Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of DxD: Abyss. I know I have been gone for a long ass time, but I'm back (hopefully with more frequent updates, fingers crossed). Anyway, I don't want to keep you guys waiting so let's get to the questions and to the story. Also to those who noticed, sorry about the way the chapter looked earlier, I have honestly no idea how that happened.

frankieu: Thank you for the praise.

LordGhostStriker: Ya he's a bit of an angry bird….god how I have fallen with my jokes. But in all seriousness, ya he's a bit too brash and hotheaded for his own good.

Blaze1992: Ya but their also kinda dickish in cannon and plus Luke really wasn't in a forgiving/merciful mood. But ya I do feel kinda bad for them too, but they're fine...physically speaking mentally (laughs awkwardly)

Hdzulfilkar: I have to ask you why you see this now, but why the unfollow? No disrespect, if you feel I'm not up to par anymore then that's your opinion and I respect that. It just means I have to do better.

Rhivan: Ya I plan on working on my battle sequences as I go along. Making them longer, more in-depth, and with more emotion to it. And I can see the out of characterness (is that even how it's said?) from the daemons. But think of it as them being more directed than before. If your confused think about who is controlling them.

Atchoum35: Thanks for the recommendation, that bit was more for comedic purposes but I'll take recommendations whenever and wherever I can. And on Akeno….you'll have to wait and see.

sonic: Thanks, glad you liked it.

Mortarion The Death Lord: Ya I personally thought the same on what I can do. Show some allies condition here, talk about how well our protagonist is doing, and add in some flashy techniques and bam we are good to go. And good reference, truly a man of culture and thanks for the praise.

shadow: Ya I'm looking back on it, the fight does seem rushed. But to be fair I don't think I could stretch it out any longer than I could just due to how much of a power difference between Riser and Luke at this point. And on the Old Satan faction, ya that's what I was going with lots of somewhat powerful troops vs small numbers of powerful beings. Classic match up if you ask me. I will say this though Castiel will not fall to chaos just gonna state that right now. While I don't like to spoil stuff or snuff out certain trains of thought, I'm just gonna tell you now that bird only serves one god and he's dead.

Mad God 42: Ya but do you think they care how many die when they can just replace them again and again.

Nero Angelo Sparda: Glad you liked the chapter, and while I would like to mostly focus on character interactions I know that to make a good story you need both growth and conflict to do that. On Guiliman's deal...well you see soon. While you are kinda true on the heroes thing, got to remember one thing. What a monster is, is just a matter of perspective. And I'd talk more on the other stuff you have mentioned but I don't want to accidentally spoil more than I have.

Bicorn: Get some sleep my dude, can't read properly if you are tired. Believe me, I've tried.

006Sam: Not all the time, just when it's a bullshit situation.

Nexus Gundam: Well I'm glad I have been entertaining you so far my good man. Oh and for the church don't you worry, something special is being planned for that.

a madman: Thank you for the praise and on the traitor legions (sips drink knowingly) well you just have to wait and see.

Chaos Drago: Hold your horses my dude, one character at a time. I can only bring in so many new faces at once without it being overly saturated. The most I can say about those characters is a solid maybe. I was trying to do just main lore characters and factions but I might add a few side factions to beef up the ranks. But don't lose hope Titus and the Blood Angels have a good chance of appearing at some point. And I try and make the chapters as long as I can, I have a starting point and an endpoint. To short and it's not enough content and to long and you get overloaded with the amount that is there.

FORGEMaster: Thank you for the praise.

Bmanbeast57: (Sips drink suspiciously) No comment.

I know I probably sound like a broken record but thank you all for your support. It does mean a lot that many of you like this story. Alright well, time to get rolling and without further ado the next chapter you all have been waiting for.

