Here it is the bettera version of the Indominus Effect I've been working on! I have to say I'm quite happy with the outcome of this story and I have to give special thanks to Ghostleader199 for being my Beta and helping to edit so much of this story. If not for him this story would be far worse quality reading wise and please remember that Australians spell color as colour and armor as armour.

Anyway lets get to the story, I got a bunch of blood thirsty monsters just waiting to meat you heheheh enjoy!

Sol System
Earth Orbital Installation 202
1200 hours

Sitting silently in orbit over the glowing sphere of greenery and ocean that was humanities home planet of Earth, rested a large colossal structure several km's in circumference and easily dwarfed the scattered, hulking hulls of the Turian Hierarchy warships standing guard like silent sentries.

The station was oval shaped in design, with large openings lining its hull to allow access for small merchant vessels and colossal warships alike to dock with the station known only as EOI202.

202 was just one of a number of instillations resting in orbit over Earth and constructed by the galactic community as a whole, with each installation acting as the universes eyes and ears to monitor the frightening ecosystems resting on the planet below.

Earth, the dirt pile treasured by the young and virtually extinct humanity, was a cruel and harsh planet near impossible for the various races of the galaxy to inhabit directly.
With its soil stained with the radioactive like energy of Dark Matter, the planet's surface was near intolerable to all but the mutated monstrosities that dwelled on the planets scarred and ruined surface.

The only place one could safely visit the Earths surface was one of the numerous Indominus holding facilities. Remarkable yet old structures of military design that were built to house the most terrifying predator known to haunt the planets of the galaxy.

A predator, that the young Turian Garrus Vakarian planned to watch over and keep secure as he sat there on Installation 202 with his eyes gazing lazily across the class room at his elderly Turian pointing away at a projection on the wall.

Turians were a strange carapace skinned, bird faced species that inhabited the planet of Palavan. With their predatory ancestry and military strict culture, the Turians were the galaxies leading military force and peacekeepers across the entire known universe.

Sitting there with blue colony markings etched across his face, Garrus' pale plated face stared at the teacher as he rambled on about the military tradition and importance of the Indominus holding facilities on the planet below the station.

"Can anyone tell me where the Indominus rex originated?" the elderly turian with black face paint asked with a twitch of irritation from his mandibles.

The teacher knew his class was losing its focus and drifting into the realm of fantasy, many of these young recruits would soon be going planet side to begin careers on the surface below, hunting great beasts and securing the infamous military instillations.

"Sir the Indominus rex originally evolved from the species homosapiens" someone spoke up confidently, earning an approving nod from the Teacher.

"Correct" inhaling deeply, the teacher waved his Omni Tool diming the lights and bringing up a display on the wall for the class to see.

"Nearly 100 years ago, the species known as Humanity were brought into the galactic community by the Volus" began the teacher, causing a projection to snap to place of a group of humans outside a building talking to the small bolder like species known as the Volus.

"Humanity was an intuitive and fiercely territorial race of predators on the planet know as Earth, evolving around several great conflicts over land and sea. Many of the naval concepts used by the Hierarchy military today can find their roots inside humanities military doctrines of that era" stated the teacher, earning surprised looks from his class of students.

Many of whom were rather shocked that a bunch of primitive upstarts had a better military philosophy than the great Turian Hierarchy itself which had been unchallenged for thousands of years.

"Remember, Humanity was still relatively young species, yet they were by far ambitious learners. How did this ambition pay off?" asked the teacher, earning hesitant glances from the students in turn.

"Humanity developed Dark Matter technology?" spoke up Garrus cautiously, earning a few disgusted scowls from his class mates for mentioning the volatile energy.

"Very well done, yes humanity developed Dark Matter reactors" an image of various machines were displayed to the class while the teacher rambled on.

