"I don't have a sister." I heard a voice so cold say. Then I heard a very familiar cry, my sister sobbing. I tried to locate where she was and what I saw was the realization of my greatest fear. She looked older and was wearing what looked to be the school uniform of one of the local high schools of Nagano. That however, was not what caught my attention. It was the fact that she was covered in blood and looking to be in so much pain. I tried to run to her. To hold her and tell her that Onee – chan's here. I tried screaming, to get her attention, but nothing. I can't move, can't talk or do anything but watch as a bystander unable to help the one I loved the most.

"I'm sorry Saki. I'm so, so sorry. I'm sorry I can't do anything!" I cried in anguish. Then she looked in my direction. It's as if she feels my presence. I see her open her mouth and say –

"-ru, Teru - san! Hey, wake up! Class is already over," a voice uttered to my left. Slowly raising my head from the desk, I took a look around and noticed the orange hue of the sky, signifying that it was indeed already after class. Huh, that's strange. I don't usually fall asleep in class. I wonder what I was dreaming about.

"Man, you're so lucky you weren't caught by the teacher. I swear if I was forced to serve detention for Christmas Break, I'd lose my head." I turned around to look at the speaker and found my classmate wearing an exaggerated expression of horror. "But seriously Teru, what were you dreaming about? It's unusual enough to see you fall asleep in class but I could have sworn I heard you whimpering."

"I can't really remember. It's probably nothing. It's just that I have a lot on my mind right now. I'd probably be fine with some rest."

"Okay, if you say so. Just don't overwork yourself too much. Goodness knows how much Saki - chan would have to worry if you did. Now come on, get your bag and let's go home already." With that she turned to leave. I hurriedly followed along thinking all the while, what was I dreaming?

Opening the door to my house, I said the necessary greetings and removed my shoes before going in. I could smell a heavenly aroma coming from the kitchen and realized that Okaa – san must've come home early today.

"Okaerinasai, Onee – chan!" (Welcome home, Big sister) I heard my sister respond behind me. She was wearing an apron that was covered with stains and was holding a spatula.

"Are you helping Okaa – san cook Saki?"

"Hai (Yes)! I'm trying to learn how to cook so that Okaa – san doesn't always have to do it. Especially since I know that Onee – chan can't really cook herself," my sister said in a teasing tone

"Too true!" I heard Okaa – san shout from the kitchen.

"Hey! That was one time okay? I swear you guys would never let me live it down."

"It may have been one time Onee – chan but Otou – san almost had a heart attack when he saw what a warzone the kitchen had become, and to this day we still couldn't make out what kind of dish you were trying to make."

"I told you! I was trying to make scrambled eggs for breakfast!" I said with an exasperated tone. I mean really. How bad could it actually had been?

"… Really?" Saki said incredulously.

I didn't bother on giving a response. With a huff of indignation, I went to my room to change.

"Teru! Once you're done, set up the table will you dear? We're almost finished with dinner!" Okaa – san called out. Placing my bag on the side of my desk, I put on a change of clothes, relieved to be finally free of my winter uniform.

I went downstairs and did as I was asked and not a moment sooner did my mother and Saki arrive with the food in tow. And I tell you, it looked as good as it smelled. My mouth was already watering when our mother ordered us to go wash our hands first.

When we were just sitting down, we heard the door open and heard a tired shout of "Tadaima!" from our father. He entered the dining room disheveled, hair a mess, loose tie, and I could see several of his upper buttons unbuttoned. Nevertheless, his regarded us warmly as he sat on the last remaining seat at the table.

"Wow! That smells heavenly! Teru must not have been in the kitchen then!" Our father joked. Everyone laughed while I cried out in protest. One day! One day I swear! You will all bow down before the superior might of my cooking! Dattebayo!

"-ru! Teru ~ nee – chan! Come on. Don't be sad. We'd still love you even if you do have terrible, almost abysmal cooking skill!" Saki said, followed by more laughter.

"Yeah, yeah. Pick on me, why don't you?" And that was how our dinner went. Filled with laughter and warmth. We exchanged stories of how our day went or of anything we experienced that was of note. There were plenty of teasing – most of them aimed at me *sulks* - among other things as well. I am really thankful that we are whole and that Okaa – san and Otou – san managed to work out their differences. I can't imagine a world where we were all separated, a world without Saki in it. Good thing that THAT would never happen, not if I can help it.


Hey! Merry Christmas to you all! This serves as my Christmas AND apology gift to those who read my story. I'm sorry if this is sucky or short. Anyways, hope you like it and enjoy.