The Last Kingdom

Disclaimer: I do not own Rwby, Naruto nor any of their respective Characters. They are property of Monty Oum and Masashi Kishimoto

Chapter 1: Fated Day

He was late.

The cerulean sky casted a peaceful and sound shine working in tandem with the sun. Warm breeze flowed through the populated streets encouraging both young and old to submerge into outside activities, and a smell of moisture retold a tale of the days past, when rain nuzzled the sleeping city in a caring embrace.

The city of Vale stood proud in all her glory. The day held promises of successful endeavors and tranquil events.

And yet…He was late.

He grumbled in irritation as his feet carried him with haste to his destination, drops slithering along his face, courtesy of his exertion.

People all around mingled happily in their daily activities, ignorant of his troubles.

If it were any other day he would have stopped to contemplate the landscape created by the smiles of the ordinary people, the save haven of humanity in this terrible, wonderful world.

That day, however, compromises had already been made. As such he had no choice but to keep his determined sprint with the vain hope that he could get there on time.

A woman walking out of a store suddenly stepped before him, clearly distracted with a conversation she was having with a male companion, forcing him to leap to the side towards the store, his feet landing in the wall of the building as his sprint continued.

"Ah!, I'm sorry Lady!" he exclaimed in agitation after almost bulldozing through a pedestrian in his hurry.

He wasn't able to notice the surprised look of the young woman who had fallen to her knees in shock after the event.

In that world there were people who could do amazing things, perform incredible feats of strength or even defy the laws of physics. Darkness had once threatened to consume humanity's light and the response had come in the form of Hunters, champions of justice who exceeded human's limitations, beacons of hope to the living creatures who were the targets of the Grimm.

The young man who had just run against a wall was such a specimen.

Blond hair weaved through the wind and tan muscles contracted in superhuman effort.

He was definitely going to kill his master once they met again.

A vehicle soon entered his field of vision when he reached the city port. A mechanical innovation the likes of which he had never seen.

Elated breath entered his lungs when he realized that, yes, he in fact was able to arrive before his ride left.

A guard close to the bullhead had a scorning gaze against him and the blond young man smiled sheepishly handing him a piece of paper.

The guard's eyes followed the ticket in his hand quickly reading the owner's name and the authorization seal. "Naruto…Uzumaki, huh?" he said returning his stern gaze to the now named Naruto.

The blond young man straightened his back and nodded confidently, a small grin marring his face "yes, sir" he responded hustling a bag he had been carrying for longer that he cared to admit.

"You're late" the words came almost immediately and his face fell in embarrassment, but before he could defend his circumstance the guard spoke once more "get inside, and for the love of god don't get into any more trouble" a sigh fell out of the guard turned to the side of the ship, waiting for its last passenger.

Naruto scratched his head and laughed awkwardly as he pressed forward closer to the door "right, sorry about that" he mumbled receiving no reply.

His hand fell towards the handle of the opened door, his only intention being to experience the feeling of touching such extravagant machine. The hard steel against his hand felt foreign, a different kind than what he was used to. He could almost feel the heat coming from the deep connections powering up the vehicle. A small smile graced his lips, thinking that regardless of the bothersome day he had been having, this was a good sign that the rest of his journey would be marginally better.

The guard's grumble prompted him to follow inside the bullhead, the door closing behind him.

With a pat to the machine as a signal, the guard left to his next assignment. The bullhead flew through the skies with destination to the place where the next generation of hunters would be raised.

The guard couldn't help but think of the kid he had just met, hunters were never easy to get along with, but with time he had developed an eye for those who were particularly troublesome. Taking a cigar out of his pocket and into his mouth, he acknowledged that Naruto Uzumaki was definitely going to cause him trouble in the future. The light in his hand returned to his pocket after the cigar was lit and with his other hand he took it out to exhale the grey smoke, a sigh followed in self-pity at the prospect of that being true.

"Hey Kotetsu, let's get going" a man with shoulder-length brown hair called out to him

The guard known as Kotetsu followed along choosing to forget about it for the time being.


The inside of the ship was nothing to sneeze at, but he quickly lost interest after a few minutes of inspection, he couldn't interact with a machine after all.

His eyes went to his clothes that fortunately had suffered no significant damage from his arduous journey. Orange trousers with black stripes bordering it covered strong legs and a black shirt with a spiral symbol protected his upper body, his trusted jacket hidden safely in his backpack. His gaze turned to the window and a grin formed once more on his mouth, the excitement quickly overflowing his body.

He had never been to a combat academy, instead having been trained by his most esteemed master and resident pervert.

It was so surreal he couldn't contain the gleam in his eyes as he observed the visage changing with the flying of the ship.

Furry ears twitched detecting sound all around him. Whispers traveled through the cabin with definite intent.

His sky blue eyes turned finding several people with him. All of them teenagers ready to become the heroes that would protect the four kingdoms. He noticed the wariness in more than one pair of eyes, his own narrowing slightly in understanding. A furry appendage reached his right hand and he rubbed his tail slowly. He had prepared for this, put more time in it than he would have liked so with no small amount of determination he took a breath and put on a smile as he returned his gaze to the sky outside.

