I didn't know why, but wherever I was, it was pitch black. Darkness was the only thing that surrounded me. A void of light. But there was sound. So much of it that it was a headache to try and take it all in. There was children's laughter, squeals of joy, and the faint sound of a carousel nearby. It sounded happy. Peaceful. But then it stopped. A piece of something glass had shattered and hit the floor. The children's cry's, once filled with joy, were now filled with pure terror. I could feel the panic set in, causing my breathing to become labored and strained. And then a voice rang out above it all. "Max!"

I bolted upright in my seat, looking around wildly for source of the noises, except everything was calm. The children's laughter was back, along with the hum-drum of parents voices that talked amongst themselves. The carousel was gone. What just happened? "Max!"

I looked down at the small child in front of me; a party hat and toothy grin on his face. "Will you take me to the show stage?" Sam asked, practically jumping where he stood. I groaned and put my head back on the table. "Did you ask Lisa and Paul?" I said, although I already pretty much knew the answer.

"Yes, and they said you would take me," he replied impatiently. I turned my head on the table and glared towards where they were sitting. Of course they did, I thought. I'm not their kid. To them I'm just free labour. I looked down at the table and sighed.

I glanced at Sam and his pleading eyes. He held his bear plushie so tightly to his chest I thought it might pop. "Alright, let's go," I said, getting up. He let out a loud "YAY" and ran off towards the show stage as fast as his legs would carry him. I stifled chuckled as I jogged behind him. It must be nice to celebrate your birthday, I thought bitterly.

The front of the show stage was packed tight with eager kids waiting to see the show. Some of them I recognized as other foster kids, others I didn't. The show stage itself was quite large, with colored lights circling both the hardwood floor and ceiling, as well as big red curtains hiding whatever lie behind them. I looked over at the clock on the wall for the time. 9:30. Just one more hour before closing.

Suddenly the curtains on stage slid apart, revealing three animatronic characters: A brown bear, purple bunny, and yellow chicken. A spotlight shone down on the bear and I could faintly hear the mechanical whir of machinery as the show began.

"Well hey, kids. I'm Freddy Fazbear. Your lovable bear host!" he said in his prerecorded jolly voice. His arm moved jerkily, pretending to straighten his bowtie and top-hat. "Let me introduce you to my friends!"

The light faded away as a new one appeared. "Heya everybody! I'm Bonnie the Bunny. The coolest rock'n roll bunny around," the purple bunny said in a high pitched voice. So the bunny is a girl? I guess the bow-tie threw me off.

(Yes, I know Bonnie is a dude, but for the sake of the story she will be a girl. Screw internet logic!)

A electric guitar riff played through the speakers as she imitated the movements on her red one.

The lights faded once again, shining on the chicken. "Hello everybody!" the chicken said in a soft-spoken voice. "I'm Chica the Chicken! And I make all the delicious goodies. Just like this!"

She raised her arm to hold up a plastic pink cupcake with eyes. The eyes moved back and forth, sweeping the crowd without emotion. Creepy. Finally, the other two lights lit up as the show started. The movements were surprisingly smooth compared to introduction and the songs, although cheesy, were catchy. I even found myself tapping my foot to the beat at one point.

After three songs about pizza, friendship, and then pizza again, I found myself somewhat impressed with the performance, giving a nod of approval. However Sam seemed to think it was the best concert ever, jumping up and down while clapping his hands rapidly.

"Wow! Did you see them? They were amazing!" he shouted over the applause. "I wanna come back here again for my next birthday. Maybe I can ask Lisa and-"

He was cut off by a hand grabbing his arm roughly and yanking the Freddy plushie from his hold. "Hey!" he cried as it was positioned high out of his reach. I looked up from Sam's face to see his tormentor.

"Hey squirt, you wouldn't mind if I took this from you, would you?" asked Andy, the foster home bully. Andy was almost 17 and stood at 6' foot, so he had no problem keeping the doll out of the six year-olds reach. Sam jumped in an attempt to steal it back, but Andy moved his hand just barley out of his grasp.

"C'mon, give it back Andy!" he cried, jumping again. At this Andy laughed, along with his other two goons from the foster home, Troy and Liam. I hadn't been in this foster home for very long, maybe three or four weeks. But I knew Andy wasn't someone to mess with, especially when he was with his friends.

"Aw! Is little Sammy gonna cry?" Andy said in mockery. As a matter of fact, Sam's eyes were filled with unshed tears. His cries became weaker and weaker as he jumped for the toy, basically sobbing. Andy laughed again and I felt sick. I hated seeing kids cry. Always have. It's like watching their innocence being stripped away when as they shed tears. Andy's smug grin filled my vision and something inside me snapped. "Andy," I said calmly, keeping my voice low. "Give it back to him."

Andy looked at me with an amused smile. "Oh, yeah? And what are you gonna do about it, Jones?"

Without thinking, I started into a full sprint towards Andy and slammed my fist straight into his nose. It probably hurt me more than him, but it did surprise him enough to where he had dropped the toy on the ground and staggered backwards a bit.

I quickly grabbed the plushie and stuffed it into Sam's hands, telling him to run. He thanked me and scurried off, hopefully towards Lisa and Paul. I turned back to the trio, getting ready for the worst.

Andy had his hands covering his face, Troy and Liam circling him. When he finally pulled away, his nose and palms were covered in blood. Oh geez. I really messed up now.

He looked at me with hatred in his eyes. Hatred and the desire to kill. "I"m gonna MURDER YOU JONES!" he screeched, his voice cracking, but I was already running. I dodged left and right through the crowd of kids and parents, my eyes searching frantically for any sort of safe place.

I ran for what seemed like forever, the three gaining ground ever so slowly. Finally, my eyes caught sight of a possible safe heaven. An open supply closet lay only a few feet away. This is my chance, I thought, hopeful.

I made a mad dash for the door, my arms outstretched to prevent me bumping into anything. I wrapped my fingers around the handle and yanked backwards, but was stopped merely inches away from closing door. 'What the-' And then the pain set in.

I cried out as my fingers were smashed in the doorframe, a tear forming in my eye. It made my legs buckle from the sudden pain. Recovering quickly, I pulled my hand out and slammed the door shut, locking it.

Banging started from the other side of the door. "Open the door, Max!" yelled Andy through the metal. I fell weak onto the floor, slowly inching my way to the back wall as he continued to pound on the door. I laid there limp, cradling my injured hand with my other one as a single thought rolled through my head. Why me?

(A/N: Hey guys! It's TU365 here! Man has it been a long time since I've been able to write those words. So, if your new to this story then welcome! I hope you enjoy what I have in store for you! And if any of you out there are returning then... then I guess I have some explaing to do. As many of you know, I had lost all hope for the story about a year ago because of Sister Location and Pizzeria Simulator throwing off my timeline. I felt as though I had to include them into my story because it would be wrong to exclude them just because they weren't part of "the original 4". So when I tried to work them in to my already set timeline... it just fell apart. But now, I've taken a brake, accepted that I can't fit the other games into my plot, and improved [in my opinion] my writing style. Overall: I'm ready to take another shot at this, and hopefully make something good out of it [also the first chapter should be out soon but don't count on it with my track record lol]. So, with that being said...

THANK YOU all so much for reading! If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, be sure to leave a comment or P.M. me ASAP. ALSO, if you happen to like this story even a little, consider favoriting and/or giving me a follow. And rememeber, STAY AWESOME! BYE BYE!)