It was dark…all I could see was darkness, I couldn't even see my hand that I know was right in my face. Where am I? Am I dead, did I fall down a hole of darkness?
"I am alone."
A voice echoed through the darkness, I looked around the darkness in search of the voice. It sounded like Ladybug's voice, but it was sad, like she was crying.
"Ladybug!" I shouted. "Ladybug, where are you!?"
"It hurts Chat." She whimpered, was my love in trouble!? Where is she?!
"LADYBUG!" I shouted even louder, hoping my voice would reach her ears, but I still heard her cries.
"Leave me alone Chat, you can't stop this." Her voice echoed through the darkness, before I could respond, a bright beaming light shined down on a female figure. But it wasn't Ladybug, it was Marinette. Why was she here, and why are there chains on her ankles?
"Mari?" I spoke as I walked towards her. When near, I gently pressed my hand against her back. Her pink jacket felt soft and fuzzy, and she smelled like fresh baked cookies.
"Go away Adrien, you can't save me ether." Mari spoke. She slowly begins to turn her body around, letting me see her face. My heart almost stopped at what I saw.
"No." I whimpered at what I saw before me. Her face, the left side of her face had a broken Ladybug mask, while the right had a dark purple butterfly. What scared me the most was her right eye, the butterfly made her pupil black and her iris white. Both eyes were crying tears of rivers to the ground.
"Marinette, I will save you!" I shouted, I wrapped my arms around her waist, holding her cold body close to mine.
"You can't save what's been broken."
A voice echoed into my ear, I raised my head to see where it came from. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of Hawkmoth. I held Marinette's body close to mine in a death grip, I felt as if I let her go, she'd be gone.
"I won't let you take her!" I shouted.
"It's too late Adrien." Marinette whimpered before gently pushing me away. Escaping from my gasped, she walks over to Hawkmoth. The grown man smirks at the young girl before placing his hand on top of her head. A dark shadow then begins to engulf her body, transforming the beautiful Marinette into something sinister and dark. Hawkmoth smiles before saying:
He said, Marinette turns her body around to look at me. What I saw was not my lady, it was…terrifying. Without a second to waste I ran to Marinette, but I couldn't reach her. She raises her hand and begins to wave at me.
"Bye-bye." She spoke as she fades away with Hawkmoth. The light that was shining on the two begins to fade away. What the hell is going on!? Why is she running away from me! I didn't stop running, my feet started to hurt. I kept calling her name, but I didn't a response, all there was is darkness.
(Adrien Bedroom)
My eyes slowly begin to open to darkness, but it wasn't the darkness I was in before. It felt calm and homey, it was then I realized that I was just dreaming.
"Oh my god Tikki! What are you going to do!" Plagg spoke, I turned my head to the side and saw the black kwami sitting on top of my cell phone. A picture of Marinette was on the screen…wait, was he talking to someone?
"We need to get her help!" A voice responded through my phone, but it wasn't Marinette voice.
"Good luck, Master Fu is out of town, and my master is as dumb as bricks." Plagg said, I wanted to slap him there and then. But I just rose from my laying position and stared at the creature.
"We need to tell Adrien; Marinette is getting worse! She's even starting to talk to him in her sleep." The voice said. "If don't do something soon, this may be the end for Ladybug!"
Ladybug, did the voice said Ladybug? Wait a minute, Plagg is talking to someone that knows him through Marinette number! Holy crap, he's talking to her Kwami! MARINETTE IS LADYBUG!?
"What's wrong with Marinette?" I asked.
"She's sick, go to bed." Plagg responded, it took him three seconds to turn around and look at me. "Tikki, I got to go, I will call you back later."
"You woke up Adrien didn't you?" Tikki asked.
"Yes he did." I responded.
"Dammit Plagg, I told you to call me out of the room!" Tikki shouted. "Well, we might as well let him in on the plan."
"Who is this?" I asked.
"My name is Tikki, I am Marinette Kwami." Tikki spoke.
"So Marinette is Ladybug?" I asked, I could feel my heart skip a beat, waiting for her answer.
"Yes, Marinette is Ladybug. But that's not important right now." Tikki spoke. "Listen to me Adrien, tomorrow Marinette is going to become…become…"
"Become what?" I asked.
"She's going to become a queen." Tikki spoke, a queen. Just like was Hawkmoth said in my dreams. "Its one of the powerfullest forms my friend Noroo can create."
"Noroo, Hawkmoth kwami I am guessing." I asked.
"Yes, two years ago when you started fighting." Tikki started. "Hawkmoth places a butterfly on Marinette heart. The ability is called queen, what it does, it lays dormant in someone's heart and absorbs all negative energy need to become akumatized. As it gathers energy it grows, it grows until it wraps its self around the person heart and soul. When big enough, it burst, becoming more powerful than any Akuma you ever seen."
"Has this happened before?" I asked.
"Yea, about 300 years ago. Crazy bitch nearly ate me when my master got kidnapped!" Plagg shouted. "I don't want that to happen again!"
"Then listen to me! Look, Marinette going to change tomorrow. So Adrien, you convince her to give my miraculous, which are her earrings, to you. Then, you take on the form of Ladybug and use the luck charm on her. It will not only destroy the butterfly, but also safe Marinette from becoming evil."
"Why can't she do it?" I asked.
"Oh yea, if you tell a person that they have a queen growing inside them, it makes the queen burst automatically, killing its hoist." Plagg said, my eyes widen in shock and fear as I imagine Marinette chest burst. Like those creatures from the alien movie series.
"Holy crap." I muttered under my breath.