"Humanity as mentioned was a territorial species, when they were introduced to the galaxy they became scared of our superiority and thus poured their resources into finding a game changer to protect themselves, the result was humanity using the most corruptive and deadly source of energy in the galaxy" the teacher showed a picture of a dark matter bomb being detonated, the weapon producing a large ball of black light that carried the devastation potential of a nuclear warhead.

"But sir, how does this relate to the Indominus species?" asked a class member in confusion.

"Very acute, while I've refreshed your minds on the topic, I thought it best to go over the history of how they came into being. You see my dear students, it is because of humanities use of Dark Matter that the Indominus came into being" Garrus sat upright a little more in his chair, he heard this before when he was younger but just how the Indominus's became living creatures was one of the galaxies biggest mysteries.

"For many years humanity lived in peace with the galaxy, slowly building its dark matter technology for security and protection. Until one day one of its people snapped upon a visit to the Citadel" the teacher took on a solemn look as an image of the giant 50km long space station appeared on the wall.

"It was that day, which the universe was introduced to the Indominus rex" the Teacher sighed sadly.

A moment of silence passed as the screen went dark, plunging the class into darkness.

"Someone explain to the class what an Indominus is" said the teacher's voice.

"Sir the Indominus rex is a large theropoda predator that stands nearly 15 feet tall and 40 feet long" stated a student.

"Sir it's a highly evolved apex super predator with acutely developed sensory organs and camouflaging abilities to ambush prey"

"Sir they are blood thirsty monsters, nothing more nothing less" remark someone sourly.

"Sir the Indominus is a hideous mutant that humanity made to kill innocent people"

The Teacher closed his eyes, ears taking in the growing uproar from his students as they argued and shouted their opinions on the matter. The good, bad and ugly were thrown around the air as students all voiced their perspectives, voiced their understanding of the beast from folklore, gaming media and of course, from history lessons as younger children.

"The Indominus rex are Humans" spoke up Garrus, causing everyone to go silent at once.

Silently, the teacher played the recording for everyone to see, showing the pale skinned frail looking human being slowly mutating in a sickly manner into the massive predatory form of an Indominus rex.

All students were silent as the real life recording showed those cold red eyes glaring at the screen, showed those wicked fang filled jaws that could bite through an armoured vehicles. Eyes took in the layer of thick white scales protecting the beast from harm and the bony like armoured spikes that covered the back and neck of the creature.

Long arms flexed their deadly spear like claws while powerful krogan like legs slammed against the ground below with devastating power and weight.
Then came the roar, as loud as a chemical engine and painful as the shrieks of a dying man, the beast roared with all its power making the class recoil in shock as the audio speakers in the room were pushed to the max.

Waving the glowing holographic form of the Omni tool wrapped around his arm, the Teacher reactivated the lights and stared out at the shocked expressions etched into his student's faces.

"The shock of the transformation on the human mind, accompanied by the development of new instincts and autonomy, renders the Indominus a mindless beast only capable of raw instincts and cold calculative actions, they are the reason why the holding facilities exist" the teacher gave everyone a stern glare.

"If just one of those predators made it into a developed city, the devastation could be in the thousands of lives…. If a single Indominus made it to a colony world, we could lose an entire colony, they truly are the universes most destructive land predator" stated the Teacher coldly, eyes glancing to the side at the frozen image of an Indominus rex plastered across the wall.

Garrus felt a shiver run down his spine, none of the video games he played had ever captured the cold murderous look of the Indominus's stare. No video game or artistic drawing of the beast had ever showed the pure destructive potential of those jaws, Garrus for the first time since he applied for this program was beginning to question his desire to work with the beast.

His great grandfather had fought in the Dark Matter war, he battled the humans and Indominus alike on the field and in person. The young Turian felt a surge of respect for his ancestor for bravely going to the field to fight such a creature of nightmare.