A few minutes went by as the ship got closer to the academy, many people getting comfortable in groups and chatting amicably.

A troubling sound alerted him of another blond young man who was holding his hand against his mouth in an effort to prevent the unfortunate discharge of gastric fluids.

His nose wrinkled in apprehension, the normal faunus could smell around three times better than normal humans depending on the nature of their animal genetics. As such he could very well smell the product of the young man's troubles.

An amused grin adorned his face; he supposed excitement didn't come without nervousness.

Fortunately for the young man and the passengers aboard the bullhead, the vehicle finally came to a stop in what he assumed was the academy's private ports.

Without wasting time the guy went straight to a garbage bin that was next to the exit of the airship to empty the contents of his stomach, the other students following without paying him much mind besides some disgusted looks and others filled with what he thought was pity.

He snorted before moving to get the stiffness away from his body and then following through the exit. He took a moment to observe his surroundings as soon as he was out of the machine.

A world of fantasy was probably the most accurate description for what was before his eyes.

A castle brought from the stories of kings and knights and round tables.

Pristine grey walls formed a gargantuan fortress, worthy of those who would bear the title of hunter.

Red banners were posted forming a path to the castle.

Tall pillars arranged in elegant structures, the pinnacle of human hope.

He took a steady breath, trying to absorb everything.

He had only ever heard of beacon from passing stories from his master, of how humanity had struggled, fought and endured.

His heart beat powerfully against his cage, it was somehow overwhelming.

An explosion not far from him startled him out of his thoughts. His eyes widened in surprise. He had been there barely more than ten minutes and things were already exploding, huh, perhaps he would fit right in on this school.

He approached the young girls who had been the apparent cause of the explosion.

A pretty inky-haired girl was twiddling with her fingers attempting to apologize to a snow-haired teen.

An exotic black dress covered her pale body and an apple red cape fell down her shoulders, her soft cheeks colored pink in embarrassment.

She had thin eyebrows sitting above the most unique set of silver eyes he had ever seen, and her straight nose complemented her delicate features in a way it was difficult to describe. If this was a castle of fantasy, she surely had to be the princess of the story.

In his humble opinion the girl was beautiful, if a little young for his tastes

His eyes traveled to the other teen in the white clothes. He had to take back his previous thought about the pretty dark-haired girl being the princess of the children's tale, this girl just screamed princess any way he looked at her.

She had snow white hair characteristic of the famous Schnee family so she was probably indeed related to them in some way.

She dressed an elegant, expensive dress that hugged her frame perfectly, complementing her ivory skin in a way that almost left him breathless.

Her stance, posture and her overall body language just revealed her upbringing as a member of the high society.

Damn did this school have pretty women. He was liking this school more and more by the minute.

"This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about" he heard the snow-hair colored girl say as she put her hands on her hips in indignation

He realized quickly this was probably her most prominent character flaw; she did seem a little bratty. He had never met anyone with a high enough status to be treated like royalty, but he supposed this girl was not far from that.

"I'm really, really sorry" said the silver eyed teen meekly in mortification. She had probably been the cause of the accident then.

"You dolt, what are you even doing here in the first place?" the other girl quickly continued as she extended her arms and took a step closer to emphasize her point. "aren't you a little young to be attending beacon?"

Naruto got a little irritated at that, he understood how the girl must have been feeling; he wouldn't like it either if someone just happened to make an explosion right in his face, but the kid had already apologized and she clearly had had no intention of doing it.

She was outrageously pretty but he was not just going to let her bully some poor kid because of an accident.

"Hey, she said she was sorry, alright?" he finally said reaching the place of the discussion. A pair of silver eyes and one of crystal blue eyes turned to him in slight surprise, not expecting the arrival of another student.

"I don't think she did it intentionally, right?" he said posing his eyes on the caped teen, his hands crossed behind his head, and softly smiling at her.

"That's right" the redhead responded, relieved someone had helped her there, she was not very good communicating with other people, so she was glad for the much needed intervention.

"See? No harm done" he turned to the white-themed teen with a friendly grin in a show of non-hostility, hoping that perhaps he was reciprocated.

She had pursed her lips as if she wanted to say something but couldn't, a frustrated glare sent his way, somehow much less intense that what it had been a minute ago.

"Why don't we try getting along Miss…" he said lowering his arms and taking a step towards her, the other girl looking hopeful for friendly resolution.

"Weiss Schnee" came the name but not from the girl herself.

Instead another girl with beautiful black tresses approached them holding a tube with what Naruto assumed to be dust inside, golden eyes observing them in a mixture of amusement and apathy.

His eyes unconsciously traveled down her legs wearing purple-black leggings, and carefully examined the rest of her attire and body.

A white sleeveless shirt was covered with a black vest accentuating her breasts, leaving her creamy arms uncovered except for the black armband on her left arm and some black bands on her right.