Normal speech


Khorne and khornate daemon/follower speech, or place/time or Luke powered up speech/thoughts

Slaanesh and slaaneshi daemon/follower speech, or thinking, quote, social cue, or emphasize

tZEenTcH's AND TzeeNTchIaN dAEmON/foLLowER SpEeCH

Nurgle and nurglite daemon/follower speech

ALL cHAoS GodS sPEAkINg aS oNe

Unknown speech

(Authors talk) or [Author talk]

Chapter 12: Riders on the Storm

Conwell Residence, Present Day

The sun shines into my room as I slowly awake. "Just 5 more minutes that's all I need," I say as I roll over to right in my bed. Only I would have probably gone back to sleep if it weren't for the strangely soft cushions I had snuggled up into to. I opened my eyes to find that I have accidentally rolled myself into Rias's boobs. Now you would probably think my first thought would have been why she is even here. Well, the thing is that after my battle with Riser, she started sneaking into my bed for the past 2 weeks. After the third time, I finally confronted her, and well things got kinda interesting.

Old School Building, 3 Days after the battle with Riser

I walk into the main room of the Occult Research Club to find Rias there filing some paperwork. "Ah Luke come in, I was just about done filing away some contracts," she said as she took off the glasses she had been wearing.

"Hey Red, so I'm not very good when it comes to beating around the bush so I'm just gonna come out and say it," I continue as I take a seat on one of the couches. "I'm gonna have to ask that you stop breaking into my house to use me as a body pillow,". "I mean it's gotten to the point that Rogal has tried to convince me to put motion-activated turrets into my ceiling," I finish as I think about all the 'improvements' my son has tried to install.

"I figured you would enjoy waking up to a fully naked girl in your bed," she said flirtatiously as she takes a seat across from me.

She is sounding way too much like Slaanesh for my liking, I think. "Come on Red cut the act, I know by now you like to use the flirting act when you want to hide something from me," I say.

She blushes in what I assume is embarrassment and whispers something. "What was that I didn't quite catch that?" I ask as I lean forward a little.

"I..I said that I feel more comfortable around you," she said shyly.

I stare blankly at her for a few seconds. Ok not what I was expecting but lets roll with this, I think. "And why do you feel this way around me?" I ask as I generally don't have much of an idea.

"Ever since you took on Riser challenge and stood up for me, I've had this desire I guess you could call it," she continued. "You stood up for me, not for gain or pride, you challenged Riser because you felt that I was having all the cards stacked against me,". "You didn't see me as the little sister of Lucifer or a member of Hells royalty, you saw me as just a girl," she finished with a forlong smile.

"You didn't have many friends that saw you for you growing up did you?" I ask.

She laughed sadly and ask. "Was it that obvious?".

"Sona said something similar to me once, about not being seen for who you are and more for your title," I say. "So because I acted like a decent person and stood up for you, you what fell for me," I say jokingly as I look at Rias who is blushing the same color as her hair. Oh shit, she did didn't she, I think not really believing what I'm seeing.

"I know it's silly, we've only known each other for a couple of weeks," she continued. "But in that time you've shown me who you are,". "You have shown that you have a brilliant mind, a brave heart, and a kind soul," she finishes as she gets up to hug me. Her head leaning into my chest as her hair tickles my chin.

"I...I don't know what to say," I say. I truly don't out of all the things I thought would be the answer to this little Q&A session I didn't think a fucking confession of love would be one of them. But then I start getting that feeling whenever I sense strong emotions. It's that same warm water feeling but now its stronger, more defined like I'm stepping into a warm bath. Love, that's what appears in my head and it's coming straight from Rias. But the emotion doesn't last for long as another sensation takes its place. It feels cold and damp, like an autumn breeze but instead of making me feel cooled off all it makes me want to shiver and hold myself for warmth. I know this emotion without even seeing it my head. Fear, an old and familiar friend of mine.

"I don't expect you too, I know it's sudden and that you probably don't even what to return my feel…," Rias tries to say but I stop her by putting my arms around her and bringing her further into a hug. "Luke?" she asks.

"Look if your afraid I'm gonna be some guy who just up and rejects you because he's not expecting it or something don't be," I continue. "Your smart, beautiful, you have the mind of a leader and you obviously care about your servants and others,". "So don't take this the wrong way, but do you truly care about me?" I ask waiting to see if what I felt was a fluke or not.

And before I knew it, that feeling of love came back full force backed up by the feeling of strong and unyielding force, like forged steel that I can only see as determination. "Yes," she simply says.

"Well then I guess I might as well finish us off here and ask," I say as I tilt her head up to meet mine. Deep brown meeting beautiful blue as we make eye contact. "Will you go out with me Rias?" I ask. Before I knew it, her answer was a kiss.