Sol System
Earth planet side
1200 hours

'Thump Thump'

'Pat pat pat pat'

'Thump Thump'

'Pat pat pat pat'

'Thump Thump'

'Pat pat pat pat'

Strolling through the deserted streets of a crumbling and overgrown city, the bulky, muscle rich forms of Earths top land predators strolled along casually like one would walk down the footpath.

With heads held high, the terrifying jagged tooth forms of not one but two Indominus rex's stomped down the street at a leisurely pace. Large 3 clawed feet pounded the crumbling concrete of the road, while long heavy tails slashed lazily through the air like dancing serpents.

The lead Indominus was the largest of the duo, standing over 15 feet at the shoulder, the black scaled Indominus rex with amber red eyes was covered in dark grey armour plating and complex weaponry. Harden sheets of nano infused battle plate were fasten securely to the predators hide via various synthetic webbing and expertly crafted interlocking plates.

Head held high with confidence and power, the Indominus showed off her display of power for all to see as she took the lead down the street, indicating her rank of pack Alpha.

Beside her, a smaller 12 foot high Indominus rex covered in brown scales trotted along nervously in the Alpha's shadow. She was a thinner specimen of the species, with colourful green eyes that bore a kind softness and long quill spikes of a pinkish purple hue running down her neck. The smaller Indominus was rather elegant and beautiful compared to the strong powerful form of the Alpha.

Nervously, the brown Indominus clicked her claws together in thought, eyes glancing around the old rusty and down trodden buildings covered in vegetation's with a hint of fear.

"Shepard, what if you lose?" garbled the brown Indominus with a soft frightened voice.

Shepard glanced down at her smaller companion, fangs parting slightly as she calmly spoke a reply.

"Book you need not worry, I will not fail to protect you" reassured Shepard, her eyes softening slightly as she looked at the smaller predator huddle close beside her for comfort.

It was reassuring to have the small Indominus so close in this hour of strife, Shepard also knew that it was comforting for Book as well to be close bye. Amongst Indominus society Book was a highly sought after and incredibly rare specimen of the species, not only was she one of the elusive few females who bore fertile reproductive organs.

Book was also a Tech priest, an Indominus rex whose electromagnetic sensory organs were so acute and so powerful, that Book could metaphorically hack into any piece of technology and increase its performance as long as that technology used Dark Matter of mass effect physics to function.
In a world where power hinged on one's ability to scavenge the technology off humanities remains, Book was Shepard's ace in the hole and most closely guarded companion.

It was because of Book's value and importance that Shepard was clad in her combat armour. As pack Alpha, Shepard had the honoured tradition of representing her pack and protecting it from outsiders. Outsiders included rival human packs of Indominus rex's who all wanted Book for their own personal gain and power.

It sickened Shepard how low humanity had fallen after the population became the predators they are today, with most of her people impounded in the various holding facilities. Those who escaped capture or escaped the prisons had a hard life ahead of them in a dark matter infested world where everything tried to eat each other.

Shepard didn't really remember much before the change into her current form, she knew she used to be a biotic Special Forces soldier for the Human Alliance. After that everything was hazy and didn't make much sense to her, but what did make sense was how to fight.

So fight Shepard would, and if it meant fighting off a pack of better armed and experiences human Indominus's to keep Book safe, then Shepard would fight with tooth, claw and missiles with all her might.

Nuzzling the top of Books head, Shepard purred reassuringly to the frightened predator momentarily before those amber eyes snapped forward to glare at the opening ahead of them.

Directly ahead, was the large barren wasteland leading up to the site of a dark matter bomb explosion many decades ago. Both predators could virtually feel the warmth of the dark matter buried in the soil, waiting for the right moment to lash out and claim any poor critter not immune to the volatile energies lethal touch.

"Book remember what to do when the fighting starts?" asked Shepard, eyes snapping down to the smaller predator once more with concern.

"Find a safe place to watch the fight and stay there until the fighting is over" said Book hesitantly, like a teenager hesitantly answering an over concerned parent.

