A/N- hi guys…. It's actually been YEARS since my last fanfic, but I'm through GCSE's (though onto A levels ahu I cry…) anyway, because of a fan's request I shall continue!

Nanami's POV

I stared down at our intertwined fingers, my pale fingers lost in even paler fingers of his. A flush crept up to my cheeks as I turned my head away from his outraged expression.

"Aha… hahaha Tomoe how you could not know a fruit of a place you frequent so much…hahaha" I said whilst scratching my head. Kamisama…what kind of fate is this that I'm tied to Tomoe, how lucky.

"You think I have the leisure to visit my haven when I'm being a slave to you? Insolent humans, all of you! Do you know that there's only one way to undo this?" he scrowled as his tailed flapped in a frenzy behind him, probably out of anger.

"Hahaha Tomoe you sound so worried… I'm sure it'll wear off in a few hours…" a few days, I silently hoped. The coolness in his hand should've cooled me down but just at the thought that we've been touching for more than 3 seconds and the blush returns flushing my face as well as my head.

"NANAMI!" he shouted as he used his free hand to grab my chin and turn it towards his, he was now just a breath away. "At least pretend you're listening you silly girl… this fruit it's called yogugo (this means lust in Japanese guys) and once it's joined the two people in question, you will not separate till both desires are fulfilled. You understand the mess you've gotten us into now?" he stared into my eyes and I saw uncertainty cloud his eyes before he dropped his hand from my chin and stepped back as far as our entwined hands would let us. He sighed then said "at we didn't drink it."

"What would happen if we drunk it?" I asked curiously. Watching him as he covered his face and turned away.

"Once it gets into your system, every fibre of your being will want to join the other person, every part of your body will desire to…connect with the other." If my face was red then by now it would've been the deepest hue of red.

"N…ne Tomoe let's just be glad I accidently spilt it instead of drinking it then hahaha…" I stumbled, at lost for words from this new information.

Tomoe's POV

Jesus Christ how naïve can she be! As I explained the effects of the yogugo I had to turn away from her and cover my face or else she would've seen the blush on my face…or the desire in my eyes. Sigh, if I were as much the fox demon as I was in my earlier years I would've ravaged Nanami. I have this horrible feeling that deep down, a part of me wished we'd drunken the tea…

Nanami's POV

Wow…wow… actually I don't think I'm mentally prepared. Or physically. But… if we fulfil our desires, then we're free right? "Tomoe, let's just fulfil whatever desire there might be and we're free!" I closed my eyes and though long and hard before shouting with my hands covering my eyes, "I think my desire i to really kiss Tomoe!" I continued hiding before my hands before I heard a snicker and peaked through my hands.

"Very well Nanami sama, I will do as you desire." And before I could ask him what he meant he pulled our connect hands towards him and I stumbled onto his firm chest, cheek brushing the smooth material of his yukata.

"Hey! Don't sup…!" and before I could finish my sentence I found my eyes level to his purple ones. And I felt the light pressure of lips against mine. His cool lips against my hot ones sent a tingle down my spine as my eyes widened in surprise. Ok ok that's my desire fulfilled, anymore time in this position and I'm sure I'm going to faint. As I began to pull my head away he grabbed my other hand and whispered.

"Not yet you don't, you said you wanted to really kiss me." His eyes glistened. And with that he walked me back into the thin walls before his lips came crashing onto mine. My mind was in a jumble, I couldn't think straight as Tomoe claimed my lips. A funny, tingling sensation rolled in my lower stomach and I had to gasp for air but that wasn't a wise choice as the second my lips parted I felt his cool tongue slip into my mouth. As the hot and cold touched, my chest ached as I ended up gasping for more air. Hunger I realised, slowly started to grip me. My eyes slowly fluttered close…and I started kissing him back. In attempts to push his tongue out with my own it only turned into a fight of dominance, his chill cooling me and my heat warming him. Tomoe's head dipped and followed my head as my knees buckled from weakness but his free hand clutched at my waist to keep me from slipping any further. I felt him pull back slightly so I opened my eyes to find ravenous purple ones staring into the pits of mine. He licked my lips once over before taking a small step back. He took a second to come back to himself, god knows why since I was the one who had been ravished. But the he smirked and said, "I thought so," and looked down at our hands, still intertwined.

"W…why?" I gasped in between pants.

"Have you already forgotten what I said Nanami, both desires must be fulfilled" he said as his ears twitched and his tailed flapped. Well, I can't imagine it possibly being more… spicy than what we just did so I asked.

"What is it that you desire Tomoe?"

Tomoe's POV

That question had me weak in the knees, if it weren't for the reputation I have I would've fallen to the ground and grovelled for her to be mine, body and soul.

I looked at her flushed state, kneeling on the tatami mats and once again I covered my face before saying, "what I desire Nanami… it's definitely much more that what we just did."

And just as she was about to explode Mizuki burst through the hallway.

"NANAMI CHAAAAN! I'm missing the fruit have you seen it any…where?"


A/N and that concludes chapter two woohoo comment if you want a third chapter and feel free to tell me your ideas on what could happen next XD ( if anyone's reading this of course aha)