Big Time Supernatural 12

After they finished patrolling the two of them went back inside. Logan hadn't known what had come over him and tried to brush it off. (It was early and…and you didn't expect him to come outside.) Carlos wanted to talk, but Logan didn't. "I'm sorry Los I just don't feel like talking."

"Logie listen don't beat yourself up about what happened. It could have happened to anyone. First of all it was dawn and what human comes out at dawn?"

"I don't know."

"Exactly. Secondly it wasn't as if you were in tight control of your actions. We were looking and sniffing for the scent of mother's vamps. So of course his sent hit you hard." Logan smiled and hugged the boy beside him.

"Thanks Los I mean those thoughts went through my head, but hearing you saying them helps a lot."

"Of course you would do the same for me." Logan nodded.

"I think I'm going to rest for a bit then we can play some video games." Carlos smiled and nodded.

Kendall Stepped inside his heart beating rapidly. Fear slid through his veins and he locked his door. He tried to sleep, but it didn't work. His body wouldn't relax. *What the hell was that?* He glanced at the clock, but it was only seven in the morning. He got out the notebook and wrote what happened down. He sighed and closed his eye trying to will his body to sleep. Finally, when it hit nine he fell asleep.

Ring…ring…ring…ring. Kendall was vaguely aware of the noise. It was distant so he didn't move. Ring…ring…ring. Finally he reached out and pushed accept. "Hey where are yu?"


"Are you still asleep?"

"Not now."

"Well you were supposed to come and we were going to watch that marathon remember?" Kendall yawned then remembered.

"Oh yeah."

"Get over here."

"K." he ended then yawned closing his eyes. Another hour went by then his door opened and James sighed.

"He's been like that all day." His mom said.

"I got this." James went over and opened the curtains so that the sun shone in on Kendall's face. When he didn't open his eyes James chuckled then went over and pulled his covers off him.


"Get up Knight."

"Go away I'm tired."

"It's twelve o'clock get up or I eat your cheesey popcorn." Kendall sat up and yawned.

"No don't." James grinned and Kendall got out of bed then took a quick shower. He was more awake then. They stepped outside and were heading pat Logan and Carlos's house when the two emerged. "Hey you want to join us!" Logan hesitated. "It's a movie marathon."

"Yeah let's do it!"

"Okay sure we'll join you." The four walked to James's house and began that marathon.

A/N Hey everyone sorry I didn't upload this weekend I had to do my assignment, but I promise to upload more I don't own BTR Sadly.