Hey, guys! I'm enjoying the high winds of the fan while I wrote this -.-Randomemness hehe sorry :3

Anyway, I'm glad you've started upon this story, because this will be my first. published. story. EEEKKKK! Can you say EXCITING?!

Okay chill Amber *takes a chill pill*

(btw, all the cats are made up, so um ye)

Hey, my name's Silverpelt, but I'm more precious than gold.

I'm the daughter of the almighty Oakstar, who looks over ThunderClan. Everyone adores him, which mean they totally adore me.

I'm just your above-average 26-moon cat with a silver pelt (hence my name), a few streaks of darker gray, and brilliant sea-blue eyes.

As I pad over to the fresh-kill pile, I make a face. All the prey is tiny! I mean it's leaf-bare, but still. Totally need to do a better job!

"Hey, Silverpelt." I hear a voice behind me. I recognize it. It's Bloompaw.

"Hey, Bloompaw." I say, nodding. "All the furballs in this Clan can't catch one good piece of prey."

"Harsh," Bloompaw agreed. "We could do better."

The wind picks up, and I shudder. "It's getting cold. We should head back to the dens. I'll see you later, Bloompaw."

The sandy she-cat nodded and went back to the prey pile. I turned around, head high, and walk to my father's den.

"Father, I would like to speak to you," I meowed.

"Darling, what is it this time?" A powerful tom came out from the den, with strong shoulders and a striking dark gray pelt.

"It's the prey, daddy. It's ruined and small."

Oakstar flicked his ears. "How so?"

"No warrior is good enough to catch any prey!" I burst out. "I'll probably starve to death. Daddy, fix this."

"Silverpelt, the prey pile is fine. It's leaf-bare."

"Daddy, please. There really is nothing."

Oakstar gave a big sigh. "Why don't you go hunt something for the Clan while I talk to the warriors?"

I nodded. "Yes, father." I bounded off into the woods.

Everything was wrong.

"All the prey is gone!" I shrieked as I ran back to camp. "We're going to starve!"

All the warriors exchanged rueful glances.

"Silverpelt, the prey isn't gone, it's scarce," what's-her-name said.

"Yes, yes it is! Gone!" I yowled. "You scared them all away!"

Anger flashed in what's-his-name eyes. "We did not! If anything, you scared it away!"

I felt myself shrink, then blow up in rage.

"Enough! We must get to the Gathering or else we'll be late!" boomed my father's voice.

The warriors gave me seething glares of hate before Turing away, chatting about, probably,about how they were also worried I would turn of them.

As we walked to the Gathering, I swore I felt a raindrop. I walked up to a random cat and nudged her. "Hey."

She turned around. "Yes, Silverpelt?"

"Do you feel rain?" I felt another droplet. "I feel it."

"Yes, well, you feel a lot of strange things, Silverpelt," she said, and her friends snickered.

I rolled my eyes. "Are you trying to tell me you don't feel rain? Just say it!"

She raised her head up. "Uh, Silverpelt, there is no rain- there are no clouds in the sky."

I nodded, and when I turned away, I heard the word "spoiled furball" behind me.

That word carried on all the way to the Gathering.

When we got there, all the Clans were ready. The leader of WindClan, Legstar, nodded and stepped forward. "We will be starting, first with WindClan. We have apprenticed a new cat, Moonpaw, and we have a new queen, Starleaf."

All of the cats meowed congratulations. I saw this 'Starleaf'- she was sitting up proudly, with another cat, the father, sitting up with her.

I'm sure their cat won't meet up to my expectations.

Anyway, the rest of the Gathering was so boring, I almost fell asleep. That is, until my father started.

"We are having a bit of a shortage of prey," he began, causing several cats (okay all the cats) to look at me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"It is not unexpected, so we will do fine. My daughter has just recieved her warrior name, Silverpelt."

There were some random meows here and there, but most of them stared at me, stone-faced.

Jealous much? I simply let out a big smile.

"We also have had some strange flooding in some areas, but not to worry, it was over days ago. We have sown new kits as well, Creamkit and Leafkit, thank StarClan they are safe and well."

I looked around, bored. How much more tiring could this b-

A flash of lightening tore through the sky.

All cats leapt to their paws, some growling, some scared, some whimpering.

The once-clear sky had clouded with unfriendly gray, and down came rain.

"StarClan is angry!" shouted somecat. "We must leave!"

Leave? Of course not! This was the first thunderstorm I've ever seen, I must explore!

Ignoring all the warrior ways and codes I've been taught, I snuck away from the Gathering place and toward the streaks of lightening. The flashed a blinding white, coloring the gray scene behind.

Then, it flashed again.

Really close to me.

I jumped up, startled.


I jumped again, onlu this time I slipped on the slick, muddy ground. I fell, and crashed on a big rock, headfirst. It stopped me from going into a thrashing river, but...

The world was spinning.

I could hear voices.

Voices? What were they saying?

I didn't know. I didn't try to know.

Slurred. Tired. Faint.

I passed out.

Um, that was


so don't give up on this story yet, because if anyone reads all the way here

well done

So Silverpelt is a spoiled cat. Can you tell?If you don't, then

it's okay

it's okay

I don't know why I'm writing like this scEEEEam

Bai, guys!