by its own. It will speak as if you are there, but it won't react much to anything else other than what's needed. Once you've return from your work, no matter how long has it been, that will be the time when you have been released from your imprisonment."

Like an auto-pilot? That's neat.

Igor concludes, "Then, let us start your new rehabilitation."


Akira quickly opens up his eyes, pulling himself up.


Before he could even form a word inside his brain, a loud ringing sound instead appears inside his two ears, deafening him as he slowly falls back onto the couch he was lying on.

Suddenly, things started to flash before him.

Holy Grail War…



Information popping up inside his brain, as he tries so hard to ease the pain by imaginatively holding his brain with his hand. It doesn't work and his brain is still hurt.

That's when he learns the type of life this version of Akira Kurusu had to live in.

Apparently, instead of moving to Shujin after "beating up" Shidou, he transferred here, in Fuyuki as he supposed to stay with a cousin he didn't think he knows of, named Tsubasa Oribe.

Somehow that name sounds familiar, yet he has no idea where he heard that name before…

Spending time inside people can make you forget something…

That came out wrong…

Sighing hard, he pulls himself up again as he finally notices someone there, standing just at the corner, looking at him with a weird look on his face.

Akira stares at this strange blue-haired man, who strangely wears a blue and black outfit with some metal plates around him, holding a green spear that is resting on one of his shoulders.


The blue-haired man is clearly looking pissed, "You… I told you, I am NOT a cosplayer!"

Sensing something akin to a dangerous predicament, Akira quickly jumps off from the couch, away from biting teeth of a pack of dogs, now landing rear-first onto the floor.

Hold on, his brain is still not finished reading whatever message he received just now! There is no way he can tell what the fuck is going on right now!



That word jumps out of his lips in the form of a whisper, though it is quite loud enough that the guy in blue quickly picks up on that.

The man now stares directly at him, "You… are you a magus? Do you know about the Holy Grail War?"

Magus? Does that word has anything to do with this war thing? That world is still not processed in his mi-

Wait… magus…

Magus or magi are a group of people that can do magic or magecraft as what they call it. Magecraft for them is what technology is for others. For them, magic is akin to a miracle, or sorcery, meaning something so impossible for them to do.

The Masters, or the participants of the Grail War, or usually (most likely) made up of magi, with their Servants, or the one that do most of the fighting, are made up of heroes of the old, summoned into the present till they are dead or the end of the war.

Summoned into the… wait, is he a Servant?

More info came into his brain.

Servants are usually made up of seven common classes, with some of the irregular ones here and there. The common ones are…

Whoa, there!

Akira managed to jumps away from the tip of the spear reaching him and quickly runs out of the house, into the yard as he finally takes notice of how big the home he's living in.

It's actually quite big, surprisingly. Don't know if he could get use to stay in a really big space, not when most of his place isn't very big by this place's standard.

Wait, no, why is he getting distracted? That Servant guy is still chasing after him!

Wait, how did he know of that guy's identity as a Servant in the first place?

No time for that!

Akira now steps far off, nearing the wall as he stares at Lancer, now approaching him with his two dogs on both sides.

"If you are a magus, it is possible that you are a candidate for the remaining Masters, but in any case of you not being a magus or even a Master, that means that you are an unwanted witness. That also means that my Master has no other way but to kill you. Do consider this as a mercy kill!"

The two dogs now bark at him, before rushing forward toward him.

Now in fear, Akira screams in anger in his own mind, 'Damn it, Igor! How am I going to protect myself without Metaverse!?'

Then, will you just stand there, submit to your own death in this strange world?


That voice…

"No!" Akira screams out, "I just spent the whole year fighting all kind of people! I even fought a god! There is no way I am letting myself killed by a cosplayer and his dog!"

As he screams out and resisting, Lancer stops in his track. He sees the man's eyes slowly turning yellow as he now mutters in confusion, "Are those Mystic Eyes?"

His hands slowly grab his green spear, now holding it as if he is about to stab him. Those eyes are clearly an indication of something dangerous.

Very well. Once again, I have heeded your resolve. Vow to me.

With that announcement inside his head, he suddenly felt an immense pain within his own brain.

"Wh-why?" he clutches onto his head, "Is… is it because this body is still new to this?"

