After my last third floor debacle the Cam's decided to start job training me in their family business. It was deffinately not what I was expecting. They were kind of like investment bankers and pseudo entrepreneurs. They would find businesses that were failing, invest money into job training and coaching, hire someone to go into the business and hire people they knew would help grow the business, find people who could advertise their company, and find ways to bring in more investors.

The Cam's were bringing me in because they thought I had a good eye for finding valubale products so that they could invest in the manufactures and suppliers of those companies. The training I was going through was hard but also chalenging, and usually after I finished one of their lessons I felt accaccomplished.

In other words I was in love with their business and I could totally see myself doing this for the rest of my life.

Since the Cam's were training me themselves I didn't have to worry about a college tuition.That alone lifeted a load off my shoulders and I was able to put my focus on learning the trade. I stayed out of trouble mostly in the last three months since being dragged over the coals for being on the third floor and baracading myself in, I had only had a few minor punishments. Mostly because when I am tired I don't have the best attitude.

The nightmares are still coming frequently but they don't leave me in a panic like they did when I first came here. I still wake up a few times a night, but with me spending all day training I am tired enough in the evenings I fall asleep fast, and am tired enough when a nightmare wakes me up I am able to fall back to sleep. So far things are looking up for me and I am looking forward to actually earning my keep around here.