I imagined death would be silent - a release that I would be able to find. Or, the quiet contempt of peace that lay beyond the doors of the new anchor.

A new anchor.

Something that was not bound to a human and a Death-God. But, an actual portal that existed between realms. It was fascinating and frightening to think of.

The darkness unregulated and, in front of me, the Lasser Glass gleamed.

Beyond the reflective surface, darkness swirled from within.

The shard that had been struck through Eris' neck appeared on the ground, near the mirror. I leaned down to pick it up on the dark void… in this darkness, all I could make of the mirror was a blur of my reflection.

"You want back what I took," I murmured to my reflection in the Lasser Glass. It did not respond, did not acknowledge me. But, I suppose now, I was little more than an asp to the obsidian power of the mirror.

Power that I could no longer feel on a spiritual level. I could only feel the physical manifestation of the glass, as if it hardened the air around me. But, as I tried to concentrate on that well of darkness within me, to touch that magic… I felt nothing.

It wasn't like the complete silence from the Xephirian Amulet had on me. There was numbness and an aching - a hole in my soul had suddenly felt like it was missing. From within the grey depths of the Lasser Glass, I did not hear anything.

"It's willing to make you a deal," A familiar voice said from behind me and I spun around to see Oliver walking from the void. "I can hear it… It's such an unsettling voice."

I remembered the voice, the chill it had sent up my spine from when it called me as I spied on it from the Dark Lands. That was the only time the mirror spoke to me.

"What's it saying?" It was hardly a whisper, barely audible on this massive plane of dark and nothing.

"Give back the shard, and it will send one of us home."

What Oliver was saying… that couldn't be possible. Did the Lasser Glass truly have that kind of power? And, if so, does this mean that Oliver could have the chance to go back?

"You have to go," I blurted, dropping my hand as I gripped the shard. "You're the one that has to go, Oliver. I - I know that Jack thinks about you all the time. If the Lasser Glass could do that...Then you need to go. He misses you so much."

Oliver hadn't answered me though. Instead, he moved beside me and looked into the glass.

I followed his stare, to the dark reflective surface of the ancient powersource. Had I any inkling of ability to feel it, I probably would have balked away. I could have sworn something otherworldly, ungodly sense of self.

As I gazed into it, I realized I only saw my own reflection. Even though Oliver was standing right beside me, I did not see him in the Lasser Glass.

My head whipped towards him, "I don't understand."

His eyes lifted to mine, "I can't go back, Hiccup. My soul has been away from my body for so long. I don't think I could return to my own body." I hadn't realized that, perhaps Oliver was right. His physical body could long be decomposed, and if Mengele had murdered him… who knew where his real body was. It made me wonder, if there was a way to go back, would Oliver still had taken it? I could have sworn there was… hurt in his eyes.

He reached out for my hand, the one gripped the shard of the mirror.

"But, you can go back. Jack needs you, too."

My heart was pounding in my ears, "I couldn't do that." I gasped. "Without the anchor, or knowing where it is, how could we see you?" It felt so selfish to want to go back, especially when I would no longer be able to see the spirit realm.

I would no longer be able to see Oliver.

The impacts of that were suddenly weighing on me.

He seemed to read the expression on my face, and gently squeezed my hand. "You don't need to worry about me. I won't be here much longer," Oliver breathed in deeply - contemptly. "Jack needs to know that I'm in a better place. You said so yourself, Hiccup, one day we will all be free and I believed that." A half smile. "I'm ready to pass on, ready to be free."

I heard what he was saying - understood what he was implying, but...The air was heavy. My eyes and lungs burned as I blinked past the tears. "You are my friend," I whispered, hoarsely. Selfishly.

"Then as my friend, let me go."

"We'll never be able to see you again." The realization, the truth, hurt more than it should have. I fully turned to him, my gut twisted up as I gripped with the devastation. My already empty soul, began feeling even more. "Without the anchor, without you, what do we do? Where do we turn?"

Oliver leaned closer to me, and I stilled from under him. His lips were gentle and kind when they touched my forehead and he slowly pulled back. "Look to your heart, Hiccup. No matter what, I'll always be with both of you."

He pushed my shaking hand back towards me, folding my arm gently so my fist was placed on my chest. My heart was pounding through my ribs. The shard of glass felt cool against my clammy skin. Oliver looked back at the Lasser Glass, and I followed his gaze, praying that there would be a reflection. Hoping that, maybe, Oliver had missed it the first time.