Is that why he felt the same pain he had before, when all has become such a norm for him before?

I am thou, thou art I. Thou who art willing to perform all sacrilegious acts for thine own justice! Call upon my name, and release thy rage! Show the strength of thy will ascertain all on thine own, though thou be chained to Hell itself!

His bird mask appears, covering his eyes as he is still inside his casual clothing. This means…

Quickly grabbing the edges of the mask, he slowly pulling the mask off, followed by a scream and blood splattered all over the ground.

As the mask is no longer on his face, his body is now filled with burning blue flame, covering himself as he now stops all three of his assailants on their tracks.

Lancer is now even more confused by this development, "Wha-, what on earth is going here? Self-immolation? What is he planning to do?"

Suddenly, he sees it.

He sees a pair of red eyes and a red smile appear on the flame as it slowly disappears away.

Now, standing before him is the same boy, who is wearing black coat around him as he grins wide at him. Behind him is a red figure with a pair of black wings, a pair of high heel shoes and a large top hat. The same devilish looking stare and smile is now below the hat.

"What kind of familiar is that!?" He screams out as he and his dogs are preparing for an attack.

He can feel that whatever familiar that thing is, it is no ordinary familiar; not just on its strange appearance, but on the power that thing exhibits.

The dogs now jump forward toward him, going for a bite.


The two dogs are then hit by a strange purple light, now falls onto the ground, looking pained.

"What did you just do!? What kind of magecraft are those?"

But he is quickly taken aback, now jumping away as the bird guy swooping close toward him, startling him.

Akira now moves forward as he pulls out his dagger, going straight toward the man in blue hair and tries to attack him, but Lancer is obviously stronger than him, enough to just shrug his close range attack with his own.

The winged Persona he just summoned, Arsene now flies back to him, "Your true strength is slowly returning back to you. Use any advantage you can have!"

The Persona now disappears, with the bird mask reappears around his eyes once more.

"That's a good thing to know!" he screams out, trying to pull out a Persona he feels can help him in this situation.

Once again, he rips off his mask, this time a lot easier than before, "Setanta!"

"WHAT!?" Lancer looks like he is really taken aback by that name.

With his face now covers in flame, a figure in white metal armor, a bowl haircut and a blue and bronze scarf wrapped around his head appears. In his hand is a spear that looks really normal compare to the other spear in this place.

"I have come before you, my Master."

Master? Him?

Wait, since when this guy even speaking?

The man, Setanta, now steps forward as he points his spear before Lancer, "I know not of who you are, spearman, but you are a definite threat to my Master!"

Lancer seems to be really pissed, "That man is your Master? Then, are you a Servant? What about that guy from before!? Is he also a Servant!? So you summoned two Servants!?"

Sounds like someone is really pissed off… and greatly confused judging by the numerous questions he gave him.

Lancer now points his green spear toward Setanta, "And what about you!? Why did you have my name!? I don't recall having that stupid haircut of yours!"

"You are speaking too much!" Setanta jumps forward, lunging his spear toward Lancer, as the other guy quickly pushes the spear away with his own.

Lancer then jumps away, now going for his own stab, but is quickly stops as he nearly getting hit by the spear, thanks to a scream,"Dormin Rush!"

As he avoids the spear, he felt the tip of his chin hits the tip of that spear, spilling blood.

Tingling sense flooded his brain.

Slowly, Lancer falls down as he feels dizzy for a brief moment.

"Chance!" Akira jumps off toward him, striking him repeatedly with full strength as he jumps all over the place, so fast that he appears as a black blur around him.

As he goes for a final strike, Lancer quickly pulls his spear up, letting his weapon to take the damage instead.

The pole weapon now breaks into two, with Lancer now pulls himself up as he screams out, "Master, I'll be retreating for now!"

The man quickly runs off from there, disappearing in a flash as Akira now wonders, "That's a Servant? I wonder who he is?"

"Cu Chulainn, my Master," Setanta replies to him.

"Cu Chulainn? Isn't that…"

"My name. Yes, he is me. Rather, he is the real me of this new world. I am just a Persona, but he is the real hero from Celtic mythology."

"Say…" Kurusu springs a question, "How are you able to speak?"