The Crystal Labyrinth, Same Time

The Changer of Ways was currently doing more research into the Dimensional Gap. He was intrigued in that it was realm not unlike the warp, being made from the collective unconsciousness of all sentient beings. But unlike the warp he could not discernibly prove if it had created any beings like themselves. Be they created from emotions like anger or love or possibly even concepts such as nothingness or dreams.

"Hmm know there is a thought," mused Tzeentch. Tzeentch paused his musings as one of his many eyes enlarged apponing seeing something. Oh so the creator has taken the crimson princess as his first lover, a politically savvy move of him if I do say so myself, he thought going back to his work. But only a half a second later did all of the Changers eyes widen upon realizing a tiny problem with this. He quickly summoned a Lord of Change.

"Yes my lord," spoke the daemon, hoping that his master had not summoned him to become one of his newest experiments.

"Summon all the daemons within my realm send them to the border lining Slaanesh realm, and then deliver this message to both Khorne and Nurgle," spoke Tzeentch as he handed off two scrolls in the process of being written on. Spell books began flying frantically towards him as began floating towards the edge of his realm. "Make hast it is only a matter of seconds before Slaanesh realizes what has happ..," he never got to finish his sentence as an ethereal scream of anger pierced throughout the warp. Now this won't be a problem had it come from the Brass Keep, but instead it came from the Palace of Pleasure. This shall be most taxing indeed, thought Tzeentch as he began conjureding magical seals to hold the Lord of Excess.

On that day, the world was almost invaded by a dark eldritch god due to a single kiss. Deities are such petty beings.

Conwell Residence, Present Day

You know you would think that I would be excited about getting a hot girlfriend, but it isn't exactly sunshine and rainbows.

Is that abomination hussy bothering you, creator, if you want I can easily erase her from existence, spoke Slaanesh in my mind sweetly. A little too sweetly if you ask me. Ever since we started dating Slaanesh has been doing her damndest to try and either possess Rias or outright kill her. It got to the point that I had to literally drag her back into the warp when she tried to open a portal to my bedroom. Apparently her reasoning was that only she was worthy enough to take my quote-unquote "essence" and that Rias was nothing more that a hungry leech trying to latch onto me. Thankfully I was able to get her to at least stop with the attempted murder and theft of Rias's body but she is still a little to quick to pull the proverbial trigger.

As I said last time Slaanesh, no you are not to harm any of my girlfriends, I think as I feel another shift to my left and lay back on my back to find Asia try to grab at me in her sleep. Right, she's probably missing her pillow, I think as I shift my arm back into position for Asia to sleep back on it. She grabs back onto it and she stops stirring in her sleep as she snuggles back up.

Right so this also should be explained to well you see a little after me a Rias started dating. We explained to both or respective parties that we were a thing. To say reactions where mixed would be an understatement.

Old School Building, 3 Days after the confession

Of course, I have to be on damage control, I think as I search around the lower levels of the old school building for Asia. Apparently Issie couldn't keep his damn mouth shut and had to whine about Rias getting more affectionate around me and when asked about it she just admits where dating. After that, all hell broke loose. Issei lost his shit broke down into tears and into a rant about how all the pretty boys got the chicks. And now we are apparently eternal rivals in the world of dating ladies and then began to sulk again about pretty boy assholes or something. Kiba, Akeno, and Koneko all three exchanged a knowing look like they had already seen this coming. Shockingly Rogal, Guilliman, and Corvus were ok with this. Apparently they all had a betting pool behind my back to see how long until me and Rias where a thing. Which Guilliman won with his prediction of within a week.

But the worst of them all was Asia, she didn't really say anything but after Rias began to get a bit more intimate with me, she ran out of the room. I saw her come down this way now where…, my thoughts are interrupted as I hear the slight sound of sobbing coming from around the corner. Sitting just around the corner is Asia, holding her knees to her face as she sobs into her dress.

"O...oh Luke sniff, what are y..you doing here," Asia squeaks out as she registered my presence while trying to hide the fact that she was sobbing.

"Asia what's wrong?" I asked wanting to know what had upset her.

"It's n..nothing I'm just happy for you," she said lying.

