Chapter 1
In the Dark Void known as Timeless Space, you were nothing and everything at the same time.
Life was simply a mote unseen by the higher powers of the universe.
One moment you are there and the next, you're not.
She was one such a spec.
So insignificant in the grand machinations of the world at large.
And yet.
She stood at the Base, the Beginning, and watched as Creation came to be and Destruction came to end it in an endless cycle of Life and Death and Rebirth.
"Why?" Her voice spoke out into the nothingness.
Why was she here? Why was she watching this? The Rise and Fall of civilizations as grains lost in the hourglass of Time. The Rebirth of stars from the End of once magnificent Creations. The Destruction of worlds unknown. The endless cycle ruled by the Natural Order. Why had she not joined the cycle? Why was she not dead? Why?
"Because you have a purpose you have yet to complete, dear daughter." An ancient voice answered, tired and weary from the elements of Time.
She turned and studied the being that served as her companion for as long as she could remember, "You are dying."
"I am."
"And your children shall die with you." She sighed, solemn and resigned.
Yet another End she would be forced to watch.
"Will you go Back?"
She paused, "Back?"
"The time of your Creation."
She stared softly into the cosmos, "There is nothing left for me there."
"Then perhaps a new one. You have stayed at the Roots of Yggdrasil for far too long."
"A new Life." She mumbled in contemplation before letting out a chuckle, "I do not remember much of my life Before. Perhaps it would be wise to begin again. Novae Vitae."
"It is of your choosing, daughter."
"And my purpose?"
"That is for you to decide, dear one."
She laughed, "I should have expected that answer. Will you send me off?"
"Choose for me will you?" She smiled fondly at the ancient being slowly fading away, "Send me where you want me to be."
"I see you as my daughter, but another lays claim to the title I hold."
She blinked at change of subject, "Yes… Spiritus Terrae. Spirit of the planet Earth, Gaia."
"She calls for your return." The being hummed, "Despite the passage of Time."
She smiled sadly, "Her children could not accept my connection with the Earth. I willingly left Her."
"Time changes many things. Give your brothers and sisters a chance, my daughter."
She bowed her head, "I will do whatever you wish as my last gift to you."
"It is an honor, dear one."
"Farewell." She said with her eyes closed. "Ego tamen non obliviscar tui."
"I too will not forget, Haryn Potter-Black. Live your Life in happiness."