Prompt: "I'm your EMT and you keep telling me that I'm pretty when I'm concerned but you nearly DIED you idiot AU" mixed with a sprinkle of "You have a concussion so I told you we're married and you have amnesia? Because I didn't think you'd actually go along with it But you DID and now I don't know what to do AU"
Thanks for reading!
"Sirius hit me with a nunchuck."
He was such a stubborn liar but she loved him either way.
"You jumped out the window onto the trampoline, Sirius told me."
He was blinking interestedly at her through his glasses; probably waiting for her to say something other than the few profanities that she'd said while loading him into the truck. The thick black frames he wore were lopsided and partially covered in some of the blood that had dripped from the wound on his forehead. The EMS they were on bound for the Hospital bounced down the small English road. The truck sirens wailed overhead to warn passing vehicles to move to the side of the road. Up front, Lily's partner Frank was updating the hospital on their arrival time.
"Are you mad?"
Lily was taking her patients blood pressure (it was elevated, go figure) and the man was looking at her like she was either his worst nightmare or best daydream. It was hard to tell what he was feeling since she was feeling so many emotions that night it was hard for her to process his too.
"Have you been drinking tonight?" Lily asked the man, James Potter, as she removed the cuff from his arm after deeming him alive (enough).
Lily knew the answer of course; she'd seen the shot glasses on the table in the living room. She could smell the drink on his breath. She hadn't seen him this plastered in years, not since the night they'd met. James snickered when she stuck his arm for fluids and she longed for the moment when he was back to his righteous self and she could take the mickey out on him.
"Might've had a few shots of tequila." He slurred, "Sirius brought us the good stuff from Nevada."
"How many constitutes a few?"
"Holy Hell James." Lily looked back up at his face, frowning, "Six shots of tequila?"
"I beat him." James said proudly with a beaming smile, "I beat Sirius."
"I dunno if you should brag." Lily replied steadily as she started reaching for sterile gauze to clean up his forehead, "you definitely have a concussion."
"Lily." He said earnestly as she counted to ten and placed the gauze in cleaning solution before wiping up the blood from his face, "They told me I'd gone soft being a dad." he looked mortified, "Soft."
"You're an idiot." Lily muttered, albeit worriedly as she assessed the growing bloody lump on his forehead, "You know Sirius was just goading you like he always does."
"Remus said so too." James complained.
"Remus does not think you've gone soft." Lily surmised, "I spoke to him on the phone last week James and he only complimented the birthday party you threw for Harry."
"He made fun of me because I fold the laundry."
"He did not once mention your exceptional laundry folding skills."
"I have gone soft." James moaned, trying to scratch his forehead but Lily swatted his hand away, "I used to be so cool and go out all the time."
"So sorry your condom broke and left you with more responsibility than a quick shag." Lily said flatly, watching the fluid channel into his veins.
James giggled, "You're so pretty when you're mad."
"Don't try to sweet talk me Potter," Lily warned as she tended to his IV, "You could've died."
"I was fine." James illuminated, "I've gotten way worse bumps in football."
If James had anything else left to say he couldn't, because he pressed one finger to the bump on his head in order to prove his strength to her, and he passed out.
"Fuck," Lily cursed, looking up at the clock to her left, they had two minutes to get to the Hospital.
Lily grabbed the side window that was closed to the drivers seat and yanked it open. Frank was listening to his favorite folk music. Lily rolled her eyes and shouted over the music.
"He's finally passed out."
"We're almost there. I phoned ahead and asked for Marlene."
Lily thought that her partner had never sounded like a saint before now. Marlene was Lily's best mate and the best doctor at the hospital. If she wanted anyone checking out James' head it was Dr. Marlene McKinnon. Lily wondered if she should've asked Marlene to check out James' head the moment she met James three years ago, instead of after he'd suffered a concussion.
Inside of Lily's scrubs, her phone was buzzing every minute, probably texts from the person who got James into such a state. Lily checked James' pulse once more before grabbing her phone and seeing her screen light up with texts from Sirius Black.
