Hello to all of you still with me, I know it's been a long time. I finally got this chapter out, yay! Hope you enjoy.
Disclaimer: see main page.
"Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm, and harmony." - Thomas Merton
"Reborn told me you have a...somewhat unorthodox way of finding out if you can bond with someone?" Fon seemed to have made up his mind, as he prompted her for more information.
"So I'm told. It's just the only way I've found to ensure only good bonds." She replied with a shrug. "Both people who want to bond hold a flame in their hand like so, and then they hold the two different flames close together to see if they are compatible." she explained as she demonstrated with her own hands. Fon followed her example with one hand, and Sirina offered one of her own lit hands. Skull also lit one of his palms with his flames. Both males approached Sirina and held out their palms. They had almost reached Sirina when someone jumped between them. Both men jumped back into defensive positions, while Colonello and Reborn yanked Sirina backwards. They then put themselves between their Sky and the threat.
In direct contrast to her guardians, Sirina lit up like a Christmas Tree(*1). She practically sprinted around her guardians and threw herself into the arms of the smiling girl in front of her.
"Luna!" Sirina cried gleefully. "You're okay! I was so worried!" she choked out past her happy tears. Luna, looking sympathetic, rubbed Sirina's back gently.
"We're glad to see you're well also. Everyone except Luna was really worried about you." Neville informed his friend cheerfully. Seeing Sirina's happy reception of the intruders, Sirina's guardians stood down.
"I'd say sorry for surprising you...except we're not." George greeted cheerfully. "I assume you are the newest victims of Sirina's charisma?" He added with a wink to Sirina. Sirina blushed and hit George on the shoulder.
"Mean." She complained halfheartedly. Luna turned to look at the new guardians thoughtfully. To those she regarded, it was like she was staring through them, instead of at them. She regarded each one in turn, starting with Colonello and ending with Draco Malfoy. When she finished she beamed at them collectively.
"Welcome to the family. I am glad to see all went well." Luna bubbled.
"Thank you, Lovegood." Zabini drawled gravely. Draco bowed politely, and Sirina turned to face her new guardians.
"Everyone, this is my first ..well, she's a dual aspect. You would call her my first Mist. In our society she is categorized as both the Lapis Luzuli Aspect, and Kyanite Aspect." Sirina began.
"And why was she not worried about you?" Lal Mirch wondered, with only the tiniest hint of judgment in her voice.
"The Lovegood family females have an inheritable gift. Presumably Miss Lovegood inherited this gift, much like Luce and Aria." Regulus remarked.
"Speaking of my Aspects, it's time for the renewal." Luna agreed. Most of the other people looked confused, but Sirina just smiled gently at her first Mist.
"Can it wait until I've bonded with Fon and Skull?" Sirina wondered. Luna tipped her head to the side.
"It needs to be done right away, before anything else has time to take root." Luna replied firmly. Sirina sighed but obediently turned and smiled at Fon and Skull.
"It looks like it will be a couple minutes before we can try bonding. I apologize." Sirina told the men, bowing apologetically. "If you would be willing to take a seat, it shouldn't take too long." Sirina added, looking to Luna for confirmation, who nodded.
"What, exactly, are you going to do?" Reborn asked suspiciously as George took out his wand and began burning what appeared to be a venn diagram into the grass and dirt. Strangely the fire didn't even attempt to spread once it's path was devoid of burnable material. The new guardians watched closely as the right circle closed around Sirina.
"You have ensured Sirina's magic, core, mind, and body are healed. For this we are most grateful. But she needs to be re-harmonized with herself. Also, she needs to re-finalize the bonds with George, Neville, and I. It throws her off-balance to not be centered with herself and not be fully bonded to the guardians she already has. Plus the ceremony will renew the earth around us and rejuvenate it." Luna replied, for once completely focused on the person she was talking to. All the former Arcobaleno stiffened. They remembered all too well their own curse that was supposed to provide power to the world.
"You would take from Sirina power to renew the world?" Colonello growled dangerously. Luna looked at him, cocking her head to the side.
"Not in the way you mean, as one of the seven. The power will only be what is naturally expelled in the process of renewing our Amber." Luna corrected gently. She turned from the conversation, gaze going far away once more and eyes looking slightly vacant as though she saw something no one else could. George finished burning small squiggly sigils and symbols into the ground. Neville took a pouch out of his pocket and held it aloft. From his place with the other guardians, Regulus breathed out sharply in shock. The small pouch was green with amber threaded symbols all over it.
"Green magic." He breathed. "It was said to have been lost when the Green family died out..." He whispered in awe.
"Not died out, just changed their name." George replied cheerfully as he and Luna moved to stand on either side of Neville and lifted their wands to point at the little pouch which Neville held above his head in both hands. As Luna and George began to chant softly, Neville began to emanate a green glow around himself. The guardians, the soon to be guardians, and Verde watched in suspicion and awe as the ceremony began.
