The day of her change flashed before her eyes. The men grabbing her, hurting Eirik, her change, fighting to live and seeing Mathias rip them apart was repeating itself in her head as it unfolded again and again just as a thunderous boom shook her to the core.

Bolting upright, Annalise gripped the wool blanket to her chest as she tried to rid the pictures from her mind. The unsteady visions and sounds hitting her as she tried to focus, only to have it break when another crash of thunder and lightning lit the nightlife outside to life. The harsh storm wreaked havoc upon the homes windows and her mind as she reached over for Mathias, only to find his side cold. Looking over, she found it empty as the small lamp was lit, proof he was there at one point.

A sigh of relief came to her as she saw the connected room lit up and a small hum caught her ears. Shaking herself, she thought of the months that had transpired since her coming to Denmark. She had gained so much in the last year that it was amazing to her. Nieces and nephews, to sisters and brothers. She was complete really, Mathias made sure of that. No matter what moment she had, he was there. Moving herself from the bed, she stood on wobbly legs, a small ache still emitting from her body as she made her way to the small room. She could hear Olivia giving her an earful of how she should rest and take it easy with everything, yet she couldn't do that. There was too much excitement around and her mind wanted to dive into it full force.

Pushing the door lightly, she smiled as she saw Mathias leaning over the wooden furniture within the room. Seeing him like made her fall harder in love with him, for this was a sight she would never tire of. Inching her way up beside him, she looked down to what he awed at. Laying within the small crib was the other piece of her heart and soul, little puffs of blond wisps dazzled over her little head as she was snuggled against the pink blankets. Soft easy breaths came from her as Mathias watched intently, making Annalise smile.

The sight of him was something she loved to see, just smitten over his little girl, barely a few days old yet he seemed to be the most protective of the Nordic fathers, never leaving her side unless forced. There was so much emotion on him as he looked at Maiken. Love, adoration, happiness, proud, awed, the list went on in her head just to make her giggle at the very thought.

His eyes landed on her as she broke his trance, "Oh, sorry skat. Did I wake you?"

"Nej-" she was cut off as another roll of thunder crashed around the home.

"Undskyld. I should've know, I was just a little lost."

Annalise wrapped her arms around him, snuggling into his chest as his own wrapped around her, "Had a nightmare too."

"Same thing?"


"It's hard skat, I know. But as we see, you are here with me and Eirik is being quite the protector." he pointed to the large dog upon the floor, watching them intently.

"You're a good boy Eirik." Annalise said to him, gaining his usual tail wag, "So papa, how long have you watched your little princess?"

"Um..." he grew silent as his cheeks reddened.

"You know when she's older she'll get mad at you for doing that." Annalise giggled.

"I know, but I can't help it. I mean look at her, look at her Annalise." he said turning his sight back to her, "How, how on earth did we create something so beautiful and perfect? I just can't believe it."

"Well believe it Mathias for there she is." Annalise chuckled at him, "We are both lucky."

"That's true." Mathias agreed, "I truly am, for I have a beautiful queen and now a darling princess to add to it. All we need is a prince and then its per-"

"We just had Maiken Mathias, let my body rest. You aren't the one going through all that." she chided him as he laughed at her.

"Ok, ok, you're right. We'll wait till she's older, then junior can be decided."

Annalise sighed as she left the room, hearing Mathias give Maiken a kiss goodnight and ordering Eirik to watch over her. She shook her head at him as she settled back into bed, feeling the mattress bounce as his body hit the soft plush. Arms suddenly came around her and pulled her to his chest, making her giggle at his antics as his goofy grin curved him once more.

"You are a goofy man."

"But I'm your goofy man." he kissed her nose, "So if we do have another-"


"I'm not saying now, just hypothetically. If we do and it's a boy, do you want to name him since I got to do Maiken's?"

Curiosity rolled in her head as she looked over him but in truth, she did have some picked out just in case it was a boy, "Well, the names I had before Maiken was born were Christian, Leif, Joannes, and Mathias." she bopped his nose.

"You'd want a junior running around, why?"

"I have a feeling that if we have a boy, he would be just like you."

The smile that came to him was sweet and loving as he pulled her close, kissing her as she relaxed into him.

"You are too good to me."

"Queen takes care of her king just like the king cares for his queen." she told him, "Now we should rest before the princess awakes."

Annalise laid her head upon his chest, listening as his steady breaths relaxed her just for a final thought came to her, "I do know there is a boy coming along."

"Really, who?"

"Think Mathias."

She watched as his eyes darted back and forth within the room just to widen and land on her, "Icy?"

She smiled at him, giving a gentle nod. The news even shocked her when Olivia announced it to the four of them, for they believe that Emil and Olivia didn't want children.

"I knew it!" he threw his fist in the air, "Berwald owes me a beer now."

"You're bad." she said, settling back against his chest.

"Not bad. So now the Nordics have three of each now. "

"That we do. Now sleep Mathias."

With the final order, she felt his fingers run through her hair, edging her closer to sleep against him. Annalise couldn't be happier as she felt the world drift away. To being the Capital of Copenhagen, to being a wife and mother, her life was perfect no matter how she looked at it. And from there on, it was just going to get better.