Sirius Black: Harry's still fast asleep I checked
Sirius Black: if James tells you that I dared him to jump out the window onto the trampoline he's a fucking liar I swear
Sirius Black: I did tell him however, that he's turned into lightweight and a prissy baby
Sirius Black: and I got you that dress you were admiring at that boutique on Madison
Lily could've killed Sirius Black but Harry wouldn't thank her if she ended up in jail and left James to raise him without her. That would be a fucking disaster. Lily sighed for the umpteenth time that night and pressed her fingers to her temples before writing Sirius back, her fingers pressing into the phone violently.
Lily Evans: He's got a concussion but he'll be fine. I'll call you once I'm done my shift. You're on baby-sitting duty until James and I get back. Don't fuck up.
When Lily had gotten the call at work she'd actually been having a good night shift. Alex Margret had brought in her famous chocolate chip cookies, the nurses were celebrating Dr. Snape being fired for sexual harassment with party favors, and one of the TVs was actually programmed to a good channel. The call for an EMS to number 14 Godric Hall Road went over the speaker and Frank jumped into action as Lily sat, petrified with half a cookie in her mouth. She'd immediately called the house, worried that her two-year-old son Harry was injured by way of a fowl ball or something of equal value. No one answered and she jumped up from her chair, feeling like she was in a very bad dream, one that she wanted to wake up from immediately.
The ride to her small cottage at the end of town was the longest drive of her life and she cursed every car that made the drive longer because they didn't pull over for the sirens. The EMS driver, Longbottom, told her he was going to tranquilize her if she didn't stop wringing her hands. Lily was thankful he drove, as she could barely see through the haze of worry clouding her eyes.
When they'd pulled up to the small flat everything appeared normal. The windows were open to the spring breeze and Lily couldn't hear baby cries from the inside when she stepped out of the van. There were no cops running around with hazard tape. There were no bullet holes in her windows. The old cat was lazing in a flowerpot by the front door. Lily peeked next door and noted that even old Bathilda's house appeared standard with the flower print curtains drawn tight.
It was Sirius coming out the front door when she walked up with her partner that caught her off guard. First of all because Harry's godfather had been in the United States modeling for Calvin Kline last she'd heard from James, second of all because the look on Sirius' face could only be described as guilty. Knowing Sirius was the most reckless of all of James' mates, Lily immediately became defensive of everything happening.
"Lily listen I just want to say—"
Sirius tried talking but Lily pushed past the underwear model into her house irately.
"If Harry even has a scratch on his head I'm going to—James?!"
Lily's attempt to threaten Sirius Black within an inch of his life fell as fast as her heart fell to her stomach. The first thing Lily saw was her son's father lying on their sofa with scarlet blood transfiguring his facial features. His messy black hair was swept to one side of his pallid face. His white shirt was stained red near the left shoulder and discovered on the stomach. The entire room had a pungent stench and Lily saw vomit on her floor. For a minute she didn't see James' chest rising and falling and Lily felt like she was going to vomit.
Lily's short breaths were shallow as she raced forwards faster than she'd moved in her entire life—and it still didn't seem fast enough. Her hands fell against his chest and she was thankful to feel he was warm and had a heartbeat.
"James, what happened?"
Lily didn't care if she sounded concerned, because she had been. This was Harry's father and her best friend and no matter the issues between them, she didn't know what she would have done if her hands found but a corpse. The table beside James was covered in used shot glasses. The TV was loud and playing a sports channel. He opened one hazel eye when he felt her hands press against his chest.
"He kind of broke the trampoline." Sirius said when James didn't answer at first, "When he jumped out the window."
"What the fuck?!"
"Lily, you're home." His words slurred and his eyes were bloodshot.
"Yeah and you're piss drunk." Lily said, pulling her hands away from him and turning her head to glare at Sirius, "What the fuck, Sirius! Around the baby?!"
"You're so pretty Lily." James' fingers reached up to tickle her cheek.
Lily's heart had halted to a stop at those words and his sensitive touch. It seemed drunk and broken James was more than willing to share his feelings with Lily than sober and mature James.
"Where's Harry?" she asked about their son, the one thing that had kept James in her life for so long.
"He's upstairs," Sirius said from behind, "sleeping."