"And remember to cheer for me too" added Shepard, eyes twinkling with amusement as Book made a soft chuckle sound.

Taking a moment to regard the area, both top predators strolled into the open and towards the crater at the centre of the clearing. With luck, they would get there before the rival pack shows up. Book had no desire for that cold Alpha known as Miranda to see her again, the cold hearted killer seemed to regard Book as nothing more than a reproduction tool to make her pack larger.

An outlook that Shepard would personally beat out of the arrogant Indominus's thick skull by the end of this fight.

Reaching the edge of the crater, Shepard lowered herself onto her armoured chest and closed her eyes as Book went to work giving the armour one last look over for faults or loose webbing.

Books muzzle scanned every inch of the armour, both eyes and sensory pits in her snout examined every plate, every piece of webbing between the armour and every wire that may have gotten loose during transport.

With a wave of her skull, the brown Indominus seemed to magically activate a hidden compartment across Shepard's back, causing the suits own portable Dark Matter reactor to fold into view and outside its protective housing. For a moment nothing seemed to happen as Book just stood there with her muzzle inches from the glowing piece of technology, then with a loud snort Book drew her head away and purred as the reactor began to glow brighter than before.

Nodding her head in satisfaction, Book gentle pushed the reactor back into place before turning her attention to the missile pods latched onto Shepard's hips. Book was worried the launchers would malfunction again, she didn't know how to calibrate the targeting system for such a complex weapon. All she did know was how to reload the pod for later use, a skill that nearly cost her an arm in the past when she first discovered the armour system.

"You know, I wonder who Ingen was" remarked Book as she inspected one of the meter long guided projectiles between her claws before gently shoving the ordinance back into its respected tube.

"Because whoever they are, I'm thankful they took the time to make us these suits of armour" continued Book before Shepard could reply, earning a soft rumble from the Alpha in agreement.

She couldn't fault Books outlook on that matter, whoever Ingen was their suits of armour had come in handy over the years, it was a miracle that the suit they found even fitted Shepard's frame.

As Book continued her work, Shepard's eyes wandered across the crater to where 3 armoured forms had gathered upon the other side. Those armoured forms were more humans turned Indominus, Shepard wasn't sure what to call them anymore.

At heart they were human beings, but on the outside they acted like the ferocious Indominus rex they appeared to be. Shepard just preferred to call them human Indominus to avoid the confusion.

Miranda, the Alpha of the opposing faction was a large slender Indominus standing slightly shorter than Shepard herself. Her body was clad in the sleek silvery plates of light Indominus armour. sporting a pair of laser cannons on her hip opposed to Shepard's own missiles.

Beside the murky white Alpha on her left side, stood a large armoured form bristling with heavy cannons and missile pods of various calibre. Shepard was relatively surprised to see the weapon specialist on the field as the armour suit was apparently pretty rare in this part of the country.

Sporting large wing like structures across the back and neck, the green scaled weapon specialised sported a pair of turbo laser cannons, 20mm triple barrel auto cannons and more missiles than Shepard could count. With thick hydraulics surrounding his legs and upper body, Shepard couldn't help but notice how slow and stiff the Indominus looked as he paced around beside his stoic looking Alpha.

On Miranda's right side was a more common place set of armour, clad in basic and simple plates of protective metal. The dirty brown coloured Indominus female had a nasty scare running across her face and stood as stoically as the Alpha, holding her position clearly as the Beta of the pack and second in charge.

Shepard's eyes couldn't help but notice the laser rifle clutched in the betas claws, another rare piece of human technology Shepard wasn't used to seeing in the field. However Book couldn't help but notice one key detail on all three adversaries, their equipment looked old and heavily worn out from use.

A fact that didn't escape Shepard's eyes as she pondered how well her enemy could use their gear in combat.

Rising to her feat, Shepard gave Book a gentle nudge with her muzzle before strolling to the edge of the crater. Book took one last look at her Alpha, before turning tail and running as fast as she could towards the safety of the buildings in the distance.