Before I could call her out on the lie, I began to feel my emotional detector as I have decided to call it act up. I feel cold clamminess on my skin and a large numbing emptiness resonates from within. This was sadness and from how it almost overwhelmed my senses, this was an extreme reaction.

"Asia, I can tell your lying," I say as she visibly flinches. "Now you can tell me what's wrong and we can resolve this like rational adults or you can continue to cry and not tell me a thing," I continue. "Either way it's your decision and I'll support it either way,".

She pauses for a few moments and says quietly. "It just doesn't feel fair,".

"What do you mean?" I ask. Please for the love of God let it not be what I think it is, I think as considering what just got revealed. Well, it doesn't take a genius to see what's going on here.

"I know my life hasn't been what some would call perfect," she said quietly. "My life has been an 'uphill battle' as Rogal once called it," she continued. "My gift appeared and I lost my normal life, I healed an injured man and was branded a witch, I made my first real friend and I died for it,". By this point she already has tears forming, but she continued to say her peace. "B..but it was okay because I am always thankful for what time I had and for all the good I had done,". "Because when you know the life you have can be taken away at any moment you appreciate the little things," she continued as she grabbed my hand and squeezed gently.

"Then it all changed when I came back and the first thing I saw was you looking down at me with eyes filled with nothing but pure concern,".

Suddenly I sense a new emotion was over me and I feel a warm fuzziness washover and tickle me as if I was being wrapped in a blanket just taken out of the dryer. I don't even need to guess that this is happiness.

"So for the first time, I thought that it was all over, that all my struggles were being rewarded and I'd finally have a place where I want to be and where I'd be wanted," she said, her voice barely hiding back the inking of sobs. "I want you to be happy, b..but just seeing you w..with Rias," she continued looking up at me with tearful eyes. "I just feel so empty and it hurts, but I know your happiness should be more important than my own,".

She then began weeping and out of instinct I just held onto her. Fuck why did I have to be right, I think as I try and calm her down. After about half an hour, I managed to calm her down enough to tell her we will discuss this more in detail as I have to ask Rias something. I had Rogal, Corvus, and Guiliman, escort her back home as I walk back into the clubroom. "Rias, we need to talk?" I say.

"I'm going to assume that this has to do with Asia running out in tears," she states.

"Yep, she apparently has a thing for me and from what I can tell she's fallen for me bad," I say sitting down on one of the couches and rubbing the bridge of my nose already at my wits end on what to due.

"So what are you going to do?" she asks innocently as she gets behind me and rubs my shoulders.

"What can I do, it's not like I can just go out with her as well," I say jokingly.

"Why not?" Rias asks.

I mentally paused and try to process what she just said. Ok again something I was not expecting, I say as I turn around to meet her. "Your joking right?" I ask her as if she even knew what she just said.

"It's not uncommon for those in a position of power to have two if not multiple lovers in their lives, why not you?" she questions back.

"I mean I see where you're coming from but I figured out of everybody you would be the one to be against an idea like that," I say as while I'm not against the idea of multiple lovers, I'm not gonna try to grab as many women out there to form a harem. I'm not a certain raving pervert after all.

"While I might be a bit jealous that someone else might have your attention from time to time," she continues as she walks around to sit on my lap. "I understand what it feels like when the possibility, the person you care about might be taken away from you,". "Besides don't tell me a young hormonal man like you, doesn't like the idea of two girls fawning over you," she finishes with a teasing wink.

I sigh and rub the bridge of my nose again. Fuck it lets see where this leads us, I think.

Conwell Resident, Present Day

In all honesty it went along a lot better than I thought it would. After explaining the idea to Asia, a job that Rias made adamant that she wanted to take. Long story short after talking for about 15 minutes a smirking Rias and a blushing Asia came back to me and said everything has worked itself out. My trip down memory lane ends when the weight to my side starts shifting. "mhh Morning did you sleep well?" asked Rias.

"Slept like a dream, you sure you don't want a pillow, cause I doubt my arm is that comfy?" I ask.

"You'd be surprised how comfy a person's body can be," she continued as she pressed her chest further into my side. "I could show you, if you like,".

"No fair Rias yawn I'm not even fully awake yet and you're already trying to get closer to Luke," spoke grogally Asia from my other side.