"He'd better still be sleeping," Lily hissed venomously to Sirius as Frank entered the house with a first aid kit, "Or you'll be needing the Emergency Room next."
"Missed you too, Evans."
Lily could've punched Sirius when she was at home and while pulling up to the hospital fifteen minutes later, she still wanted to punch him.
It startled Lily how much she cared for James. It was strange but the man who'd knocked her up three years ago ended up being the best thing to happen to her life. Lily would never admit that to James' face, especially not with their current predicament. The worry that struck Lily's heart when she'd seen James lying motionless on the couch was something she never wanted to experience again.
Lily and Longbottom unloaded James in the portable stretcher and brought him through the doors into the relatively quiet Emergency Room. Most of the beds were empty and Marlene was waiting with her arms crossed, blue eyes sparkling with hilarity at Lily's exasperated look.
"What happened?" Marley asked Lily as they wheeled James into the closest room for surveillance.
Lily locked the bed in place as she answered while Frank drew curtains around James' bed, "Something along the lines of jumping out a window onto a trampoline, which Sirius says is not his fault."
Marlene laughed, "Bullshit, Sirius totally dared him."
Marlene was checking James' vitals and Lily watched on with impatient eyes. Frank waved before disappearing through the curtain to give the girls privacy to talk about the man in the bed. Everyone at the hospital knew Lily's history with James since the hospital was where they'd first met. James had come wandering in with a broken nose from football and got lost looking for the loo—thereby stumbling upon medical intern Lily Evans. Lily had let herself be wooed by charismatic James in less than fifteen minutes. By the time James checked out he had Lily's number and Lily had the address to his flat downtown.
Sirius had apparently dared James back then too; a dare to shag the pretty medical intern who showed James where the loo was after teasing James about a broken nose. James told Lily so when she'd arrived at his flat that night, flabbergasted that she'd actually shown up. Lily told him honestly that she was looking for a fun one-night stand to get her mind of the stress of work. The result of Lily's spontaneous promiscuity with James nine months later was their son, Harry.
"Who's with Harry?"
"The godfather in question."
"James certainly had good taste in friends."
"Sirius means well most of the time." Lily sighed; thinking of how good Sirius was with Harry.
"You're only defending him because he's James' best mate." Marlene sniffed.
Lily got a washcloth from the sink and wet it a bit in the sink before going to James' wide to wipe down his forehead. Sleeping, he always looked so peaceful. Lily smiled sympathetically as she examined the way his jaw clenched in his sleep, like it did when he was thinking about something very hard. Marlene saw the way Lily was cleaning up James' forehead and snorted logically.
"What?" Lily asked.
"When was the last time the two of you had sex?" Marlene commented.
"Yeah, because that worked out so well the first time we did it." Lily said with a smirk in Marlene's direction, "We're just friends."
"You have a baby together." Marlene said with a roll of her eyes, "And share a flat."
"That's for Harry." Lily said softly, repeating to Marlene what she'd been telling herself for the past three years.
Marlene pulled her stethoscope off her neck and placed it on the closest counter as she said, "You know, or it could be because he has feelings for you, you oblivious dork."
Lily frowned, "we had a one night stand." Lily said, "He's a bloody footballer. He doesn't want to be tied down."
"If he didn't want to be tied down Lily, he would've ran the moment you told him you were pregnant."
"He's not like that." Lily said, brushing James' hair from his eyes and removing his glasses, "He's a good man and wants to raise his son…he just also wants to have the freedom to continue partying with his model best friend."
Marlene started a new IV for James, eager to get some fluids in to wash out the alcohol before they gave him pain meds for the concussion. Lily stared at James' face all the while, wondering how she had come to care for him so much in the last three years.
"Sometimes I wonder," Lily confessed, "If we would've seen each other again if I hadn't gotten pregnant."
"You weren't the only playing the flirt game," Marlene said, "It takes two to tango and James was definitely into you."
"Yeah," Lily snorted, "That was before the condom broke and we ended up parents in the middle of his budding career and my sign on to the medical field."
