Hold On For Your Life

Summary: Since his return to work after Harvey's shooting, Nick Barron and all those close to him have been targeted. Now, with the death of his sister, he thought his ordeal was finally over. But when his loved ones are forced to fight for their lives, will Nick be able to hold on and finally overcome this threat? Set after end of Season 3, AU for Season 4.

Disclaimer: I only own my own plotlines, nothing that has been featured on the show. Just a dedicated fan who thinks there isn't enough fic for this fandom!

Chapter One

Isabelle shivered as she walked from the station, pulling the lapels of her coat tighter around her. Autumn was giving way to winter now, and a Canadian winter was never an easy one to endure, especially when the Metro was the only option to get home after an evening shift.

The brunette sighed with frustration, a regular occurrence of late, when she recalled the reason her car was currently sat in a very expensive garage awaiting repair. Theo had been due to go on a cinema visit with Guillaume and when her work schedule left her unavailable to drop him into town, the boy had taken it upon himself to drive down in her car, illegally. It had been an embarrassing one to explain to the insurance, that a grown woman had slammed her car into a street lamp, but it was better than Theo facing charges for underage driving. The memory of his last night in a police cell remained a fresh wound in her mind; she would not risk getting him into trouble again, for fear that she would not be able to protect him from the consequences.

As she rounded another corner, Isabelle cursed her stubborn refusal to call a cab. It would have been much easier, quicker and warmer to do, but money was so restricted now that she did not allow herself even such small luxuries without a valid reason. A short walk to the Metro was a better option, she had decided; a decision she was beginning to regret.

Still, she persevered, smiling at the distant sight of the lights at the Metro's entrance. 'Not long now.' she told herself, feeling like a parent reassuring their child a long journey was coming to an end. She picked up her pace slightly, the goal in sight encouraging her further. It was only then that she heard the crunch of footsteps behind her. Someone was following her.

At first, Isabelle dismissed the idea. As a detective, she tended to over-analyse situations, her mind never quite being able to escape the pressures of her job; she was probably making something out of nothing. Still, she increased her pace once again. And heard the footsteps do the same.

It was only too easy for someone to follow another down a street and so Isabelle turned into a nearby park, one she was very familiar with, in the hope that her assailant would not be. It had been years since Isabelle had been a patroller and over time she had become far more accustomed to studying psychological patterns of behaviour than making quick decisions in dangerous situations.

"Detective!" the man called out to her and Isabelle felt her blood run cold. He must have seen her police badge; that badge had always offered her protection, and now she could not shake the feeling she was being targeted for it. "Don't run away, Detective!"

Isabelle's whole body seemed to be trembling as she picked up the pace once again, feeling her feet slipping against the icy grass. One false move and she would fall. God only knew what would happen to her then. Instinctively she reached into her pocket, trying to keep her movements as small as possible. She would not be able to make a call, that would be too obvious, but at least she could do something.

"Isabelle!" the man shouted, louder now, and Isabelle's fear was setting in further now. She tried to tell herself to be calm, to keep the haze of panic from taking over her mind, but it was not enough. Police instincts were little use to her when she was on the other side of the crime.

The light of the next Metro station was coming into view in the distance, just far enough away to be more taunting than hopeful. At that moment, Isabelle began to run, not caring if her feet would go out from under her. 'He's going to catch me anyway, he's moving faster. I might as well take the chance I've got.'

She managed only a few steps before a blow to her head brought her to her knees, her ears ringing and her vision blurring. The cold was unbearable, lying on the ground, enough to drain the fight out of her. She blinked her eyes rapidly, trying to force them to focus; she was barely able to see the man taking her bag, or resist him pulling the coat from her shoulders. 'Oh God,' she managed to think. 'I'm going to die here.'

Her first thought, naturally, was of Theo. Her darling son, too old to be a child, but far too young to have to suffer the loss of a parent. He was barely older than Nick was, when his father disappeared; the last thing she wanted was for him to have to suffer the same fate.

Then her mind turned to Nick, the feelings far less defined as they spun through her head. All they had been through over the last couple of years, the lies, the fighting, the piece of paper that separated what only death was meant to draw to a close. And yet, lying here, her shivers becoming less and less pronounced, Isabelle could not help but wish he was by her side.

Even the very blood in her veins seemed to turn to ice, flowing thickly, like treacle. It was becoming harder and harder to keep her eyes open, but Isabelle fought against her weakness, reaching her hand into her suit jacket pocket, allowing her phone to fall out onto the snow. She pressed one button, then another, using all her strength to do so.

She could only endure a few moments longer, before her hand fell weak to the ground. She could see her hand trembling lightly, the skin barely distinguishable from the snow-covered grass below. That movement gave her a little hope. There was still time, still a chance.

It was almost a relief when her eyes drifted closed, her head falling back onto the ground. At least that way she was not forced to see the tremor slow to a stop.

A/N: Not the best opening chapter I've ever done, but 19-2 is quite tricky to write description for. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this first venture into this fandom and please review!