"Last Chance Shepard, surrender and I might show some lenience towards you and the tech priest" roared Miranda from the other side of the crater, her voice ringing through the air and echoing in the bowel below.

"And let myself be abused by a twisted human like yourself, shut up and fight me!" snarled Shepard in return, her body suddenly glowing brightly as she tapped into her natural biotic ability.

Biotics was a rare and powerful gift in some Indominus that allowed them to manipulate the forces of dark energy and gravity to their will. If focused in the correct manner, biotics could be used to cast natural protective fields of energy around the user's body, capable of deflecting bullets and missiles of all manner for a limited amount of time.

Shepard on the other hand knew how to use her biotics in another manner, she knew how to use it to attack.

With a snap of her jaws, a sphere of glowing blue energy shot forth from Shepard's jaws like a cannon shell, racing across the crater towards the opposing pack.

Miranda and her goons scattered in reply, with the Beta skidding down the craters slopes while the weapons specialist let loose a barrage of missiles in retaliation to Shepard's biotic attack.
Seeing the ordinance racing towards her, Shepard jumped down the slope of the crater as well, her body glowing with biotic energy and armour growling as the dark matter thrusters across her body snapped online.

Laser and cannon shells flew towards the biotic as she hit the ground, her barriers deflecting the deadly bullets while her armour absorbed the blistery bite of the laser cannons that could bypass kinetic barriers such as those created by biotics.

With a roar, the Beta charged head on towards her. Laser rifle spitting bolts of burning hot light that scorched Shepard's scales and armour. In reply the significantly less powerful point defence lasers on Shepard armour spat beams of burning hot light in retaliation, making the Beta flinch in her wild charge.

Spotting her chance, Shepard slashed her arm at the air causing a bolt of biotic energy to lash out and slam into the Beta's chest. For a moment nothing happened, then the Beta snarled as gravity was thrown to the side and launching her into the air against her will.

Having no time to waste, the thin visor of tinted glass over Shepard's eyes flared to life with a warning, alerting the biotic to an incoming wave of fresh missiles streaming towards her.

Taking a step back, Shepard arched her body upwards bringing all her point defence lasers to bare on the incoming barrage. Letting well programmed software run its course, the point defence lasers did their intended job as they filled the air with burning beams of light that detonated several missiles mid-flight.

But not all the beams detonated there target, and a moment later a violent explosion of fire and smoke spewed loose earth across Shepard's glowing form.

Elsewhere, huddle amongst the collapsed form of a building, Book stood hunched low to the ground with the pigment of her scales reflecting the landscape around her. Like a chameleon the Indominus's scales mirrored the surrounding terrain, allowing her to blend in perfectly with her surroundings like she was clad in sophisticated camouflage.

To the outside world, Book looked like nothing more than an odd piece of rumble besides a building, but in reality she was still a hard, cold predatory machine that could kill at a moment's notice.

For now, Books attention wasn't on the process of hunting and eating. But turned solely onto the smoke clouds gushing upwards from the crater in the distance, from afar Book could hear the crackle of machineguns, the hissing zap of laser cannons and the deafening boom of exploding missiles shaking the air like thunder.

Worry swelled inside the Tech priest as she wondered if she did something wrong, was the armour strapped tightly to Shepard's frame, was the reactor fitted properly to the suits systems, had Shepard had enough to eat before combat so her biotics wouldn't tire her out so fast?

What ifs played through her mind over and over until suddenly there was a lull in the fighting? Weapon fire ceased abruptly and Books eyes widen with worry as she spotted the form of the weapons specialise through the smoke.

Suddenly a black armoured mass erupted through the smoke, fire spitting from the dark matter engines scarred across Shepard's armour surface.
Book wanted to cheer in joy as her Alpha skidded across the ground, a single missile flying from her weapon pod to streak towards the enemy combatant like a bullet.