Marlene placed a hand on Lily's shoulder and Lily looked at her friend, "It was a rough start for you and Potter, we all know that, but the two of you are in a good place now, right? Maybe it's time to start trying out being something other than friends with a baby."
"I guess." Lily muttered, grabbing James' hand and clasping it in her own.
Lily glanced down at James' bed, remembering that time, three years ago. She's fallen for his stupid half smiles and adorable charm so hard. He'd literally knocked her off her feet when he'd ran into her while searching for the loo. He grabbed her before she slipped t the floor strong arms around her waist. He's been wearing his football uniform and Lily had always had a thing for men in uniforms. The rest was history.
A quick fling with a charming stranger turned into a nine-month commitment that turned into a surprisingly rewarding friendship.
Sometimes they were complete opposites.
For example, the minute James had found out she might be pregnant he started fretting over what they should name the damn fetus where as Lily had spent all night crying into her pillow thinking her career was over.
Sometimes they were similar.
For example, Lily wanted to give Harry the best of everything in life and James didn't disagree with her. He'd been the one to suggest moving in together so that Harry would have a stable home life even if they weren't in a relationship (or even friends really).
It was hard at first, because James was used to living the life of a bachelor: parties every night and escapades every day. He's made the mistake of bringing home outlandish women he'd met at Sirius' events. She'd made the mistake of playing her music loudly early in the morning after he'd returned from a tourney in Spain at 2am. He left dirty dishes in the sink. All her makeup was scattered over their shared loo. He never disciplined Harry and she was the bad cop in discipline.
They'd both made mistakes but they worked hard to make their missteps better, for Harry's sake. Eventually Lily began to do his dishes while singing to her favorite radio station when he returned from practice. James was really good with numbers and fixed her finances so that she could buy a new car with a dvd player for Harry. James found out Lily craved jelly donuts while she was pregnant and always had a dozen ready for her on her Mondays. Lily heard James had made a will and bequeathed everything he owned to Harry and Lily. James made Lily promise to save her Sunday nights for Netflix binging with him.
James turned into her best friend and was an incredible father to their son Harry.
That's probably why seeing James immobile on their sofa prompted Lily to recall that the last three years had made her become accustomed to James' presence in her life. She'd grown fond of his fascination with folding his socks. She'd laughed for days when she found out he sang in the shower. She appreciated when he began spending fewer nights on Sirius' private jet and more nights curled up with Harry by the fireplace.
"Concussion," Marlene's voice dragged Lily from her unsettled inner-monologue, "James'll definitely be out of work for a few weeks."
"Damn." Lily said crossly, "He's going to hate that."
James lived for his field time, even in the off-season. Lily had never seen James miss practice for anything except the birth of his son and a wicked pneumonia that caught him last fall. Lily had wanted to kill James when he'd lounged about the house with pneumonia. He was a moody sick baby and there was no doubt that bedridden James was going to be an absolute jewel to be around. Lily also knew the team manager McGonagall was going to come over to their house personally and tell James what an absolute idiot he was.
Personally, Lily couldn't wait for that.
"McGonagall's gonna kill him." Lily told Marlene, "Their first match is in a month and he's got to practice."
"He might not be able to play the first game. He can't do any physical activity for at least three weeks." Marlene warned, "I'll order an MRI and we'll get a good look inside that brain of his to make sure there's no internal bleeding."
Lily's face paled, "I hadn't even considered..."
Marlene shook her head quickly, "Oh honey," Marlene hugged Lily swiftly and said into her ear, "He looks fine, really, I just want to be sure. McGonagall would murder me if her prize Captain retuned and passed out on the field."
Lily stared down at James over Marlene's curly hair and swallowed thickly.
"How could he do this to me?" she lamented, "Harry needs him."
Lily needed him.
Marlene offered, "James will probably wake up soon."
"I'll wait for him to wake up." Lily said, "As long as you don't mind."
"Of course not," Marlene said, "He'll have a lot to think about…like thinking it was wise to jump out a window."
Lily laughed softly, wiping a tear from her eye when Marlene let go, "I can't believe I had a kid with him."
"I can." Marlene smirked before winking at Lily, "You did jump his bones the minute you met him."