"Girls, girls please you're both pretty, but we all need to get up and head to school," I continue as I get up and start getting dressed. "You know that thing we try and do like normal people,".

As I get done first I head down and try to get some breakfast. "Another word out of your foul mouth, warp spawn and I'll have your tongue," spoke venomously a sophisticated voice. The figure that spoke stood 5'8 and wore a beautifully ornate bone white and lime green armor. With her mask off, her heart-shaped face with flowing red hair, blue almond-shaped eyes, and red lined markings only accented her beauty. One would be forgiven if they thought that she was human, if not for the pointed ears.

"Please as if your poultry abilities could compare to my pure psychic might," spoke a deep voice with hints of eldritch power behind it. The next being could be best described at first glance as a big red giant. Standing 9'7, covered in gold armor with red gems and horns accenting it, and his entire skin is painted red. Not as in he wears red paint, no literally the pigment of his skin and hair is almost a crimson red. If his size and skin were not big identifiers than the lack of his right eye, would most certainly.

"Magnus, Macha, enough it's far too early for all this nickel and dime bullshit," I say as I head for the pantry to get myself some pancake mix.

"Forgive me my lord but this, Tzeentchian filth, continues to undermine my efforts with his comments," spoke Macha with venom as she gives Manus the stink eye.

To this Magnus just rolls his eye and says. "You are doing a far better job of doing that with that poultry dish you call pancakes,".

Ahh, so that's what that is, I think as I noticed the stove was on and currently smoking. "You mean the pancakes that are currently being burned to a crisp," I say flatly as Macha freaks out and tries to salvage what's left of the burnt batter. I guess it's cereal again today, I think as this has been a recurring theme ever since I brought them here.

Conwell Residence Sub Level Staging Ground, 5 Days after the confession

"How long have they been at this bullshit?" I ask as multiple Imperial marines and Skitarii lineup shots on the two forces about to come to blows.

"Approximately 4 minutes, 39 seconds, and 439 milliseconds, my Emperor," spoke the figure to my right as he came up next to me. Standing next to me was a machine more than he was a man. Clad in an ornate red and gold robe was a cyborg with many wires, lights, and gears sticking out in the open. A low buzzing followed him due to the fan running on the backside of his head. Along his backside grafted to his spine were five tentacles and he had replaced his legs with three-toed digitigrade waker legs. But even with the mechanical legs he still leaned a bit on his omnissian styled power axe. If one didn't see the power that surged within the axe when all four-fingered mechanical arms attached to it, they would think it was just a glorified cane more than a weapon.

"That question was more rhetorical than anything Alexander," I say tiredly. Since there was no canonical Fabricator General during the current 41st millennium, I decided to make my own. While I could have gone with someone named, I figured that I'd let my mind run wild with who would lead the Mechanicus and test my powers in the meantime. Surprisingly the result wasn't all that bad, besides the unsettling amount of technobabble I have to try and figure out with these guys it went well.

Apparently, my abilities have gained some self-awareness in a sense as I'm able to give a vague generalization as Mechanicus and it gave me a literal hord of toaster lovers. From combat servitors, myrmidons, skitarii, thallax, crusader and thanatar class robots. I'd be a shorter list to say what didn't get brought with them. Luckily it didn't bring any class of titans otherwise I'd have to find a new place to live. I doubt I could think of an entire franchise and come out with everything and I don't have the room to even attempt to try that.

"Say that again warp spawn and you will be erased from this plane," spoke Macha.

"We would be rather amused for you to try little Eldar," a chaos scorcher in highly ornate horned armor spoke more bemused by Macha's threat than anything else.

Hmm perhaps it was a bad idea to bring Ahriman along with the rest of Magnus's forces, I thought. "Alright everyone lets all just calm down, surely we can talk this out and make peace," I say trying to at least begin what would look like if you squinted a peaceful discussion.

"Surely your joking sire, making peace with this corrupted abominations would be an affront to everything we stand for," spoke Macha with cries of agreeance from the other Eldar.

"I wIlL aGRee wITh ThE xEnOs oN tHiS FAtHEr, pEace Is nOT poSSiBlE," spoke Magnus in his demonic form looking ready for a fight.