Boy was he having good luck today.

"Heiress to the Schnee dust company" she continued without noticing Naruto's wandering eyes "One of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world"

He turned his gaze once more when he heard the heiress huff trying to reclaim her bravado. "Finally, some recognition" she said looking at the silver eyed teen only to look back at the newcomer when she heard the response.

"The same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and its questionable business partners" carried on the amber-eyed teen a little more indifferently this time.

He could almost anticipate the actions of the small heiress as she quickly approached the object of her embarrassment.

"What…How dare…The nerve…ugh" she said taking the tube the girl was carrying and leaving huffing in indignation.

So much for friendly resolution.

He would have sighed if he hadn't heard the pretty black-haired teen doing so.

He noticed the mysterious golden-eyed girl leaving in the other direction before turning to the disappointed teen who kept her eyes on the retreating heiress "I guess I'm not the only one having rough first day" she muttered

"Ah, you're alright" he said surprising the teen, smiling at her.

She smiled sheepishly at him "Thank you…for that" she said softly, in truth she hadn't been prepared at all to deal with something like this, she blamed her sister. "I'm Ruby" she continued hoping to at least get one right today.

"Naruto, good to meet you." He replied as they started walking towards the castle. "How did you even cause that explosion though?" he asked in wonder, maybe she wanting to show off had accidentally released a dust charged attack.

Ruby flinched but told the story anyway feeling a little more at ease with the guy with whiskers on his cheeks than the yelling princess.

They walked serenely for a while, she telling the events leading to that point and him listening with varying degrees of reactions.

When she was done, he couldn't help a small cackle leaving his mouth "That is some bad luck you got there Ruby"

She blushed in embarrassment, hopefully something like that wouldn't happen again.

As they walked silently she turned to look at her new companion, curiosity driving her to inspect him.

He was a head taller than her, broad shoulders and defined arm muscles revealed the rigorous training he had probably gone through. A jade necklace hung around his neck, shining beautifully as it made contact with the rays of the sun.

His skin was somewhat tan; it seemed he was used to spending a lot of time outdoors. A serene smile adorned his features and she couldn't help thinking he looked rather handsome, in a rugged sort of way.

His golden locks were short but soft-looking, undulating with the movements of the air.

He had the bluest eyes she had ever seen, vibrant and friendly, it was as if she was looking at an ocean in a bright sunny day. Whiskers cut through his cheeks, three in each, reminding her that this person was a faunus.

She smiled noticing his adorable looking ears, also yellow in color, if a little long. They resembled that of a fox, so it was not hard to imagine what kind of faunus he was. She also noticed the fluffy tail moving softly from side to side, showing he was likely in a good mood.

It was funny actually, to see a bulky teen and associating him with fluffiness. She put a fist to her mouth trying to catch a giggle from escaping her. He seemed like a nice person, and she hoped they would be able to become friends.

"What is it?" he asked, still smiling when he heard her little giggle

She shook her head with a little grin "It's nothing, just thinking I liked your ears. Are they as soft as they look?" she asked in wonder.

"Sure are, and they're warm, which is a plus because I don't have to wear any annoying caps in winter" he replied putting his hands back behind his head.

She giggled again watching his bragging grin.

They let a few moments pass in comfortable silence, genuinely enjoying each other's company. Unknowingly to both of them, such an event was a rare occurrence. For her it was because she was rather socially awkward, and for him because he didn't spend much time with many people.

A new topic of conversation came to Ruby's mind, curiosity filling her.

She turned to look at her companion but was halted from releasing any words by her poor social skills, not knowing how to exactly approach the subject.

With no better idea she decided to just say it "so…I got this" she spoke taking out the weapon she had been carrying, releasing its full battle form.

A red mechanized pole lay in her enclosed fist, a curved blade at the end gleaming with deadly edge. Engines roared as the transformation of her weapon was carried out.

His eyes widened and he made a double take, seeing this little girl holding such a deadly weapon.

His gaze then went to her weapon as he studied it. A scythe was rather rare to see among the weapons of a hunter so he was pleasantly surprised. He couldn't help letting a "Woaaah" out of his mouth.

She was elated with his reaction.

"Amazing, the craftsmanship is excellent" he said approaching her, looking at the well smithed blade "May I?" he asked with stars in his eyes, he had seen his fair share of weapons but he had to appreciate a beauty when he saw one.

"Of course" she replied giving him a close eyed smile, excited to hear his full thoughts on it as she handed him her weapon.

He took it with much care, observing meticulously the work that had been put in its construction. He noticed the ridges where the weapon was to make its transformation along with the structure at the top resembling a custom barrel for a gun.

"A high caliber sniper rifle doubling as a scythe, huh, this kicks so much ass" he said branding the weapon in a quick slash motion. An impressed grin adorned his face as he turned his gaze at her returning her weapon.

"Right? I made it myself" she said pride filling her as she looked at her work of art "her name is Crescent Rose" she continued hugging it close to her, her little obsession surfacing.