But something was wrong and suddenly the missile went berserk, spinning out of control the Weapons specialist casually stepped to the side and turned his head to watch Shepard's missile fly off into the distance and detonate against a sky scraper.

Undeterred, Shepard pushed herself to the side, biotics glowing to lower her own molecular weight and allowing her dark energy thrusters to practically levitate her above the ground.
Another duo of missiles spat from Shepard's weapon pods, this time both missiles flew home with one detonating against the Weapons specialist kinetic barriers with a mighty explosion. The other slammed into the earth beside the armoured Indominus, showering him with dirt and temporarily blinding him.

Skidding to a halt, Shepard stood there watching the smoke cloud caused by her missiles while also letting her suits system a moment to vent built up heat. Using all the lasers, thruster engines and shield amplifiers caused the suit to build up tremendous heat energy, energy that if not expelled caused equipment malfunctions and made it very uncomfortable to fight in.

With her heads up display system scanning for targets, Shepard's eyes darted about the place in search of Miranda. The biotic Alpha had a suspicion that Miranda may also be a biotic, one significantly less powerful yet still a significant danger on the battle field.

Movement around the crater edge brought the enemy Beta into view once more, and without hesitation Shepard turned and fired another missile from her weapon pod.

The missile shot straight and true, zooming in right for the enemies chest region until a furry of red laser bolts flew through the air and detonated the missile a few meters from the designated target.

The Beta snarled loudly as the force of the explosion still caused her to lose her footing, resulting in the armoured predator sliding down the crater slope once more and to the bottom.

Shepard's eyes were more interested in where the lasers came from, earning her the sight of a rather murky white Indominus glowing with bluish purple energy of a biotic.

"You Bitch!" snarled Miranda, swiping her tail at the air like a whip and launching a wave of biotic energy at Shepard.

Shepard reply was to duck low and slam her hand against the ground, sending a shockwave of energy pulsing through the ground and towards Miranda.
But the enemy Alpha spotted the shockwave coming and jumped into the air, dark energy thrusters bursting to life to launch her several more meters and out of harm's way.

"Keep up princess!" yelled Shepard, letting loose a blast from her jaws that shot towards the biotic like a cannon ball.

Miranda didn't have time to dodge as the blast slammed into her side, almost blasting through the kinetic barrier and knocking the predator off her feet in the process.

Mentally smirking, Shepard angled herself to fire another missile when a warning flashed past her HUD. Spinning around and puffing out her chest, Shepard's point defence system snapped into life detonating several missiles before they could strike her and casting a plume of dust into the air.

Cursing herself, Shepard pounced through the smoke. Body glowing and thruster roaring as she sought to close the gap between her and that pesky Weapons Specialist who was still in the fight.

Roaring in defiance, the dirt covered Indominus fired his laser and auto cannons at the biotic Indominus as she approached. Earning himself the satisfying glow of a kinetic barrier being hammered by bullet shells and armoured being blackened by laser scorching.

Satisfaction turned into alarm however, and unable to dodge his charging adversary. The weapon specialist could only lean forward and brace for impact as Shepard tackled him around the chest, throwing the armoured Indominus backward with a shower of sparks and steam as kinetic barriers were overloaded by the impact.

Ceasing the initiative, Shepard slammed the offending Indominus onto his back, her foot crashing down upon the flailing predator's chest while her jaws latched onto an auto cannon and tore it from its socket. Tossing the weapon to the side, Shepard claws pinned the snapping jaws of her adversary to the ground and her own jaws moved in for the killing bite.

Only for a blast of red light to slam into Shepard side causing the biotic to roar in pain as laser bolts burnt through scale and flesh.
Slashing her opponent across the Weapon specialist muzzle and splitting his face open, Shepard roared at the opposing Alpha who roared right back before firing her laser cannons once more. Pain ripped across Shepard's hide once more as the lasers slammed into her unprotected side, the area where the armour was virtually none existent to allow movement of the legs and arms.