"Yea, so tomorrow you are going to take her earrings, use the lucky charm, and then possible get a date from her at the end, maybe who knows." Tikki responded before hanging up the phone. I nodded my head before taking the phone away from Plagg. I go through my gallery and found a picture of Marinette, Alya and Nino smiling and posing in their bathing suits. It was the only picture I had of Marinette, and it was on the day the four of us went to the beach. That was a fun day, and I know more will come once Marinette and I start dating.
(The next day, Narrative POV)
Marinette moaned as presses her hand against her forehead. The 18-year-old girl was sitting in class, trying to concentrate on the words written on the board, but can't.
"Girl, you feeling alright?" Alya asked her best friend, Marinette nods her head yes, but Alya wasn't blind. "I think you should go home."
"No, I am fine." Marinette said was she tried to stare at the board, only to yawn loud enough for Chloe to look at her.
"Miss! Marinette and Alya won't stop talking!" Chloe shouted, making both of the girls glare daggers at the woman. Marinette was about to respond to Chloe word with an insult, but kept her mouth shut. Her body didn't have the strength to fight, let alone fight with Chloe.
"You okay Marinette?" Sabrina asked, even the girl sitting far away could see Marinette wasn't looking her best. Her cheeks were red, her face was glittered with sweat, and her eyes were a little red at the edges.
"The bug." Adrien thought when he looked over to Marinette. "I need to get those earrings before the queen burst."
"I'm fine, just a little head cold." Marinette responded. The teacher didn't believe a word Marinette said, so she walked over to the young girl and presses her hand to Marinette head.
"You have a fever; I am calling your parents." The teacher said, Marinette stood up from her seat and was about to say something, but fell to the ground the next second. Almost everyone in the room gasped as Alya runs over to Marinette. Adrien stands up from his chair then leans down next to Alya, he gently pulls her body up from the ground. Carrying her bridal style, he makes his way down the stairs.
"We are calling your parents young lady!" The teacher said as Adrien carried her out the room. He takes the blue haired girl straight to the nurse's office, there, the woman in white begins to examine the young girl.
"Oh dear, when was the last time you ate?" The woman asked Marinette.
"Uh…yesterday night?" Marinette lied, truth be told she hasn't eaten a full meal in the last three days. She's been snacking most of the time, and the snacks weren't even considered snack. They were more like, bites of food she nibbled on.
"Your papers say otherwise." The woman said. "I just called you parents, your father will be here shortly. I am going to give your teacher a note saying you must stay home for the next three days."
"Stay home!?" Marinette asked in shock, both Alya and Adrien looked at her in worry.
"Girl look at yourself, your sweating a puddle! You need to go home and rest!" Alya ordered her friend.
"This is just a small fever Marinette, all you need is some cold medicine and a day in bed." The nurse says as she pulls out a green slip from her desk chore. She picks up a pen from the desk and begins to write something.
"But…" Marinette eyes looked at Adrien, the young male was staring down at her with a smile on his face.
"Marinette you need rest." Adrien said. "Why don't you lay down and go to sleep."
"But…" Marinette responded, trying her best to say something. The words did not come out of her mouth though, instead a quick breath left her lungs. Her upper body flops down on the bed, leaving her body to go limp. Alya gasped at her friend while the nurse reinsured the two that she will be fine. Alya walks out the room with the nurse. Once gone, Adrien looks at Marinette red face for a few seconds.
"She so beautiful." He thought to himself as he watches the sleeping figure on the bed. When her breathing returned to normal Adrien quickly grabbed her earrings from her ears. He did it quick to, so quick she didn't notice they were gone.
"That was easy." Adrien thought as he sticks the earrings into his pocket. He then stands up from his chair and walked out of the nurses office, just as the nurse and Alya were about to enter the room.
"Hey, I am going back to class." Adrien said with a smile. Alya nods her head before saying goodbye to the blonde boy. Adrien walks straight to the boys bathroom to examine Marinette earrings, only to feel a cold breeze brush up his back. He looked over his shoulders to see a bright shining white light coming from the closed room door to the nurse's office. Screams can be heard as the light shined brighter. Bright enough to create its own shadow in the process.
"Oh no!" Plagg shouted. "It's happening again! RUN FOR THE MOUNTAINS!"
"Wait, what?" Adrien asked as the light dims down till it was gone. It was silent for a few minute, dead silent. Swallowing the little water he had in his mouth, the blonde male walks over to the door to the nurses office slowly. Making sure to be as quite as a mouse with each step. Once in front of the door, he reaches for the knob to open the door. Plagg was sweating bullets as he grips the last piece of cheese in Adrien pocket. He opens the door to nothing but darkness, a black void of nothing.
"Marinette? Alya?" Adrien asked in worry, two pairs of eyes appear in the darkness. One pair was gold, while the other was green and blue eyes.
"Adrien." A voice was heard; it was dark but seductive voice. "Come in Adrien."
"Who are you?" Adrien asked, the Heterochromia pair of eyes blinked at his response. They then closed and seemed to disappeared behind the darkness. Heels scraping the floor could be heard coming towards the boy. Coming out from the shadows, Adrien gasped at what he saw.
"Marinette?" He asked, the figure in front of him shake's its head no. The darkness that reside in the room slowly begins to spread to the walls outside of the nurse's office. Making the bright yellow painted walls turn dark purple.
"Marinette is gone, she faded away in despair and sadness." The dark figure said. "I am the Queen of the butterflies. Bow down to your new ruler."
"And I am gone." Adrien said before sprinting away from Marinette, or rather the queen.
Kikkie: The queen series! I always wanted to write a story where Marinette was the enemy, but because of her character in the series, I always saw her as the sweet girl who tries to make everyone happy. So, I just akumitized her! I possible spell Akumatized wrong and I am sorry. Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!