"No kidding, I've seen few weapons crafted with such care, that scythe is really something else" he now understood the kind of expectancy this school had in its students. If she was able to wield that weapon as well as she crafted it, she was definitely a strong fighter.

A desire to test his skills against hers suddenly came to him, but he refrained for now since they hadn't even spent a day here.

She nodded enthusiastically returning her weapon back to storage form where she put it in her back. "What kind of weapon do you have?" she asked excitedly, taking a step towards him, as her eyes gleamed in wonder.

He gave her a mischievous grin as he put the backpack he was holding on the ground.

She looked on with curiosity.

Out of his bag he took two short swords, one blue and one green. He threw the green one at her "this is Tempest" he said as she caught it gracefully with practiced ease.

She inspected it like it was a treasure chest just discovered.

It was double edged getting denser in the center forming a barrel she assumed became a gun. She noticed the connecting points of the blades at the top of the sword forming an inverted triangle; she speculated it was there where the transformation started.

It was rather heavy for a short sword so she knew it was loaded with dust. At the center of the cross-guard, there was an emblem of a fox engraved. This made her suspect he had also made it himself.

"It's incredible, it has just enough reach to defend yourself in close quarters, and it also becomes a gun" she squealed making a practice thrust "Very astute" she continued slashing an imaginary enemy trying to get the balance of the weight just right.

"Thanks" he said rubbing his nose with his finger in a bragging fashion "Handmade and assembled by yours truly. I also used a different combination of metals for the base and the blades" he continued approaching her.

She turned and handed him the weapon receiving the other one to inspect as well "I noticed, the edges are sharp but smooth whereas the base feels sturdy and strong, clearly a blade made to cleave large objects" she continued gushing over as she examined the other blade.

"That's a good eye you got there, just wait and see what it does in battle" he said as they continued on their way towards the auditorium.

The conversation flowed smoothly between them, each getting more comfortable with one another as they bonded over their shared passion for weapons.


They arrived at the auditorium soon enough, the formal speech of the headmaster yet to even begin. In fact he wasn't even there yet.

Naruto took a moment to observe the other individuals in the room.

There were several people around, more than he could count; he supposed it was proper of applicants for a renowned academy such as beacon.

Young men and women with different backgrounds and personalities mingled around the large room, chatting and whispering eager for the next part in their trials to become legitimate hunters in training.

Some were already making friends and alliances, others just getting to know one another, his eyes turned when he heard a voice mentioning a familiar name.

"Ruby over here, I saved you a spot" Said a blonde girl waving her arms at his companion

He had to consciously close his mouth before he started drooling like a dumbass. This girl was a bombshell of a woman.

Puffy golden locks fell symmetrically down her shoulders to her lower back, fair skin bordering her womanly curves.

She dressed a brown jacket that left her belly uncovered and puffy sleeves with black cuffs leaving the rest of her arms free with the exception of her golden bracelets and fingerless gloves.

Underneath that a yellow tank top covered her breasts emphasizing her womanly assets.

His eyes traveled down her navel noticing her brown belt holding a piece of white cloth that went down to her knees from the back, and black shorts covering a small part of her lower body.

Her brown boots were also rather long, and her socks were the same color as the scarf she was wearing.

He really blamed his master for turning him into such a pervert; he used to be so innocent.

Ruby turned to him eager for them to continue their conversation with the company of golden haired girl

"Naruto come meet my sister" she said taking his wrist and dragging him to the girl's side without even letting him respond "Yang this is my new friend Naruto, Naruto this is my sister Yang" she continued smiling widely at them.

He got back his composure quickly enough, managing to give her a friendly smile as ruby let go of his wrist "Nice to meet you" he said looking at her pretty violet eyes.

"Well hello~ there handsome" she said smiling at him flirtatiously, as she ogled him rather boldly before crossing her arms beneath her bust, his cheeks turned the slightest shade of pink.

"I see you've been taking care of my little sister, hope she didn't scare you away with all her weapon-maniac act" she continued her amused smile turning to her sister who's face turned pink in embarrassment.

"How do you know she wasn't taking care of me?" he replied gaining the attention of both girls, he gave the older teen a confident smile before putting his hand on top of the scythe user's head "she's actually pretty cool, I even got to see her rocking scythe, right?" he said turning to the silver eyed girl, giving her an encouraging smile that she returned graciously

Yang observed their interaction amused, it seemed ruby had indeed made a friend "Oh, I like this one little sister, great job. I approve, just don't go doing naughty things too early alright?" she said with a teasing smile, knowing already how the teens were going to react.

Both Naruto and Ruby's faces burned in embarrassment at the older girls comment, the little girl turning to her sister in mortification "YANG!" she exclaimed, her arms extended as she approached her.

Naruto stood silently observing as the pretty blond laughed at their expense, his own face still shaded red. He understood then what kind of devil this girl was.

Yang continued laughing as Ruby pounded lightly her arm trying to get sisterly retribution "alright, alright why don't you tell me how your first day went little sister" she said getting her to stop and regain her normal face color.