Or, maybe, the Lasser Glass would send him back too. Maybe, it would understand that Oliver needed to be alive again… needed to be with us.

My hopes were met with darkness, and a tear slid down my cheek as I gulped down air to settle my thunderous heartbeat. It took me a split second to realize that Oliver wanted me to follow his gaze, wanted me to look away.

Because when I snapped my head back to where Oliver had once been standing, he was gone.

All that I stared at was emptiness. Blackness.

A sob ripped out of my throat, the tears stung so much as they finally released, and I grasped at my aching chest. My heart was hammering through my blood, I could hear it in my ears - but I felt completely empty inside. As if there was a gaping hole there.

Just like that, Oliver was gone - with hardly any trace that he could have existed here. Gone, as if he would never be remembered. I felt the air tighten, as if the Lasser Glass was warning me that if I did not make a choice soon, it would make it for me.

Glaring at the glass, I held out the shard, my hand shaking as I gently placed the delicate piece back in the corner of which I took it from.

"I will always remember," I swore. I would never forget this, would never forget those that I helped from within the darkness. Tears gently streamed down my face as I looked back within the mirror, and felt the world tear away.


My body ached, my bones felt like they were being grinded and my chest stung. But, as I opened my eyes, sounds began to flood my senses. Buzzing, and whirring of machines. Steady footsteps, and whispers. I stared up at a white ceiling, unsure if my eyes were opened or close. Slowly, I turned my neck, the first person coming into view was Rapunzel.

"Z..el.." I managed. My throat felt dry as sandpaper. From her sitting position on the seat across from the bed, she jumped up and came over.

"Hiccup," her voice was tight. "You're awake."

'You're awake' she said. Not, 'you're alive.'

I didn't feel alive. I felt...hollow. Defeated.

"Where's Astrid and Jack?" I managed, even though my voice broke from the dryness.

"They're fine, everyone is fine." She murmured. "Astrid needed some stitches. The bullet had only grazed her, and left no internal damage. She'll be heading home today."

I waited patiently before she spoke again.

"Jack… he's good." Her voice was shaky, just as her body was when she breathed in deeply. "He had sever internal damage, with an intensive shoulder surgery. But he's finally healing." Zel made a face, grinning down at me. "Oh, don't be worried. Knowing him, he will bounce back and be even crankier than normal."

A tear slipped from my eye, as I smiled at that.. At the normalcy in it. "We're all….alive."

"I don't know how," Zel whispered. "I saw...well, I thought I saw your soul passing over."

Perhaps she had seen me on the threshold, where the mirror was.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. The emptiness within my bones… I don't know why I felt so sad about it.

Beneath my core, there was nothing. No thrumming of magic, no glimmer of bond from Pitch Black. No swelling of power from my Drahki, or protective eyes of Toothless.

Emptiness. Silence.

At some point, Merida and Bunny came into the room. Followed by the Hofferson's, nurses and doctors. They all agreed I should have died, there was no way I should have made it. But, the Lasser Glass was strong - ancient even. It must have mended my wounds, even a little, for my physical body to have survived.

I realized, that my payment to the Lasser Glass for bringing me back, was taking away my gift of wings and sky. My Drahki.

It took away everything supernatural, and instead left a normal, human soul. The Lasser Glass took away the anchor...Took away Toothless, and Oliver…

The part of me that I was supposed to embrace. My core, the white witch had once told me about... Now, all of that was gone. Everything was gone.

I lifted an arm to cover my eyes from the light. "They're... gone." I said to no one in particular.

But, Rapunzel answered me. Her voice was raw, and she whispered. "I know."


A week later, I was finally released. Even though I wanted to see Jack so badly, I couldn't without doing one last thing. It was still a constant grappling battle to realize that I had no powers. And that the anchor existed somewhere nobody knew. The afternoon I was released, Astrid helped me to my room.

"Would you like anything to eat, dear?" Heather said from the doorway. I politely shook my head. "Alright, just let us know." Smiling at me, she turned and left down the hall.

When she was out of ear shot, I tugged on Astrid's sleeve. Grey-blue eyes cut towards me.

"I know we haven't talked, and I shouldn't ask this from you." I breathed in. "I need you to help me do something tonight. It might be dangerous and if I go alone -"

She raised her hand, silencing me. "I'll go," Astrid said softly. "Just tell me what you need."

I explained to her what I needed to do, and Astrid didn't ask questions when we grabbed our supplies late in the evening when our parents were asleep. We climbed into one of the cars, and took off in the middle of the night.