"By the gift of the Summer Fae, gifted to my line in ancient times, I call upon the green and ground to bring their blessings of purification and amplification to our ceremony." Neville intoned, eyes closed. As his eyes slipped open once more, the entirety of his eyes glowed eerily green. After a moment the bag took on the same green glow, excepting the amber threading which remained plain. Gently Neville lowered the pouch and opened the drawstring at the top. He glided across the ground until he stood just before Sirina. Carefully he dropped two gemstones before Sirina's feet.
The first was a Black Fire Obsidian, the second a piece of amber. Both gemstones were uncut, but polished to a high sheen. Walking counter-clockwise, Neville gently shook out a gem every couple feet. He started directly in front of Sirina with a piece of Sapphire. As Neville moved on, Luna directed Lal Mirch to stand behind the gemstone but in front of their Amber Sky. Lal went as directed, but her mouth twisted into a grimace at the thought of taking part of such a ritual. Sirina met Lal's eyes and smiled encouragingly at her. 'Thank you' Sirina mouthed to Lal, and the woman's scowl melted away.
Two more stones fell in the next spot, one a blueish stone most of them didn't recognize, the other appeared to be Lapis Luzuli. No one was directed to stand behind them, and Neville moved to the next place to drop a yellow piece of polished topaz. This time Reborn was directed to stand behind it, and he did so with a blank face. A piece of Amethyst was paired with Blaise, and then another piece of Sapphire was paired with Colonello directly behind Sirina. George came to stand behind another of the unknown blue stones without prompting, as Draco also came to stand behind a piece of yellow calcite. A third piece of the unknown blue stone was gently dropped into the next spot along with a piece of the black fire obsidian. Luna gently nudged Regulus to that spot.
"What is the blue stone?" Regulus whispered quietly to Luna.
"It's Kyanite." Luna replied breezily as she went to stand in the empty space that they'd left before. Neville dropped a piece of Jade in the center of the Venn diagram, and then stood in the empty half of the diagram. He carefully dropped one last gemstone, a piece of jade, before tucking the bag back into his pocket. The eerie green glow around Neville died down until it was contained just within his skin.
"Now, starting with Sirina, we begin to power the ritual. We must not talk out of turn during the ritual, so remember your order. First Sirina, then the sapphire in front of her. After that sapphire, the Kyanite Black Fire Obsidian will go. Next will be Malfoy, the Yellow Calcite. After him George will do his part, and then the last Sapphire. Amethyst has the next turn, and then the yellow topaz. I will close the circle, and then Neville will start the renewal and re-calibration. The words to say and when to say them will come to you each, as part of the ritual. Please speak them willingly, if you wish to help our Amber Sky." Luna instructed sternly as she once more met each pair of eyes. Seeing they would all help out, Luna turned her eyes back to her sky.
"Go ahead, Ri." Neville encouraged with a soft smile. Sirina breathed out slowly and closed her eyes. Slowly her Sky, Wrath, and Black Fire flames flared into a visible aura around her. Once her aura filled the entire piece of her partial circle, the aura was absorbed into the two stones on the ground before her. Slowly the stones began to glow with soft inner light, a reddish-black color glowing from the Black Fire obsidian and an amber-red color glowing from the piece of amber. Her eyes glowed with the colors of her magic and her inherited Black family powers in a semi- kaleidoscope effect. Hey eyes met Lal Mirch's eyes once more, but this time seemed to look through Lal and into her spirit.
"I call upon all that I am and all that I can be. I call upon my truest self and the gifts given unto me, both by blood and by fate, bring harmony unto me and mine. Let our will break any other ties put upon us by those not in this circle. Let us join together fully. I bring my flames and magic to bear to harmonize us all, to help us be at one with ourselves and each other. I do this for my self, all those that are mine, and all those that become mine." Sirina called strongly. As Sirina finished, Lal Mirch felt a strong force fill her, guiding her to build her own Rain aura until it filled the circle. Once the circle was filled, she stopped sending out her flames. She watched, fascinated as her flames were drawn into the piece of sapphire before her. She had been afraid the ritual would be like the Arcobaleno curse, but she could feel no more flames were being drawn from her. Nor did Lal feel like she was bound irrevocably to the stone, as she had with the pacifier.
"I call upon the rain and my Will to calm any troubles in our circle, to wash away any impurities, and to drown any who would interfere in our bonds. I do this for all in our circle and all those who join in the future." Lal Mirch murmured, her voice only just carrying enough that the others in the circle could hear. Barely had those words left her mouth before Regulus powered his own stone.
"I call upon the gifts of the Black Family, and any other gifts I have by blood and by fate. I call upon the ability of the Kyanite to make pathways, to forge communication channels, and my Mist to construct. I bring these to bear to forge our bonds unbreakable, unbreachable(*²), and hidden from others unless willingly shown. I also forge our mental connections to be permanent, that we may never be out of reach of one another, able to sense one anothers location, but with doors so we can keep our thoughts private. This I bring to all in our circle and all those who join it." Regulus hummed. Draco shifted in his circle when the attention of the others moved onto him.
