Forgotten Warriors

Chapter 6: Ikari's Shadow / Soul Diving

By: LD

Disclaimer: See Part 1.

Asuka walked into a buzzing medlab, and she already knew the reason. Nothing stood in her way as she made her way to the bed where Shinji lay. Doctor Franklin was already looking him over, trying to get him to relax. Shinji however was panicking, Asuka could see the cold fear in his eyes as he tried to speak to the doctor but Stephen couldn't communicate with him.

"Someone get a translator in here now," Franklin demanded. Asuka heard the language Shinji spoke and already knew she could speak with him.

Her eyes met his, and he immediately began to calm down. She was probably the only familiar face he knew. Asuka spoke to him before Franklin could say anything about it. "It's okay, he's a doctor," Asuka said in Japanese.

Shinji nodded, "Are you alright? When I saw you you were..."

Asuka shook her head, "I'm sorry, I'm not the Asuka you know."

Shinji didn't understand, "What do you mean? Asuka this isn't funny, where am I?"

Doctor Franklin broke in on the two, "You can talk with him?"

Asuka answered him, "Yes, he's speaking Japanese and I know that language. Never could read it though."

Franklin nodded, "It will do for now, see if you can calm him down. I don't want to risk a sedative right now."

Asuka was helpful in getting Shinji to cooperate. There were parts where the boy seemed to already know what was about to be asked. After he was satisfied that everything was alright with the boy he left the room. Franklin left to make his report, but not before telling Asuka to try and keep him calm.

Asuka stared at the boy intently, trying to figure out what to say to him. How was she going to tell him everything that had happened? What could she say that would make the pain her words would bring any less? Nothing really seemed appropriate, except for the truth.

"What did you mean you aren't the Asuka I know?" he asked.

Asuka sighed and sat down next to him in the chair she had grown too familiar with, "I don't even know where to begin."

She noticed Shinji staring at her, looking her over, "You're alright though? I saw Unit Two torn apart, I was afraid you were dead. I should have tried harder to get to Unit One."

Asuka shook her head, "I'm sorry, but she is dead."

Shinji's widened in shock and guilt, but that didn't stop Asuka, "She died about two hundred years ago. She lived to the age of seventy-two and then passed away quietly in her sleep surrounded by family. Everything she had from when you knew her was already locked away in storage. We've been keeping it all safe ever since."

If Shinji wasn't in shock before, he was getting close, "Two hundred years?" Asuka nodded, watching the boys reaction. She could see his hands begin to shake, followed by the rest of his body. "Touji, Kensuke, Hikari, everyone, all dead?" Asuka nodded again, but this time got up and sat next to him, placing her hand on his.

"I don't know why I look like her. She was my ancestor yet I've been seeing things in my mind as if I was her. Everything is strange right now, and it's only going to get harder now that you've woken up. We have things in our quarters you should see, perhaps there is something there that will help you through this. I wish I knew."

Asuka saw the tears slide down his cheeks, and did the only thing that made sense to her. She pulled him into her arms and held him as he cried. So deep was his sorrow she could feel it herself and shed a tear with him in rememberence of the people he had left behind. Neither of them noticed the Vorlon turn and leave them together.


"So what's his status Stephen?" Sheridan asked.

Franklin rubbed the bridge of his nose as he answered, "Physically he's alright, nothing I can find to hold him in Medlab. Ms. Soryu has been acting as translator for him until she can get his English at least up enough to speak for himself. Seems he only speaks Japanese which has made any communication difficult without her."

Hague spoke up at this, "Almost as if something or someone planned it that way."

"I couldn't tell you General. All I can say is that he is as fit for release from Medlab as he can be. The rest is going to take a lot of time and patience," Franklin said.

Sheridan nodded, "Thank you Doctor. I think the best thing to do would be to release him into the Soryu's care for now. Do what you can for him Stephen."

Franklin nodded and left Sheridan's office. Hague stood and watched the door the doctor had left through for a moment. "Are you certain that's a good idea John?"