"Look fighting is not the answer right now ok, we all need to work together an…," I try and say before being interrupted.

"My lord why do you insist on letting these abominations live, do you not release the countless atrocities they and their masters have unless over the eons of there existence," spoke Macha

As she continues a little bit of me flares up on the inside, emotions that looking back on it might not have been my own. I feel the agitation from my orders being questioned as if I'm above being questioned. As if these simple-minded creatures could begin to understand the intricacies of my plans. With every word she spoke, the feeling kept bubbling up greater and greater.

"...the plants engulfed in flames, the lives snuffed out in the billons, the songs of woe are people have sung for generations, the…," Macha trys to say next but is interrupted.

"Do you not think I don't know this already!" I say a psychic might unconsciously flow through me. Nearby a few weaker-minded individuals have to steady themselves or be knockdown from the ripple in the air I unconsciously caused. I quickly realize that I need to get a reign on myself and start dispelling my power. "I know the atrocities that have happened," I continue. "Look no one here can stand on any moral high ground, we have all done things that we regret,". "Believe me I'm one of them," I say a little forlorn. "We need to come together or else we fall apart, we are at a critical junction in history," I say trying to put more confidence into my voice to convince them. "I'm not saying you have to like one another, hell I'm not saying you have to help one another," I continue. "All I'm asking is that you at the very least ignore each other until we can get a better grip on our situation,".

I look at Magnus and the rest of the Thousand Sons and say. "Can I trust that you and your sons will at least show some restraint when it comes to our guests?" I ask.

For a moment Magnus looks reluctantly but starts to revert to his original form and speaks. "I will not speak for my sons...but I will do as you ask father," he says with a bit of reluctance in his voice. I can see many of his sons feel the same but trust their gene-father with their lives.

I turn to Macha and the rest of the Eldar. "Can I trust you to at least try and let this peace work," I say as I say peace loosely as its more of a non-aggression pact.

"We will hold our end of whatever you command of us, my lord," Mahca countries "I just hope that these savages do not take your faith in them for granted,"

With that more arguing and name-calling began to arise from the two sides. sigh This is gonna be a long day, I think.

Kuoh Academy, Present Day

To say that things have been rocky would be an understatement. Having three different ideologies having their own western standoff underneath your house and trying to get your attention is a very taxing experience. The Imperials want to make a stronger foothold here in Kuoh, while the Eldar are just begging to be let into the Underworld to do whatever space elf bullshittery they have planed. Not to mention Magnus and the Thousand Sons have been salivating at the thought of what arcane knowledge Rias could lend them whenever she or her peerage stop by.

"Please allow me to carry your thing for you lord Ynnead," spoke Macha for the fourth time since leaving the house. Right forgot to mention the Eldar when they first came into being, they thought I was their god of death sought to bring them holy retribution and all that jazz. Now being called the god of death would sound cool if they didn't try and put me on some weird pedestal. After I made sure that all was taken care of at the HQ I tried going to bed. Come to find out that several Eldar women had snuck in to act as my personal "handmaidens". I had to put a stop to it real quick as I've seen enough cult movies to know they were one word away from committing themselves to some weird blood, sex, sacrificial ritual or whatever the Eldar got up to before their civilization's collapse. I told them to stop calling me Ynnead and just call me Luke, but the most I can get out of them is "my lord" or "your grace".

"Mahca, you can just call me Luke ok, you don't have to do the whole 'I'm a god' thing," I say before she can draw any attention to us.

"But my lord for what you stand for the entire Eldar race should show you nothing but the utmost respect," she countries slightly bowing. "Anything less would be an insult to your position,".

"Hey, look at me," I say as I grab her a bit and straight her up to look me in the eye. "Look I don't want to rule from some high and mighty position, I want to command through respect not though some obligation," I continue. "Each one of my subordinates I consider my equal, that includes you,".

Macha just stares at me for a second and blushes as she turns her head away from me. "I..If that is what you wish then so be it, L..Lord Luke," she says as I hear Asia behind me say something about how that looks from the outside.

"Just Luke is fine Macha, anything more and there'll be more rumors about me," I say mentally exhausted from what has been spreading around the school. From I'm some kind of seduction hypnotizes women with sexiness or I'm a secret criminal kingpin with blackmail on the hottest girls in school. Each one always somehow leads to me dragging the girls who handout with me to fulfill my sexual desires or whatever crazy shit Issie's two idiot friends can come up with next.