The little dark haired teen glared at her sister as she crossed her arms in annoyance, it had been the first time Naruto had seen the girl show a negative emotion besides embarrassment and disappointment, he looked on with curiosity waiting to see how the conversation was going to unfold.

"What, you mean after you ditched me and I exploded" she said looking away from her recalling the events of that morning, her face once again reddening in shame.

"Yikes meltdown already?" the purple eyed teen said, surprised thinking that it would take a little more time for her socially awkward sister to go off.

"No! I literally exploded a hole in front of the school. And there was some fire and I think some ice" she said putting a hand to her chin trying to recall the right sequence of events.

The older teen looked at her, confusion clear in her eyes "Are you being sarcastic?" she finally said with smile, expecting her sister to confirm it was some sort of joke.

Naruto observed as she proceeded to retell the story to the blond girl, a small smile gracing his lips noting with amusement the quirkiness of the silver eyed teen.

His eyes turned once more as his thoughts went to the rest of the applicants, several weapons and armors catching his attention. Sturdy, light, heavy, modern, traditional, it was like being inside a king's armory.

He briefly wondered about the skill of the other students, surely there were some strong people around; the desire to test his own abilities came back full force. This was after all the summit of the strongest in the land.

His mind went back to the time when his master had revealed he would be attending beacon.

Since his childhood, deep forests and perilous environments had been the common settings. The new living conditions were a strange if not welcomed change.

Still in a weird way his senses were heightened resembling those of an animal's in an enclosed space. He felt somewhat restless, his muscles itching for the familiar strain of arduous training.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath; he would go hunting soon enough.

Despite that his eyes focused on interesting individuals that stood out from the rest.

The golden eyed girl who they had met not long ago stood far away from them, somewhat close to the platform where the headmaster was to give his speech.

Standing there all by herself, she casted a lonely figure that made his heart churn, memories of a distant past overlapped with the image before his eyes.

The desire to go to her and invite her to their little group came to him but he suspected she would reject him briskly.

Still he turned to the girls who had met with the white-haired heiress before taking a step towards the amber-eyed student "Hey guys I'm going for a walk, we'll meet up later" he said waving a hand in a wave of good bye.

They turned to him as their squabble was interrupted, purple and silver eyes observing with confusion as their new acquaintance walked away with untroubled steps.

Weiss Schnee's gaze shined with recognition as her vision captured the figure of that morning, which had inadvertently intrigued her slightly due to the unusual way in which he interacted with her.

He weaved through the crowd slowly, approaching the girl of his troubled thoughts as he casted a glance at the other subjects of interest.

A red-haired woman stood to the left side of the room with the poise and body of a warrior very rarely seen among young hunters.

Unlike the rest of the rest of the applicants her body language exuded discipline and control.

His gaze then went to a pair of guys on the right side of the auditorium chatting excitedly about something that escaped him, well at least one of them. The other had dark glasses and a high collar jacket that prevented him from identifying any emotion on his face.

He didn't look particularly strong but his trained eye was able to notice the movements of his head as he studied the competition. He had the suspicion that his strength lied closer to his intellect and strategic skills.

The former instead looked to be completely the opposite of his companion. Red marks resembling fangs fell down his cheeks symmetrically, not unlike war-paint used by Faunus tribes.

He was taller than Naruto by a few inches and his chest was largely uncovered wearing only an open leather brown vest. His figure spoke of feral training, his body filled with healed scars over his ripped muscles. A necklace made of wolf fangs connected by a thread hung loosely on his neck, and silver bracelets covered his wrists.

He also wore cargo pants and brown boots to complete the image of a beast hunter, he reminded Naruto of himself slightly. Without noticing a smirk formed in his face, curious to see where their similarities ended.

His eyes finally settled on the most mysterious figure of them all.

A guy stood against the wall with his arms crossed on his chest. A purple long-sleeved hoody covered the entirety of his upper body, and blue pants covered the entirety of his legs, white sneakers completing his attire.

At a simple glance he didn't look special at all; in fact he seemed rather forgettable, the hood up obscuring his face to everyone almost made him look like a background character in a movie.

His eyes narrowed in closer inspection. He was the same height as him, and despite being deprived of seeing his body shape by the hoodie, his large frame identified him as a male.

Long black-blue strands of hair fell down the sides of his face getting past the hoodie and reaching past his chin, ivory skin shadowed by the purple fabric.

His posture was relaxed, excessively so in his opinion. Unlike everyone else the guy seemed to hold no interest in mingling with the other students, nor was he showing any inkling of nervousness or excitement of any other emotion for that matter.

More alarming was the fact that his instincts told him to be careful of him, his uneasiness growing the longer he stared at him. As much as he tried he wasn't able to identify the cause of such reaction.

His body language was completely non-hostile, and his presence was even lower than the average student given that he was neither uttering a word not moving a muscle.

These thoughts ran through his mind as he closed the distance between him and the girl.

He stood for a moment facing her back, thinking of what to say not wanting to screw up.