Sheridan knew what the General was asking, "No, but from what Dr. Soryu has told us it makes the most sense. I'm more worried about this hearing before the council."

Hague threw him a glance, "I thought you already had enough votes from the Council to prevent the Centauri from getting their hands on the two."

"It's not that. Ambassador Mollari knows he can't win on a straight up and down vote. Even if Earth abstained on this the Minbari, Narn, and apparently the Vorlons now will vote against him. No, he's doing this for show. I've got a bad feeling about this," Sheridan admitted to the General.

The General nodded, "And what about Bester?"

"He's been quiet, a little too quiet. He's doing just enough to be annoying but hasn't tried anything. That telepathic kick back must have rattled him."

Hague nodded, "I have to report back to the Joint Chiefs and the President. I'll update them on the situation while you tend to the Council. Keep your eyes open for anything."

"Have to around this place, but then again nothing is ever quiet what it seems," Sheridan said as the General left the office.


Asuka had left Shinji in Medlab to rest, trying to give him time to adjust to what he was going through. She wasn't sure if it was right to leave him there, but she needed time as well. Everything had happened so fast over such a short amount of time. Revelations into her families past had felt natural for a time. Now however it was all starting to set in, and she didn't know if she could handle it. The visions of a life not her own haunted her. The pain and loneliness these images made her feel. Asuka was having a hard time making sense of them all.

So as Shinji rested she sat staring at a stone garden. The waves in the sand meticulously cared for warping around each single stone. So engrossed in her thoughts she never noticed the black clad figure of Bester sit down next to her. The Psi-Cop sat there, patiently waiting as he listened to the thought noise she put out. He didn't have to be a telepath to know what she was thinking or who she was thinking about right now.

"You know, there are more ways to tell what a person is thinking then just being telepathic. It's in how they sit or stand, how they hold their hands, or the look in their eyes. Just by looking at that I can tell that you are very troubled without even touching your mind or listening to what ever thought noise you are putting off," Bester said, trying to break the ice.

Asuka didn't know why but the thought of the image of herself being mind raped came to mind at the sound of Bester's voice. She shivered as she thought of it, turning to Bester and asking, "Can you see that thought?"

Bester took the question at it's face and looked at the image. As much as he flaunted his talents, even taking the liberties he would go after lower level telepaths, what he saw sickened him. He nodded as Asuka looked back at the stone garden, "I've got a thousand thoughts just like it running in my head right now. You're a Psi-Cop, what would you call that one?"

Bester choose his words carefully, "I'd call it telepathic rape, something I'd hunt a man down for and probably have a convenient accident with," he admitted. After all, psi-cops were still human.

"Is that what a deep scan is like?"

"Similar, the further you dig the more damage you can do to someones mind. It's why we have strict rules about how telepaths act and use their abilities."

Asuka nodded, "I suppose I should be grateful, I'm not the one that had to go through that. That was another girl with my face, my name. I don't understand though how those memories can be in my mind if I never lived them. They belong to a girl dead for two centuries. I just have her face, and now I'm trying to reach out to a boy that saw those nightmares. Hell, he suffered his own nightmares from that previous life. How can I even hope to understand him when I can't make sense out of my own head?"

Bester took in her words as she spoke. Her feelings were pouring out of her mind like a sieve, one thought after another. It was a sad truth that telepaths had to shield themselves from this thought noise if only just to stay sane. The voices were constant companions. Bester however picked up on something in those thoughts, "You feel you owe him something that this other Asuka couldn't do for him?"

Asuka didn't respond. Bester continued, "All I can say is that from what you've said you have come as close as any normal can to knowing what a telepath feels. We hear peoples thoughts as loudly as if they spoke them, and build up walls around our minds to filter them out. If we didn't we'd go mad. Mental illness is unfortunately a part of the deal. A lot of telepaths go insane during training just because they can't stand the voices always being present. Perhaps that's what makes us so mistrusted, the fact that we can't even control ourselves at times."

