Necros: Like I told you I will rewrite the first few chapters! The beginning was made with haste but now I will make it a bit better! And it was honestly boring and before some Tatsumi X Mine fans are going to complain about my explanation then read the manga why I think that the romance between the 2 didn't truly exist, crushing but I think that's the truth of it.

I don't own Anything of Akame Ga Kill, though I wish I did.

Chapter 1: The Past and the Offer.

Night Raid Hideout.

Home, a home was something more than just a roof above your head as it held a connection to the person to see that place again when they plan to travel or go to another place, and no matter what place they went it would remind them where they began and how they ended up in the place they dreamed, often leading to homesickness which was a good thing...but that was depending the situation it was and what kind of memories where made there and not all of them were good at all.

Here in the mountains, there was a nice wooden house that has been there for a very long time as the wood started to rot a little bit, and a few places covered in a bit of moss and algae and a few roots sticking out of the ground, and in front of the house stood a young man of 18 years old with silver hair and wearing a black shirt, pants, and a white trenchcoat. "I'm home, everyone," whispered Tatsumi as he looked at the Assassin hideout with happiness.

Tatsumi, the last living one of Night Raid was standing in front of the former hideout of the secret Assassin group of the Revolutionary army, it had been a few years since he visited this place to pay his respects to his deceased comrades, and no matter how many times he visited or reminded himself of the time he spent here and enjoyed it...but even with remembering that time he also remembered their deaths and it haunted him sometimes, even after 200 years it still hurts even with Incursio's ability to resist anything.

"Guys, I hope you're happy up there, I wonder how it is to be like in heaven?" asked Tatsumi crouching in front of the tombstones of his friends, no, his family who was resting in peace. Incursio who he fused with and survived the fusion and process, just like he promised Akame to survive the fight against the Empire...but what he never counted for was that his life force increased, so much that he lived over 200 years and he would never know if he could die. "Already 200 years have passed and...yet my body never showed any signs of aging...I wish I could join you."

He attempted it after living for 60 years and tried to kill himself by drowning, but he evolved by being able to breathe underwater, he tried to strangle himself but evolved to have stronger skin, and many other ways and tried to find a way to kill himself, all of them ended in a failure and that point he gave up on trying to kill himself and decide to live it out, he really wanted to see them all again and even after 200 years he remembered all the deaths.

His big sister Sheele, eaten alive by Hekantonheires or the Biological Teigu Koro of Seryu.

Bulat died by the hands of his former mentor who he admired so much and died by his blood.

Chelsea incapacitated by Kurome's childhood friend who got turned into a puppet.

Susanoo, frozen to death and got resurrected and stayed behind to fight Esdeath all by himself.

Lubbock, who died fighting Syura and got stabbed through his whole abdomen.

Mine dying in his arms after she used all her life force to kill Budo, and she wished for one thing and that was him to survive.

Leone who died by bullets after she fused with Lionel which allowed her to catch Honest.

Akame who died after she was so exhausted after using her Trump Card, died the same way as Mine, dying in his arms and telling him the last thing that would haunt him forever. 'I love you, Tatsumi, I really did'

His boss Najenda who died after she used most of her life force to use Susanoo, and died after a few years.

Leaving him to be the sole survivor of Night Raid, which greatly saddened him as he had no one anymore and didn't know anyone anymore, all the people he knew were dead including the people of his village who had no idea who he was, Kurome and Wave were also dead and had children but eventually never knew about him since he traveled a lot around the world.

"I love you too Akame," whispered Tatsumi holding the self-made necklace which was the emblem of Night Raid, he made 1 for everyone and hanged them around their tombstones, one more time before he would leave again to go on a journey.

Sheele, his big clumsy sister that comforted him when he thought that he could revive Sayo and Leyasu.

Bulat who made him stronger and who he looked up as his mentor and big brother.

Chelsea, the girl that made him think things through and learn stealth through her.

Susanoo who learned him no matter how powerful an opponent was that they always had a weak spot that can be traced.

Lubbock who he often bickered with and had a strong brotherly bond with.

Mine, who he also bickered with but did enjoy her company.

Leone, she who taught him martial arts on how to defend himself and sometimes drank with her.

Najenda who was like a mother to him, the mother to Night Raid.

Akame...the girl he loved and missed the most of all in Night Raid, it was ironic that he fell for the girl that he thought was mocking him and to think that he was seen as a weakling but in truth she looked out for him since he had many faults that could be fatal to him, he first thought he felt something for Mine...but it wasn't like that at all as it felt one-sided and sure she had a nice smile but that was it, he never showed any love back or interest in her. Cruel as it may sound but he remembered everything and her attempts that it was one-sided.