"Look at that I bet they have a sort of master and servent roleplay outside of school," "Man I wish he would ask me to call him Lord, why is she the lucky one," "Dam hows he do this shit, why do all the foreign pretty boys get the hot chicks," spoke the manny gossiping students around us.

Well so much for nipping those rumors in the bud, I think already dreading this day. Apparently, we are getting a new teacher for first period along with some schedule changes. I wonder where Rias took Rogal and the other three to, I think as my girlfriend had taken my sons via magic circle to "get ready for a surprise" as she put it.

"Attention students, due to recent events we have had a change in staff," the teacher continued. "If you would like to introduce yourself,".

Thankfully I wasn't drinking anything, otherwise, it would have been all over the guy in front of me. Because standing there in a professional business suit was Rogal equipped with a briefcase and a stack of folders. "Thank you, Mr. Yamashita," spoke Rogal as he went around to the newly remodeled desk to fit his size. "Good morning class my name is Mr. Dorn and I shall be your architecture studies teacher," continued Rogal. "If you look under your desks you will find a newly added textbook to your curriculum as written by me and turn to page 102 we can begin the lesson".

I look around and find the other students picking up books more comparable to cinderblocks and placing them on their desks. How the fuck did this happen, I think trying to process how Rogal somehow became my teacher.

I'm more surprised they were able to find such a suit in his size, honestly, the amount of cotton that man has on him is incredible, spoke Slannesh in my head.

At that point, I just slam my head into the desk in frustration. Look like its gonna be one of those days.

Outside Kuoh City Limits

Three white-robed hooded figures continue to walk down the road as they make it towards a road sign welcoming travelers to the city.

"Looks like we finally made it to our destination," spoke one with a large sword strapped to their back.

"Yep can't believe I'm back home after all these years, I wonder how Issie is doing," spoke another of the robbed figures with twin ponytails stick out from the hood.

"Focus you two, we are on a schedule and as the lord's instruments we should not keep his plans waiting," spoke the final figure with a sword strapped to his hip.

"Understood" "Right" spoke the other two as the group continued on the path ahead.

Conflict is on the winds and with it, the innocent shall get caught in the crossfire.

Whew, how longs it been since I updated (Looks at last update date in horror). Ah I see…...shit, I suck at keeping a schedule.

Ya sorry guys I have been gone for over a year, I can't say anything or try and give an excuse. Mostly cause I don't think anyone would care, but still. Anyway, I'm gonna try and update more frequently, not gonna try and make promises cause I can't keep them.

But hey at least this longer chapter is a nice Christmas gift for you guys right…...please gentle in the review box. Also who ever has been sending Krigsmen at my home in the effort to pull me out of hiding I would just like you to know they died doing what they loved.

Anyway onto what happened in the story, I decided to go for a more slideshow episode style here as I wanted to try and cram some stuff in without it affecting what is gonna happen in this arc. I think it kinda worked her to be honest.

So one thing is that the harem has finally started with Rias and Asia. I decided to start it off early with the both of them as they have had some of the most impactful interactions with ar MC (Besides a certain someone(s) who you can argue is in the harem in all but acknowledgment). I kinda just wanted to get more romantic moments in and now seemed like the time to do it. Let me know how I did I am generally curious on how people are gonna take the progression here.

The other thing I can see people be decisive on is the resolution between the Eldar and the Thousand Sons. I think I rushed it a bit but I can't think of too many other ways to go about it and I wanted there to be a bit of a life lesson for Luke when you try and bring too many factions in at once. It just gets messy and complicated.

We also have some humor, which you have no idea how long I have wanted to start bringing the Primarchs into the school somehow. Ow, all the hijinks that will happen from these boys is gonna be good. P.S try and guess who's teaching what class I want to see who gets it who right.

And with that, we come to the end and the next Arc of this story starts and boy is it gonna be full of drama. Just letting you know that now. Also again sorry for how the chapter looked originally I was really tired when I uploaded and I didn't even think to check how it translated over.

With that, I'm Gaslight88 signing off.