Bester smiled, "But then again I don't think what you need to hear are the ramblings of an old Psi-Cop like me. The question becomes though, regardless of where these memories are coming from what do you do? Yes, they are thoughts from someone you never knew in your mind trying to find purchase. But you are still the same girl who only a few days ago was eager to see something that was strange and wonderfully scary. Who you are doesn't change because a few memories show up out of no where."

Asuka let the words linger, playing them through her mind as her eyes traced the waves on the sand. Bester placed his gloved hand on her shoulder, "Regardless of what has happened, if the circumstances were more normal would you still be willing to help this boy? You already know the answer to that question. That answer is all you need to know."

Bester stood and began to leave her to ponder his words. Before he left she sent one thought straight at him.

Thank you.
The waves in the stone garden continued to remain immutable and unchanging before Asuka's eyes until one of the stones was in place. She just wondered which she was, the steady wave or the stone that changed everything.


Garibaldi had been keeping an eye on Bester the whole time in one way or the other. When he heard that little bastard was near Asuka he had immediately went to drag him away. As he was turning the corner he almost ran smack into the smug Psi-Cops face. Garibaldi could barely contain his loathing for the smaller man. Bester usually would simply smirk at the Chief but this time simply ignored him.

"You know I should lock you away for going near a minor without their parent or legal guardian available," Garibaldi seethed.

"Perhaps you could, however I have not violated any laws governing telepaths or other people. I'm well within my legal authority to simply try to monitor anything that could be influenced by the Evangelion. Also, that girls mind has been flooded by thoughts and memories that aren't her own. A little telepathic assistance would benefit her. This way she's not the only one to have seen what's been put in her head. You'd be surprised how that sometimes puts people at easy Mr. Garibaldi," Bester said.

Garibaldi ground his teeth, "You still need written consent when it comes to a minor to even talk to them in any official capacity."

Bester turned and regarded Garibaldi for a moment. The look in Bester's eyes was something he hadn't had in the few times Micheal had dealt with him, "Do you ever have any children Mr. Garibaldi?" Bester asked, already knowing the answer.


"I do. Any real father who saw that look on a child would have done the same. Even if it wasn't his own," Bester said. He then turned and left Garibaldi in the corridor to chew on what had transpired.


Katharina stood before the behemoth, silently cursing men and women long dead as she watched various tech attempt to unlock Eva's secrets. She knew they would fail, hoped that no useful data would ever be taken from this monstrosity. The nightmare that would result from humanity getting it's hands on this power again terrified her. Not to mention if it was captured by the other races. She trusted no one with this power. No one at all.

"Why couldn't you sleep for the rest of time and drift beyond the rim? Why did you have to come here? Was it him? Did you finally find it in yourself to give him a chance without your interference?"

The old woman ran her fingers through her hair. Naturally her thoughts were followed by nothing but silence. The log entries, reports, and journals she had read from the NERV Project E Staff including Pilot Asuka Langley Soryu were all very clear about the danger this beast posed. No one would be safe should it loss control again as it was known to do. Or the worst possible scenarios, should one of the other races get their hands on this technology and the power it could bring. To say nothing about the atrocities that would be committed to feed this particular beast.

Her bones ached with worry over what horrors this beast brought with it. She turned away, quickly leaving the cargo bay. She had already been notified by Captain Sheridan about arrangements for the boy. The covenant her family had been sworn to by destiny demanded she do no less then help the boy adjust. Though while she would do what she could for young Ikari, her thoughts couldn't help but drift to her granddaughter.

It was selfish, but she was an old woman and allowed to worry about her grandchild above interplanetary relations and ghosts.


The Council chamber filled with mummers as the various ambassadors milled in. General Hague sat in the back watching the proceedings carefully, gaging the delegates as they took their seats. He knew the Narn and Centauri had been making the rounds, but he was interested in how they actually saw the situation. The general in him saw the entire situation from it's military and strategic aspect. The Evangelion and it's pilot were a major technological and military advantage for Earth. Allowing it to fall into the Centauri's hands while depriving Earth of it's technology was simply not an option. The fact that the council would not allow the Centauri to acquire either eased the older man's mind some. However he also knew that Earth could not be allowed to gain this technology.

