
My first week at the morgue is finally over, quite the experience I must say. Most of the detectives appear to be dimwits, I'm surprised they close any cases, or at least with the correct result. They all warned me of a Detective Murdoch from Station House 4, saying things like pompous, arrogant, superior, and making disparaging remarks about his 'new-fangled ideas.' "Watch out for him," they all told me. Today I was called out to my first case for SH4; as I arrived I saw a man disappear into a carriage and the constable told me he was Det. Murdoch. I was somewhat relieved that I'd missed him given the warnings I'd had. I accompanied the bodies back to the morgue and as I was writing my preliminary observations someone walked in; I didn't look up until he was standing by my desk. When I finally did look up I was faced with the most HANDSOME, YOUNG man I've ever seen! He held out his hand as he introduced himself and as I shook it it was like a bolt of electricity shot through my entire body! I've never felt anything like it before. I have to admit he didn't make a good first impression in any other way and I'm not sure if the other detectives weren't correct but I cannot get Det. Murdoch—or his effect on me—out of my mind, my body is still tingling. I wonder when I'll see him again!