Guess who finally updated?
P.S I apologize for any mistakes I make in advance
"Wait, you're going to what?!"
"I said," Alphys repeated as she paused from her hurrying around the lab. "I'm going to revive all the monsters."
"Look Alphys, I know what you said, but…" Lucy said unsurely, while looking at the various dust piles on the table. "Do you really think you can do it? I mean, you said that-"
"I don't think I can do it. I know I can do it." she said resolvedly, interrupting Lucy, knowing what she what say. "I have to…" she whispered softly to herself.
Suddenly, Alphys felt a heavy weight on her shoulder. She turned around and looked up into the face of Erza.
"You can do it Alphys; you just have to believe in yourself."
Alphys looked up into Erza's gaze and searched her eyes. Erza believed she could do it.
Then, she raised an eyebrow. "Are you going to continue what you're doing Alphys?"
"R-right!" Alphys exclaimed, a light blush appearing on her face.
"What about the screams we heard earlier?" questioned Gray. "Those people are still bound to be somewhere."
"Yeah!" exclaimed Natsu, pounding his two fists together. "Let's go beat'em up!" Then, Natsu started rushing towards the entrance. However, he was stopped by Erza catching his hair at the last second and yanking him back towards the group.
"You can't go rushing out like that Natsu. We're up against a whole guild; we need a plan."
"Ha! Of course I can! Did you see how weak those guys were?! I-"
"You idiot!" hissed Gray. "Remember what Alphys said? The guild is organized by hierarchy. The higher we go, the stronger these people will get!"
Natsu crossed his arms. "I still think that-"
"I seem to recall that all of us got defeated by that weird lady in that misty dress." Lucy stated flatly.
"Yeah, but she hasn't fought me twice!"
"Natsu, even I don't think you could take the whole guild by yourself." Happy said. "Remember how powerful the guild master was?"
Natsu let out a groan, knowing his friends were making extremely valid points. Though he hated to admit it, there were a couple of times where his recklessness had gotten them all in trouble.
"Fine," Natsu sighed, reluctantly giving into defeat, "what's the plan?"
Erza put her hand on her chin and closed her eyes in thought. A few moments later, they snapped open and she started giving out orders.
"Natsu, Lucy, Happy, you three go out and try to find the source of the screams we heard earlier. If you find any prisoners, rescue them. Make sure to be quiet-"she emphasized, shooting a pointed glare towards Natsu, "- and swiftly take care of resistance you encounter. Gray and I will stay here and guard Alphys while she works. And," she said, her tone changing into a more somber one, "if you encounter the guild master, run. They can time travel, and once you're stuck with them, I'm not sure even the magic council can rescue you. Do you understand?"
The three gave a nod. Then, the trio rushed out of the room, hoping to accomplish their goal. Gray turned towards Erza, a worried glance on his face.
"Are you sure I shouldn't go with them? I know they can handle themselves, but…this is different. I mean, it's Midnight Barrem, and there's time travel involved!"
Erza glanced sideways at the door the trio just left from. "All the more reason for two of us to stay behind. At least we have a better chance of a rescue if they do get captured. Plus," she said, a hint of a smile appearing on her face, "Natsu is with them. He'll find a way; he always does."
Gray grinned back. "Well, you aren't wrong about that."
Then, the two fell into silence as Alphys worked furiously in the back, all of them hoping that things would turn out to be okay at the end.
"How much time until the next sequence?"
A nearby wizard checked a monitor besides him. "About five minutes master."
The guild master looked at the slumbering skeleton lying down in front of them, held by restraints. They had calculated there would be a ten minute time of rest before they would start up the sequence again. After all, the comedian had an HP of one, and they couldn't kill him just yet. They still needed the info on how to work that stupid machine.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. The demon glanced up.
"Come in." they commanded.
The door opened, and Daku appeared, looking a bit worse for wear. The child's expression turned into one of annoyance and anger.
"So, Daku, I trusted you to bring in this monster quickly and quietly. You know what those two words mean right?"