The President was growing more and more paranoid by the day. Knight Watch, Ministry of Peace, and the Psi-Corp presented very real domestic threats to the Alliance. Allowing Clark's people to potentially get their hands on some technology they could abuse to their purposes was just as dire a problem as allowing a foreign government the same technological advantage. Something would have to be done in order to neutralize the threat.

Ikari was just a boy, and yet he had presented one of the greatest threats to the Earth Alliances security and survival since the Earth-Minbari War. The irony of it being that every bit of information they had found pointed to him having been put in this position to protect Earth. The universe had a funny way of rewarding someone who made such a sacrifice.

He couldn't stop himself from imagining the reluctant warrior's battles, his struggles with what he was responsible for at an age where he was also defining himself. Adolescence was hard enough, but when one was tasked with protecting Earth at an age many years before he could volunteer for what would become Earth Force military service. What was his life under his commander? Prior to serving in this position of combat, did he have a good life? They still hadn't translated any of the personnel files Dr. Soryu had provided. And even then Hague didn't expect any usable data save for a service record.

While he wasn't thrilled with the Minbari involvement with those files he didn't see any problems. Most of the information within those files more then likely would come out in these very proceedings. It would hopefully be minimal information, nothing anyone could use against them on either side of their precarious perch. Sheridan could handle the council, and most of the deep diving into the past could be handled by his people. It was the two children that held Hague's concern.

Bester sniffing around didn't make him comfortable, but he was disciplined enough to keep his surface thoughts in check. Without a deep scan he couldn't be found out, and anyone would be able to notice such a thing. Something was protecting the boys mind according to Dr. Franklin, something not entirely human and yet not an aggressive entity. For now it wasn't an issue. The girl however would be.

The Minbari attache Lennier walked up to him and bowed, he presented the General a file and said, "Captain Sheridan asked me to give you this as he is indisposed with the proceedings and Commander Ivannova is in C&C."

Hague opened the file and asked, "What am I looking at?"

"This is the translated personnel file on Mr. Ikari. Captain Sheridan just received the translations from the native Japanese and requested you be given a copy to look over while he was involved with Ambassador Mollari and the Council's requested meeting."

Politely Hague said, "Thank you Mr Lennier."

The Minbari once again gave Hague a small bow and moved off to his position next to Ambassador Delenn. He had to admit that as an ally the Minbari ambassador was an asset. There was certainly some mutual respect between the Captain and most of the ambassadors.

Hague sat back and read of the file Lennier presented him. Perhaps it would give him some insight into the Child Warrior they found themselves with.


Sheridan had convened the session calmly as he could. He was outwardly calm and confident as usual. He showed no indication of any worries or weakness. Inside however he was cautious. Simply because the outcome of these proceedings were pretty much a foregone conclusion was no reason to drop his guard. He couldn't help but keep his eyes opened looking for any subterfuge on the part of anybody at this point. Only his people were completely trustworthy. Even then they were only human.

The Captain continued to go over Ikari's personal file. The service record was very impressive for someone his age ad no formal military training. A few disciplinary marks were on the file, which after reading left him wondering why they had come up. After all, this was a child they were talking about. It seemed callous to expect him to act the role of seasoned combat veteran so soon. Tough break for the kid and his fellows.

Still, to have faced down such a situation at such an age deserved a level of respect from Sheridan. He looked up as the meeting began. He still couldn't figure out what Londo was playing at. The ambassador was making a strong argument towards having the kid taken back to Centauri Prime for trial. No one in the council was believing it be anything but a farce if that happened.

"What are you playing at, Londo?" Sheridan thought to himself. He looked at Kosh out of the corner of his eye. He hated it when things were hidden under layers of dust and deceit.