"Hey" he finally decided on saying calmly approaching her from the side, her exotic eyes turning to him with a mixture curiosity, recognition, and indifference. "I didn't manage to get your name since you left so quickly before. Not a people person, huh?" he said smiling friendly at her.

"I didn't see any point in my staying" she said brushing off his comment and returning her gaze at the grey platform "and my name is Blake" she continued without looking at him, thinking that perhaps he would go away if she didn't feed his attention.

"Blake…that's a pretty name" he said not expecting a reaction. She didn't turn confirming his thoughts. "My name is Naruto, it's good to meet you" he said offering her a smile "are you nervous about the initiation test?" he continued genuinely wanting to know how the girl was faring so far.

Her golden gaze turned to him for a brief moment before going back to the front of the auditorium "Not really." She muttered with a semblance of apathy.

He couldn't help but smile at her attempts of brushing him off, she seemed like a guarded sort of person, but he felt she was not unkind. He wondered if she expected to go the whole school term without acquiring any friends.

"For my part, I'm so excited I can't wait to begin" he said grinning at her with all the strength of his sunny spirit.

Her eyes turned back to him in curiosity wondering why he was insisting on talking to her after being brushed off with her bad attitude.

Her gaze roamed over his tan features and his blinding grin, a light feeling invaded her heart seeing such expression of happiness over something so trivial. "How so?" she ventured to ask, expecting him to start going off about heroes, monsters, fame and glory, like the majority of people she had met so far. Thinking that perhaps there was no harm in engaging in healthy conversation.

Both teens stood close together between the other applicants, he looking at her with a friendly smile and her looking at him somewhat warily.

He turned to the platform as well expecting the headmaster to arrive soon "It is one step closer to achieve my dream" he said with a soft expression, turning to her his clear blue eyes filled with passion.

She felt like gulping suddenly looking at that earnest expression, she wondered if that kind look was as genuine as it seemed. "Your dream?" she asked authentically curious about the kind of ambition someone like him possessed.

His eyes glazed for a moment lost in a faraway place, before turning back to her, his familiar smile back on his face "Yeah, I want to become a hunter so i can keep people from crying for as long as I can" he said cryptically, an unbidden feeling lacing his words with yearning.

She observed him with interested eyes, the meaning of his words though implied, was clear enough for her to understand. Like her he just wanted to help people, as simple as that. She smiled softly at him, the desire to encourage such ambition lurching beneath her skin. "That is…a nice dream" she finished turning to the platform in a greater mood than how she had been in a while.

Their conversation was postponed with the arrival of a middle aged man holding a cane, his figure drawing the attention of all the students in the room.

His hair was the color of ash. His skin was light, and he wore shaded spectacles that did not conceal his brown eyes.

A formal dark green suit made up his attire with a green scarf tied to his neck.

His posture was rather serious, a stoic yet not unkind expression molding his face.

He spoke not giving him time to make a closer inspection, his words cryptic yet seemingly wise.

"I'll keep this brief" he said glancing over the audience without stopping at anyone in particular "You've traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your live to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step" he continued registering the confused faces of the students who didn't know what to make of his speech.

Naruto observed him intrigued, not truly understanding what the headmaster was trying to tell them, the man himself seemed rather strange, in all honesty he didn't know what to think of him.

The headmaster abandoned the platform being replaced by a mature woman, whose golden locks fell down the right side of her face with undulated shape.

Attractive yet sharp features turned to a serious frown as jade green eyes glanced at everyone in the room "you will gather in the ballroom tonight" she said, a voice softer than what he had expected flowing freely with informational intent.

"Tomorrow your initiation begins, you are dismissed" she finished following after the headmaster.

Like magic every student started leaving the room leisurely following the guides to the ballroom.

"I have to get going, I'll…see you around" said Blake, a meaningful stare sent his way before she left towards the rest of the students.

"Yeah, see ya" he said watching her get farther and farther away, as he scratched the back of his head. He had been impulsive, but at least it hadn't gone wrong, her beautiful golden eyes flashing through his mind made him sigh dreamily. "That girl" he thought rubbing the base of his nose, he really wanted to get to know her better.

He made his way to the ballroom as well where the students were supposed to rest for the day, a man at the door handing him a sleeping bag to use.

He gratiously accepted it, before turning his gaze looking for a place to put his belongings. Many had already settled, sleeping bags spread all around the room as people continued their socializing with their new acquaintances and friends. He couldn't see Yang or Ruby anywhere so he supposed they were probably changing somewhere.

He walked deep inside the room, searching from side to side for a small place to himself.

He didn't know for how long lights were going to be on so he tried to quicken his pace, finding a place in far corner of the room.

A guy was sitting against the wall on a sleeping bag with his knee up and the other leg extended, holding a small book in his open hand.

Right next to the space he chose to sleep for the night.

Midnight blue locks flanked the sides on his face and formed bangs down his narrow forehead, his hair getting spiky towards the back resembling a crow's wing.

He froze once he came close to him for several reasons.

