Chapter 6: Grandma Bella

Scarlett's POV

My bones ached. From the moment I woke up I could feel the pain in my bones aching. I wasn't unfamiliar with this type of pain. The pain had become increasingly common in the months since my diagnosis. It was just another sign of my impending death.

With some difficulty I was able to sit up in my bed. I got up carefully and started getting dressed. In the past few weeks that we've been on the run I've gotten good at hiding my pain. Mostly because I didn't want to scare Matt. He knew something was wrong but he didn't know what and I wanted to keep it that way.

As I headed toward the bathroom I heard my family talking downstairs. Trying to come up with a plan on how they were going to rescue my mom. Only word got my attention. Volturi. Whatever that was it sounded bad because they kept repeating it.

I would've stayed there and continued to listen had the fullness of my bladder not threatened to explode at any second.

After relieving myself I headed downstairs. On my way down I missed a step and tripped. I would've fallen the rest of the way down had Bella not caught me right away.

"You okay honey?" she asked, eyes full of concern.

"I'm fine. Stairs and extremely uncoordinated people like me don't mix very well that's all,"

Booming laughter erupted from the couch. "She not only looks just like you but she's just as clumsy as you to Bella!" Uncle Emmett shouted.

I blushed a bright crimson red from embarrassment.

"Just ignore him Scarlett. I do,"

"Thanks grandma. Is it okay if I call you that?"

"Of course it is sweetie. You are my granddaughter after all,"

"You have a granddaughter Bella! Sheesh your old!" Uncle Emmett laughed.

My grandmother just glared at him without saying a word. Wow. Grandma. Just the word alone throws me off when applied to Bella. Physically we're the same age so it's a little strange.

The smell of waffles in the kitchen made my stomach growl. I served myself a plate of the waffles that had been cooked and grabbed a glass of milk.

"Hey where's Matt?" I asked when it finally dawned on me that I hadn't see the four year old boy yet.

"Outside building sandcastles," grandma Bella said as she sat down with me. "He woke up awhile before you did,"

"You know he's my responsibility you could've woken me up so that I could take care of him,"

"Nonsense Scarlett. You needed the sleep. Besides I think a house full of vampires can take care of one little boy,"

"You sure he can be a handful-"

"I'm positive," she said.

I didn't say anything as I popped a fork full of waffle in my mouth.

"So Scarlett why don't you tell me more about you and your mom?"

"What do you want to know?"

"Everything," she said. "I want to know everything about you and her,"

I smiled. "My mom is the best. She loves me and my brother. She really loved my father. It was really hard on her when he died. Hard on all of us actually. She always knew she'd outlive him but she never expected him to die so soon,"

"Who was your dad?"

"His name was Peter. He died in a horrific car accident a year ago. She hasn't really gotten over it," I said. "My mom is a kind, loving, and caring person. In fact she hunts animals instead of people. She's not a monster at all,"

"Scarlett I know your mom is not a monster. I never, boy even for a second, believed that she was. Not even when I was pregnant with her. I knew that know that no matter what happened during that pregnancy it wasn't her fault. Only Edward believe that,"

As soon as she mentioned my grandfather's name I could see the anger flash in her eyes. "Neither you, Matt, or your mother are monsters. Edward is the true monster here and it scares me to know that I've been married to a man that could commit such a heinous crime and deliberately lie and cause pain for over 30 years,"

"Where is he anyway? What happened to him?"

"He was kicked out and if he knows what's good for him he will not be coming back any time soon. I will be filing for a divorce ASAP. Oh and if he thinks I'm through with him after all the hell he has put me through he has another thing coming. I am far from being done with him," my grandmother was seething with anger by the end of her tirade.

I put my hand on top of her cold one hoping it would calm her down.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"It's okay," I said.

"I just can't believe that I missed my daughter's entire life. She grew up, got married, and had a daughter of her own. A daughter who is fully grown nonetheless! I missed everything..." she cried.

The damage that my grandfather caused would never and could never be undone. That much was clear in that instant. He had hurt too many people and the consequences were far reaching indeed.

"We will get my mom back. Wherever she is we will find her and we can still be a family,"

"We will," my grandmother said with sudden determination. "You will have your mother back Scarlett that's a promise. I will get my daughter back and we will be a family once again,"

"If it weren't for my mother I think we would've all been taken,"


"My mother can sense danger. I think she knew, or at least had a hunch, that something was about to happen. Instead of running she came and told us to run,"

"Your mom could sense danger?"

"There's really no other way to put it," I said. "She could sense when something bad was about to happen to people she cared about. Somehow she always knew exactly what it was to. Drunk drivers, robbers, and even natural disasters. She saved us from the big earthquake that struck Southern California four years ago. A day before it happened she knew the big one that they always talked about was about to strike,"

"Sounds like Nessie is gifted then. I've never heard of that type of talent before though. It's really unique.

"Gifted? What does that mean?"

"Some vampires have special talents that others don't have. Edward can read minds. Alice can see the future. I can block mental attacks. It sounds like your mother's gift is the ability to sense when danger is coming,"

A knock on the door stopped drew us out of our conversation. Bella grew stiff in her seat.

"Who is it?"

"What the hell is Jacob doing here?! I made it very clear all those years that I never wanted to see him ever again!"

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