While the fate of the young man was being debated, Asuka was leading Shinji into the quarters she shared with her mother. The young woman had already arranged some of the items her grandmother had sent along. When they entered her quarters Shinji simply took off his shoes and set them at the side of the door. Asuka was curious for a moment, but then shook her head. Something in her head was telling her that that was a habit borne of tradition.

She sat him down and went to the Babcom to order some dinner. When it was done she turned and joined Shinji in the living area. She made sure to remember to speak in Japanese for him as she asked, "So, what do you want to ask?"

"Where exactly are we?" Shinji asked.

Asuka smiled, a simple question first, "We are on Babylon 5. It's a space station run by Earth. I suppose you could also say we're in orbit of Epsilon Three, the third planet in the Epsilon Eridani star system. It's a three day jump back to Earth through hyperspace."

Shinji shook his head, "We're in space?"


"That's just..."

"I know, pretty freaky when it was just science fiction a couple centuries ago," Asuka said.

Shinji just shook his head, "Is Earth still there?"

Asuka handed him a drink and sat down, "Yup, Earth is still where you left it. I haven't been on world for a couple of years though. Earthgov keeps things pretty nice, of course there are some issues with the planetary governments at times."

Shinji was a bit confused, "Earthgov?"

Asuka smiled, "Think of it like the United Nations. The UN was dissolved and the Earth Alliance setup near the end of the twenty-first century. We left Earth and colonized Mars first. People wanted to go out further so over time we sent out ships with people in cold sleep."

"That seems like a long time to get here. Why go through all that trouble?" Shinji asked.

Asuka smirked, "A little over a hundred years ago we made first contact with the Centauri Republic. We got Jumpgate and Jumdrive technology from them. I don't understand all the astrophysics behind it, but for all intents and purposes distances in Hyperspace are shorter then in Normal space. A trip from here to Earth would be three days by hyperspace, where in normal space it would take hundreds of years."

"I... think I understand," Shinji said, sounding more then a little confused.

Asuka chuckled, "Don't worry, a lot of people who grew up with this stuff don't understand it. It just is."

The door chimed breaking up their conversation. Asuka went and checked the door screen, seeing it was just the delivery man. She opened the door, paid him his credits, and then brought it in. She had ordered a pizza from the Zocolo, nothing special and brought out two plates for her and Shinji.

They sat there eating in a companionable silence. Asuka asked, "Grandmother brought a lot of things from Earth with her. I think a few of them are yours."

Shinji looked up at that, "How would your grandmother have anything of mine?"

"Apparently our ancestor packed up everything from Tokyo-3 and put it in storage. It's been in the family ever since. In fact..." Asuka left the table and went to one of the storage closets. She opened it up and dragged out a familiar if dusty cello case.

"I am guessing this is yours," Asuka said.

Shinji took the case and looked it over. The embossed initials, SI, still visible. He opened the case and inspected the carefully preserved instrument, confirming that it was in fact his. "I'm surprised she kept any of it."

"Why don't you play a few chords, see if it needs anything. Strings should only be a few credits if you need them," Asuka recommended.

Shinji blushed lightly as he set the cello against his shoulder and sat down, "I'm not very good."

Asuka just smiled encouragingly, "Humor me. Just play, nothing specific."

Shinji sighed and couldn't help but smile back. He did as she requested, and closed his eyes as he drew the bow across the strings. The sounds and tones carried through the Soryu quarters drew the young girl in. There was nothing completely recognizable about the piece, but she could feel his sorrow and pain through the music. It was so horrifically beautiful she couldn't restrain the tears from slipping from her eyes.

When Shinji finished she felt her hands clap on their own. "For someone whose not very good, you play wonderfully."

The unfamiliar praise from a face he had never known to be anything but scornful caused him to blush even more. "Thank you."

Asuka brightened up a little bit with an idea, "Come on, pack up your cello and follow me."

"Where are we going?" Shinji asked.

"The garden."

"He knows this is a lost cause. I can tell. He's doing this because his government says so. Still, he had to have told them the situation. So why are they doing this?" Sheridan thought to himself as Londo made his case. He still couldn't come up with any reason for it though.