"You are a Servant, Master. I believe that is the reason why I am able to speak, or interact with you like this."

He slowly disappears, muttering, "There are still more Persona that will catch up to you."

More Persona? That sounds like an OP skill for him…

Noble Phantasm…

Wait, why is that word suddenly appearing inside his brain?

Why would he describe his Persona as a Noble Phantasm?

Guess there will be more questions for Igor.

Akira didn't realize at all that a pair of eyes is looking at him from nearby.

A twin-tailed girl in red jacket is peeking at him from a taller house before running away as she realizes someone is coming.

Back at the house, Akira is still standing around, looking at his self as he wonders how to turn off his clothing.

No, seriously, he has no idea how to do that.

He needs to turn this mode off before his cousin, who somehow still not around yet, sees him in this outfit. There is no way he can answer her massive question.

He suddenly heard footsteps, turning around just to see someone just jumping over the wall and into the yard.

This someone has a blonde hair, a metal tiara over her hair and purple and white outfit. She is also holding a pole weapon inside her hand.

The girl seems to be looking around, before seeing him, quickly turning shock to see him, "Wha- a Servant? Fool-class Servant?"

She then brings her weapon before her, aiming at him as she screams out, "Answer me, who are you!?"

True Name: Akira Kurusu
Alignment: Trickster Neutral

Strength: D+
Endurance: A-
Agility: A
Mana: ?
Luck: B-


Metaverse Navigation: A++

Persona Magic: A

Presence Concealment: B+

Third Eye: A++

Eye of the Mind (False): B

Noble Phantasm:

The Mask of Oneself: Persona Summoning: E - A++

Stealing One's Heart: Treasure Theft: A

?: EX

Not a very good way to end this chapter isn't it.

Ouh… why did I feel like this story is going to have a lot of hate comments…

I'm sorry for those who wishes to see me posting new chapter of Fate DxD Order or Persona 5 Lovesick DLC, but this idea enters my brain for some reason and filling it up that I can no longer think of something for those two stories.

So I had to let these ideas out first. Thank you, Persona 5 Dancing Star Night's hype.

Still, how does this story goes? First, this is a story about Akira in a world where Persona and Fate's worlds combine into a big pile of mess. Second, the HGW will follow the style of both Apocrypha (team battle) and Strange Fake (two wars doing their own business). Third, the story is it's own story. It is not canon to anything.

Akira may have been OP, but as the story mentioned, he gradually gains back his Persona, so it will take time for him to even be as strong as a Servant. That Lancer just lose thanks to unexpected development and not having his true weapon around.

Yes, this Lancer is none other than Cu Chulainn from Fate/Prototype. Why Proto Cu, you might asked? Because I want to use Misaya Reiroukan, that's all.

Other Master-Servant teams may have been pulled out from any other Typemoon stories, like the usual Shirou/Saber or Rin/Archer, or from the newest series, Kairi/Mordred or Sieg/Astolfo and such, or from FGO (Ritsuka/Mashu or anybody) or even the gag comic (my fav, Kohaku/Sakura Saber).

Or you can ask for a certain combination of Master and Servant, like asking for Shirou Emiya to have Nero instead of Artoria, or having Ann Takamaki appearing there alongside, say, Medb, or even pulling out characters from non-Persona title that is part of SMT universe, like characters from SMT, Devil Survivor or Tokyo Mirage Session.

No, really, I need help determine who is going to be part of the HGW or part of Akira's tea- I mean, part of the story considering

Confidant? Yeah… that is going to be fun… this part may be different for this story, thanks to the fusion of worlds…

Palace? As stated on the stat above, Palace is going to be a thing. Considering some of the characters in Nasuverse can be really fucked up in term of cognition (like a certain redheaded hero wannabe), Palace is going to be a big deal in this story.

Thus, selecting the Masters and Servants are going to be important. Some of them do capable of making a Palace.

For example: Kiritsugu may have this Palace of him being a hero while hurting others, while Shirou may have this Palace of being a hero as if people really need it, and his life is always on the line. Kirei can have pure destruction, Gilgamesh has Babylon as his literal Palace and so on and so forth.

Next: Akira is still searching for a reason for him being in that world, only to find out about the first Palace of that world.