"He was charming! He had a uniform!" Lily defended herself, "I'd like to see you pass the opportunity up when a fit footballer shows even the slightest interest!"
"Easily passable." Marlene said as she opened one of the curtains to go check another patient and order James' MRI, "Considering boys don't do much for me to start with."
"There are girl ballers!" Lily shouted after Marlene who just laughed at her.
Lily grinned sheepishly before glancing back down at James.
How was she going to handle this?
Lily knew how bothered she was that James had drunk himself piss poor around their kid. Lily also knew she was mad that she hadn't seen him so close to a breaking edge. James had been antsy for weeks now, snapping at her and staring at her and she'd ignored it. It was clear he'd had energy he'd needed released, it was clear he was regretting everything they'd built. The life James had imagined himself didn't include a baby mama and son he couldn't tote around the world with him when he went traveling for games.
Lily knew she could shout at James until his ears bled but she also thought that was a waste of time. James didn't listen to anything much if she argued with him; she'd learned that early on in their relationship. Lily chewed on her bottom lip and stared at him in worry as she watched him snooze.
She wanted James to be happy and she knew that he wanted the same for her.
"What am I going to do with you?" she thought aloud to herself.
His eyes opened and suddenly her word stopped spiraling.
It was his eyes that had done her in when she'd met him and it was his eyes that still left her heart still three years later. Eyes that were so light around the edges and so shadowy near the irises that they seemed to be constantly shifting between mischief and delight. She remembered the way his eyes traced her body so adoringly the night their lives had changed. She remembered admiring those eyes under the yellow lights of his flat downtown and wondering how anyone could be more persuasive with one sneaky glance over a dinner table.
Lily adored seeing his eyes scan her face every morning over a pot of coffee and she looked forward to watching his eyes sparkle with laughter every night before bed when Harry had finally fallen asleep to Lily's singing.
She wouldn't be able to take it if she never saw James' eyes staring at her the way they stared at her when he woke up from his feinting spell.
"What happened?" he muttered, pressing a hand to his brow where Marlene had taped gauze to the lesion.
"You jumped out a window onto a trampoline." Lily's voice was monotonous, her brain still firing a mile a minute.
James choked back a laugh, "That sounds like me."
"What was going through your head James?" Lily's voice cracked when she spoke.
Lily, unsatisfied, stomped the ground, "James!"
James winced, "Please," he begged, "Inside voice."
Lily opened her mouth to shout again but felt as if half the patients could hear her and she lowered her voice, "Okay, how do you feel?"
"Like a million bucks now that you're around."
As per usual, he upset her beyond repair. Lily certainly hoped that their son took after her and the idiotic gene skipped a generation. Lord only knew how much Lily hoped that Harry never got it inside his head to jump out a bloody window onto a trampoline outside. The hospital walkie-talkie on Lily's hip was loud and she turned it down so she could focus on James. Lily knew that Longbottom would come grab her if she was actually needed.
"James please tell me how you managed to get the bright idea to jump out the window."
"I don't remember." James replied with his nose pointed in the air like Harry did when he was being obstinate.
"You don't remember." Lily considered that James was lucky she'd been worried about him—otherwise he might be dead by morning, "What, did you mange to get amnesia with that busted head?"
"Who are you?" James crumpled his face at her endearingly and Lily almost chucked her radio at his head to give him a matching lump on the other side.
"James." Lily warned, "you've got all sorts of places I can make you hurt right now."
"Why would you hurt me?" James huffed, "I've got amnesia."
"I wish I'd wake up with amnesia right about now." Lily muttered unintelligibly before saying heatedly, "I'm the mother of your son, you git."
"We're married?" The way James feigned surprise almost had her fooled, almost made her heart drop out of her stomach, if she wasn't so used to James' mischievous ploys, "Like, actually really married?"
"Yes James," she said sarcastically with a roll of her eyes, "Sirius married us at Elton John's birthday party after you proposed to me riding a fucking white stallion on the beach in Greece."
James looked delighted, "Yeah that sounds like me too."