We drove in silence. Astrid was a lot like me when it came to admitting our wrongs, or apologizing. It wasn't pride, but perhaps, she was as scared as I was.

Scared of admitting that maybe our conversation was the last one we could have ever had. If Mengele had succeeded in killing Astrid, or had I failed in obtaining the Lasser Glass..those horrible things we said to each other loomed in the night.

When I was about to open my mouth, to say anything, but I clamped it shut when I realized we arrived at our location. Anything I was about to say was stamped out, any resolve I wanted to make now overshadowed by what lay in front of us.

My old home.

Police tape still sectioned off the house from the accident. The hole that Mengele had blasted through my parents bedroom was still there with more yellow tape across the diameter.

Astrid gave me fierce look as she exited the car, grabbing the large red pail full of gas as I limped towards the house. Without a word, she started pouring the gas on the porch, the front door, the windows…

When the can was empty, she stood next to me, "are you sure?" The first words she had said to me at all.

"I have to," I stared up at the looming home. It was once a home, before mom died. "I can't move on if this is still here. And that's not fair to you, your parents… or to me."

I took a steadying breath as II took out a match box from my pocket, and scratched the wick against the sandpaper. A small flame burned to life and I held it in front of me.

Fire, not only to destroy. But to purify.

To purify my soul.

I threw the match on the gas-drenched porch and watched the entire structure light up to flames. Astrid helped me get out of the way from the intense heat, and we watched from the opposite side of the street - making sure the fire caught.

Making sure the house burned.

When it was larger, but still contained, Astrid left an anonymous tip to the fire department and we left swiftly.

In the car, I leaned my head back, staring outside.

"I didn't mean those things I said to you," Astrid said as we drove. "I was just so mad, I wanted to hurt you… and to think, that conversation might have been the last one we ever had if -"

She stopped herself from saying anymore, and I leaned over the console to squeeze her hand. "I'm sorry too Astrid. I just want you to know, that I do see you as a sister. As a friend. I understood why you were mad, and I want to be better at letting you in. And your parents - you guys are my family. I need to start living in the present, and looking forward to the future. I want to start, not just act like I'm your family, but believing in it."

She pulled off to the side of the road, turning to face me. Tears streaming down her eyes, but she was smiling through, and nodding her head. "Me too, Hiccup. I want that, too."

So, I told Astrid everything. I told her the story of me becoming the anchor, of my Drahki and my powers of darkness, my deals with Pitch Black and Eris. I told her about the journey to find the Lasser Glass, how I became its master, and how it took away my powers of shifting - took away the anchor. I told her my final moments with Jacks brother, and how it should have been him that crossed over.

By the end of it, tears streamed down my face and I was gasping for breath. Astrid listened quietly. Patiently.

She was the only person I told - the only person who knew officially that I was no longer the anchor.

"I'm sorry, Hiccup." She said, softly, and I knew she meant it. Even though, she didn't really understand the depths of it. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," I swallowed. "But, It has to be out there, somewhere. It still exists. Don't you think?" I craned my neck to look at her. Astrid's features were lit up by the illuminated dash.

Astrid leaned towards me, hugging me from across the console, "If anyone can find it, it'll be you and Jack."

I breathed in her scent, "thank you, Astrid."

We stayed like that for a while before she pulled away. There was only silence as we stared at each other, wet-faced and pitiful, before we chuckled. Astrid started laughing, wiping at her nose and face.

"Now the water works are running" She chuckled and slid her fingers under her eyes to capture any stray tears. I choked on a laugh, doing the same. When we finally regained some more control, Astrid leaned back in her seat, pressing her hands to the wheel.

"So when are we officially going to meet Jack?" She gave me a sly smile. "I'm sure mom and dad will be excited."

I felt a huge smile on my face, not doubting that Mrs. and Mr. Hofferson - Heather and Derek - would hold some kind of elaborate dinner to meet Jack. In fact, I was excited about it too.

"Don't worry," I leaned back in my seat, thinking about Jack and how I wanted to see him so badly. I had so much to tell him. "He'll be around for a while."

..::3 YEARS LATER::..


Jack was standing outside, under a blanket of twinkling stars that shone brightly from the darkened sky. The air was chilly, and he stuffed his hands in the pockets of his white suit pants. He was wearing a fitted white dress shirt, light grey tie, a grey vest and a matching white suit jacket.

From the large reception hall behind him, laughter and conversation filled the otherwise quiet night. Jack and Hiccup are just married.

