I keep wanting to work on rewrites but omg… I keep coming up with other weird drabble-esque stories that I want to write too! Now this one might only be a one shot. I'm not really sure yet! And it is very AU! Now I won't give away too much in the AN, but it's just for fun and I hope you guys all like it! If you guys want me to continue or expand it just let me know!

I do not own Inuyasha or the characters! All I own are my own little plot twists!

Long raven black hair billowed out behind a slender, kimono clad form, as a young female ran through the lush forests of Nippon. Her form was barely visible as she flashed between the trees, the dark brown bark a stark contrast against her dark green kimono as she ghosted through the forest as silently as a wraith.

It was a few moments before she stopped in a clearing, through which ran a small stream that the female settled herself down next to. She pulled her knees up against her chest and stared into the blue depths with eyes of the same color, only slightly darker than that of the water.

The female took in her appearance, hating the color of her eyes… They were not supposed to be that color, as she was often told. Nothing about her was as it was supposed to be. Perhaps that was why she was the black sheep of her clan, of her family.

Her face was finely sculpted, with twin magenta stripes on each cheek, just like her own father bore. She ran a clawed hand through her unruly raven hair, tucking it behind her delicately pointed ears, and shoved her fringe to the side so she could see the crescent moon mark beneath it. But despite bearing the marks of her clan, everything else was wrong.

Raven colored hair, and sapphire blue eyes? She was supposed to have striking silver hair, and gold eyes, and yet she was born with black hair and blue eyes. No wonder she was a laughing stock among the inu community.

Well that wasn't entirely true. Yes, her father and mother clearly favored her older sister Satori, but she was not hated per se. Their parents just made it clear that they expected greater things out of her older sister, who was beautiful beyond compare in the eyes of most. While she, Kagome, was beautiful yes, but with her features she was not nearly as alluring. She also lacked the calm, frigid countenance her sister possessed, which was not a true loss in her opinion.

But to her that was just fine. What she lacked in looks, she more than made up for with her kind and loving personality. Even the servants and guards in the shiro adored her, simply because of the fact that she acknowledged them for who they were and actually took the time to speak to them when she could, an act that her parents frowned upon.

Not that she was sure what was so wrong with that, but she'd been scolded for it once again. That was the reason she'd left the shiro without telling anyone, due to a harsh lecture by her father Atsushi, the head of the poison clan. He'd caught her carrying on a conversation with one of the servants, a neko youkai named Hana, whom she'd known since she was quite small, and had been livid to see her mingling with the servants again.

He'd dragged her off and given her a long, degrading lecture on what was expected of her, and how she wasn't meeting those expectations. It hurt to hear that, especially as it was equally embarrassing to have such said to her in front of her mother and sister, whom had been smiling smugly at her the entire time.

It was one of the most mortifying moments in her young life, and as soon as she'd been excused she'd bolted from the shiro and hadn't looked back. Now, as she sat staring at herself in the clear water of the stream, she couldn't help but wonder if she could ever be someone that her clan would be proud of… Or if she was just destined from birth to fail.

"Perhaps I will never know the answer to that question… Or by chance if I do, it will not be one that I can bare…" She sighed, bringing one of her delicately clawed hands up to stroke her pelt which adorned her shoulders like a shawl.

Her heart truly felt like it was broken…

However, lamenting that fact was not meant to be, as she heard the clunking of armor somewhere behind her and instinctively craned her head back to scent whoever was approaching her. She sighed in relief when the familiar scent of her personal guard Tokuhei approaching her. With a sigh, she turned bright blue eyes on the silver inu male as he stepped through the tree line.

His slightly darker gold eyes slowly moved over her, as if checking to make sure all was well, and then he looked back up and met her eyes. "Hime, you know better than to leave the palace grounds without me accompanying you." He scolded her, his voice deep and rugged sounding to her ears, as it always was.

At that she smiled sheepishly and stood up gracefully. "I know Tokuhei, and I apologize for making you worry. It is just… that I needed a few moments to gather my thoughts." She sighed, her countenance becoming troubled once more.