He would've never thought that so many girls would fall for him even if it was from the other party and he was kind of dense, that he admits that he's a bit dense and he wasn't completely oblivious to love as he used to have a small crush on Sayo but was never able to confess because he was scared that it would ruin their friendship, it would be awkward for 2 friends to date each other after being friends for so long time that you might not see the other in that way, and besides that Tatsumi was also a bit scared of getting rejected by Sayo...but he wished he could at least tell that he loved her when she was alive.

Sheele, his clumsy and air-headed big sister as he described her like that but in his thoughts she was the kindest and most understanding big sister you could have and one who you could be comfortable around with, she was his comfort when he was hit with the harsh reality that there wasn't anything like a Teigu that could bring back the dead and it was harsh...but necessary for him to grow up and it broke his heart when it was announced that she died on the mission.

There was Leone his 2nd big sister who was just flirty for the fun of it and that it was nothing but to tease him a little and to see his cute reaction as she called it like that, he wished that he could hear that soothing and yet playful voice again but later she got more active in it and it also didn't feel like it was to see his reaction only, it was like she had fallen head over heels for him, and yet she died with bullet wounds and he ended up carrying her corpse to the Night Raid base while muttering through his tears how stupid she is to want to die alone in a place like that.

Chelsea, she was like Leone but not a big sister but more of a mentor to him and a damn good one who taught him a lot of things through a few words only and Bulat's training and advice allowed him to see through a bit of deception and see the inside of her, if he didn't then he would've been very mean to her and swore to that very day not to allow his emotions to get the better of him, but why did she blush when he just complimented her...he decided not to ask for a long time after her threat.

"I have traveled to the places I always wanted to visit, seen many things that not even the Empire possess, I've seen the Deserts of the Western Region, the Ice Mountains of the North, the Ancient Buildings of the Eastern Region, and the Southern Region's tribes and many mysteries they contain," continued Tatsumi talking about his experience of the regions he traveled and many other things he saw, things he did, and Danger-Beasts he fought.

"Over here!"

Huh? Who said that? Tatsumi looked around and saw no one and took a few sniffs and spread his ear a little but to no effect, he didn't smell or hear anyone in range and neither did he feel a presence of this person...if you could call it a person since that voice didn't sound human, it sounded dead and creepy like that of a ghost and it made him alert to everything. "Who's there?" asked Tatsumi calmly.

"Come over here!"

South, there is where the voice came from and Tatsumi sheathed out his blade and walked slowly into the South of him ready to fight whoever was trying to trick him, having lived over 200 years constantly training and training made him the most powerful assassin on the world even if the reason why he lived too long was kind of cheating, but anyways he followed where the voice came from and still didn't sense anyone at all, neither the faintest smell of even a Danger-beast and he walked until he arrived at a cave.

He didn't remember that there was a cave here, but neither did he ever explore this place since he was too occupied with training especially when the revolution was in sight in a few days. "Hello,"

"Read what says on the wall~!"

Read what was on written on the wall suggested by a creepy voice inside his head, sure why wouldn't he do it and he didn't have anything to lose so he did it, but there wasn't anything written on the wall so he searched further even with the darkness he could see the wall like there was clear daylight shining in the cave, he found it and it was written in a language that he recognized, it was a tribe language and he learned a few and this one was written in one of the few he knew out of his head.

"To whoever reads this, I congratulate you on finding this as you can play God for 1 chance, read the inscriptions out loud and you will be granted the chance to go back in time, change everything without any time ripples, but I require something that no ordinary human can possess, a fair exchange and what I will do with it is nothing, the offer you give will be used to send you back in the time period you wish, say that you want to go back and what you offer of yourself out loud!"

"Your kidding!?" said Tatsumi as he couldn't believe it what he was reading and everything started from to having doubts, if it was real, or just a joke, or even if he could do it and if he could truly go back in time or that he was tricked into believing that, he stopped thinking and took a deep breath and another one and knew it wasn't time to hesitate or overthink things, he would try it out and even if it was fake. He placed his hand against the inscription and took a deep breath. "I wish to go back in time, to the period where Akame started her Assassin life and I semi-immortality!"

And when he said that the inscriptions did nothing for a second but then began to glow in an instant an intense light that made him take a few steps back and hold his eyes before his eyes.

"Your offer is accepted! I wish you the best of luck! Young one!"

That was what was shouted to him and he took a small peek to see that the light formed a hole and sucked him in with ease giving him no chance to defend himself or grab onto anything, the hole was filled with colors, purple, black, pink, orange, white, green, and some other colors as well.

Necros: So what do you think of the new chapter 1? Please tell me if I did good or review it for me instead, I will rewrite chapter 2 and I will make it more readable instead of making it look like it was rushed with haste.