"You are a complete arse, Malfoy!" Hermione's hands were clenched at her sides as she yelled at the smug man across from her.
"I only mean to point out Granger, that you might not, in fact, know everything." Draco said in an infuriatingly calm voice, completely unaffected by her anger. He barely even glanced up from the paper he was reading.
"I know that I put the letter here, and I also know that you moved it." Hermione almost growled as she saw Draco try to restrain a laugh.
Draco, for his part, thought he was putting up a rather good front.
He had discovered, quite to his amazement, that despite the orderliness of Hermione's mind and schedule, her living space was quite a different story. They had moved into an apartment together almost six months ago now, and he still had not tired of teasing her about it.
It was quite possibly the only way he was able to handle it – being immaculately tidy himself. And Hermione never failed to become very defensive whenever anything might point to her being messy. Draco had always considered himself very capable of reading others, and after the years of being together, months of living together, Hermione was still his favorite subject to study.
Right now, for example, she was very very near being well and truly angry – but not quite. They were dancing the line between joking and a row (maybe him a little more than her). But, thankfully Draco also considered himself a rather intelligent person. And a row with Hermione Granger was not something anyone in their right mind would want.
"Okay, okay, I surrender. You well and truly do know everything." Hermione narrowed her eyes at the blatant flattery, but allowed him to continue. "I was looking at it when you came out of the room, it wasn't until you were five minutes into looking for it that I even put it behind my back." He pulled the letter in question from his waistband where it had been hidden with a flourish before handing it over.
Hermione huffed, taking it from him, but said nothing more. She unfolded the paper, reading it closely for what had to be the twentieth time since it had arrived last night. Draco came up behind the witch, snaking his hands around her sides and resting his head on her shoulder.
"That is an enormous amount of books."
"A fair few I guess."
"A fair few? Hermione, that is for one school year, and there are at least twenty different texts on there."
"A few are optional"
"Ha, I doubt you will consider them as such."
"Yes, because you were so good at moderation when it came to your advanced potions exams."
Draco affected affront, pulling away and turning Hermione to face him. "Yes, Hermione. But potions are interesting. And useful. That - " he indicated the book list in her hand "Is a load of waffle – if you excuse the very Weasley language."
"Draco, this is politics and law, and with these I can help change the magical world!"
Draco couldn't help but smile. When Hermione got passionate about something, there really was no stopping her. It was one of the many things he loved about her. Enough to help him put up with her mess even.
He had no doubt that once Hermione completed her legal studies and got a position in the ministry (because of course she would get one) she would start making some major waves. As for Draco, he had had enough of politics to last him a life time.
"And woe be to anyone who stands in your way." At this Hermione finally smiled back at him and he knew his earlier prank had been forgiven. She came close to him again, resting her nose on his.
"And woe to be you – it appears you have lost track of time." Hermione said sweetly, braking into laughter at the startled look on Draco's face.
"Bullocks! Why didn't you say anything!" Draco yelled as he rushed back into their bedroom to change into clothes more presentable than the ratty pajamas he was currently wearing.
"I'm so sorry Draco, I just was so distressed by the missing book list…" Hermione heard him grumble in response from the other room and her grin widened. They were getting breakfast with some friends – Harry and Ginny, Blaise Zambini, Ron and Hannah might show up and, if it were a truly special day possibly even Pansy – and then doing the last minute shopping before her semester started. They all got together every month, and Pansy made it maybe one out of every four times – but she always came with exceptional gossip that kept everyone entertained for hours, so she was forgiven her spottiness.
Hermione loved to chance to see her friends. Since leaving school it had become increasingly difficult to see them. Though to be honest she usually saw them at least once or twice between their breakfasts, even if it was just for a coffee and chat.
With Harry and Ron it was more often of course. After their year searching for horcruxes, attempting to follow Dumbledore's scattered instructions as their headmaster had done all in his power to keep Voldemort at bay while they worked, the three of them had never been closer. Finishing their seventh year together had given them a brief respite to relax and 'actually bloody live life instead of fight for it' as Ron put it.
Draco had spent the year stuck in the House of Black, as agreed, but had made himself useful brewing healing and pain potions to, as he put it "maintain his skill – not help the bloody Order". But help it had, and when Voldemort had finally been defeated Draco had been allowed to return for their seventh year with any of the other students that had wanted to.
But graduation had come and gone, and now Hermione was forced to see her friends only when their auror schedules allowed. And soon they would have to accommodate her new school schedule as well. So she was really looking forward to their breakfast today – at last hurrah if you will. Though she was sure it would be far from their last time seeing each other, it seemed like it was a turning point.
Hermione was already ready to go – it took her considerably less time than Draco, and she looked idly around their new flat. It was small, but well appointed, and Hermione was incredibly pleased with it. She glanced at the table – where her booklist should have been – and her eyes were drawn to exactly what she was trying to not look at.
Draco had received it almost a week ago now, but had silently handed it to Hermione to read only yesterday. She burned with emotion just looking at it, and she had no idea how Draco was feeling, but she couldn't imagine it was much better.
He had not heard from his mother or father since their fateful rescue attempt. Until this letter. Draco's father was in Azkaban, but his mother had gotten away with just a house arrest due to her passive role.
"My Son," the letter started, and Hermione had almost stopped there, the anger making her hands shake when she had read it. But she was glad she had continued,
"My son,
I will offer no excuses and no shallow platitudes. The war is over now and I will not pretend as though the timing of this letter is coincidental. I still hold true to the beliefs of the Dark Lord, and have no regrets for my actions. I do however, have one regret. And that is our last interaction. You are, and always will be my son.
Our choices have led us to different places. But, it is my hope that you are happy – despite the way of life you have chosen. I am not foolish enough to believe that the differences and time between us can be easily overcome. But if you wish to try, you know where I am.
Your mother"
Draco had not yet responded. Hermione did not know if he would. But, at the least, she felt, this would give him some measure of closure over the matter – however he decided to handle it.
Before Hermione could brood too much longer she heard a sharp knock on their door.
"Harry, Ron!" She gave them both a hug as she ushered them through the doorway. "You are ten minutes late – so right when I expected you. Draco's almost ready, it will just be a moment."
Ron rolled his eyes, and Harry said – loudly enough that Draco could hear in the next room "Of course Draco is still getting ready. He has to spell each individual hair on his head into place before he even leaves the house."
"Hey now," Draco walked out of their bedroom, now dressed appropriately and indeed, without a single hair out of place. "Perfection takes time."
"Only for some of us Malfoy" Ron winked as Draco shook his head.
"Come on you three, we're already late enough." Hermione quickly shooed them through the doorway. The restaurant was only a block away, so they almost always walked instead of apparating.
"Please remind me Hermione, why does the witless duo insist on stopping here instead of just meeting us at the restaurant?" Draco's exasperated tone was mostly joking, he had long ago learned to appreciate Hermione's friends, but he couldn't let them think that.
"Otherwise you would never finish trying to fix your hair." Harry said at the same time Ron said "Because we just love to annoy you."
Hermione just laughed, putting her arm around Draco and pulling him close. When Draco was not around Hermione often encouraged Harry and Ron to meet them at the apartment. Largely for both of those reasons. But mostly because this – the four of them, together, having fun, on their way to meet even more people they cared about – well, there wasn't much that was better than that.