From within, the laughter and noise filling his ears, were from their family and friends. Three years had passed since that night the duo hunted down Mengele, and ended him. It's been three years of being happy, and pursuing new dreams. Jack finally finished his doctorate, but had to close down Guardians Paranormal Group as he went back to America to complete the process. That was the longest four months away from Hiccup, but he kept himself busy by finishing High School. After, he was determined to find a university to study parapsychology and continue his search for the new anchor.

Jack couldn't stand the thought of never being with Hiccup, who he loved so fiercely. So, when Jack returned to the U.K., he proposed to him. Together, with the help from Merida, and Zel - and a generous donation from Anastasia, and Jacks parents - they reopened Guardians Paranormal Group.

Smiling at the memories, Jack looked up at the stars and breathed out, "I wish you could be here, Ollie."

The stars from above seem to wink in reply. The news that Oliver wanted to pass on was devastating, since Jack didn't even get to say goodbye, or thank you. It was more occasions than one that Ollie had saved him, protected him. Jack felt a sore aching in his chest as he thought about his past brother. But, from above, staring at the peaceful glimmer of the night - he knew in his heart that Oliver was in a much better place. And that he would always be with them.

"What're you doing out here?" Rapunzel asked, stepping out into the cold night. Jack looked back at his friend. She was wearing a long, dazzling green gown. It had slits up the thighs that were embedded with tiny crystals, and everytime to petite blonde moved, they glistened in the night. Her face was on full display as her blonde hair was pulled up tight, and the sweeping neckline of the gown was only accessorized with a small diamond necklace - a gift from Merida.

"I just needed some air," Jack turned towards her, smiling and feeling content.

Zel reached towards him with a black-gloved hand, "let's go back inside, Jack. Hiccups waiting."

The clairvoyant was kind, and waited patiently as Jack moved to grab her hand, placing it on the inside of his elbow and the pair walked back inside. The reception hall they chose to be married in was in the U.K, and had been decorated with a strings of light, homemade gifts and many more personal touches from Jack and Hiccup. Jack wasn't very artistic, but Hiccup assured him that everything would fall together. And, the moment the lights went out - it looked like Hiccup had captured the entire night sky for Jack.

He gave him infinity.

Bunny, Merida, Anna, her parents, Kristoff, Eugene, Astrid, and her parents were all present. Jacks parents, who stood side-by-side, beamed at him from across the room. And many more friends that the pair had made along the way were there. Zel lead Jack through the cheering faces, and as the crowd cleared a way, sitting at the long table with the large room of guest, was Hiccup.

He looked devastatingly handsome in the matching white-tailored suit. Only, Hiccups had accents of black on the buttons and down the front of the tuxedo.

Jacks heart ached at the sight of him. At how this perfect male wanted to, so desperately, be with him. Just as much as Jack wanted to be with him. Zel stopped in place at Hiccups side,

"I retrieved your husband," She announced proudly to Hiccup, who only smiled at Jack, mischievously.

"Not even a full day married, and you've already tried to escape?" Hiccup purred. "Doesn't seem like a good start."

Jack and Rapunzel burst out laughing, with Hiccup's laugh - silvery and bright - soon joining in. It was more beautiful than any starry night.

Jack lifted a finely-cut glass, gently chiming a fork against the side of it, "I would like to make a toast!"

Everyone scrambled to find a glass, and Jack continued. "Hiccup, here's to finally having the time that we didn't have before. A gift that we have more days to come -on a long, and new road ahead. To the eternity of nights we have together, to see everything together." Jack turned to face his husband, eyes burning. "And to the time we have as I follow you on all of our adventures. 'Till the end of the world."

Hiccup moved closer, clanking his glass against Jacks. "'Till death do us part."


Authors Notes: I thought I would switch it up and do a note at the end! Heir of Darkness is finally complete, and it wouldn't be done if Hiccup and Jack did not make their vows!

I'm so excited to have had this project go as far as it did... And I really have to thank my readers for inspiring me to write. It is tough as a writer to keep going sometimes, but you keep me honest and I just want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

Raxacoricofallapatoreous - it was a pleasure to write for you, and I appropriated all the ideas you had, plus all of the reviews! I hope you keep reviewing and keeping authors inspired :)

Masks of JM and JS - I loved all of your reviews, and yes, hopefully whoever they end up with - they are happy. As for Pitch Black.. I really don't know what to make of him. Was he a friend, or foe? That's up to you :) Thank you for always reviewing, it really made my day to see it!

I hope to see you all again, you guys deserved every shoutout!
