A/N: This is it. Officially the last thing I will write about Mattie. Thank you for the ride, it's been an experience!

WARNING: Major character death. If you want a happy ending to the story, don't read this.

"Treasure each day with her, and live them fully, because they're numbered. There's no such thing as a happily ever after for us."

Epilogue: Ten years later

It wasn't supposed to be like this. She had always thought it would be the other way around.

Optimus carefully laid the too-still yellow mech down on the ground in front of her.

"He still lives," he said quietly, a hitch in his voice. "You get to say goodbye."

Gently, oh so gently, careful to not disrupt the deep hole in his chest that was leaking Energon, Mattie leaned over him and pressed her lips to his mouth.

"I'm here, Bee."

"M-Mattie," he grunted. "So- Sorry. I didn't – come home to you this time."

"Yes, you did," she replied, whimpering, tears falling down her cheeks. "Optimus brought you home."

"You were – the best part," he choked, holding her weakly with one arm. The other ended in sparking wires just below the shoulder joint. "You were – always the best part – of my life. Know that."

"And you were mine," she whispered. "I'll love you always, my brave, brave Bumblebee." She kissed his face again, the tears on her face mingling with the dirt and Energon on his.

He grunted and gasped, suddenly tensing. Then he turned his optics on her. "S-sing to me? One last song?"

"Anything for you," she sobbed. "Absolutely anything."

To the end of her life, she couldn't understand where she found the strength. But she did. She sat singing for him, caressing his face, until his optics finally dimmed for the last time.

The triangular marble column stood tall in the sunlight. Writing covered almost all of it.

"You know, I remember when we erected this thing," Izabella said, taking a tighter hold of Jack's arm. Her baby bump was just visible under her jacket. "We were afraid it was too big. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought it would end up too small."

"Yes," Optimus replied. "We've paid a dear price for peace."

Mattie let her hand run down the list of names on the south side of the column. Some of the names she knew well – 'Bots she had fought alongside, known and loved. Most were known to her through the stories she had heard from her beloved Bumblebee and the other Autobots. She paused at many of them.












At the bottom, the trilithium steel writing clean and fresh on the marble, Bumblebee.

"Was the price worth it, Optimus?" she asked. "Is the peace worth the near-extinction of your race?"

"There is peace now," he said simply. "Bumblebee would have said that it is worth it."

Mattie walked around to the west side of the column. This one had human names. Here, there were many she didn't know, but a few jumped out at her – as they always did.

William Lennox.

Cade Yeager.

Viviane Yeager.

Caledon Jace Yeager.

She touched the names softly.

"My father would also have said it was worth the price," Annabelle said behind her. "That's why he fought."

Mattie turned towards her. Annabelle was standing a few steps away from the column, cradling a sleeping Rae Elizabeth. Viviane and Cade's daughter had her mother's colouring, but there was something of her father around her mouth, especially when she slept.

"You know dad and Viv thought so, too," Tessa agrees. Her eyes weren't on the column – she was watching her youngest half-brother. Edmund Hyde was running around in the park, chasing the birds and giggling.

For a moment, Mattie would have given anything to be that innocent again. The three-year-old didn't know that there was a war. He could barely remember losing his parents – he had been a year younger and Rae Elizabeth had been only a few months old when Megatron had hit their house. In time, he would forget.

"So what now, Marie?" her brother asked. "Where to?"

"My offer still stands," Optimus rumbled. "When we're done with the Mars base, we'll need an ambassador. Your insight would be invaluable. And I know Charger misses you."

"I miss him too," Mattie replied. The youngest Dinobot was already on Mars, using his massive strength to help construction. He was almost fully grown now, taller than the Prime – though still shorter than Grimlock. He would probably always be shorter than the Dinobot leader. "But I can't, Optimus. I need to find my equilibrium. I need to find out who I am without Bee." She turned towards her brother, smiling slightly. "Plus, I'm going to be an aunt soon. I want to be here for that."

Izabella smiled back at her. "We're naming her for Bee. Like Viv and Cade did with the others."

"It's a girl?" Tessa grinned. "Congratulations, guys."

Mattie walked over, placed a palm gently against Izabella's stomach. "Beatrice."

"Beatrice," her brother agreed. "Beatrice Victoria."

"Triumphant bringer of happiness," Annabelle said softly. "It's perfect."

"Congratulations," Optimus rumbled. He lifted his head, looking back to the edge of the memorial park. "I have to leave, my friends. You will comm me if you need me? I'm never far away." One giant finger gently caressed Mattie's back. "You're always in my thoughts."

"Thank you, Optimus," Mattie murmured. "We'll talk soon. Say hi to the others for me."

"Of course." Then the Autobot leader – the leader of the Cybertronians, now – was gone.

"We should go, too," Annabelle said, shifting her grip on the child in her arms. "These guys need to get some food and rest."

"You guys go," Mattie agreed. "I'm going to stay here for a while longer."

"You sure you're okay?" Jacques murmured, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Mattie nodded. "I will be. I just want some time." She kissed her brothers cheek lightly, then Izabella's. "I'll meet you guys for dinner later."

She turned back to the column, walking around until she could see his name again. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Tessa laughing as she raced after the brown-haired little boy in the blue jacket. Edmund was a little carbon copy of his father, down to the glint in his eyes when he laughed.

"Nothing's gone forever, Bee," she murmured, touching his name again. "There's always something living on. I don't know where you've gone off to, but you'll wait for me there, right? After all," she chuckled quietly, even though the tears were flowing down her face again, "we don't live that long compared to you. You'll barely notice the wait, I promise. Though I'm telling you now, I'm planning to see all the kids well into adulthood. So you better not expect me any time soon." She lifted a hand, rubbing at her wet cheeks. "God, I miss you, Bumblebee. I feel like there's no ground underneath my feet anymore. I'm struggling, here, to find my way without you." One finger moved down to play with the ring hung on a chain around her neck. "You'll show me though, won't you? You're always with me, somehow. You always were." She leaned forward, kissing the steel letters softly. "I love you. For ever."

Then she stood up, and walked away.