This guy was the same one he had been watching back in the auditorium, the one who had been wearing the purple hoodie.

His uneasiness had decreased by that point but his instincts still flared with caution once his eyes were posed on his form.

The other was because without the hood he could finally see what he had been hiding back in the other room.

Elegant aristocratic features made up his face, straight nose and thin lips resembling the carvings of ancient statues.

He had the strange feeling that this guy was probably a model, no way was someone that physically attractive not hoarded or bothered for attention, especially from the female side of the spectrum.

A small flame of competitiveness was born in his heart in that that moment, somehow his male instincts recognized a worthy rival to prove himself against.

Still he abandoned the goofiness to study the individual a little more closely. Like him, he had broad shoulders that where hidden by a long-sleeved black shirt that left his clavicles uncovered.

Unfortunately he still wasn't able to appraise his target based on his physical condition due to low visibility. White pajama pants covered his legs leaving his feet uncovered.

"Hey, this spot occupied?" he said motioning for the place in question. His eyes observing him warily curious about the strange vibe this guy was giving him.

"Don't you have any eyes?" a deep velvet voice assaulted him smoothly, sarcasm lacing his words strongly.

The guy's form unchanging as he kept reading the book he was holding and Naruto felt irritation for the second time that day. This time however, he didn't bother being tactful.

"I was trying to be polite, jerk!" he said throwing his sleeping bag and his backpack next to him unceremoniously. His gaze turned when he heard the raven-haired guy speak.

"Yeah, smart move dumbass" replied the Navy-haired guy indifferently, his gaze still trapped in the confines of his book.

A small vein erupted from his forehead in aggravation; he acknowledged this guy knew just how to piss him off.

"What the hell is your problem jackass?!" he said holding a fist close to his chest his irritated glare sent to the other boy in full force.

"You not shutting up "said the other boy trying to tune out the moron who had disturbed his peace.

His expression remained calm and his gaze was still immersed in his little book, further irritating him more than he already was.

"Looking to get your ass kicked before the initiation test even begins?" he said narrowing his eyes as he punched the palm of his hand in a show of intimidation.

That comment did get the attention of the other boy, his book closing noisily along with his hand.

The Navy-haired boy stood up gracefully and for the first time Naruto was able to get some information of worth. His stance held neither practice nor discipline, no traces of training he could identify, yet somehow the uneasiness suddenly grew tremendously.

His pride prevented him from following through with his animal instincts and taking a step back. His narrowed blue orbs waited anxiously for his next movement.

Pitch black pools clashed against cerulean orbs, their intensity surprising the blonde teen.

Eyes that held nothing but mirth and a cold amusement started at him in a way that left him restless.

A closed vault that left him unable to see either feelings or emotions but the ones the raven head teen wanted him to see.

He hadn't expected to meet someone like him, a complete enigma, yet he stood his ground not faltering for any reason.

"As if you could take me on in a fight." The obsidian-eyed boy said, putting his hands in his pockets along with the book he was carrying. A mocking smirk graced his face, his hair rocking softly with the little air in the room.

"Take you on? I could beat you to a bloody pulp" the blond said taking a step forward returning the smirk right back at him.

"Stop daydreaming, you couldn't even scratch my forehead" said the indigo haired teen motioning to his forehead with his thumb, also stepping forward leaving them face to face.

"Is that a challenge, bastard?" Naruto said, a feral grin forming in his mouth.

"What do you think, Blockhead?" the other boy replied, a frosty smirk coating his factions.

Tension rose like a spring contracting ready to go off at any second.

Naruto's hands trembled in anticipation, waiting to see who was going to make the first move.

The stranger's hands cracked in preparation, a deadly preamble for the actions to come.

Before either of them could make a move however a voice called over grasping the attention of the blond hunter in training.

"Naruto!" Ruby exclaimed happily as she approached them, her sister following close behind.

Just like that the tension that had been building deflated instantaneously, both boys' attention on the pretty girls that had interrupted them.

Naruto noticed the change in attire pleasantly.

Ruby wore a thin sleeveless black shirt, leaving her pale arms bare. Her pajama pants were white with pink dots, and she had an eye mask tied to her forehead with two red patches at the center.

Yang had changed to a sleeveless orange shirt and black shorts that somewhat resembled those she was wearing before.

He smiled once he saw them; they were after all the first friends he had made there in beacon.

"There you are, we were looking for you, why didn't you go back like you said" ruby said happy to once again carry a conversation with the energetic boy.

"Yeah hotshot, my sister's been looking around for you like a maiden in love, you shouldn't toy with girl's feelings like that you know" Yang said before Naruto could respond with a teasing smile, the mentioned teens acquiring new levels of red from embarrassment.

"YANG!" the pretty dark-haired girl exclaimed in mortification, victim to her sister's jokes for a second time that day, casing the older girl to start laughing at their expense.

The Navy-haired boy observed curious their interaction before turning to inspect the girl's figures infinitely more discreetly than the one he now identified as Naruto had done before.