Painfully forcing her biotics to recharge the Kinetic barrier, Shepard lunged forward with a snap of her jaws. Forcing Miranda to jump back to avoid jagged fangs latching onto her face, hissing in a terrifying manner. Both predators circled one another with claws twitching in agitation.

Miranda fake lunged at her adversary, spurring Shepard into lunging forward in reply and trying to bite for Miranda's throat. The enemy Alpha's claws flew up and slapped Shepard's muzzle to the side, her own jaws lunging forward to bite down upon the armoured surface of Shepard's neck. Thrashing about, Shepard managed to knock Miranda loose and take several steps back to recover from the attack.

Miranda didn't let up and charged forwards, head butting Shepard right in the chest and knocking her off her feet with a startled roar of surprise. Ceasing the advantage, Miranda planted her foot down on Shepard's chest to pin her in place.

"Any last words?" snarled Miranda confidently as her jaws quivered above Shepard's vulnerable throat.

Shepard's only reply was to open her jaws and blast Miranda point blank with a biotic attack to the face. Collapsing to the side, Shepard hastily shoved the limp form off her chest and rose to her feat, eyes glaring about challengingly as both the wounded weapons specialist and Beta stood off to the side.

Snapping her gaze down towards the unconscious alpha sprawled at her feet, Shepard felt a deep instinctual urge to sink her fangs into the vulnerable throat of her adversary. To let her fangs savage into the Indominus soft flesh and end a danger to herself and her pack, the urged burned away at her mind and involuntary Shepard slammed a foot down on Miranda's chest to pin her victim to the floor.

Both Beta and Weapon Specialist alike stood stock still, eyes glaring at Shepard as they waited for the victorious Alpha to make a move.
Miranda's life was resting in Shepard's jaws, any moment now the black Indominus could end the biotics life and easily claim leadership of both land and pack members from Miranda's territory.

Yet Shepard refrained herself from giving in to temptation, the idea of killing someone else for their power just didn't sit well with her. Instead Shepard threw her head back with a mighty roar that shook the heavens, the roar echoed into the distance.

Causing various birds and scavenging predators to turn tail and flee into the closest shelter for fear of confronting Earths dominant land predator.
Nearby, Book practically leapt for joy as the roar split the air, signaling the end to this pointless conflict and a new air of safety for the Tech priest to roam her packs territory.

No longer will she have to be vigilant in this area of the hunting grounds, no longer will she have to hide in the shadows to avoid Miranda's scouts from spotting her. Now she would be able to hunt as she please without worry of being dragged off to be some arrogant male's toy or a tool to a venomous bitch of an Alpha.

Shepard exchanged brief words with Miranda's Beta, reminding her to fulfil her end of the bargain to send one of their pack members into Shepard's territory to join her pack. The Beta was bitter and hesitant to accept the terms of the agreement, but as acting leader for her pack while Miranda was unconscious, the scared female had no real choice in the matter.

Meanwhile, sitting on the old rusty balcony of a sky scraper, a band of scavengers lazily sat on an old decaying sofa overlooking a crater in the distance. A pair of aliens sat on the sofa clad in old dirty combat armour, there humanoid forms almost mistakable for humans if not for their 4 eyes and hairless skulls.

The aliens were known as Batarians, a race of humanoids that practiced the art of slavery in their home system and were considered the most criminal of all races in the galactic community.

At the moment, a pair of the stereotype aliens were casually lazing about on a sofa. Rolls of plant matter burning between their lips as they smoked various illegal substances for a rush.

One of the aliens noticed the commotion in the distance, slowly rising to his feet he leaned on the balcony cigarette between his lips and eyes squinted with puzzlement at the sight he was seeing.
Either whatever he was smoking was some strong shit, or his eyes weren't betraying him and there was a bunch of bloody Indominus monsters in the distance clad in what looked like armour?

