It's not Matt, exactly, that first meets him. It's Daredevil.

And it's not Spidey that he meets, it's a gangly kid with a camera in hand.

He's out fighting some baddies and then there's another presence, and he's about to go and attack it when he hears the click of a camera and the squeak of "Sweet baby cheesecakes, please don't see me".

"Delete the photos." Matt growls, and the kid (is it a kid? The heartbeat's too fast to tell) shakes his head.

"I need these photos." He answers defiantly, and man, Matt would be almost impressed because this kid is obviously terrified out of his wits.

"Look, kid," He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose and groaning. "Whoever threatened you or whatever, I can help you to find a safe haven from them or something, or you can give me the information if they're really that dangerous and..."

The kid bursts out laughing, and Matt is left stumbling in confusion. "N-no, I'm not being threatened," The kid manages to say between his gales of laughter. "There's nobody dangerous who sent me, although it's kind of funny that you..." He laughs a bit more, and Matt's eye twitches.

"Then if nobody's threatening you, you need to delete the photos." He growls, going for his intimidating I-could-kill-you-in-an-instant voice. "Daredevil's not here to just end up on Instagram or whatever."

"I can't." The kid says again, firm and utterly terrified but still absolutely certain that he's not going to delete the photos. "It's my job."


Matt gets it now.

"You're a photographer?" He sighs, leaning back and rubbing a hand over his face. "Kid, I don't have time to deal with this, just delete the photos."

"I can't deal with this, either." The kid snaps back, frustrated. "If I don't get a photo of you, it's coming out of my paycheck, and I can't deal with that."

Curse his bleeding heart. "Fine." Matt grounds out unhappily as he steps back and flips away from the kid to another roof. "But this is a one time thing."

"Understood, Mr. Daredevil!" The kid has the nerve to salute him, and as Matt flips away, he distinctly hears the clicking of more photos being taken.

One time thing, he repeats to himself, but there's crime in his city and he can't deal with the kid with the camera and waste anymore time.

Somehow he knows that it won't just be a one time thing.

"Hey, Matt, you're in the paper." Foggy notes, pointing at what's probably a picture of Daredevil.

"Yeah," Matt sighed as he readjusted his tie. "Some kid was taking pictures of me."

Foggy whistled, a slight laugh escaping him as he asked, "So they sent a kid, figuring that you'd be less likely to hurt him?"

Matt considers this for a moment, before realizing, "You know, that actually could be it."

"It's alright," Foggy reassured Matt, patting him on the shoulder before continuing, "This kid is like, the photographer for vigilantes and heroes. You name a super, he's got photos. Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-man... not just that, really good photos. Mid action stuff, like, it's a wonder that this kid hasn't been killed taken a photo yet type of mid action."

Matt grunted as he sat down and lay his cane down next to him. "He's young and naive. It could get him killed one day."

"Oh, I know that voice," Foggy raised his eyebrows to squint at Matt. "Are you going to have a talk with him?"


Foggy stayed silent.

"...Maybe. He promised it would be a one time thing, though, that he would take no more photos of me."

(Somehow, he doubts that this is true.)

"Okay, okay," Foggy laughed and tossed a folder towards Matt. "Anyways, Karen's been bugging me about getting an intern..."