Lily tapped her foot on the floor, "You really worried me James," she blurted out emotionally, "I thought something happened to Harry or—" she faltered before she could say you because all jokes aside they'd not crossed the line of friendship since three years ago.
"Come here." He ordered suddenly, seriously, and not at all like himself.
Lily walked forward to his bedside. James grabbed her hand and yanked her down so they were eye to eye. Lily watched as he licked his lips. She considered that she'd never seen him flirt with her so readily and she wondered where on earth his charm had been since the night they'd met. His left hand brushed her fringe from her eyes and a sad sigh escaped her mouth.
"Why?" she whispered.
James' face went a pink as they stared at each other, his eyes less bloodshot than they'd been an hour before. His right hand left the grip of her fingers and trailed up her arm, until his thumb was pressing into her chin, His tender touches were sending her back to the night when he'd had her pushed up against a mattress, whispering sweet nothings into her ear. His hitched breath was bringing her back to when they were complete strangers and had no emotional attachment, which seemed easier than the feeling currently sitting in the pit of her stomach.
"I love you, Lily."
Lily pulled away and stared at him in wonder, never had he ever said those words to her—unless accompanied by mockery or fun. This time the words were tense with passion she hadn't heard of or seen from James in years. The last time he'd seemed so serious about loving Lily was the day she gave birth to Harry.
"What?" she blinked owlishly.
"What?" he copied her cautious tone.
" love me?"
James grinned cheekily and her knees felt weak, "Well, I married you didn't I?"
Lily stared at him. She was aware he was getting closer to her. He'd sat up completely in the hospital bed, the IV tubes shaking as he moved his spare hand to her cheek, pulling her close. The world around Lily stopped as she felt his warm breath trace her lips coyly. She knew she shouldn't kiss him since it was clear to her now that James was suffering some sort of amnesia since he believed they were married…but Lily hadn't kissed him in years and she couldn't resist when he was so willing to hand out his love despite the history between them.
"You gonna kiss me or not, Mrs. Potter?" he teased.
She inclined forward and pressed her lips impulsively against his. James sniggered against the movement unexpectedly but his laugh switched to a feeble whimper when her tongue pressed into his mouth. It was like the past three years of all her feelings were coming out in the hospital where it all started. Lily's hands were gripped in his shirt, yanking him up a little too roughly for someone with a concussion but she didn't care at all.
All the months, weeks, and days of tension between the couple lifted as his teeth grazed her skin and his hand wrapped around her waist to pull her closer to him in the bed. He lips tasted like he'd been drowned in tequila but Lily savored each hint, getting inebriated off his kiss alone.
It was the loudspeaker above James' bed calling for all doctors to go to room 31 that woke her up from the dream spun real life. When Lily pulled away from James she had to lean her forehead against his to catch her breath, her was heart pounding in her chest.
"Holy shit." James gulped, rubbing his nose against hers when she smiled perceptively.
It seemed James was having as much trouble breathing as Lily and his heart rate monitor was beeping madly. Lily tried her hardest to not think about the repercussions of kissing her best friend when he was just that—her friend who also happened to be the father of her child. Lily's chest rose and fell rapidly as his fingers came to brush against her cheek lovingly.
"I hope I really don't have amnesia." He said when he'd caught his breath.
"What?" Lily pulled her forehead off his.
James licked his lips, swollen from her sharp biting and pulling. His hair was in disarray and some of the tape holding the gauze to his injury was slipping off. Lily recognized the lighthearted look on his face. His bliss was accompanied by something else…something she saw often on James' face…a victorious look…like he'd just won a huge game.
"I said, I really hope I don't have amnesia," James repeated, "Because I never want to forget that kiss."
Lily suddenly felt awful. He was totally in love with her and she wasn't even his wife. She had to come clean that she'd unthinkingly taken advantage of what she thought had been a joke.
"James," Lily swallowed regretfully, "I'm not actually—"
"Lily, I was just teasing," James declared.
"Huh?" Lily tilted her head at James in confusion.
"I know we're not married."
Relief settled in Lily's chest, "You do?"
"Yes." James answered shamefacedly, "I thought we were teasing each other."
"James Potter you git! I knew you were teasing but you seemed so—serious!"
