Connor Murphy was already pissed off before he got into the school's hallway, he didn't need Jared Kleinman to make things worse, but the asshole did anyways

"Hey Connor!"

Jared was a very in your face sort of person, and hell if Connor wasn't glad for the reminder that the other wasn't his soulmate, but he also really liked his personal space

"Loving the new hair length! Very school shooter chic"

Connor really wanted to punch the living lights out of him, but he stopped himself

"I was just...kidding, it was a joke?"

Really, this amount of self-restrain was probably a record or something, didn't mean Connor was about to just take the punches being thrown at him

"Yeah, no. It was funny. I'm laughing, can't you tell?"

He saw Jared flinch and almost smirked, almost

"Am I not laughing hard enough for you?"

Jared stumbled back

"You're such a freak"
Jared's gone before Connor can do anything, it's probably for the best, but there's still someone on the hallway with him, so he whirls around to glare at whoever's looking at him, and then everything exploded

There is Connor's soulmate in full color, smiling awkwardly at him, smiling! Of all things, and he has to calm himself because he almost snapped at the kid, who already looks like he's one second away from vaulting, smile non-withstanding. Speaking of, Connor's soulmate, his name was Evan if he remembered correctly, has traded the awkward smile for an awe-struck look, and he should be looking around, at the colors Connor sees in the corner of his eyes, but the dark blue eyes are fixed on him, and on the one hand there's the realization that oh, that's what blue looks like, but on the other there's the fact that Evan, he's almost certain that's his soulmate's name, is giving him such an open look and there has to be a mistake, so instead of addressing the elephant in the room, he hightails it out of there

[POV change]

Evan Hansen was not expecting to actually find his soulmate the first day of school, and it was ridiculous because until then, when looking at the guy from afar he was just intimidating, and while he was still pretty intimidating now, he was also kind of breathtakingly beautiful in full color, which he wasn't expecting, like, at all, and he sees his awestruck look mirrored in the other's face for a second before Connor Murphy runs away like Evan is the scary one of the two, and he doesn't really know what to make of that

Then, like clockwork, there's Zoe Murphy, who Evan has always thought pretty, and is beautiful now that he can name the colors that make her, but Evan's heart has all but left with her brother, because while Zoe is beautiful, Connor is breathtaking

"Hey, are you ok?"
Evan blinked at her, nodding slowly, still a bit shaken by the fact that, oh, he could tell her hair was brown

"You have brown hair"
"Oh, um, sorry… I ah, don't know why I said that, I just, wow… there are so many colors, shit… sorry"

Zoe was now giving him a weird look but Evan kept going, unable to stop now that he had started

"It's just that… well, I just met my soulmate, I guess… but like, I already knew him but never actually made eye contact… I don't think he, uh… knew me, and it's… sorry, it's just a bit overwhelming"

"My brother is your soulmate?"

"I, yes, I think, I don't know if he… he kind of run away so… I didn't really ask"


The bell would ring any moment now, and Evan suddenly didn't want to be in this conversation anymore because Zoe was looking at him like he had gotten bad luck, and there had to be a mistake, because obviously if anyone had gotten bad luck for this ordeal, it was Connor, and that was probably why he run away

"I uh… should get to class now, so… yeah, bye"

And then he miraculously managed to turn around and leave for his classroom, he considered this progress

When he got to his seat Jared was giving him an odd look, and oh, so that's what Jared looked like in color, Evan simply sat on his chair without saying anything, because he was sure Jared would know if he said anything, and Even didn't think he wanted Jared knowing considering he hated Connor, who Evan was pretty sure was his soulmate, and Evan couldn't really deal with the commentary that would ensue from that interaction

Later, after he finally got down enough to like think about what happened, it occurred to Connor that he should probably go apologize to his soulmate for running away, Evan Hansen, and yes, Connor had checked who the boy was, seemed like the kind of person who wouldn't mind, but Connor still felt like he needed to do it. So, here he was, chasing after his soulmate to the computer lab, he took a deep breath and walked in, seeing Evan typing away at one of the computers, he could make the first words

"Dear Evan Hansen?"

~^~^~^~^[Letter break]^~^~^~^~^~

Dear Evan Hansen:

Today was a weird day and here's why. Today started actually not that bad, normal for the most part, nothing you couldn't deal with, which, progress! Then you met your soulmate, and let us agree that you were not expecting Connor Murphy, but wow, he's actually really nice to look at in full color, which, still very overwhelming. Connor run away and left you to the overwhelming thing that are colors, Zoe came to see if you were ok but you probably weirded her out, which usually bother you a lot more than it does right now, and you're not entirely sure what to make of that


Evan practically jumped out of his seat before he turned to see Connor, who was looking at him

"Shit… sorry, I didn't mean to scare you"

Evan shook his head no rapidly, yet to catch his breath; Connor seemed to relax a bit

"I uh… wanted to apologize for earlier, I kind of freaked out"

"N-no, it's ok, r-really"

Oh god, he was stuttering, and Connor would definitely think he's lame for it, and maybe run away again, because he didn't want to be tied to someone who was lame an-

"So, how did you break your arm?"

"Oh… I uh, fell… of a tree"

"That's the saddest fucking thing I've ever heard"


Of course it was, Evan was perfectly aware, and he would keep telling everyone who asked, including himself, because he was not acknowledging the act-

"Nobody signed your cast"

"Yeah… no, I don't have any… I didn't really ask"

"Do you have a sharpie?"

"Oh! You don't have to… if you don't want to…"

Connor was giving him a raised eyebrow; hand outstretched to receive the marker, Evan pulled it from his pocket and gave it to him. Connor grabbed his arm, stopping from pulling too hard after Evan flinched, and wrote his name in big block letters

"There, now we can both pretend to have friends"

~^~^~^~^~^[Leter breack]^~^~^~^~

Also, today your soulmate decided to become your friend, and you probably grinned like an idiot, but the concept of having a friend, and that friend being your soulmate, and that soulmate being Connor Murphy… It's all a bit, surprising, so to say. Frankly, you have no idea what to feel about any of this, but this year might not be so bad after all

Sincerely me