"The boy in question single handedly destroyed one of our warships, in Centauri space on routine patrol. Such an act cannot go unpunished. As the original attack occurred within our borders, it is only fair and right that he be remanded to our custody for trial, to answer for the deaths of our people he caused," Londo said, his voice brimming with bravado he didn't feel.

"Also, the female human is obviously an accomplice to the boy. As such she faces charges as well before the Centaurum. Extradition of suspected criminals is allowed under our treaties with Earth and by consent of this council," Londo said.

Before anyone could speak Kosh simply said, "First strike."

Londo barely paused, "The boy failed to respond to hails in both Centauri and Interlac. Fighters were dispatched to intercept the Evangelion."

"But, by your own governments admission and the sensor log data your fighters fired first. With no confirmation of hostility or intent your people attacked. Why would your people do that when there was no threat being made?" Delenn mentioned.

"We are in the middle of hostilities with the Narn. Sector 1138 lays upon our border with the Narn. It was perfectly reasonable to assume the object was hostile when it crossed into our space," Londo said. Sheridan had to give him credit, his reasoning was perfectly logical.

G'Kar stood up and demanded, "You lost one Warship, while my people lost several. Why should the Centauri be given preference over our losses?"

"We were the first harmed by the boy and his monstrosity. It only makes sense we get first right to try him," Londo said.

Kosh stepped forward, "Ghosts of past wars, cannot stand on the battlefield."

Londo was understandably confused, as were many in the council chamber. Sheridan smirked, "I think what Ambassador Kosh is saying is that you can't confirm he was even in there when the attacks occur. For all we know, your attack activated an automated defense system."

Londo looked stumped for a moment. Sheridan decided to take pity on the ambassador, "I'm releasing all information related to the case for all Ambassadors to evaluate. This includes copies of several files that we just received from Earth and are translating. We'll reconvene here tomorrow, and see if we can't resolve this."

Londo just turned and left the council room, Vir shrugging and heading off in his wake. The rest of the ambassadors and their assistants left shortly after. As they did General Hague approached the Captain, "Putting all your cards on the table?"

"Seems best, get everything out in the open so it can do the most good. With that, no one will be able to make a play for the Evangelion without the others getting defensive. Same goes for us," Sheridan said.

"You are playing a dangerous game, John. I just hope you have one hell of a poker face," Hague responded. He left the council chambers, leaving Sheridan and Kosh alone.

John turned to the enigmatic ambassador and said, "Time to put some ghosts to rest."

Kosh merely nodded and returned to his quarters.

Garibaldi sighed as he made his rounds through the station. All the ambassadors were safely packed away in their quarters looking over the stuff the Captain gave them. Down-below was quiet for the most part. And except for a couple of warships hanging around outside the station no one was expected through the gate for a few hours. All in all everything was very peaceful. So he was ready for the worst.

He was walking throw the passenger terminal when he saw a familiar Minbari coming through customs. He shook his head and met her as she walked towards the rest of the station. He didn't mind seeing this Minbari, just wished she had given him fair warning, "Shaal Mayan, what a pleasant surprise. If I had known you were coming I would have arranged for security."

Mayan simply smiled at him, "I know, and I am honored for your concern for my safety, Mr. Garibaldi."

Micheal just smiled, "You got attacked on my watch, I'm not wanting to let that happen again."

"With everything going on I doubt you have to worry about me," the Minbari poet said.

"Exactly, it's not exactly the safest time to be around here," Garibaldi said as he walked her to pick up her bags.

"Which makes this a time when someone like myself is most needed. If only to provide hope for the many caught here," Shaal Mayan said, a small smile on her face.

Garibaldi's link interrupted their conversation, "Garibaldi, go."

Zack's voice came over the link, "Chief, I got something going on down in the garden. Nothing serious but you might want to come take a look."

"What's going on?"

"Looks like Shinji's putting on an impromptu performance. He's got a bit of a crowd gathering but nothing out of control just yet," Zack said.