Tokuhei looked slightly uncomfortable when she said that. He had, of course, overheard the lecture his Lord had given Lady Kagome, and it did not sit well with him. Atsushi and his mate Hatsumi, were quite hard on their youngest daughter, for many different reasons, many of which were not truly the young female's fault.

Kagome did not have the same looks that most inu did, black hair and azure eyes so startlingly different that most who met her could not fathom that she was in fact an inu female that did hail from the silver line of the poison clan. But she did, her crests more than proved she was in fact related to Lord Atsushi and his mate. If you asked Tokuhei, the contrast and difference in color was lovely on her. He personally found her to be more beautiful than her sister Satori, in looks and personality. The other bitch was so cold and cruel it was rather off-putting to him. But, he needed to focus on why he'd had to come and track the wayward hime down.

"Kagome-sama, you must return to the shiro immediately. Your father has just received word of an unexpected visit from the Western Lord. He should be arriving anytime now." He bowed at her in deference to her, and then stepped aside so that she could precede him in the return trip.

Kagome blinked as his words sank in, and then she was panicking internally because THE WESTERN LORD, and he was the strongest and most sought after inu male alive! She struggled to remain composed as all of it sank in, even as she walked by Tokuhei and started making her way back to the shiro.

Her thoughts were erratic, though one thing that she was almost certain of was that the Western Lord was here for her sister most likely. She knew he had no heir, as that fact was widely gossiped about among the females in the shiro, Satori especially.

It was like her sister preened with the self assured knowledge that she would be the one to mate the powerful male, and bear him his heir. Kagome's parents were quite sure that this would be the case as well, and though it was only proper that the entire family be there to greet him, she really did not want to see what was to transpire. Once more it would just be another spear through her heart, that her family did not even see her as worth offering to him. Not that she wanted to be used as a breeding tool for any male, but it would be nice to be worth something.

She sighed dejectedly as they cleared the walls surrounding the main complex, flying high overhead of all the servants working on the gardens. What was she even thinking? Of course she wasn't good enough. She never had been, and that was something she needed to accept, even if it hurt.

Her mother was waiting just outside of the front entrance of the palace, her regal countenance still equally cold as hardened gold eyes regarded her as she landed with Tokuhei in tow. She said not a word as her youngest bowed to her, disdain clear on her features for a moment as she turned on her heel and started making her way back inside. "Come daughter, we must prepare you for the Western Lord's arrival. It will not due to let him see you in such a state."

A sigh escaped her as she followed after her mother, her shoulders set firmly even if she did not feel confident in that moment. It was clear what her mother had meant by that comment, that she was not fit to be seen unless she was groomed for the occasion. No doubt, her sister needed no such thing as she always looked impeccable, only Kagome was forced into these painful grooming sessions.

And painful they were, for as soon as she was pushed into her quarters several maids surrounded her, one practically ripping her kimono off, while another harshly yanked a comb through her thick unruly locks. While those two were occupied with that another was working on applying rouge to her lips, while her mother went through her wardrobe and pulled out a very expensive blue kimono, decorated lavishly with cherry blossoms.

Unbidden, a question hovered at her lips and she didn't know if she should ask it… But in the end she succumbed to her curiosity. "Mother? Is the Western Lord here in order to ascertain whether sister will make a suitable mate?"

Hatsumi looked away from the kimono she was inspecting for imperfections, and glanced at her second pup with cool gold eyes. "He did not state the reason for his visit, and it was quite sudden as well. However, your father and I have no doubt that this is the case."

'That's what I thought. Oh well, at least since no male will ever taken an interest in me, I do not have to worry about such things.'

That thought actually had her perking up a bit, even as she was forced into her kimono, and her long raven hair was pulled up into an ornate up-do, with expensive ivory combs used to hold it in place. She didn't even pay any attention to her mother's comment of, 'It will have to do' in reference to her appearance.

And then she was being dragged out of the room and towards the audience hall, where she could already feel her father and Satori waiting for them. Not only that, it was as they were walking briskly down the hall that she could feel the first brushes of a powerful youki brushing against hers. Unbidden, a shiver racked her spine as her beast purred in pleasure at having such a strong male so close by. She had to force herself not to think too much about it, lest she make a fool of herself by acting as such in front of not only her family but the Western Lord as well.