But that was impossible, Indominus were mindless beast who lacked the ingenuity and resources to construct a form of armour. The Batarian had plenty of experience running from the sinister monsters and seen plenty of his so called friends become meals for the ravenous beast.

Meaning that the stuff he was smoking was really messing with his eyes, glaring at his cigarette, the Batarian tossed the burning substance over the balcony and promptly collapsed onto the sofa once more.

2000 hours Earth Time.

Night fall fell over the landscape below, and far inside the safety of Shepard's territory. Two Indominus's were huddled inside an old hidden storage facility, with dull lights flickering through the darkness.

Book was practically snarling at her Alpha as plate after plate of armour was removed from the blistering flesh of Shepard body. Book wanted to scream at her alpha for getting so hurt, yet the Indominus held her tongue and went about her job of deconstructing the combat armour.

Shepard knew Book was agitated by her wounds, they didn't have enough medical herbs to properly treat all the burn wounds and stop them getting infected. Shepard was lucky that the enemy turbo laser cannons weren't running on full power or her wounds would likely have been lethal.

The Tech Priest was just thankful that Shepard was the victorious one in the small territory skirmish they just had, if they were large wild Indominus than a simple territory skirmish could results in a bloody episode of clan wars. Something that Shepard and Book were grateful to never experience in there 70 odd years of living on Earth.

"Stomp twitching and hold still!" snapped Book with a savage snarl, Shepard growled in reply, fangs clicking with agitation as Books claws pried a piece of partly melted armour from her flesh.

"Next time you can fight off Miranda" muttered Shepard to herself, earning a cold murderous glare from the tech priest in reply.

Shaking her head, Book continued the task of deconstructing Shepard's armour, placing the pieces away into dry storage and out of sight.
It took over an hour to remove Shepard's suit, and another hour to untangle Shepard's body from the combat webbing strapped to her form. Eventually Shepard was free from her armoured shell and left sprawled on her chest as Book rubbed a thick green gel between her claws.

"This will sting" warned Book softly, reaching out the Tech Priest began smearing the gel across Shepard's burnt and blistered hide.

Shepard hissed and whipped her tail about in pain as the cold gel made her wounds burn with pain, then slowly the pain throbbed away to be replaced by a numbing sensation as the chemicals in the gel kicked in to numb the pain.

The Indominus side of Shepard brain wanted to lash out with tooth and claw at whatever was making her wounds hurt, instincts ate away at her and whispered in her ear to snap her jaws at the pain to make it go away.
The human inside her was more logical than the beastly instincts, reasoning that a few minutes of pain was better than days of agony and misery from an infected wound.

Life as an Indominus rex was hard, but since when was anything relating to humanity simple?

To be continued…

Authors notesssss

Okay so just a quick note to everyone, the picture I used for the title image of this story is how I based the appearance of the Indominus on, I don't exactly own the pic but I don't claim owner ship of it either.

Secondly I want to tell you all about the amazing person who Book is based upon, Book is the OC character of a friend of mine name 'WhenBooksfly101' she has this amazing story called 'Why so blue' on this website and is an amazing friend and artist. Please go check out her story she's a brilliant writer and I just had to write her into one of my stories.

Oh and the whole mech style combat and stuff I wrote is actually based on a TV series called Zoids I use to watch as a kid and the Tech Priest stuff was inspired from Warhammer 40k, I'll be posting bits of human dark matter tech on my Deviant art page which is 'RedLightningNOD608' you can find other fanfic art there from my other stories if your interested and the original take of this story.

As a final note I've got a lot of works in progress, please keep in mind that I'm only one writer and cant work on all those stories at once. I appreciate your patience on this matter and hope you enjoy my works no matter how short. Chimera Effect is still going through some renovations as of late, I'm not sure when it'll be back up but you'll all know when.

Take care!