Garibaldi thought on it for a second, then asked, "What's he doing?"

"Playing a cello. Nothing I recognize but I'm not a fan," Zack said.

"Alright, I'll check it out. Garibaldi out," he said then signed off his link.

He looked at Mayan and said, "You know, you might be interested in this."

When the pair arrived at the Garden it was to a deep mournful sound. Many people seemed to have taken up seats or were standing near the walls listening to the music produced from the deep polished wood of Shinji's cello. Garibaldi had to admit, he didn't know much about this kind of music but the kid was good. He spotted Zack on one side of the group, and nodded when he caught his subordinates eye. He kept any eye on the crowd, looking for anything dangerous. He spotted Bester a ways away, and his skin crawled as the Psi-Cop looked his way and did that wave of his.

Mayan simply closed her eyes, letting the music flow through her. When it was complete she found herself wiping away a single tear, "He is most skilled. I have rarely encountered someone so capable of conveying such a complete view of their own soul."

Micheal took it for what he could, "I'm not much of a music buff myself."

Mayan smiled, "For a true master, one doesn't have to have an appreciation, but simply ears with which to listen. With time he could easily become such."

"I'll take your word for it. Right now my priority is keeping him and his red haired friend safe. He's part of the reason for all the fuss around here lately."

Mayan paused for a moment, "Then perhaps I truly have come to he right place, at the right time."

Garibaldi just shook his head and excused himself. Sometimes he really didn't get the Minbari, but he didn't mind them so much. The Psi-Cop however was a different story. He walked over toward Bester and glared at him before saying, "I suppose you are just enjoying the performance?"

Bester smirked, "I happen to have an appreciation for art. Is that such a surprise, Mr. Garibaldi?"

"Yea, you and everyone else I run into today."

Bester chuckled, "Something interesting I find about this boy. He's not putting off any thought noise."

Garibaldi decided to forgo his indignation and asked, "So?"

Bester looked thoughtful for a moment, "There is a theory running around the corp. Everyone, normal and teep, is set up when they are born to transmit their thoughts to the world. Most normals don't make much of a distinction when it comes to their thoughts, they think being able to hear any thoughts is a scan. For all intents and purposes neither does the corp. However, it's like talking in an apartment with thin walls, and being offended when your neighbor hears you screaming in the other room.

"Telepaths build up walls to block out as much of this casual noise as possible, mostly for our own sanity. Now, while we can block out most of the noise, and while everyone can learn techniques to keep casual scans out it is never completely quiet."


Bester smirked, "A few members of the corp started talking about the possibility of someone who has no transmission capabilities. A sort of perfect block. Even a P-twelve wouldn't be able to break through because in effect there is nothing there."

Garibaldi was confused, "You're saying he doesn't have a mind to read?"

Bester shook his head, "More along the lines of his mind working on a completely incompatible frequency to everyone else's. A few scientist I know actually think that everyone in someway has telepathic perception of some kind. Nothing like what a member of the corp is, but that little bit of perception that lets you know someone is watching you. If they are to be believed, then it would be something we'd never notice, but be completely used to."

Micheal was starting to get annoyed, more so then usual, "Your point?"

Bester just graced him with that condescending smile, "My point is simple, Mr. Garibaldi. If you don't have that psychic connection to the rest of the world, then how do you think the world would seem? Think about it."

Bester pushed himself off the wall he had been leaning on and with a wave was gone. Micheal just turned and watched the pair as Shinji finished up whatever it was he was playing. As he boy started playing another piece Micheal couldn't recognize he remembered Mayan and got a crazy idea in his head.

He tapped his link and said, "Garibaldi to Ambassador Delenn, an old friend of yours is down in the garden."

To Be Continued...

Authors Notes: Still working on it, and bringing in another Character which might be interesting over time. If you haven't watched Babylon 5, then shame on all of you. I hope this was worth the wait. Also, Isamu is no longer helping with this story, mostly because he's vanished into the either.

Prereading done by Datdude. You know, dat one... dat dude right over there!