The cold glare she received from her older sister as she walked into the audience hall made that easy enough to do. It was clear what was being communicated with her in those cold gold eyes, 'Do not get any ideas, or make a mess of things'.

Clearly she was being warned off, and she almost laughed aloud at that. As if the Western Lord would want someone like her. Such a notion was laughable to her, as she knew what she was and how others viewed her.

That made it rather easy to brush the thought aside as she settled on her cushion on the dais, slightly behind Satori, who bristled and shot a subsonic growl at her. She rolled her eyes and didn't respond to it, instead keeping her blue eyes on the large wood doors expectantly.

It was clear to her the moment that the Western Lord entered their shiro, the air around them literally vibrated with his power and her beast once more purred in response. She was careful not to let her reaction be known to anyone else, her attention thankfully being accosted when the large wood doors to the throne room were pushed open and a shadow was cast upon the dark wood floors.

Kagome's first time seeing the Inu no Taishou would be one that she would never forget, even if she lived until the end of time itself. She was in awe of him as her dark blue eyes took all of him in, from his long moon kissed hair that was tied up in a top knot and swept down his back like the finest silk. He was large, easily standing a head over her own father, and he was rather broad as well, though she could tell that his musculature was not so prevalent that it was considered grotesque. His pelt was draped down his back, tapering off into twin tails that brushed down over the floor, and disappeared beneath the spikey armor adorning his shoulders.

When her eyes met his liquid gold ones she realized she was blatantly staring at him, and ducked her head submissively. Though it was not before she managed to catch the venomous glare that Satori shot her, which only served to remind her that she had to be careful.

Her father's booming voice echoed through the otherwise silent hall as he welcomed their guest. "Welcome Touga-sama, great Lord of the West, my mate and I are most pleased to be able to welcome you to our home." Atsushi greeted the other male, his tone respectful as was appropriate. This male was most likely going to leave with one of his daughters in toe, though he was positive that it would be Satori who he chose, and if he did that would bring more power to his clan.

The thought never even occurred to him that the he would not choose Satori, and that his attention would even stray to Kagome over her older sister.

If he hadn't been so far in his self assured assumptions of what would in fact happen, he would have noticed that the Western Lord was taking in both females, not just the one whose coloration was so like his own. As quick as he took the two in, he looked away and approached the dais, kneeling and sitting seiza in front of it. "This one thanks you for welcoming him into your home Atsushi. I trust you and your pack have been well?" He asked good naturedly, his voice deep and masculine, with rugged undertones.

Kagome almost shivered at hearing it. Was no part of this male not alluring? His looks, his youki, his scent… all of it was calling to her on such a deep, intricate level. Was this how it felt to be in the presence of such an overwhelmingly beautiful male? Would it always be like this if she ever met another male that had power similar to his?

"I, and my pack are well of course Touga-sama." Atsushi answered in a friendly tone, showing a pleasant side of himself that almost no other saw. He did not want to offend such a powerful potential ally. No, this had to go according to how he planned it. With that thought in mind his expression became serious. "To what honor do I owe the visit, if I may ask?" The question was a formality really, as he was already positive that he knew why they were receiving such a visit from the great Inu no Taisho.

"Straight to the point, as I assumed you would be Atsushi." Touga chuckled in amusement, clearly able to see the way the other Lord's eyes shone as if he was only asking out of formality, and truly did know why he was here. He guessed that his intentions were not hard to figure out given the situation, his eyes once again drifted off to the side and took in both young females sitting on the dais, then they drifted back to their father's, which were shining more brightly. He hadn't been subtle about his perusal. "Very well then, I see no point in beating around the bush so to speak. I have come here looking for a mate, and out of all the inu females of mating age that I have heard talk of, none have been praised as highly as your eldest pup."

Satori preened when Touga mentioned others praising her, the words stroking her already inflated ego. She glanced at her younger sister smugly, because of the fact that he'd only spoken of hearing good things about her. In Satori's mind that meant that the male was as good as hers.

In Kagome's mind she was feeling even more dejected. Even outside the shiro she was not spoken highly of, but then again that was to be expected. Even within she was the unwanted daughter, the one who only existed in the shadow of her elder sister. She should have expected this, and the pain that came with hearing it.