His eyes roamed over the blond girl's body as they were masked by the reappearance of his little book. He sometimes wondered if his guardian was a bad influence on him.

Ruby turned when she saw from the corner of her eye the other person who had been talking with Naruto, feeling rude for interfering in such a manner.

"Ah, i'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you and your friend so suddenly" she said eyeing Naruto before turning to the other boy when she suddenly froze.

Yang looked at Ruby when she spoke before she too turned to the other guy she hadn't seen talking with Naruto.

Their thoughts fell under the same wavelength as large blushes spread over their cheeks.

Ruby was feeling short of breath as her eyes followed the stranger's features, his gorgeous face on the same level as those she used to gush over about along with her friends back at signal. Ivory skin extended along his body free of imperfections or scars from what she was able to see. She wondered just where this stranger had even come from.

Yang had seen her fair share of handsome guys before, some more than others. Heck she had seen some guys she truly considered beautiful but this guy was something else.

His features resembled those of a girl with some male characteristics that complemented each other excellently leaving her heart beating like the first time she had rode a motorcycle.

Naruto observed silently, already having anticipated their reactions; he actually couldn't blame them, though that didn't mean he was not sill pissed off at his terrible behavior and personality. He crossed his arms and glared at him, deciding then and there that he was going to get payback in some way.

Ruby was the first to recover, her cheeks turning redder if that was even possible at having been beaten so quickly by a pretty face "S-sorry about that, I didn't mean to space out like that" she said waving a hand in a friendly gesture smiling friendly at the boy with the midnight hair. "My name is Ruby, it's nice to meet you" she said trying to regain some normalcy, her silver eyes observing as his dark orbs posed themselves on her, a pleasant chill running down her back.

He regarded her with curious eyes, not being bothered by her reaction towards his physical appearance. It had happened so many times in the past he was well used to it, so he didn't pay it much mind.

Instead her exotic set of silver eyes quickly consumed his attention.

He took a step forward passing by Naruto who observed him warily before taking her chin in his hand tilting it upwards a small fraction. "Silver eyes, huh. Interesting" he said disregarding the way her cheeks turned aflame once again as he carefully studied such unnatural eye color, origin of many stories and legends of remnant..

Ruby became still once more, swearing that such actions were not good for her health

He lowered his hand releasing her chin as he gave her a soft smile "I'm Sasuke" he finally said turning to the other girl catching her eye as he studied her shortly.

Their eyes met in a fiery way, her captivated by the intensity of such eyes and him impressed with the fire he saw lighting hers.

Without wasting time Yang took the shoulders of her adored sister before turning to the two boys "Well it was nice meeting you but we gotta go" she said turning back with her sister and walking in the opposite direction leaving a few last words for her blond counterpart "We'll see you tomorrow Naruto"

As she continued on her way, the boy's black pools appeared on her mind's eye flushing her face pink once again before she shook her head furiously, ridding herself of such thoughts.

Naruto and Sasuke observed the girls leaving with different reactions.

Naruto was annoyed that his time with his friends was cut short by such an unpleasant person.

Sasuke on the other hand observed them with interest; they were no doubt beautiful young women but his keen eye had detected much of their prowess as warriors and as such he couldn't help but hope to meet them again tomorrow in the initiation exam.

"Great job Casanova, you turned the two babes away" Naruto grumbled at the boy at his side, almost forgetting they had been about to clash right there in the ballroom.

"You're still here?" he asked dismissively knowing full well the reaction he was going to get, the corners of his lips tilting upwards, his obsidian eyes turning back to the whiskered boy.

"gghh…bastard!" Naruto grunted irritated beyond belief, no one had ever been able to set his fuse off so easily in his life. "Just you wait till I turn that pretty face into mush" he said his teeth grinding strongly in his mouth.

"You and what army loser" Sasuke replied his hands back in his pockets, amused at the blonde's threats

Naruto's smirk was victorious, his desire to beat the jerk down renewed. "Oh, you are about to see" he said with a feral grin adorning his features in excitement.

He was about to do something that would probably have gotten him disqualified if it hadn't been for the lights that went out with a statement from one of the guides to go to bed for the night.

Both teens acquiesced lying in the sleeping bags side by side, trying to gain some rest before the initiation test began.

As Naruto closed his eyes he thought about all the things that had happened that single day, and he couldn't help but think about how grateful he was to his master for giving him this opportunity.

Obsidian orbs closed slowly, the boy thinking that the time had finally come to see if this school was as good as it was made out to be.

A/N: and that's the end for chapter one. I've been going out of my mind lately with so many classes and projects and homework, it's been a never-ending nightmare. I finally got to write this story that has been bugging me for quite a while. Hopefully I'll be able to update soon because somehow I just can't stop typing. Anyway thanks everyone, good hunting.

PS. This is going to be a NarutoxBlake, SasukexYang story so don't worry about harems and such, I just wanted to give you guys the initial impressions of the characters. For reasons above Naruto and Sasuke are going to be the main characters, so even though there are other Naruto characters that are going to make an appearance keep in mind that they are going to play a support role.