Dutifully he filled his yellow calcite piece, and spoke.
"I call upon the gifts of the Malfoy and White families. I call upon all other gifts I have by blood and by fate. I bring the power of yellow calcite to heal any wounds whether physical or spiritual in our circle, and those who join it later." One by one each of them filled their stones and spoke their words, with George adding his own Kyanite power to Regulus's promises, and Colonello adding his rain power to Lal's. Blaise was the first Amethyst, and he spoke his words strongly but calmly.
"I call upon the Zabini Magics, as well as any other gifts I have by blood and fate. I bring to bear the pure Amethyst's focus. I bring protection for all those in the circle and those who will yet join our circle, from physical, spiritual, and mystical harm. I cleanse all within the circle and those who will join it from troubles, chains, bindings, and grant all the intuition of Amethysts truest power." Blaise intoned solemnly, and felt a burden seem to lift from his shoulders. Reborn spoke his own words next, slightly started they did not match the other man who he knew to be a Sun.
"I bring my Sun flames and the gift of yellow Topaz to the circle. I bring clarity to us all, that we may not lie to either ourselves or each other. I bring activation, to help us to always have enough energy to do whatever we need to. I bring clarity and manifestation together, that none of us will ever have trouble knowing or using our gifts. I bring the Suns stimulation, that we may always achieve what we set out to do, and augmentation, that we may always be able to help each other in times of need whether that be physical, spiritual, or mystical. This I bring and do for all those in the circle and all those who will join." He pledged strongly, and several eyebrows raised at the words so close to those of the magical members of the circle. Reborn himself was surprised at the words, but turned his attention to Luna as she began to speak.
"I call upon the gifts and duties of the Lovegood and Blue families. I call upon any other gifts I have by blood and by fate. I call upon my powers of Kyanite and Lapis Luzuli aspects. To my Amber Sky, to all those that are hers or become hers, I reinforce the Kyanite's promises, and I add the promises of the Lapus Lazuli: Vision, truth, and awareness. Fate's blessings and guidance upon this circle to help us choose the best paths and avoid trouble wherever possible. The awareness to know the difference between trouble that can and should be avoided, and trouble that will help us grow. Also I bring the Blue family gifts to help us to grown in knowledge and perfection as a group." She added solemnly. She turned her gaze to Neville after speaking, and he smiled wistfully at her before filling his own stone.
"As the Jasper belonging to the unlimited Amber Sky, I call upon my Longbottom and Green family gifts, as well as any other gifts I have by blood, by fate, and by learning. I give abundance unto all in the circle and all who join my Amber Sky's circle. I give abundance that our gifts, goods, and luck may only grow. I bring my nature energy to bear in order to help my Amber Sky in harmonization, and in balance. I use my harmonization to take the energies offered up in this circle, and direct them," Neville intoned as the energy from all the stones flowed to hover over the piece of jasper in the center of the middle portion of the venn diagram-looking piece.
"The powers, gifts, promises, pledges, and people are all bound within this circle. Both those hear now and those who join in the future who will add their own powers, gifts, pledges, and such to the circle. I direct these bound powers to help all within the circle be balanced from now on, and I direct the bonds to protect all in the circle at any time from attack, from those who seek to interfere with our circle, and from mystical harm or interference." He finished. With his last words, the power flashed outwards like a circle of lightning starting from the stone and ending as a ring of different colored lights swirled together just outside the ring of guardians.
The joined powers then melted inwards to thoroughly coat every individual inside the circles from the top of their hair to the bottom of their shoes they all shone momentarily. Not a lick of skin, clothing, hair, or eyes could be seen of the lot. Skull and Fon had just started to worry again when the glow faded into the skin of those it covered. Behind his bush, Verde saw none of what was going on. All he saw was everyone standing around and chatting about mundane every-day things. For some reason, Reborn seemed to have a strange obsession with pie which was only matched by the blonde girls' obsession with pudding...Verde hit his listening device, which he highly suspected of malfunctioning. Everyone knew Reborn's food obsession was espresso, after all.
So, we finally get to the point of using the aspects the stones are named for! Next time, a (very, extremely) short explanation about why each stone was chosen. Also, maybe we'll see fon/skull/sirina finally bond?! Also, big thanks to the person (you know who you are) who inspired me to go more in-depth with the family name/colors having a specific type of magic they are known for (like Black Magic, Green Magic, White Magic, etc). Also, I had someone complain that I make my paragraphs too big. I can't take it down to two sentences each, I'm not even going to try going that small, but I did try and make them somewhat smaller. Do you readers like the length of my paragraphs more or less than before? I'd love to hear from you. Thanks again for all the wonderful comments and support from you readers.
See you next chapter!
*1 – sorry, couldn't resist.
*² – Probably not a word, but I liked it anyways, so I kept it. Slightly sorry.