Daku's face turned pale and he let out a gulp. "Y-Yes master."
The child sighed and rubbed their temples. "Then why didn't you do so?! Those Fairy Tail wizards are involved now, and it won't be long until outsiders find out about us. "
The child paused before standing up and walking right in front of Daku. "I sent you on this mission because you were one of my best wizards. You-" they said, angrily jabbing a tiny finger into his chest, "- assured me that you would get the job done correctly."
"B-but master," the dark wizard stammered, "You didn't tell me that this monster had powers! Also, he had Fairy Tail wizards on his side! I didn't know wizards like them would take the simple job request that the monster had put out. I had to improvise!"
The demon's face darkened. "Are you saying this, Fairy Tail is stronger than you? Not only that, this comedian's powers should've have been easy for you to handle."
"M-Master, they are the most powerful light guild in all of Fiore currently. And, the monster's power…it... it just caught me off guard. I assure you something like this won't happen again."
The child remained silent for a moment before saying, "Well, Midnight Barrem is supposed to be the strongest dark guild around. And you couldn't even take down the easiest enemy. I guess that means you shouldn't be here then."
With a flash, a knife appeared in the guild master's hand. They gave it a swing and infused it with magic.
"You know," they said, taking a step closer to the trembling wizard, "I found out that Tate deflected from the cause, thanks to the words of one of the Fairy Tail wizards." they said, spatting the words Fairy Tail like it was a disease. "He got lucky; I was going to kill him anyways. You know why?"
Daku was pressed up against a door. He couldn't move a muscle. His mind kept yelling for his body to move, but he just stood there.
The magic power coming from the master…it's even more than those Fairy Tail wizards and that monster combined!
"I was going to kill him because he was weak. He kept second guessing his job. He was a parasite. And do you know what I do with parasites?"
Daku closed his eyes, knowing what was coming next. The demon's eyes glowed bright red.
"I exterminate them."
Then, with a slice of their knife, a wave of red magic flew towards Daku as he braced himself for what was coming next. He closed his eyes and-
Daku's eyes flew open is surprise and shock. He glanced at his master whose eyes were still glowing, their expression maniacal.
What the-
Daku's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden pain that came over him. He let out a gasp and sank to the floor.
The pain…! It was even worse than what that monster had done to him before.
"Luckily for you," his master said darkly, "I always liked watching people squirm. Enjoy your next ten minutes. The poison should kill you afterwards."
Daku let out a scream of pain and anger. The pain-!
The guild master let their knife dissipate and gestured for the wizard by the monitor to take the suffering wizard away. In a few seconds, Daku and the wizard had left.
The child calmly walked back to their seat and sat back down. Their fingertips glowed with red magic as they looked down at the sleeping comedian.
It was time to get back to work.
"Natsu!" Lucy hissed in a whisper-yell while running (well, more like sprinting) after the dragon-slayer. "Slow down! Someone could see us! Remember what Erza said?!"
"Who cares?! I wanna punch one of these Midnight Barrem goons in the face!" he exclaimed loudly in his normal voice.
"Shhh!" Lucy hushed him, "Back me up here Happy!"
"She's right Natsu." Happy said, flying right besides Lucy, also chasing Natsu.
Natsu skidded to a stop and turned around and gave Happy a look of betrayal. "Happy! How could you-"
Lucy stopped in front of Natsu and whispered loudly, "Would you just be quiet for one second?!"
Natsu gave her a toothy grin. "Hah! It's fine. Plus, I don't smell anyone close enough that they would be able to hear us."
Lucy shot Natsu a glare. "You could've mentioned that earlier!"
"Yeah, but it's cute seeing you all flustered up like that."
Lucy's face flushed a bright red as she tried to form a comprehensible sentence. "I…wait….no…I…"
Happy flew in between the two. "You're in loooovvveeee." he teased to the pair of wizards.
Lucy's face contorted into an expression of anger. "Shut up you stupid cat!" she yelled as her kick towards him sent him flying through the air.