"I didn't know you thought I was serious!" James protested, wincing when she smacked his arm out of frustration (relief), "I thought you'd break be off the minute I went to kiss you!"
She flushed, "uh."
Then he grinned presumptuously, "I had no idea you were holding back, Evans."
Lily fell into the chair closest to his bed and covered her face, "For five seconds I thought you were dying." she told James, "I thought Harry would have to grow up without you and that I'd—that I'd—" she pulled her fingers down to stare at him with a tortured expression, "and then you said you love me and fuck it all if I don't love you too James Potter."
James' mouth dropped open at her confession. Lily waited for him to tell her she was out of bounds. She wanted him to tell her that he felt the same way but she knew it was more likely he'd tell her they had nothing but a baby together.
James reached out his hand for hers suddenly and she grabbed it hopefully, the space between them alight with their confession, "What have we been doing the past three years?"
Lily sighed and let her forehead fall onto their connected hands, "You're my best friend James," she said, "I just didn't want my feelings to get in the way of raising Harry."
James said, "Lily, my feelings for you haven't changed since the day we met."
"You asked me over on a dare."
"You came over for a quick shag." James countered back, "And by the time I realized I loved you, you said you didn't want to marry a pro ball player."
Lily remembered the conversations they'd had after she found out she was pregnant. James had asked her if she wanted to get married so her judgmental sister couldn't call her a whore or slut or whatever else she did end up calling Lily in the letter Lily had burned in the fireplace. Back then; James was still the ball player who spent money on luxurious cruises with women Sirius introduced him too at parties. Back then; he wasn't anything but a man she'd made a baby with.
Now though, James was so much more than anything Lily had ever expected.
Even when he drunkenly jumped out windows onto trampolines.
"I didn't love you then," she acknowledged, "you kind of crept up on me, you surprised me."
"Surprised you?"
"Well," Lily disclosed her secret thoughts, "When we met it was because you'd gotten into a fist fight on the field and you were this big shot footballer in magazines and I just thought—Hell, this would be fun for a night."
"Really?" James' eyes were fluttering, it was obvious he was exhausted and was struggling to stay in the exchange, occupied by their revelations.
"Yes." Lily supposed, "And then, I found out I was pregnant and all I could think of was how weird it would all be." She smiled and kissed his fingers, "But then we began raising Harry together and somewhere along the way though adventures of potty training and telling him he can't have the last cookie in the cookie jar—I fell in love with you."
"Come here." He demanded again, yanking her fingers so that she laughed and stood up, allowing him to pull her in for another chaste kiss that only lasted long enough for her to smile against his touch, "I'm sorry I worried you."
She shook her eyes, squinting her eyes shut, "It's my fault, you've been so distant the past few weeks, I should've known you were growing bored of domestic life."
"Bored?" James protested, "Bored?"
"Yeah," Lily said, confused, "You've been so…well we haven't been hanging out as much and I know you'd rather be partying on some yacht with Sirius and his harem of friends—"
"Lily." James cut her off, "stop."
"What?" she pouted.
James' fingers traced her lips, "I'm sorry you thought I was bored or mad or whatever…I wasn't being distant because I'd rather be partying on a yacht. I was distant because for the past few months it's gotten harder and harder for me to pretend to not be in love with you."
"You still love me?" her green eyes widened.
James nodded fervently, "I know I can be a git sometimes and drive you mad." He reasoned, "I know that our relationship hasn't always been the most—consistent. I mean, thought I wanted to play professional football and travel the world Lily, but the truth is that I'm my happiest when I'm home with you and Harry."
Lily laughed through a few tears that slipped from her eyes and she wiped her cheeks as he winked at her. Hearing James say he still loved her made her heart swell and she chewed on her lower lip as James continued his speech.
"It's been a nightmare to consider that Harry's going to grow older and wonder why his dad was such an arse and never put a ring on his mum's finger." James smiled at her kindly, "And I didn't know how to tell you I was in love with you so I just—pulled away because I figured I didn't deserve to have you love me back."
Lily leaned forward to press her forehead to his, closing her eyes as she whispered fiercely, "James, I wish you would've said something."
