Demigods, Wizards and Magicians

Chapter 1: Confession Time

Hey guys! Once again, another story pops up suddenly. I hope you like it and I'll update hopefully very soon. See you around and make sure to review! - Steven

Percy's POV

I was just minding my own business in Camp Half-Blood in the Poseidon cabin when Annabeth suddenly busted through my door. "Whoa Wise Girl, what's going on?" I asked.

"Percy, there's a special meeting at the amphitheater. The Romans are here as well." Annabeth told me. "Whoa, this is serious. I'm coming." I quickly got dressed and left for the amphitheater with Annabeth close behind. We both reached the amphitheater, where everyone was anxiously waiting for the announcement.

"Hey, Percy, over here!" someone yelled. I turned to see the rest of the Seven, Nico, Reyna, Thalia, Grover and Will waving me over. I walked over to them, where I asked,

"Guys, what's going on? I've never seen anything like this before."

"I don't know." Nico told me. "But it'll be interesting."

Chiron stepped up onto the stage and blew the horn that signaled the meeting to begin. Everyone went silent, wanting to hear about what would happen. "Campers! Today I have brought you all together, Greek and Roman to address a growing problem… and to reveal secrets kept closely guarded." At this, everyone burst out into talk. Chiron stomped his hoof and everyone went silent once more. "Now, before we continue, we have visitors that will help us out. Only me, some others and in fact two campers know about these individuals, and I advise to not do anything to agitate them, as they have special… magic powers." I immediately knew who those campers where and who were these people. A few months ago, me and Annabeth met these Egyptian people named Carter and Sadie Kane. I helped Carter get rid of this crocodile with a necklace. Then later, Annabeth helped Sadie get rid of this wannabe god and destroy his three-headed staff. Then we all teamed up and shoved this Set guy into a snow globe, which helped out since he was trying to become a god. Also, he barfed out rainbows, which isn't cute at all by the way for those curious people.

Anyways, I swear I could see Chiron looking right at me, straight through the entire crowd. Suddenly, a shadow fell over me and I could hear wings flapping. Many turned and more pointed as the large griffin landed. (I know a few things, okay?! I'm not 100% dumb) When it landed, I realized that someone was riding it. Then I realized that it was Carter that was riding it. "Hey guys! Carter Kane here, Horus's host, pharaoh and leader of the Twenty-First Nome. Just saying, the rest of the guys are coming through the Duat, so don't murder them when they suddenly pop up okay?" Everyone just stared at him, very reasonable since no one knew what the heck he was even talking about. I got to the front of the huge crowd that everyone was making looking at Carter and his griffin, with Annabeth following me through the path I made through it. Once I got there, Carter spotted me.

"Hey Percy! Haven't seen you in a while. After we shoved Setne into that snow globe, I haven't heard from you since. Just tell these guys not to murder my friends, especially with my girlfriend, sister, more friends, a lot of gods and goddesses and my uncle in the group."

"Yeah, right. No Egyptian murder is needed today." I said.

"Back at you. No Greek or Roman murder."

"Yeah-, wait, how do you know there are Romans here?" Annabeth suddenly put in.

"Oh hi Annabeth, well you do know I am technically the male version of you, I do my research. Sadie just charges in and kills everything, so she's Percy's female version." he said.

"True." Annabeth replied. "Just like him."

"Wait, hold on, I got something here." Carter suddenly said.

"Horus, what's going on? Wait, they're dropping from the Duat, but they're like 100 feet in the sky?! Holy crap, message them before they're flattened like pancakes! Oh shoot, too late." Suddenly, the day darkened. Everyone looked upwards to see a large black portal swirling high in the sky. It was huge, so big that it was probably twice the size of Zeus's Fist. Then, people started to fall from the portal. "Crap, I need something." He pulled out this boomerang thing, which is a wand in fact. (Egyptians are a little weird.) "Percy, I'll conjure up some water. Control it!" He pointed his wand to the sky and shouted, "Maw!" Water appeared in the sky above us all. I used my powers to create a huge bubble out of the water, which caught everyone that was falling.