Then, Lucy's expression turned serious. "But, Natsu, how are we going to find this prisoner? For all we know, it could be a trick!"
"Hmm…" Natsu said, scratching his head in thought. Then his eyes lit up and a sly grin spread across his face.
Lucy took one look at his expression and let out a groan. "Why do I get the feeling I'm not going to like what's coming up next?"
"Don't worry Lucy, I got a plan. Here, put this on!" he said enthusiastically while holding a.…revealing maid outfit.
Lucy's eyes bulged out of their sockets as she exclaimed, "Where the heck did you even get that?! And there is no way I'm going to put that on!"
"Oh come on Luce, pleaseeee?"
"No way!" Then, Lucy's eyes lit up. "Actually, I think I have a better plan, and you're going to like it Natsu."
"Huh?" Natsu said confusedly.
Lucy winked at him. "Don't worry; it's pretty easy to follow. Now, let's go find a Midnight Barrem guard to beat up."
Natsu's face split into a grin. Lucy was right; he was going to like this plan. Suddenly, a voice interrupted his thoughts.
"Hold on Lucy, didn't you say we needed to be stealthy?" Happy asked. "Why would you do-"
"Well we needed to be stealthy before," Lucy interrupted, hoping they wouldn't say something about her hypocrisy, "but now-"
"Hey!" Natsu exclaimed, coming to a realization. "That means my way of finding the prisoner was actually-"
Lucy whirled around and pointed a finger at him. "Don't you dare say it!"
"- the way we would end up doing it! I told you we should've gone out and beat up someone!"
Lucy glared heatedly at Natsu, who still had an accusing expression on his face. A heated blush started to rise up on her face.
Why do these things always happen to me?!
Natsu noticed her expression. "Aww, don't get so worked up Luce! You alw-"
"Hey, you aren't supposed to be here!"
The trio turned around to find a pair of guards standing at the end of the hallway. One of them pointed a spear at the group. The other one had sparks of magic coming out of his fingertips.
"It looks like one wizard and one normal guard." Lucy noted out loud.
Natsu punched his flaming fists together, a large grin on his face. "Finally! I get to beat up someone. I'm all fired up!"
Lucy whipped out a key. "Remember the plan Natsu. Try not to hit them too hard."
"We'll give you one chance before we use force on you. Surrender to us and return to where you belong," one of the guards shouted.
"Heh! How about you surrender to us?"
With those words, Natsu charged at the pair of guards, using his magic to propel him.
Finally! It's time for a fight.
A man opened up his eyes.
Actually, they were already open. It was just dark; very, very dark.
He knew where he was, and he knew who he was. However, his memories were….scattered. They were scattered across time and space, here and there, existing at the same time, yet not even there at all.
He had given up after, well, however long he had been in this void. He just let himself…float away. He was scattered, never together, always apart.
Originally, he was one, but now he was none. But, when he had felt the energy, the ripple in space, it had seemed…all too familiar. He needed to find out what was going on. So, using the will he didn't even know he had, he pulled himself together.
The scattered pieces have now become one.
He stared at himself; it been so long since he was together…was this really how he looked like?
The man however, quickly got his thoughts together. He felt for the energy, and pulled. He let it manifest itself and studied it. A smile grew across his face.
It was almost time. The scattered pieces were falling into place. He just needed to be patient. He just had to wait a little bit longer.
He would be out of here soon.
Author's Note:
Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail or Undertale
So...Happy (belated) Thanksgiving? Hope you all enjoyed time off with your family! I know I did.
Anyways, sorry for not updating sooner. But, after getting off from school, I finally got time to finalize this chapter it is! For those who wanted more Undertale action, the next chapter will be heavily focused on them, so don't worry!
(Also, I was totally not procrastinating writing this chapter by watching the new season of Fairy Tail...or playing Toby's new game...or getting myself involved in other fandoms...huh, that made me realize a lot has happened since I last updated)
Also, another apology if the content isn't that great. My writing is a bit rusty due to the break I took.
Till next time!