Unbeknownst to her, the male who'd just spoken those words was staring at her contemplatively. Touga had heard little about the second daughter, save that she was… nothing like what her parents had been expecting. He could see why some might think that, due to her hair and eye color being so… different. But if he were being honest, he found her quite lovely for her differences. She was exotic and different, and he immediately changed his plan of action accordingly.

He turned his attention back to Atsushi when the male laughed, obviously pleased with the way this encounter was going. "I see, so you have come here looking to take my lovely Satori as your mate then? I am quite certain she will be more than amenable if that is your wish." Atsushi preened and glanced at his oldest daughter, who was looking beyond pleased with the direction things were going. It was clear she thought she had Touga for herself.

So the Western Lord's next words were quite a surprise. "Perhaps, though I do find myself wanting to know the name of your other daughter. She is a viable candidate as well." He would not base such an important decision solely on the opinions of others.

It was rather comical how fast the expressions of all four beings sitting on the Dais changed from impassive, to shocked, but none more so than Kagome. Her jaw nearly fell straight to the floor, and she flinched when her sister suddenly snarled at her. In response she bared her fangs and bristled, snarling at her older sister in warning. She may be the second daughter, but that did not mean she was going to allow her sister to take her anger out on her.

Luckily, a sharp snarl from Atsushi settled both down, as did the stern glare he shot the two of them. He didn't stop until both were sitting there properly, then he turned to the Western Lord who was waiting patiently, though he seemed amused at the antics of the females. "I apologize for that Touga-sama. We were understandably surprised to hear that you were taking my youngest daughter into consideration as well." He looked at Kagome and inclined his head towards the other male. "Introduce yourself my daughter."

Kagome straightened her shoulders and shifted forward on her cushion, bowing towards the male whose attention was now focused on her. "My name is Kagome milord. It is a pleasure to meet you." She lifted her head and looked at him with a gentle smile on her face. He'd acknowledged her as someone that was at least worth looking at, and that made her feel happy beyond words.

Touga blinked, stunned by just how lovely her smile was. It made her blue eyes sparkle like the most beautiful sapphires he'd ever seen, and he actually found himself being entranced by her for a moment, at least until she looked away and her smile fell. Only then did he look away and clear his throat, catching the look Atsushi was shooting him. It was in no way rude, but it was one of contemplation, as if he wasn't quite sure what to make of the situation.

But that told Touga all he really needed to know. From all he had heard about the head of the poison clan, and his relationship with his pack, it was clear that he couldn't comprehend that he might actually have an interest in his second daughter. He would admit that he came with the intention of leaving with Satori, be it as his mate, or to carry out a breeding contract. But with two vastly different females, surely one must suit him. At least he hoped so.

"Your daughters are both lovely Atsushi."

"They are." Atsushi agreed, though he was not as confident as he'd been a few moments prior. Truthfully, as long as Touga took one of his daughters he would be happy. He just did not expect there to be much deliberation about which one the Western Lord wanted to take.

"If you would permit it, I would like to get to know the two a little more personally. You must understand, whatever misconceptions you may have had about my choice, in the end it is still my decision. The female I would take as mate must possess qualities that I find appealing, for I will not mate an insufferable female that I cannot stand. That is why it is imperative that I put forth the time and effort to get to know any potential females, and then I will make my choice once I find one that I truly care for."

For the duration of Touga's explanation those on the dais had remained silent, staring at him intently, or in Satori's case frustration. But, once he finished Atsushi looked at his two daughters and sighed, inclining his head in agreement, as much as he wanted Touga to take Satori, there was wisdom in his decision. "I understand Touga-sama. You are more than welcome to stay and spend time with my daughters to see if one of them might suit you."

"You have my gratitude Atsushi. I would be pleased to have the opportunity to do so." Touga bowed in respect, his eyes briefly taking in the two females up on the dais.

Yes… he would be most pleased to see where this would go…

I failed! It's already gearing up to be a multi chapter story… Let me know if you guys like this though! I think it's a nice change and I have some ideas for it! This chapter was actually a little short for me which was odd, but I think the length of chapters to come may increase. That's if I continue it! Please R&R!