As I made the bubble float down to the ground, I noticed the amount of water Carter had casted up. It was like ten cubic gallons of water, which I tell you is a lot, and I mean a lot. That's 37 liters of water, almost 38 liters. After he had cast the spell, he collapsed onto one knee panting, so I guess that's why. That would drain a lot out of you. I lowered the bubble to the ground and dispersed the water into the river, joining it. There were about ten to maybe fifteen people, with two adults and a bunch of kids, some older and some younger. One girl stood up, who I now recognized as Sadie, and walked over to Carter who was struggling to stand up. "Carter, I told you to practice Divine Words. You use one and you collapse. Seriously, you're the pharaoh for gods sake, you have to be better than that." she scolded. Carter groaned and stood up.

"Come on, give me some slack, I saved your life for gods sake, plus, that was a lot of water I conjured up. Also, you know I'm a combat magician, I do better with fighting." he said.

"Well, brother dear, I'm just saying practice. You never know when you'll need to use a Divine Word." she replied.

"I am! It's hard to do that when you almost never use them!" Carter shot back.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, guys, break it up." said another girl.

She had walked over to where Carter and Sadie were standing, and was standing between them, scolding them both. "You know we're here for a meeting, just break it up. It's no big deal, although Sadie, Carter did save all of us." she said.

"Sadie, Zia's right, you know it." said this guy. He walked over and looked at Sadie. "He did summon a lot of water. Hey, you're a water guy, right? You know how much water Carter summoned?" he suddenly asked me.

"Oh, about 10 cubic gallons."

"Which is…" he continued.

"37 to 38 liters." I replied.

"Wow, 10 cubic gallons? Last time I did it, I only summoned like 4." Carter said, shocked. "Anyways, let's just do introduction. Walt Stone, Anubis's host. This is my girlfriend over here." Walt said, pointing at Sadie.

She rolled her eyes. "Sadie Kane, Isis's host. That's my brother over there." she said, pointing at Carter. "Zia Rashid, Ra's host, and Carter's my boyfriend." she said.

"Well then, let's get this meeting started, shall we Chiron?" said this guy.

"Yes Amos, we will." Chiron replied.

"Today, we have brought together these three pantheons, Greek, Roman and Egyptian to address a problem. We have found out that our enemies have joined forces, and plan to destroy this world as we know it. At this, everyone went insane. People started to break down and cry while others ran around screaming. The Amos guy then conjured like a sand vortex around him. When it disappeared, a large red man stood in its place, with Amos in the middle of it.

"SILENCE!" he boomed. Everyone went silent once more as they all stared up at him. Then the avatar disappeared and Amos dropped back down to the ground. "Continue Chiron." he said.

"Anyways, this is sadly true, but there's more. Unknown enemies are joining forces with them, and we need their enemies to join forces with us. This is a well-guarded secret, and I'll share it with you all.

A long time ago, the Greek gods settled in England, but not for long. No demigods were born, except for four from Hecate. Their names were Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Salazar Slytherin and Rowena Ravenclaw. Together, they built a school for magic kids called Hogwarts that was dedicated to their mother, and to school magical wizards on their powers. Now, the past seven years they have been fighting a enemy. They finally killed him, but with heavy casualties. We need their help to save this world, so we're going to send in some of us there to learn and teach at this school."

"Wait, so they know about us, right?" Leo asked.

"No. They are not ready yet. Do not reveal your identities until necessary. I'll accompany you on this journey, and Amos as well. The rest of you should all stay here and train with each other. Now, these will be the people coming to Hogwarts." Chiron pulled out a list. "Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Leo, Hazel, Frank, Piper, Nico, Reyna, Thalia, Will, Grover, Sadie, Carter, Zia and Walt. Now everyone go train while the rest pack. To Hogwarts we go!"

First chapter up, second chapter coming soon! Please review and tell me what you think about my new story. Thanks everybody! - Steven