"I got plastered with the intention of saying something when you got home from your shift in the morning." James chuckled, "The night took a disastrous turn when Sirius dared me to do a triple backflip off the roof onto the trampoline."
"Wait." Lily yanked her head back, "Off the roof?"
"Inside voices, Lily. My head aches." James winced at her high-pitched squeal but she didn't care, she was in distress.
"Yeah of course your head fucking aches!" Lily scolded, "I can't believe you jumped off our fucking roof onto the trampoline! You're an absolute idiot!"
"I was dared!"
"If Sirius dared you to jump off a bridge would you do it?"
"Lily…" James half moaned, half laughed, "Have I told you that your mom-voice really turns me on?"
Lily pushed her fingers into her bun and tugged it as she stared at him in disbelief, "How can you—"
"Come here." He said for the third time that night, kissing her slowly until her mind left the roof and was back down to the hospital room.
"Marry me," he begged when he finally stopped kissing her useless.
Lily kept her eyes closed when she said, "Maybe ask me again tomorrow when we're sure you only have a concussion and aren't bleeding from the brain."
She opened her eyes to see James staring at her in horror, "Wait, what?"
She was pleased she'd scared him, even only a little, perhaps it'd keep him off their roof for the rest of his life. Lily touched his forehead lovingly before stepping away from his bed.
"Concussion is a brain injury and has to be taken seriously." She said in her medical voice, "You'll be sidelined from work until Dr. McKinnon clears you."
James' face was paler than it had been when lily told him she loved him, "Shite." He cussed, "McGonagall's gonna murder me, dig me up, make me run three hundred yards, and murder me again."
Lily hummed in agreement, "I already texted her."
"You didn't!" he wailed and she laughed at his despair, "Evans, she can never know how it happened!"
"Oh, you can bet your arse that I'm telling this story at least ten times at our wedding."
James considered this, opening and closing his mouth before settling with, "Do you want to go ring shopping tomorrow?"
"Let's get you out of the hospital first." Lily told him, pulling back the curtain, "Let me go find out where your nurse got too."
"You're the only nurse I need." He said cheekily from his bed, "Want to do a full body scan? We have three years of catching up to do."
Lily's eyes twinkled as she glanced back at James through his curtained door, "I do have bad news on that front."
"What's that?" James questioned.
"Until Marlene clears you in about three weeks, all physical activity is banned." Lily smirked when she saw the disappointment written all over his face.
"What the fuck am I supposed to do for three weeks if I can't shag you, run with Sirius, or play football?" He muttered moodily, playing with the covers on his hospital bed.
"I'm sure Harry has some safe options for you."
"Well his trampoline is broken now so—"
"I was thinking board games James, not death traps that Godfathers buy their godsons."
"Board games." James scoffed as she finally left him to find a nurse, "Our son needs to experience life. Jump on trampolines. Skateboard at the park. Not play board games."
"He's two."
James wrinkled, "I'm not playing chess with Harry or he's going to end up liking folding laundry and doing the dishes on a school night."
"Just like his old softy dad." Lily teased.
"I'm a football legend." He scoffed, "And I took six shots a tequila tonight like it was nothing."
"You ended up in the hospital." Lily laughed at him ridiculously.
"Only after doing a double backflip off a roof onto a trampoline." He countered.
"I can't beleive I'm marrying go you." She said, although affectionately.
"Epic way to get engaged, if do say so myself."
"Stay put, I'm going to go find a nurse to see when your MRI is scheduled so I can make sure I'm not engaged to a dying man." Lily teased as the curtain shut between her and the stupidly (adorkable) love of her life.
"I'm gonna die anyways once McGonagall get's ahold of me." James' voice was muffled now, like he was slowly falling asleep.
"Good." Lily said, "Maybe Harry and I will finally be able to watch something other than sports on the telly."
"You can't get rid of me that easily!" James called through the curtain barrier and she giggled behind her hand, "I'm feeling great, no concussions here!"
He was such a stubborn liar but she loved him either way.
It was fun writing this prompt so I hope you had fun reading it!
leave me a review either here or on tumblr!